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Navajo Agency 
Window Rock, Arizona 

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This booklet was developed because of many requests 
received regarding certain phrases in the Navajo language. 

It is constructed as simply as possible yet it contains 
many useful sentences and phrases found in everyday Navajo life. 

With a thorough study of the Navajo alphabet and a little 
audible practice a person familiar with English should be able to 
make himself understood. Remember, the Navajo language is 
completely phonetic. You sound every letter, mark, etc. 

To the Navajos who can read this can serve as a way of 
learning some phrases and sentences in English which will help 
them in their quest for a knowledge of the ways of the white man. 

Leon Wall 

Reservation Principal 

William Morgan 




.- Page 

. Navajo. -Language « , , 1 

The Navajo Alphabet 3 

Length and Tone of the Navajo Language Vowels 5 

Information Please . , «.,..,**.... , 6 

Locating An Old Friend ...,*, ..... 8 

Desiring Transportation , 9 

Questions About An Individual ......... 10 

Livestock and Farm .,.*...,..*. ..... 11 

Farm Produce ...♦...,....,.,,».,,..,,,., 13 

Meat . « ,...,.. 13 

Domestic Animals .►.....►......,,,.,..,,... 13 

Navajo Agency Schools (as of May, 1951;) lU 

In the Classroom a........,.,.,,, .. 15 

Off -Reservation Schools- ......«....,.,..,.,.,.. 16 

Enrolment in Off-Reservation Schools ,.♦,... 16 

Ways of Transportaion , 18 

Navajo Tribal Council ..... , 19 

The Advisory Committee (of the Navajo Tribal Council) 20 

At the Trading post , , 21 

Silversmithing „ , 23 

Weaving ............ 25 

Points of Interest in the Navajo Reservation and Adjacent Regions . 27 

Hopi Indian Reservation ... ..,,... 27 

Cardinal Numbers «... ,, 23 

The Seasons . , \ 29 

The Months of the Year 29 

The Days of the Week , 29 

lione y 29 

Warning .«..«.. .«.........»«.,...,,,.„ 30 

In the Hospital .,...,. 30 

Tuberculosis , 3 | 

VD Control 35 

General Statement About The Navajo people , ... 38 

Appendix *.,.,.., I4I 


J- J. 


AMblfiaue.^: ... , . .^»UL ^—i,,— «*«**„- .L^-rtU*. 

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Navajo Language 

Like all the North American Indian languages, with the 
possible exceptions of Maya and Aztec, Navajo was only an oral 
language prior to the coming of the white man. Fifty or more 
years ago, Catholic and 1 rotestant missionaries began to develop 
Navajo alphabets—each being different. In 1933, the Commissioner 
of Indian Affairs commissioned linguists at Columbia and Yale 
Universitttes to develop simple alphabets with which to write Navajo. 
Being linguists, they naturally produced alphabets designed to give 
an accurate system of writing down the sounds of Navajo speech, 
and especially adapted to the needs of the comparative linguist, 

What the Indian Bureau was seeking was an alphabet 
adapted, in a wholly practical sense, to the needs of those who spoke 
the language habitually. The requirements are quite different. Dr. 
John Harrington, Mr. Oliver LaFarge and Mr. Robert W. Young 
collaborated in working out such a simplified alphabet, using the 
conventional Roman letters found on the modern English typewriter 
keyboard, and those diacritical s needed to distinguish tonal features 
and nasalization of vowels. This new alphabet was introduced to 
the Reservation in 1940. In 1946 the American Eible Society, which 
prints the Eible in many languages, adopted the Harrington -LaFarge 
alphabet and began the printing of religious material in that alphabet. 
Most other Protestant missionaries are also using this new 



The present Indian education program is aimed primarily 
at those individuals who are still not. too old for school, or for whom 
school facilities can be provided. There are still thousands of adult 
Navajo who cannot speak English. This last group furnished a large 
field for Navajo language work. 

In our modern world rapid, accurate exchange of information 
is of vital importance. At one time the Navajo could exist as a 
nation within our nation speaking only their own language and shut off 
from outside influences. Today all of the Navajo people need 
information and a system of accurate intercommunication in keeping 
with the'timee. The "grapevine" system is inadequate, especially 
where vital information is complex in nature, and even more so when 
much of that information is connected with a way of life they do not 

Only a written language can meet the requirements. For 
those who go to school English alone may meet their needs in this 
respect. For those who do not go long enough to school, or who do 
not go to school at all, only written Navajo can fill the communication 


n , ^.^, J .- 1 «S 




Those who learn to read Navajo have a tool for 
communication with other Navajo- speaking people, as well as 
a medium through which to acquire urgently needed information 
correctly. Written Navajo cannot possibly compete as a 
substitute for written English, but the ability to read and write 
Navajo is infinitely better than inability to read in any 
language and it can be taught to wholly illiterate Indians in a 
very short time. 

To meet the needs of that large percentage of Navajo 
people whose knowledge of English is inadequate or entirely 
lacking, the Branch of Education of the Indian Eureau is teaching 
older Navajos to read their own language and is publishing a 
monthly newspaper printed in Navajo and English, as well as 
other informational material of importance. It is the objective 
to write the English on about a 4th grade level as some Navajo 
have learned some English but not enough to read the regular 
newspaper. In addition, not only is information provided in 
Navajo, but also the Navajo language is made available as a tool 
for learning English. The use of Navajo as a tool has been 
effectively demonstrated by certain individual Navajos such as 
Roger Deal and others. 

Sometime ago a young Navajo came into the office to 
subscribe to Adahoonflfgff. He said that in the past he had thought 
the Navajo language program worthless. However, that weekend 
he had been to his father's hogan far in the interior. The young 
people were discussing the age of President Eisenhower. Cue 
said this and another that, but the elderly father said emphatically 
a certain figure. The children said, "How do you know, since you 
have no way of learning? You cannot read, and never go anywhere. " 
The father said, "I can read Navajo." He got his paper and read 
to the group the article, "Meet the New President", in which the 
President's age was given. 

In addition, many Navajo people take pride in gaining 
the ability to read and write their native language which is surely 
an important heritage. Thus, the rituals, customs, and heart-beat 
of a people will not be lost but will be recorded for future use. 


.. _.»_»„_ . . »._ , - „ •.-_,... „*. ... „-...,_.. 


The following information in regard to tho Navajo alphabet and its use should 
ffM helpful to one familiar with the English language. 


The vowels have continental values. They are as follows, the first example 
Lng a Navajo word, the second the closest approximation to tho sound in the 
Iglish words 

a gad (juniper) father 
e 'e'o'aah (west) met 

1 sis (belt) sit 
o hosh (cactus) note 

Vowels may be cither long or short in duration, the long vowel being indicated 
t a doubling of the letter. This never affects the quality of the vowel, except : 
t long i is always pronounced as in the English word pique. 

sis: (belt) the vowel is short. 

siziiz (my belt) the vowel is long. 

Vowels with a hook ( t ) beneath tho letters arc nasalised. It means that some 
the breath passes through the nose when you say them. After n, all vowels are 
fcilizod and are not marked. 

bizecs (his, her wart) 
'ashj-T-h (salt) 

tsinaabaas (wagon) 

b U h 


When there is a little mark above the letter, then your voice goes up on that 
!.. Say the first word, and then the second of those we give here as examples. 

ni (you ) 

•azec' (medicine) 

nil j. (he is) 

doo (not) 


The diphthongs are as follows; 

ai hai (winter) 

aai sh'naax (my elder brother) 

ao daolye (they are called) 

aco l aoo' (yes) 

nx (he says) 

• azee ' (mouth ) 

nxlj (you are) 

doo (and) 



(that one) 
eii 'adaat'eii (that which arc) 
oi decsdoi (it is warm, weather) 
ooi Tsehootsoox (Ft. Defiance, Ariz.) 


■■'■■.■-■:■■■. ■■:>■■■ 



. . . ,Jhe ? only the first element of a long vowel or diphthong has a mark 
Doveit the tone is falling from high, and if the last element is marked the 
,one is rising from lev* When a vowel or diphthong is unmarked the tone is 


.O "* this is the most common consonantal sound in Navajo, called a 
lottal stop, it sounds like the hiatus between. the two elements of the 
.r.glish exclamations oh oh, aid hunh unh. Or in actual speech, the difference 

between J£^e_yearns and Johnnie earns, is that the latter has glottal 

closure between the two words. Examples! 

