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Full text of "Stamering And Cognate Defects Of Speech Vol - Ii"

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j                                          " STAMMERING-SCHOOLS"                 305


!                    When all these men are eliminated, there will be

!                 decidedly fewer persons treating stammering.   Those

(                 remaining will be of two classes: the good-hearted

and well-meaning souls that know nothing about the

malady, and  the  ingenuous  and  more intelligent

students of  stammering  as  a deep  and intricate

j                 psychological problem.   Men of the latter class are

almost   exclusively   physicians,   and   the   best   of

them are undoubtedly found in the German Empire.

— Probably the stammerer would learn little from

these men that is not accessible in reputable mono-

,                 graphs; but he might benefit from personal contact

*                 with good teachers and from association with other


Much success has been achieved by a few stammer-
ing-schools established especially for young children.
We have already emphasized the fact that during

!                 childhood, when the secondary causes have not yet

supervened, stammering usually yields readily to
rational treatment But it is not by any means nec-

|                essary, and perhaps by .no means desirable, that a

young cMld be incarcerated in an institution. An
intelligent mother can usually accomplish all that is
possible for a stammering child if, instead of supinely

'                waiting for him to "outgrow"- the difficulty, she will

undertake to combat the impediment.
In the first place, the child must himself be induced