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Full text of "Stamering And Cognate Defects Of Speech Vol - Ii"

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"I find that the reading under your conditions, and pro-
vided I take plenty of time and lengthen out each word, gives
me no difficulty."

"In answer to your inquiry will say that I am entirely satis-
fied with the result of treatment, and shall be glad to speak a
good word for you at any time. I shall continue to practise
the exercises for some time as I wish to become a fluent talker."

"I am pleased to say that your instructions have helped me
in a marked degree, and by following your rules carefully, I am
sure my success will be permanent."

"It is with pleasure and gratitude I make this statement in

behalf of the thoroughness and efficiency of Mr.------'s system

of treatment. He has the most intellectual system ever known,
having experience of his treatment. I heartily recommend Mr.
-----to those who are in need of such instruction."

"Having personally attended your school I am in a position
to speak. If your instructions are closely followed there is no
question of a cure for the worst case of stammering."

"I am much pleased with the results of my treatment at your
Institution, and am satisfied that any one who follows the in-
structions given by you will succeed in overcoming their diffi-
culty of stammering."

"Ifeel no hesitancy whatever in saying that the------School

is the best Institute for the cure of stammering and stuttering
in the world."

"In my opinion no stammerer can make a mistake by attend-
ing the-----Institute."

" I have been getting on very well in class, and am reading
there every day."