'a*aan (a hoie in the ground) y?It*lih "(it is good) 

\L ' 

ha'a»aah (east) r abe > (milk) 

baah (bread) - like p in spot £>>i 

m6si (cat) - like m in 

ch chizh (firewood) - like ch in £*) g) naad^' (corn) 1 like n 

churcn j- — 

-ch' ch*ah (hat f cap) 


• 8 


I dl 



in new 
sin (song) - like £ in 

Song " 
shash (bear) - like sh 

in she 

tin to*)[t' 3 up^jtoL, 

dibe (sheep) - like t in stop £J^ (eh) 

dip?' (prairie dog) - something like (V) 

gl in glow r _-. 
dzil (mountains) \J'Jt« t»eesh (charcoal).. ■. 

gah (rabbit) - like k in sky tV tlah ' (salve ? ointment) 

'aghaa* (wool) uotc^x* sax^^rnA^ 1 ^ l izi (goat) 

haadi (where?) *;sce x^ £+$] ts toah (needle) - like ts 

in hati 

^hw hwHdielto« (slippery place) - likens' ts*ah (sagebrush) 

wh in when 

■ Tj jadi (antelope) - like j in jug L \J2 (w) . Waashindoon (Washington) 

1 .-O , - / , n ^ "* like u in Washington 

Jw ke (shoes) - like kin kitten £V)x yiyiisxl (he killed him) 

ya. (sky). - like y in 

zas (snow) - like z in 

bizhi 1 (his name) - like 
s in pleasure 

k» k'aa 1 (arrow) . [ H fy 

j @ kwe»e (right here) - like qu in \jxl © 
s~\ „ quick 

WJ^) lajish (gloves) - like 1 in late fl] zh 

1 ^ lid (smoke) ( ij?a- = c f~) 

, tt t\ h " re P resents the so ™d of ch in German ich ? as well as that of 
Lin ?f?f WOrd .^ Ordinarily, both™f the sounds~are written h } but 
the dri°if -i* iS necessai ^ t0 distinguish the resulting s h sequence from 
KiSS ?? ^» ^^.accomplished by substitution of x for thi h. Thus? 
SwSnV v* ^ f ° r ^ ish ^ X is a* 80 employed to distinguish 

^ Se Jo4f r °r S ** — ^ £S- the ^tter being more strongly aspirated 




,.^^..;,-..- ,:i; 


There are four primary vowels used. Each having continental value, 
vowels nay be either long or short, linen a vowel is written only once it is 
nounced very short. When it is written twice it means that that vowel is pro- 
ced very long. 

An acute accent mark (') placed above a vowel indicates that it is 
i in tone. For a vowel low in tone, no mark is placed above it. Vowels with 
hook ( c ) beneath the letters are nasalized. That is, some of the breath passes 

ough the nose in their production, T -/hen only the first element of a long 
wel has a mark above it the tone is falling from high, and if only the last 
ler.ient is marked the tone is rising from low. 

(short, low) as a in father, aa (long, low) 

i (short, high) aa (long, high) aa (falling) aa (rising) 

(short, low, nasal) aa (long, low,, .nasal) 

(short, high, nasal) £| (long, high, nasal) |§ (falling) g| (rising) 

(short, low) as e in met. 
(short, high) 
(short, low, nasal) 
(short, high, nasal) 

(short, low) as i in sit. 

(short, high) 

(short, low, nasal) 

(short, high, nasal) 

(short, lot;) as c in note, 
(short, high) 
(short? low, nasal) 
(short, high, nasal) 

ee (long, low) 

ee (long, high) ee (falling) ee (rising) 

ee (long, low, nasal) 

§£ (long, high, nasal) fe. (falling) e§ (rising) 

ii (long, low) as ee of English word see. 

11 (long, high) ii (falling) ii (rising) 

j4 (long, low, nasal) 

U (long, high, nasal) £1 (falling) i£ (rising) 

oo (long, low) 

66 (long, high) 6o (falling) oo (rising) 

oo (long, low, nasal) •', / ■ . „ : ^ :. • 

99 (l°- r io, high, nasal) §g (falling) 99 (rising) 




'.hat is your name? 
lly name is 

Daasha' yinxlye? 


| Do you have a social security number? 
yes, I have one. 

Let me see it. 
Here it is. 

d you nave a middle name? 
Y.o, I do not have a middle name. 

How old are you? 

I am twenty three years old. 

irnat is the date of your birth? 

[ was born April 20, 1931. 

! There were you born? 
[ was born in the hospital at Fort 
fiance, Arizona. 

T here do you live now? 
[ am living at Tohatcni, New hexico 

I Are you married? 
I Yes,, I am married. 

Do you have any children? 
Yes, we have one child. 

Are -you employed at present? 

No, I ara not employed at present. 

Kaanish binaaltsooshxsh neeholp? 
'Aoo' , shoe h6l§. 

Haa'x sha' nxsh'£. 
ga' kooni. 

Nxzhi 1 'ata'gi si'anxgxxsh hoi 9? 
Dooda, shxshi' l ata'gi si'anxgxi 'adin. 

Dxkwxish ninaahai? 

Naadiin taa.' shinaahai k'ad. 

Had£§" 6 °'° ts'xda haa'x hoolzhishgo 

T'4|cbil wolyehxgxx naadiinigi yoolkaal- 
go shi'dizhchj jiixi 1931 y?ed|4 ? • 

Haadi ni f dizhci4? 

Tsehootsooxdi 'azee'al'^i gone' shi'- 
diahchj. jinx, 

K'ad sha' haadi keehSt'f.? 
K'ad 'ex Tohaach'j ' hoolyeedi keehash- 

'Asdsanxxsh iiceholg? 
'Aoo', 'asdaanx shee holp. 

iJa'alchxnixsa holp? 

'Aoo' , niha'alchxnx t'aala'x. 

Nanilnishxsh k'ad haa'x da? 
Dooda, k 1 ad doo naashnish da. 

Had§4' sha' t'aa nishxnxlnish nt'ee'? 
T'aadoo naashnish! k'ad taa. 1 nxdeezid. 

fnen was the last time you work? 

[t has been three months now since 

last job. 

? or whom did you work on your last job"; Max sha' ba nanilnish nt'ce'? 

[ worked for the Santa Fe Railroad Co. Bibeezh nit 'i' nix Santa Fe deiln'nxgxx 

'atah ba naashnish nt'ee'. 
■hat kind of work did you do? Ha'at'xx naanish si4£ baa naninaa nt'ee'? 

I was with, the extra gang as a time- Beesh nxt'i' yiyaa nida'atsixgxx naal- 
\eper for the labors. tsoos 'xxl'inx ba nishl|4 nt'ee 1 . 

V.hat was your salary or earnings? 
was npj&xjj- .T... j^ or boar. 

Bxla-rxx nich'4-' nabalyee nt'ee'? 
' Ahee'iilkecdgo naaki beeso naahash- 
biih nt'ee'. 


dfcfa*A». - ..:,,^,^3^i.,»^^ 4; ,,i^»,w^i . .. -^~~**^~<*~-~—-. « . tjk.— *_-^i^»^. 

DlFORiATIOH PLLASi (continued) 

lat was the name of your immediate Naat'aanii ba nanilnish y|§ sha 1 daa- 
•rvisor? yoolyee nt'ee 1 ? 

person named was Naat'aanii _^ wolyeego 

immediate supervisor." ba. naashnish nt'ee 1 ." 

*Jhy did you leave that job? 
We finished the job. 

Ha'at'eego 'ex naanish y§e bitsaxniya? 
'Aitso nidashiilnish. 

Does the United States Government 
ilcy in a civilian capacity any 
Lative of yours (by blood or by . 
tdage) with whom you live or have 
.ved within the past 2i| months? 

Nik 1 ex doo ba'xyehe danilxinii da k'ad 
t'aaiaha gone 1 bil danighanii doodaii 1 
naaki naahai ygedfli 1 doo woshd§§ ! bil da- 
nighan: nt'.ee'.iish .la 1 -k'ad haa'i-da VJaa-^ 
shindoon .ya. naalnish? 
o, but my wife worked for the govern- Dooda 'adin, she'esdzaan t'eiya Waashin- 
t until our baby came. doon ya naalnish nt'ee' ndi k'ad doo 

naalnish da 'awe 6' hazl^-'xgxx biniinaa. 
lave you ever been discharged or Lahash t'aa haa'x da naanish bits ! aa 

ed to resign for misconduct or for ni'deelt'e' baahagi 'adaat'eii baa nani- 
atisfactory service from any position? nahagix doo doo hazho'6 nanilnishxgxx 


Dooda, t'ahdoo haa'i da 'akot'eego naa- 
nish bits' aa shi'deelt'e' da. 

Io, I never have had that happened 

Did you finish' high school? 

[Jo, I did not finish high school. 

' '/.at grade did you finish? 
finished the ninth grade. 

Where did you go to school? 

I went to Phoenix Indian School, 

Phoenix, Arizona. 

Arc you in good health? 
Yes, I am in good health. 

Itfere you ever in the United States 

ilitary service? . .. 

les, I was in the harine Corp. 

'6lta' naalcits'aadahjl-' nihool'ahagiish 
blighah ' aslxn.% £| ' ? 

Dooda, t'aadoo bxxghah ' asel^j.' da. 

Dxkwxijj.' nxxnxya. ' olta'di? 
Kahas t ' ex jj. ' nxnxya. 

Haadi ska' 'xxnxlta' nt'ee'? 
Phoenix., Arizona hoolyledi Waashindoon 
ba 'olta'agi 'atah ' xinishta' nt ! ee', 

Doosh naah teeh da? 

'Aoo'j doo ha'at'cegi da shaa dah : '. 
haz ' ^a da. 

Waashindoon bisilaooth ' atah nxl;4 
nt'ee' had! a' da? 

/ / * . 

How long were in the armed forces? 

'Aoo'. Marine Corp deilnlmg'Ii 'atah 
nishl££ at'ee', 

Daa nxzah nihoolzhiizh silaoo ' atah 

[ served two years and six months in Silaoo" 'atah nishl^jgo naaki shinaahai 
service. doo hastg^ nxdeezid. 



u . . • _ 

.-.,.._.. ^. _~,„.. .. 

