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Full text of "Stamering And Cognate Defects Of Speech Vol - Ii"

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" STAMMERING-SCHOOLS "                277

And now one may well inquire: How is it that
"speech specialists" are able to produce cogent and
convincing testimonials ? — The answer to this ques-
tion must be somewhat protracted.

In the first place, most schools display a collection
of testimonials from non-stammerers — people that
are absolutely ignorant of the subject on which they
write, and know virtually nothing of the institutions
they indorse.

The writer has never known of a worthless institu-
tion that was not recommended by a body of bishops,
colonels, mayors, postmasters, doctors, and men that
are usually credited with intelligence. — The clergy
are inveterate recoinmenders: it seems to be a
singularly painful thing for a minister of religion to
refuse a recommendation to a well-disposed professor
that has recounted the great good he is able to accom-

In America, recommendations from mayors, ex-
mayors, and merchants are often obtained through
**Commercial Associations," "Boosters' Clubs," and
organizations for mutual support among rotten con-,
cams that cannot exist on merit. Newspaper puffs
in the local press (when not paid for) are usually in-
serted in the interests of "a greater Mudville*"

Thus we have numerous persons with the recom-
mending habit indorsing institutions that they know
nothing about.