Il-IFOlIIATIOrJ PLEACH (continued) 

hen did you entered the solitary 

I entered the military service on 
k' 10, l?liB. 

Had£4' sha' 'atah silaoo sxralii'? 

T'iitsoh wolyeblgxi neeznaigoo yoolkaaln 
go silaoo 'atah self£' 19U8 y£ed44' . 

hen were you discharged from the Hadll* sha' marine Corp bits' a nexm- 

fcrine Corp? dzaV ,*,*#/ # V ' *tiW .« 

[ was discharged from the Ilarine Corp N&ch'i Ts'osx wolyehxgxx nahast'exgoo 

yoolkaalgo Marine Corp deiinxnxgxx bits' a 
ntnisdza 1950 y|ed|4« . 

Silaoo nilin&dfia'ash ha'at'eego da 
bits' 4|do6 naah dah hoo'a'? t 

Dooda, silaoo bits' $|d66 doo ha'at'eego 
da shaftil dah hoc' a' da. 

T'aash ha'4t»6edce l da nich'j.' na'iilye, 
Waaahindoon bits'4ad£e' da? 

irenber 9, 1950. 
Are you a disabled veteran? 
!io, I am not a disabled veteran. 

Do you receive any pension or other 
Compensation from the state or the 

federal government? 

1 Ko, I do not receive any pension or 
[other compensation. 

'Adin, doo h&adfg' da shich'^' na'iil- 
yee da. 


I am looking for a Navajo named 
Bos teen Tsosie. Do you know him? 
Yes, he is ivj uncle. 

Well, well, I am so glad to see youl 
ly name is John Smith. 

Dine la 1 Ilastiin Ts'osx wolye 'ex ha- 
nishtaago 'asht'^. Beehonlsinxsh? 
'Aoo', 'ex shida'x 'at'e. 

Haala 'anan'ehgo 'adxnx, niiltsanxgxx 
baa shil hozh§. John Smith yiriishye shx. 

But' why are you lookin for my uncle? 'Akolfia ha'at'ix sh^. 1 biniiye shida'x 

Oh, he is a good friend of nine, I 
net him in Salt Lake City last year 
and I have some tilings here for him 
and his family. 

Hosteen Tsosie is a medicineman, I 
understand that he is over at Cbis chil- 
ly Begay's hogan performing a curing 
feremony for Chiscliilly Begay's wife. 

Are you sure he is there today? 

Yes, I am sure. I saw one of Chis- 
chilly Begay's daughters at the trad- 
ing posfyesterday and she told me that 

Where docs Chis chilly Begay live? 
He lives over there near that red 


Sik'is "at'e 'ox hastiin. Kohoot 1 ecd|,4' 
nlex Salt Lake City hoolyeedi bil ' ahee- 
hosisz^-id. T'aadoo le'e baa deeshnil ni- 
singo kgg ba naashjaah, ba'alchxnx do la' 

Hataalii nil£ Hastiin Ts'osx, K'ad nlei 
Tsiisch'ilii Bi;;e' bighanxdi Tsiisch'ilii 
Biye' be'esdzaan yik'i nahala jinx. 

Da' t'aa 'aanxx 'aadi naagha dixji? 
1 Aoo ' , t ' aa" ' aanix k ' ad ' aadi . ' Adff.- 
d|4' Tsiisch'ilii Biye' bits!' la' kindi 
.naaghaa, le._ ' 'ex sldl halnc'. 

Haadish Tsiisch'ilii Biye' bighan? 
fjlex tse iichxx' dah 'azkanx biyaadi 


■ ■■ ■ ■ - ;.:.■■■: ■■ .■ . -■■■■ " ■■ ! ,--■ ■. ..■ ■■-.■-:■ 



How do you get there? 
You have to go back to the trading 
st and take the road west from there. 

Can cars travel on that road? 

The road is all right except there is 
place which is quite rocky but you 
get through with your car if you ■ 

Will you come and show me the way? 

Yes, I will be glad to if you will 
" k me back, ijy sheep are lambing 
I am very busy. 

Sure I will bring you back as soon 
I can if nothing happens to our car. 

Nothing will happen to your car if 
just take your time. 

Haad^'go sha» bich'j' »ah56Vi«? 

Naalyehl blhooghanjigo nat'|f.' nahoni- 
t'i', 'aadoo Hnda. 'e'e'aahjigo dah 
«adiitiin£g£* '6£ t'aa 'aaji' /e'etiin, 

Chid'ish t'aa ba ya' Shoot 1 eehgo 'atiin? 

T*M ya'at'eehgo 'atiin, t'aa hazho'6 
t'aalahago t'eiya 'ayoo tse" hadaaz'a, 
ndi hazho'6 *!n£l«£ig.o t' aadoo 
'at'eheg66 nil ch'i'doolwcl, 

*&§§ daats"! shil d££«ash sha 

to&inl'Uedi ■ • 

La'aa, t'aa sliU > aicodooniil t'aa 
kwe'l shil neiixCt'aazhgo, Shidibe 
nida'iiichiihgo shinaanish t'66 'ahay6£ u 

'Aoo', t'aadoo hodina'l nil nideesh- 
t'ash chidi doo nihits'gig.' haada 
yidzaadfl 1 , 

Michidx t'aadoo ?adoon£l£ da hasho'o 
t'aa taadee nil 'oolwolgo, 

All right. 

Let's go, 




Where are you (2) going? 

(2) are going to Lexican Springs, 

Could we ride with you as far as we 
* We are going to Gallup, 
All right you can ride with us as 
as the junction, 

'•"ill you take us to Gallup? We will 
you gasoline and oil, 

,! e are not in taxi business. 

Bow many are going? 

There are three of us going. 

All right, get in. 

Close the door good. 

Kaagoo la nihil 'adeeswod?- 
Naakaii Bito'goo deet'aazh* 

J Iih nihidoohnil daats '£ nlei t'aa 
haaj^'da? Na'nizhoozhigoo deekai, 

La'{ia, nlei 'alts'a'aztiinxgi 

^Na'nxzhoozhlgSo nihidooh'ish t'aash 
'ako? Chidi bitoo' dco 'ak'ah lizhinx 
la' niha nidahidiilnih. 

Dine naage dco nihinaanish da, 

Dilaanolt'e la 'iih wohjeeh? 
Taniilt'e 'iih yiijeeh, 

Hagosh^f, 'aadff' 'iih wohjeeh, 

Hazh6»6 dadi'n£ty.h. 






Do you speak English? 

No, I cannot speak English. 

Can you get an interpreter? 

This is my son. He will interpret 
for me. 

This is ray daughter., She cannot 
spealc English. 

I came to ask j r ou some questions. 

Please spealc slowly. 

All right, I will speak slowly. 

Are you alone? (ycu three) 

Yes, we are all alone today. (3 of u£ 

Where is your husband? 

3y husband is herding sheep. 

How many children do you have? 

I have three children. 

How many of then are boys? 

I have two boys. One is in the Navy, 

how many of your children are girls? 

I just have one daughter. 

'.hat is your name? 

My name is haiy Yazsie. 

'.That are you called by Pavajos? 

I ara, called As on Todicheene. 

How old are you? 

I am forty three years old. 

Biiagaana bizaadrtsh dinits'a'? 

Dooda, Biiagaana bizaad doo diists'a' 


Ha 'ata' hodoolnihii sh$$ la' help? 

Ex' shiyaash 'at 1 I (woman speaking), 
'$£ sha. 'ata r hedooinih. 

Dxx shich'e'l 'at'e (woman speaking).. 
Biiagaana bizaad doo yidiits'a' da. 

T'aadoo lc'egoo nanihiclxdeochkil binii- 
ye nxya. 

T'aa taadee yanxlti 1 t'aa shoedx. 

1.4'aa, t'aa taadee yashti' dooleel, 

T'aash saha nahxsootf? 

) 'Aoo', t'aa saha nahaatf. d£xj£. 

Hastiin sha' haajx * .11' a? 

Kastiin ' 'x na'nilkaad. 

DxTcwxx la na ' alchlnx? 

Taa 1 sha'alehanx, 

Diicwxx 'ashiike danilrj? 

'Ashx'ike naakx sha' alchxra. r'aa^a'x 
'ex taikaa'jx silaoo 'atah nilj. 
'At'eeke dxuwxx na'aich'nxV 

Shich'e'e t'aala'x (woman speaking), 

Daasha' yinxlye? 

iiary Yazzie yinlsuyc. ' 

Dine k'ehj'. sha' 'ex haiu'eego danozhi? 

'Asdzaan Todich' xi'nii dashilni. 

Diiiwxx sna' nxnaahax.' 

Bizdiin 066 bi'aa taa.' shinaahai. 




Do you have a census number') 1 
Yes, I have one. Here it is. 

Beesh nxdaazbas number dabika'-gixsh 
nee hoi 9? 

'Aoo', shoe holg. Dxi 'ex 'at'e. 

What about your children, do they all Na'alchxnx sha' , t'aash 'altso bee 
have census numbers? maaber dabika'.'.-xx bee dah'ip? 


Yes, they all have census numb r. 

'Aoo', t'aa 'aitso bibeezh daholp. 

What is your husband's name? Haotiin sha' 'ex daayoolye? 

Jiy husband's name is Joe Tabaha Yazsie. Hastlin 'ex Joe Tabaha Yazzie wolve, 

i-hat is he called by the Navajos? 
He is called Tabaha Yazzie. 

How old is he, do you know? 

I have forgotten what he said his 
ige was last year. 

All right, that will be all. I thank 
foou very much Tor jour cooperation. 

And I thank you too. You are a good 
| interpreter. 

Dine k^ehjx sha' 'ex hait'eego davozhi? 
Tabaaha Yazhx deilnx. 

Dilcwii binaahai sha' shin, nilxsh bce- 

D£kw£i^si4i 'eiya shinaahai nxini' ko- 
hoot s eed§4' • 

L|'aa, k'ad la t'aa ' ak'dx ni. Ts'xda 
1 ahehee.'. v .pi zhonigo &h£kL . f ixnxlwod, 

'fnda ni do' 'alienee'. Nizhorlgo 'ata' 
h6lne< la. 

I u 



Do you have a grazing permit'; 

How much stock are you allowed on 
|yo.:r present permit? 

How many sheep do you have? 

■ Horses Cattle 


' do you. herd your stock' in the 
' inter? 

Where do you herd your stock in the 

You have too "much livestock for the 
| i0t «i on this land. 

I think you should cull out the un- 
rodttrt,j-« ^iwai* f rarj your herd 


many horses do you really needV 

Naaltsoos bik'ehgo na'nilkaadi deiJ- 
nxnxgxxsn neehol§? 

^Dibe binaaltsoos k'ad naniltsoosxgxi 
dxkwxx bikaa'go naniitsoos? 

.be dxuwxx nxixx'? 
Ti'izi i^p Beegashii 

Haadi sha' nil£x' nxdabeehah? 
aadi sha' nilip nxdabeeshxjhV 

Kwii ch'xl doo hozhp hcd.90 da n 
i'66 ■•aliayox bik'i nanxlkaad la. 

di nilll 1 

Na'aldloosh doo 'adraa'iilt' t ' dani- 
lxnxgxx bits' a hxux.Ugo ya'at'eeh. 

lip dxkwxigo 'xiyisxx na ya'at'eeh? 

> - 



■ ■ ■ ■ " .■■ ■ ■.,-:..-■- 

---,.--,. ,,t-,, : .-.. :-./.:. .^v^^ ,.,,:■ -^ -a^.^ .,.,,.. , ^■"^■,^f?^^r^ g^ ^^ gga ^ia^^^rv:^ 



^^^aiiU-. ... ,-..,„„., 

LIVESTOCK All) FARM (continued) 

Tell your neighbors that we'll start 
branding in ten days. 

Be sure to tic your i'leece when you 
shear your sheep. 

How many sheep pelts did you sell 
last winter? 

Uhose horses are txiose down there 
the fence? 

Who is her king fox" you? 

Bring your sheep in for dipping 
;xt week. 

How nany larabs do you have this year? 
Your lambs look good. 

Where are you going to sell your 
bs this year? 

".lose land is this? 

Whose farm is that? 

Whose hogan is that? 

Whose house is this? 

"'hat do you grow on your farm? 

Your alfalfa sure caws out good. 

Your corn looks good too. 

This fence is not strong enough. 

^o you have any chickens? 

'hat breed are they? 

Are they good layers? 

What do you do with the eggs? 

Hovj much do you sell then for? 

Meeznaa yisk£ago Ijl' br'da'diidlidigii 
baa nididiikah. 3il keehot'xinii bii da- 

I'a'dxgeeshgo 'aghaa' t'aala'x nxjoo- 
i.xgo bcda'xth'o'go ya'at'eeh. 

haxdg^' axoe ox,..agx dxkwix kxnjj.' 

nahxnxlnii ' ? 

i.xx' nlex. na'azt'x' bxtsxj.QX naazxnxgxi 
sha' hax bil^ 1 ? 

Ka'.sha' na. na'nilkaad? 

Dau'-igo naa'asdl;.^' doo bik'ijx 1 dike 
tanagisdl na. ta'doo'nil. 

Hidibc yazhx dxlcwxx k'ad? 

Jo nxdxoe yazbx ya'adaat'oen. 

Dike yazhx dahideesnii'go haadi nidibe 
yashx naa nahidooh saa'shin? 

Dxx sha' 'el hax bikeyah? 

ffleidi sha 1 'ex hax. k'we 'dldieeh? 

ff% £ ■ • , , , n 

nlex Siia 1 'ex hax oxguan? 
nxx sha' ' ex hax bxkxn. ? 

.. t t . t t t ., | . t . t ,-. t t - * 

ha ' at ■ xx sua ' k ' ^euxdleen? 

Tl'oh waa'i k'idxxnxlah|.a nizhonxgo 

naajee 1 xa. 

>* f ■ ,, ,0 I .,00 

j'xnaadaa' 'a^do' nxznonx. 
Dxx ' anxt'i' doo bidziil da. 
hinaa 1 ahechaixsh h6l 9? 

■-. 1 I \ * t t t . m ,. 

j )aadaoi> enxgxx ' ao ' e 4 

' Ayoosh nda 1 iiichxxh? 

'Ayeezhii ska' 'ex daadaa>'<? 

Dikwxx tflih ' 3'l:£igo nihaa nidahaniih? 



tl'oh waa'x 




naa' olx 


ch'ii na' at?:.' o'ii 



reus lane Ion 





ch'il litsxoox 


tl ' oh nanool ' oii 




tl • ohchin 


bitsee' holordl 



squash (pumpkin ) 



1 aloos 


ch'il lichxi'x 


tl'oh naaa|4' 









ducks & geese 









naa' ahoohai 

HEAT ('atsj.') 


beegashii bitsj 


sheep pelt 

oxbe bxlragi 

•veil \fd\ 

beegashii ■ yaazli 



1 cowhide 

beegashii bilcagl 


dibe bits J' 

goat pelt 

tl'xzx bikagx 


bisoodi bits"|.' 

pelts, hides 

'akagx or ' asga' 






bJih bitsj' 


tl ' izi ' ill bighaa ! 






dibe tsa'ii 



dibe yazhx 





■ether sheep 

dibe cho'adinii 






tl'xzx tsa'ii 



tl'xzx yazhi 



tl'xsx ka» 


wether goat 

tl'xzx cho'adinii 


angora goat . 

tl'lei 'ilx 













Ixx tsa'ii 
le ' eyazhx 
X%% chogii 
leechaa yaaiix 


cno ' aoana.a 


...?--.. ^. T ..,.- -. V :-,. : ,. 

,..:..,.,^, v ...... : .-„..,, 


May, 195U 

Lukachukai -"- 

••any Farms 


Lok'ai' jxgai 
Da'ak'eh Halanx 

KLAG2T0H &++ 

Cornfields # 
Ganado -::-::- 

Leeyi 1 To 

Lok'aaii Hteel 

iazlini *» 


Greascuood -x- 

Dx-.jozhii Bii' To 

Pinon -i:- 

Be'ak'id Baa 'Ahoo- 

Kinlichee -x- 

Kin Dah Lichi'i 


J,eupp -"- 


Rock point -x- 

Tse Hitsaa Deez'ahx 

Seba Dalkai -x- 

Sex Bxdaagai 

Round Rock -x-x- 

Tse Hikanx 

Steamboat -x- 


Rough Rock -x- 


Tolani Lakes -x- 

To Lanx 

Salina Springs -x-; 

- Tsolanx 

VJide Ruins -x- 

Kin t eel 

Black Mountain +h 

■ Tok'i Bazbx'x 


Naat'aanii Heez 


T'iists'ooz Hxdeesh- 

(Shiprock C: San 

Juan ) 


Aneth -x- 

T'aa Bxxcn'xxaxx 

Lake Valley -x- 

Be'ak'id Kalgaii 

Beclabeto -x- 

Bitl'aah Bito' 

Pueblo Pintado ;:- 

Kin Nteel 

Cove -x-x- 


Standing Rock -a 

Tse 'f'.'ahx 

Huerfano -x- 

Dzii Jla'oodilii 

Torreon * 

Ya f niilzhiin 

Nenahnezad -x- 

Niinah IJxzaad 

"kite Horse Lake 

-x- To Hwiisxxm. 

Red Rock -x- 

Tse Bichxx' Dah '; 

Borrego Pass ++ 

T5 Dxca'xx' 


t i* 

Kimbeto ++ 

Ginx Bit'ohx 

Teec Hos Pas -x- 

T'xxs Hazbas 

FORT D3FIAIICE *-++ Tsehootsoox 

TOADLLviA «++ 

To HaalJ 

Crystal « 

T& Kilts '£lx 

Haschitti -x- 


Hunters point -x- 

Tse Rashciiii' 

Nava -x-i:- 

Bis Deez'ahx 

Pine Springs -x- 


Sanostee ++ 

Tse 'Alnaozt'i'x 


Shash Si too 


Tohaaeh' i' 

Baca ■»■ 

Kin Ligaax : 

Coyote Canyon -x- 

Ma'i'i Teeh Yxtliz 

Cheechilgeetho -x- 

Chech' ii Yaa 

Tvin Lakes -x- 

Tse liahadzoh. . 

Jyanbito -x-x- 

'Ay an' Bito' 

Pinedale -x- 

To Beebmxsgani 


Tp Haiieesdizx 

Thoreau -x- 

Blo'avazhx ■ 

Beller.iont -x~x- 

lla'ast'i 1 

Jones Ranch ++ 

. (?)' 

Chxlchinbeto ++ 

Tsiiichin Bii 1 To 

Denehotso * 
Kaibetc -x- 


•5H-+ Large Boarding School and 

K'ai' Bii 1 To 

. : Area Headquarter (Sch. Supt. ) 

Kayenta -x- 

T6 Dxneeshsliee' 

* Community 3 

warding School 

Moenave -x-x- 

Kin Ligaax 

-::-;:- Day School 

Kavajo Rtn. -x- 


++ Trailer School 

Shonto -x- 

Sh'||>. -f6hi 



■ • 


*6lta» Gone' 

Let's all sit down. We will start 
the class now. 

First we will have a roll call. 

Answer loudly when your name is 

This is called chalk. 

This is called blackboard (or 

It is used to write on with chalk so 
everyone in the room can see it. 

Take one chalk and pass to the 

Write this on the blackboard. 
That is all. You may take your seats. 
Let's get some papers to write on. 
Write this on the paper. 
I will check your answers. 
What is this word? 
Say it aloud. 
Now say this one. 
See the difference between them? 
Here are some papers. 
Here is a pencil. 
Who does not have a pencil? 
Write your name on your paper. 
-•This is all- the time we have. 
Put your pencils and papers away. 
Close all the windows. 


T'aa , an6>tso dah dinohb^jh. K'ad 

1 Alts 6 danihidx'doojiil. 

Danihi'dojxigo ylego 'adadohnx. 

Dxx chalk wolye, 

Dii blackboard (or greeriboard) 
wolye 1 . 

Chalk t'Siya bee bik'i na'adzo, 
*ako kone 5 e nahaastanigix t'aa .- 
•altso dayoo ! £« 

Chalk t-'aala'xgix nidahohlaahgo 
blackboard bich'j.' daohsj-jh. 

Dxx 'adaahleeh blackboard bikaa'gi. 

T'aa 'akodi% k'ad dah nidinohb. j.|h. , 

Naaltsoos 2a 1 hadahohnxxl bikaa* ' 
nida ; doohsoh 

Dxx naaltsoos bikaa'gi 'adaahleeh, 

'Altsogc 'adaahlaaxgxx niha 
dadineesh 1 ^.?.. 

Dx£ ha ' It' ix nxigo bik'e'eshchj? 

Yeego bee 'adadohnx (speaking to 

Dxx bee ' adxnx k'ad (speaking to 
one) c 

Bee 'al*aa 'at'ehxgxxsh bik'ida- f 

K§§ naaltsoos la'.. 

K§§ bee 'ak'e'elchxhx la' sit|. 

Haxla bee 'ak s e'elchxhx bee 'adiri? 

llihinaaltsoos nihxKhx' bikaa' 
T'aa *al:6dx, k'ad «aaji» 'i'oolkid. 

Bee 'ak'e'elchxhx doo naaltsoos 
hazho'6 niuadahoh'nxxl. 

Tseso 1 danxda'dolkaal t'aa altso. 

........ ,...., , -...,... ■ ■■-. 

„ i ^ IS i™3^»is.:. . 


m*~*d~*^. . ,.«_* 


Albuquerque Indian School 
Albuquerque, Hew llexico 

Stewart Indian School 
Stewart, Nevada 

Chemawa Indian School 
Cheiaawaj Oregon 

Cheyenne-Arapahoe School 
Concho, Oklahoma 

Chilocco Indian School 
Chilocco, Oklahoma 

Fort Sill Indian School 
Laxfbon, Oklahoma 

Intermountain School 
Brigham City, Utah 

Phoenix Indian School 
Phoenix, Arizona 

Riverside Indian School 
Anadarko, Oklahoma 

Sherman Institute 
Riverside, California 


' Do you know anything about the 
off -reservation schools? 

No, I don't know anything about them. 

Yes, I know a little about them. 

How many children do you wish to 

I wish to enroll two. One girl and 
one boy » 
, What is the girl's name? 

Her name is Marie Yazhie, 

What is the boy's name? 

His name is John Denet Yazhie* 

How old is the boy? 

He is thirteen years old. 

When is his birthday? 

He was born on I larch 10, 1939, 

What is his census number? 

Here is his metal tag. 

It's a good idea to bring his tag or 
his card, that way you don't get the 
numbers mixed up. 

fell tl*6o'di da»6lta« ha'nlnlgli 
*adaat l gegi t J aash nil beehozin? 

Dooda* doo shil beehozin da. 

•Akoo«, t'aa «&ch»#d£go baa hani' 
diists'a'. " 

Dikwii sha« «6lta*ji» nininiil ■ 

Naaki 'olta'jj* ninlshniii. La' 
'at'eed doS la' «ei 'ashkii, 
•AtflSd sha' 'g£ daayoolyS? 

Marie Yazhie wolye, 

'Ashkii sha' *ei daayoolyl? 

John Denet Yazhie wolye. 

« Ashkii sha 1 'ei dikwii binaahai? 

Taa ' t s * aadah binaahai, 

Hal nldizidigii biyi' bi'dizhch£? 

W66zhch«||d deilnlnlgll neesnaagoo 
yoolkaalgo bi'dizhchf. 1939 ygedaf. •' 
Bibcezh sh§' 'el dikwii bi-number? 

J6 k§§, dii b£ bibeSzh. 

Ya'at'^h bibSSzh ba yini'anigii, 
naaltsoos t'eiyli ndi 'aldo' bee 
^Sh&zin. »Ak6t»6ego dabika'agii doo 
'altaa nanidah da* . 


- ■■ ■ ■ ■ - ■. . ■■ .■-.■■■ ... ■ ■ 

■ -■;■■'■■-■■ :~':K 

rinAu. ^ „ J „- J ..« 

«,__v, «_«s* „ ;„*£*« 

In which school do you wish to enroll Haadi 'olta'agxi ba nil ya'at'eeh na'a? 

your children? 

I wish to enroll ray children at the 
Indian School in Albuquerque. 

What is your second choice if that 
school is f ull2 ■• . • • • . v : •• '. 

I don't know any tiling about other 

You must make second choice. Each 
school is a good school. 

Perhaps Intermountaifi Indian School 
would be all right. 

What church do you prefer for your 

We are Catholics, 

We are Protestants. 

We prefer the ..Morraan.;church_. 


Be'eldiila Sinilgi Waashindoon ba ' Sl- 
ta'agi sha'alchxnx 'xidooitah nisin. 

'Aadi t'aa bxdin ha'deebxi/igo 'ex haadi 
ba nil ya'anaahoot'ceh? 

Lahgoo shff daa j/it'lego da'clta', 'ex 
doo shil boehosin da. 

Sift* ba nxnaaaxxnx'aago bocnoam. T'aa 
•altso ya'at'oehgo da'clta'. 

Dzilyi'di 'olta' ha'nxnxgix sh££ ya'a- 

'iue' ileishoodii haaji yagii ba nil 
ya'at'een na'axcnxnx? 

Bi'ee' nineezx ha'nxnxjx daniidl^, 

Bi'ee' 'adaalts'xxsx ha'nxnxjx daniidlf 


Gaamaliijx nihil ya'adaat'eeh. 

I don't know anything about churches. 'fie 1 Keishoodii ha'nxnx._;xx doo shil 
Therefore, I do not prefer any. 

Are 3 r ou the mother? Father? 

Yes, he is my son. 

Yes, he is my son. 

Is this your son? 

Is this your son? 

Is this your daughter? 

Is this your daughter? 

Yes, she is ray daughter. 

Yes,, she is ray daughter. 

''hat is the. father 4 e name? 

Where, do you get your mail? 

bSShozin da. 'fix baago doo nisin da. 
hxxsn oxraa nxij? ..... , , bishe ' 5 nxlf? 
'Aoo', dxx shiyaazh 'at'c(woman spkg), 
'Aoo', dxx shiye' 'at'e (man speaking). 
Dxxsh niyaazh 'at'e? (spkg. to a vio;an,' 
Dxxsh niye' 'at'e? (spkg. to a man) 
Dxxsh nich'e'e 'at'e? (spkg. to a womar. 
Dxxsh nitsi 1 'at'e? (spkg. to a man) 
'Aoo', 'ei shits!' 'at'e. (man spkg.) 
'Aoo', dxx shich'e'e 'at' 6. (woman spkg, 
Biahe'e sha' '6x daayoolye? 
Haadi naaltsoos niha, ninahajeeh? 

We get our mail at Klagetoh Trading Leeyi' Toogi naalyche banooghangi naal- 
Post but the Post Office is ' Ganado, tsoos niha ninarajech. 'ako ndi Lck'aah 
nrizona. Kteeldi 'xiyisxx naaltsoos yah 'ahigeeh. 

-cur children will write to you when Hiha'al chxnx 'olta'di ni'aazhgo 'aadgf 
they get to school. naalteoos nxhick'i'' '-Hlf^'cloolocl. 


. -. :■,....- ,fl .■.,..■- :. ■ ,:■- 7 . 

. .. ,,:,., . 


Your children are. entering fckecSpecial 'Ashdla' Naahaiji' 'fhoo^aah wolyehxgxi 
Five-Year Program yiniiye deezh'Iazh na'alchxnx. 

They should return to the same school Bird' t'aa ' akwe'e t'eiya ' olta' yinii- 
every year until the five year program ye ninahat* aashgo dxx 'ashdla' naahaijj.' 
is completed. 'xhoo'aah ha'nxnxgxx yxxghah ' adoohleel. 

By train ko' na'albaasii bee By plane 
By automobile chidx bee By truck 

By wagon tsinaabaas bee By horseback 
By boat tsinaa'eel bee By bicycle 

chidx naat'a'x bee 
chidxtsoh bee 
±lp bee 
dzi'izi bee 

VJhere do you get your drinking water? 
We haul it by wagon from the mission. 
Where do you get your wood? (or coal) 

We hire a truck and get them from 
Black Mountain. 

What do you do when the roads are 

When the roads are bad we depend on 
our team and wagon. 

Is this road passable by cars? 

If there is no water in the wash the 
cars can make it. 
How can I get back on the main road? 

You will have to turn around and go 

To daahdlanxgxi sha' haad§£' ' adaal'£? 

'jSe' neishoodiicl^l 1 tsinaabaas bee 

Nihichizh sha' 'ex haadfg' 'adaal'j? 

Chidxtsoh bik'e ninada'iilyeehgo Dzilx - 
jiin bighf4'dg|' niha ch'xyiryeeh,, 

'Atiin ndahonitl'a dahaleehgo sha' 'ex 
ha' at 1 xx chodaal 1 ^? 

'Atiin ndahonitl'a dahaleehgo 'ex nihi- 
tsinaaba^s t'eiya bada'xir.xidlxi leh. 

Dxxsh t'aa ya ! kz' eehgo 'atiin chidx bee? 

Bikooh goyaa to doo niljj. dago t'eiya 
chidx ha'naa ninadaalwo 1 , 

Haajigo ' xiyislx ' atiinxj^. 1 ch'eehonx- 
t'i' kodoo? 

Nat' §§.' t'aa nil ' xlwod y|eg66 nil nx'- 

tack the way you came to get back on the deeswodgo t'eiya ' xiyisxi 'atiinxjj* 
"" in road. The road is washed out beyond ' anxdiluaal. i\.od66 la' ' aajigo 'atiin 


I need 1 some water for "the-radiator.i:. 
Y& car -is hot. 

Will you take this tire off and put 
the spare on for me? 

Be careful, the jack is not too good. 

ndi ' ex dahedee • eel la. 

To la' nisin haadi yee' la'. Chidx to 
sits 'H' bii 1 'asdi^d la. 

Chidx bikee' dxidxigxx baa dii'aahgo 
t' 66 'ii'si'an'gxi s/ia. baah ninx'aah? 

T'aa baa 'ahol; 

! anat ' ahx doo 

hozhp ya'at'eeh ck. u 

Bikooh goyaa chidx sits'£a' sex (hash- 
in the wash. Will you pull me out tl'ish) yii« nidineelwod. Nil!}' daats'x 
i-th your horses? bee sha haadiidzixs? 

lfy car is stuck in the sand (or. mild) 


(continued on next page) 

.'.-.- ■■■■ ■ - ■■--■- ..-. ; " 

■:.■ :'r ■-■:■'■■ ■ 

.^.^;^C-^ — 

■ . 

5low often are the elections held? 
Elections are held every four years. 

ijho is the councilman frost your dis- 
The councilman from our district is . 


1 Dan he speak English? 

Yes, he can speak some Dxglish. 
Ho, he cannot speak English. 

When will the Tribal Council meet 

The Tribal Council will meet again 
next month. 

In which building does the council 

It meets in the hogan-shaped council 

i-fay we visit the council meeting? 

Yes, visitors are welcome. 

Daanxzah ninahalzhxshgo hastox naal- 
tsoos ba. 'anxdaixa'nil? 

Dj£' ninahahaahgo naaltsoos ba 'ani- 
daha'nil hastoi. 

Hi nanin&hxdoo sha 1 'ex hax beesh baali 
dah si'anx nil$? 

Haashahad££' beesh baali dah si'anx ni- 

^ wol ^» 

Cilagaanaash > idiits ' a' ? 


«Aoo', t'aa 'alch'££digo bilagaana bi- 
aaad yidiits'a'. 

Do'cda, Dilagaana bizaad doo yidiits'a' 

Hastox beesh baah dah naaz'anxgix . •»' 
hahgc 'alah naanadleeh? 

Hastox beesh baah dah naaz'anxgxx nx- . 
deeaidgo 'alah naanadleeh. 

Hax kxnxgxx sha' hastox yii' ' alah na- 
die eh? 

Hooghan naiialingo nazbasgo si'anxgxx 
yii 1 'alah nadleeh. 

'Alah 'alceh gone' danihidoonaa.1, ! 

t'aash beehaz'4? 
« h 

Aoo', dahanaal, doo baa hochj.' da. 
VJhat is taken up at the council meet- Ha'at'xxsha' baa nxnadahat'^^h 'alah 


An agenda is written designating 
the things to be taken up. by the 


Hastox yaa nxdadoot'^iix naaltsoos ba 
bikaa 1 «anal ! J4hgo 'ex bitah hoolzhishgo 
yaa nxnadaat' Ji/i. 


Who makes up the Advisory Committee? 

The Advisory Committee is made up of 
nine . elected: members, of- the., regular 
Tribal Council. 

What is the duty of the Advisory 

This is a special group made up to 
study proposals. These proposal are ■ 
then usually referred to the general 

VJhat is taken up at the Advisory 
Committee meetings? 

Hastox nanast'el sinilx ha'nxnx^xx 
daayit r 'ogo nina'nil? 

Hastox beesh baah dah naaz'anx danilx- 
nxglx la' baah haa'nxigo 'ex Hahast'ei 
Sinilx danil^e 

'Hastox Hahast'ei Sinilx danilxnxgxx 
sha' ha' at' xx bindaanish? 

T'aadoo Ic'e hadahat* eehii 'altsc nayi- 
k'x yadaalti'. 'Aadoo 'xnda hastox beesh 
baah dah naaz'anx danxlxnxgxx o'aa 'at'e 
'alah aadleehgo naaltsoos yee yiyaa nida- 


Nahast'oi Sinilx 'alah nadleehgo ha'a- 
t'xx yaa nxnadaat' %%YS 


.,:>_;.; .J.-.V;, ,..,,.....-. 

_________________ - 

a ~ JJ *irfte__-ifc*~*~ i -^^*^.«..,. . ^.^^.^...^..^u. ^^.^^iaiteiei,. 

An agenda is written up of the things T'aadco le'e baa nidahodoot 1 ii-lii 

to be taken up; 

V/hen does the Advisory Committee 

It- meets when there is a need. 

Can we visit the Advisory Committee 
nee tings? . 

Yes, visitors are welcome, 

naaltsoos bee ba ninaltsosgo 'ex yaa nx- 

Hastoi Ilahast'ex Sinila. dardlxnxgxx 
hahgo ' alah nadleeh? 

Baa &daIiod6ot t j.ilii. haleehgo t'aa ! al- 
tso bida'alnihgo 'Slab nadleeh, 

Nahast'cl Sinilx 'alah yileehgo t'aash 
bil yah 'an'da'axdah? 

'Aoo', t'aa oil yah 'anida'aldah. 

i need a pair of shoes. 
IJhat size would you like? 


Ke 2a' nisin. 

Dxkwxx yxgxx nxnxzxn? 

I am not sure, but I would like to 
ry on a size 5. 
How much does it cost? 

How much does this jacket cost? 

It costs A6. 95. 

That is too much. 

I don't have enough money, 

I don't have any change. 

I have some change but it is not 
Give me a pound of coffee. 

I also need some sugar. 

How : mochv sugar would you like? 

I'll take a five pound sack. 

How much is a fifty pound sack of 
lour? ,* 
I'll take two loaves of bread. 

How much are potatoes today? 

Dxkwxx yxgx:' sfr£| shixghah hola, haa'x 
sha ' ' ashdla ' agxi ' Xdxneesh 1 aah. 
Dxkwxx baaii 'xlx? 

Dxx 'eetsoh dxkwxx baah 'xlx? 

Hast||. beeso doo oi'aa nahast'ex doo- 
tl'iah doo bi'aa litso baah 'xlx. 
'iiyoo 'xijx la. 

Shibeeso doo bxxghah da» 

T'aa ' al'aanxgxx shee 'adin. 

T'aa 'a.c'aanxgxx la' shee holpg nax 
doo bixghah da. 

Gohwech t'aala'x dah hidedlo'xgxx la' 
shaa nx'aah, 

'lshj.ih likan do' la 1 nisin. 

'Ashiih likan daan'itsooxgxx nxnxzin? 

'Ashdla' dah hidedlo'xgxx la' shaa 
nx Its cos. 

''Ak'aan ' ashdladiin dah hidedlo'xgxx 
sag, 1 dikwxx bfah 'xlx. 

fjaak naakigo sliaa dxxixil. 

Nxmasiitsoh la. k'ad daayit'eego bg.|h 



..... .... 

-i'-;.7is... *,-..! ^ 


-■a. -^-...Uk. 

AT THE TRADING POST (continued) 

A one hundred pound sack of potatoes 
is 0$.OO today. 

How much a yard is this goods? 

The velvet is :' s >2.00 a yard. 

The prints are 70(5 a yard. 

How much is it all togethcif. 

How much is a bale of hay? 

Hay is §2.00 a bale. 

f«fill you give me a cardboard box to 
put my things in? 

Nxmasiitsoh neeznadiin dan hidedic'go 
heel 'adaalyaa ylgxi 'ashdla' beeso b£fih 
•il| dx£j$, 

dii naak'a'at'fhx la dxkwiigc tsin 


Haak l a , at , |hl dishooigxx naaki beesogo 
tsin naazt|i. 

Naak'a'at'^hx daalkizhxgxx 'ex tsos- 
ts'id dootl'izhgo tsin naazt|. 

T'aa 'at' ego la dikwxx bixghah k'ad? 

n*oh la dxkwxx b||h '£l$? 

Tl'oh t'aala'x si'anxgxx naaki beeso 
b||h l i±i. 

Naaltsoos tsits'aa' la' shaa ni'aah 
shiy£el biih yishnxxl? 

i a i- 1 

Ak'aan - flour 

•aloos - rice 

baah - bread 

nimasii - potatoes 
naa'oli - beans 
hashk'aan - bananas 


•ashiih - salt 

bil 'e'el'inx - baking 
gohweeh - coffee 

taoskaal - oatmeal 

*ash|4h likan - sugar 
baah oil ' al'xnx - yeast 
deeh - tea 
'ak'aan dich'xzhx - cornmeal 

ch'il lichxx'x - tomatoes bilasaana - apples 
didsetsoh - peaches ch'il na'atl'o'ii - grapes 

ch'il litsxooi - oranges t'eeh jiyaan - water 


'abe' - milk 
mandagxiya - butter 
bisoodi - bacon 
tl'oh naadlf 1 -- wheat 

ta'ncesk' anx - musk melon, 
'ale' ah - lard, shortening • atsj.' - meat 

geeso - cheese 

naaaaa' - corn 
tl'oh T/aa'x - hay 

baah da'aka'i - crackers baah lil.anx - calces. 

todilchxoshi - sodapop 'Alk'esdisx - candy 

'ayeeznxx - eggs 
naayxzx - pumpkin 
tl'oh nanool'clx - oats 
Jelii - jam, jelly, etc. 
da'akaz bitoo 1 - syrup 

nat'oh - tobacco 

nat'oh yildecligli - snuff nat'oh yit'aal- 

fcat'oh bil da'asdisxgrtx, nat'ostse* - pipe 

tsitl'elx - matches talawosh - soap 


tsighaala - cigars 


bee 'adxltlalix niltool'^xx - 


: : V ■ : , ; ■ ■ . 

.-. ...>-.. - ;^j£*^i*<,^a^x&i*l. 

AT SHE TRADIilG POST (continued) 

bee 'adiltlahx sisx'xgii, talawosh bee 'iigisi - bee ' adxt'oodx - towels 

Vicks, lietholatum laundry soap 

be'azhoo' ~ combs, hair 1 - bii 1 'adeest'£|' - r.drror woo' bee ylch'iishi - tooth- 


dikos 'azee' - cough .. tsiit3 ! iin diniih azee' , 

medicine aspirin- tablets" . 

lcl bee neilckxid - shoe ke bee n^ilgahi - shoe 

polish (brown) polish (white) 

bee na'alkadi - threads tsah ts'osx - needles 

'ii 'adaaikaali, nails ke bii ' adaaikaali - 

shoe tacks 
beesh 'adishalxi - barbed tsenil - an ax 

leezh bee hahalkaadi - bee nahwiidzxdi - rake 

'alts'll' deenini - pick ti'oh bee naaljoolx - 

beesh 'alts'osi - bailing tsinaabaas - wagon 

bee nahwiildlaadi, plow 

'azaat'i'i - bridles 


Ice bee nSilzhfhi - shoe pol- 
ish (black) 
1:6 ti'ocl - shoe strings 

beesh na'alkadi bitsah - sew- 
ing machine needles 
l££' bikee' - horse shoe 


•alc'inaazt'i' - harness 

l^ 1 biyeel - saddle 

\± x bikee' bii 'adaaikaali - 
horseshoe nails 
•anit'i' bii 'adaaikaali - 

fence staples 
tl'oh bee hilghaaii - scythe 

'alts' |4' deenini nteeligxx .- 

tl ' 66i - rope 

'ak'i dah yi'niii - saddle 


Uhat are you doing? 

I am flattening out the silver. 

What is it going to be? 

I am making a concho belt for my 
Uhat is this? 


Ha'at'xi sha' baa nanina? 
Beesh ligaii 'aabi'dishne' . 
Ha'at'xi sha 1 'aixileehgo? 
Shitsi' sis yazhx ba 'ashieeh. 
Dxx sha' 'ex ha'at'xi 'at'e? 

That is called a pendant and it hangs 'Ei nazhahi woiye, yoo' nxaasx yaa 

at the center of a silver necklace. 
That is a beautiful ring. 

How much is this silver belt with 
turquoise, settings? 
The smaller one is worth A75. 00. 

The larger size is worth twice as 
Uhat lcind of beads are these? 

Those are coral beads. 

t f- *■ / 

nahxxlahagi baah dah naazta. 
'Si yoostah nizhoni. 

•Dix sis dootl'izhii binxi' naazniligxi 
sha' axuT/xx ba§.n 'xj.^,1 

1 Alts 'xisxgxi tsosts'idiin &6S bi'aa 
'ashdla' beeso b§|h 'il£, 

iltsaaigii 'ex naakidi 'akonaneelfa'go 

b|$h 'i:4. 

uxx sha' 'ex ha'at'xi yoo' shxj. 'at'e? 

Yoo' iichx'x wolye. 


....... -. . . -..-..- ■ ■.■..- 

-'-■:- :. ..^ -o' --->-.■ ■ : :.:;'nf-ri='--'-i\--^--^'. i -'■>r l '.v-'!isw!.- ! ife,'>;w 


SILVlESi EC TILING (continued) 
How much is this turquoise necklace? 
It is worth 0150.00. 

How and when did the Navajos acquira 
the art of 

According to some of the old Navajos 
the art of silversiaithing was intro- 
duced into the tribe by the Hexicans 
about one hundred years ago. 

Where did the Navajos get their 
silver in the early days since they 
have no silver wines in their country? 

In the early days iiexican silver 
dollars were purchased, which were 
worth forty-five to sixty cents of 
United states money. 

What did the Navajos used when they 
could not get silver? 

Before silver was plentiful copper 
and brass were used. 

Dxx yoo ! dootl'izhii t'eiyahagxx dx~ 
kwxi b£|h ''l£? 

T'aalahadi neeznadiin doo bi'aa 'ash- 
dladiin beeso b|4h 'il:£. 

Ts'ida had|4' doo daayit'ecgo Naabeeho 
igaii yitcid nideidiila jinx? 


/ / 

Hastoi la' 'adaaniigo dii beesii iigai: 
bina' anishxgxx neeznadxin daats'x naahai 
yf§d4i l Haakaii bits' 4&do6 bxdahojiil'|i4' 
jinx daanl. 

Dine bikcyah bikaa'gi beesh ligaii haa- 


aaxn la, 


&£§.' baadeQ' beesi 




ligaii 'adajil' jj.go da- 
dzitsid '.fee'? 

'Alk'idll' Naakaii bibeeso d££' doo- 
tl'izh doo bi'aa iitso doo de.^o hodees- 
' aago, hastff. dootl'izh da bg^ih da'xl£:igo 
ndajiilniihgo 'ex dadzitsid nt'ee' la. 

B'esh ligaii bxdin dahoyee*.go sha' 'ex 
ha* at' xx dadzitsid leh nt'ee' Naabeeho? 

Beesh ligaii t'ahdoo ts'ida dahaleeh- 
d||.' 'ex beesh lichxi'ii doo beesh litsoii 

da dadzitsid nt'ee' la. 

Beesh lichxi'ii doo beesh litsoii sh^ 1 
'ei haadyf' 'adajil'^j-go dadzitsid nt'ee 1 ? 

D^x beesh lichxi'ii doo beesh litsoii 
naalyehe ba dahooghangoo ndahaniih nt'ee', 
sheets, or taken frora kettles and pans« doo ' asaa' beesh lichxi'ii bee 'adaalyaa 

yxgxx da nlnadajiijaahgo 'ex dadzitsid 
nt'ee' la. 
Are the Iiexican peso; still av&ilA&tQ? Naakaii bibeesoosh t'ahdii dah6l§? 

Where did the Navajos get copper and 

They were purchased at the trading- 
posts in the form of x-iire or small 

No, the Iiexican pesos are no longer 

Where do the silversmiths got their 
silver noi-r. 

They buy them from the traders in 
the form of slug.'.;, wire and sheets. 

Dooda, Naakaii bibeeso wolyehge k'ad 

' adaaaxn. 

Dxne aa'aisxaxgxx sna' 'ex haaaeg' 
Dcesn ixgaxx 'aaexx'^? 

Naalyehe badahooghandoo ndahaniih dxx 
bSesh ligaii, la' dadik'^ago, la' 'ex 
beesh ' alts ' ozi iiahalingo nxdahineesh- 
zhec'go, ! ia' .'-ex'adaalt.'.4§-'-igd:.ndaliariiih 

alum (saline rocks) - 

tsedxk' gjzh 
anvil - bik'i 'atsidx 

bellows - bee 'alzoli 

cold chisel - bee 'iikaalx necklace, silver - yoo' 

concho - sis yazhx pendant, cresent shaped - 

copper - beech lichxi'ii pliers or tongs ~ bee 'otsagx 

belt, silver - b':esh li- crucibles - bii' 'adilyfhx ring - yoostsah 

bouguard - k'eet'oh 

drill - bee 'agha. da' dii- scale, weighing - bee dah 

t aas x nx ' diidl ohx 

(continued on next page) 

"«?>««^W<(^B!HW-"':-'--*"' ! "-r ' ' - '1 ~ — --» ^^vs*t-.-,~t*?!r 7 r>-r.f:K.<-.^ ■■■> ... ■.-.™«..---«^ w -«»«^^| ?s ^-. - „ —j, , -,,«,.--.. r - v*-««S»9J^i!e*Sf^»f^<!^snspg!^J>!!«f»^^ 

bracelet - latsim 

SIL^ERSiilTH (continued) 
ear rings '*.:jaatl'.e6l silver - beesh ligaii 

brass - beesh iitsoii files - bee ' ach'iishx snips, shears, scissors, - 

beesh • ahedilx 
bridles, silver - beesh hammer - bee 'atsidx spoons, silver - beesh ligaii 
ligaii 'aniitl'661 'adee' 

brooch - 'il dah nit|hx hatband, silver - ch'ah stamps or dies - bee ' ak'i 

binaz ' ahi da ! alchi ' i 

buttons, silver - yoo .'.'. liexican silver dollar - tie clasp - zeedeet'i'x'bil 

nilch'nx Haakaii biboaeo dah natjhx 

charcoal - t'eesh molds - bil 1 ya'iyildzxdx wire tongs - tsxxd bee naa- 



fehat are you doing? Ha'at'xx sha 1 baa nanina? 

I am picking cocklebursiout..of ..the wool. Ta'neets'ehii 'aghaa 1 baah. yists'i'. 

'.-.'hat is your grandmother doing? Niiaa sanx sha' 'ex ha'at'xx yaa naagha? 

liy grandmother is loosening up the sanx 'ex .' aghaa 5 . dahixmasxgxx 
matted wool to get it ready for carding, ncidilts ' lih haiidinoolchai biniiye. 
What does she use to card wooll Ha'at'xx sha 1 yee 'aghaa' haneinilcha'? 

She uses wool-cards which we buy at 
the trading post. 

What's the next step after the wool 
is cardeel? 

Next pomes the spinning. 

Bee ha'nilchaadx naalyeac badahoo-nan- 
doo ndaaxxlnxxh 'ex yee haa'nxlcha'. 

'Aghaa' hazhniicha' doc haanaajiil'ij-h? 

'Aadoo 'aghaa' yidiztgxi baa halzhish. 

What do you use for spinning, I don't Ha' at'xx'sha' 'ex bee da'ohdiz, haadi 
see any spinning wheel? la bee ' adisx nidanit'isxgxx la' si' 44 la. 

ni;.;ingo cr. 'ceh nahgoo ninashgal. 
Navajos do not use spinning wheel. Bee 'adizi nanxi'isxgxx doo yee da' a- 

diz do. Kaabaeh6 s . 
This smooth round stick, about 2 feet Dxx tsi*» ' alts' oosl nxyisxgxx doo dxx 
long and this flat disc of wood, about tsin ' dit'44 1 : '-i'° nazbasgo 'alnxi'gi 'al- 
ii or 5 inches in diameter with a snail ts'xxcxgo bigha hoodaanxgxx t'eiya bee 

nole in the center is all they need. 
How do you use them? 

The stick is .passed through this 
little hole and the whorl (disc) is 
securely fastened about. 5 or 6 inche: 
from the lower end of the stick. 

Then what do yc do? 

da'Iidiz. - 

'Ako sha 1 daayit'eejo bee da'ohdiz? 

Bxx tsxn ' alts' oosxgxi kwxx bxgna hoo- 
dzani gone' bigha uzxtsih doc nildzilgo 
baah niji'aah wo; ahjxgo. 

' \ ric nr, c- ;i d i 

ladoc sha' daajiil'^h? 

Then you are ready for spinning.. 

" 1 *.Q ' 

Aactoo c'aa *ai:o ' xsnxxaxs. 

' •*! i?m i i r\^ 

(continued on next page) 






•TAVJHO (continued) 
HOW do you spin wool with it? 'Aadoo sbf* daayit'eego bee da 1 jidiz? 

You sit on the ground like this. Take I[6t'eego ni'dSS dzizdaago bee da'- 
the spindle in your right hand and a jidiz. pish'naajxgo bee 'adizi dash- 
piece of carded wool in your left. Stick diit££h doo nishtl'ajrtgo ' ex ' aghaa' ba- 
the upper end of the staff through one noolchaadxgxx la' daskdiileeh. Bix 
end of the carded.wcoL.andiwith a few tsinlgix bllatahgi baali dah jileeh doo 
turns it t-ri.ll catch fast. By pulling tsinlgix nxdzoolhisgo t'aa 'ako bik'x- 
and working the wool with your left diitas. llishtl'ajx 'aghaa 1 bee naas 

/• . e i * ' 


hand the wool is stretched out into a dzoelcs' p?.go ; nish'naaji 'ex Lsco^nx^ 
long strand, at the saue titte the staff dzoolhisgo t'aa ho dzinxzinxgi 'at'eego 

is twirled with the fingers ox oho 
right hand. 

Then the yarns arc washed with soap- 
weed (yucca root) or cor.miercial soap. 

The' yarn is then dyed in any desired 
What do you use to dye the wool? 

Coira-iercial dyes are cor.monly used 
ncw-a-days, but vegetable dyes were 
used in the early days. 

VJhat is your mother /.taking? 

She is weaving a saddle blanket. 

This is a beautiful rug. 

How Much is it worth? 

It is not i.dne. It oolongs to r.y 
(elder) sister. 
Do you know how to weave rugs? 

Yes, I know how to weave. 

wool - 

gray - 1 

brown - dibelchx'x 

black - lizhinxgxx 


yellow - litsooxg 

white - ligaax-a.x 

'aghaa' 'alk'xdziiltas. 

•Aadcc 'aghaa' hadakaasdizxg'x tsa'as- 
zi' doouaix' talawosh bee ' iigxsx kindff 
ndahardihxgxx da bee dziigis. 

Uadoo 'xnda t'aa. ho jxnizinxgi 'at'ee- 
go 'aghaa' 'al'aa 'adaat'eego 'ajiil'igih. 

Ha' at' xx sha» 'ex 'aghaa' 'al'aa 'aa- 
t'eelii bee ' al'4? 

K'ad kind^f' ndahsniihxgxx t'eiya bee 
da'iilchx'h, «ali:*i44' 'ei ch'il ' altah 

'aat'^elii dajilbeeshgo 'ex bee da'jiil- 
chxxh nt' ee' ' ^a. . 

Ilxi.ia sna' ha'ao'xx 'xileeh? 

'Ak'i dah yi'nilx yitl'6. 

Boo la do' dxi* diyogx nizhonx da. 

Dxjcwxx la baah "x!4? 

Doo snx aa. 

Vinn a,-A ri n SiiadX bX. 



rug - axyogx 
warp - nanoolzheo' 

Dxyogxxsn "C ' aa ' a. j.*. 4. I 

'Aoo', diyogx 'al'i- baahasin. 

batten coinb - bee 'adzoox 
distaff - bee 'adizi 

dah 'iistl'g 

Ixchx ' x,yxx 

yarn - 'aghaa' yisdizxgxx leg band - janezhx 

carded wool -''aghaa'' hair .cord - tsiitl'eol 

hanoolchaad . '. 
wool cards - bee ha 1 nil- warden's dresses - biil 

batten-stick - bee nxk'x 1 - saddle blanket - 'ak'i dah 
nxltxish yi ' nilx 


■ ■ ■■ .*---.■■ 


Tse Ndoolzhaax or Tsxdii Nabitiin 
(Dinosaur Canyon). Some lit miles 
east of Cameron, Arizona. 

Bitat'ah Kin (Betatakin) Some 38 milea 
north of Tonalea, Arizona. 

Ts'ah Bii'kin (inscription House) hi 
miles north of Tuba City, Arizona. 

Tse Nanx'ahx (Rainbow Natural Bridge) 
?U miles nort.h of Tuba City, Arizona is 
the Rainbow Lodge. lU miles by trail 
from the lodge in broken and deep can- 
yon country.: of ...southern Utahrds .the 
natural bridge. 

Tseyi 1 (Canyon de Chelly) 
Chinle, Arizona. 

'Ane'e Tseyi' (Canyon Del Huerto) 
Near Chinle, Arizona. 

Tse Bxyah 'Anii'ahx .(Chaco Canyon) 
38 miles north of Crotmpoint, N. hex. 

Tse Bii'ndzisgai (lionument Valley) 
20 miles north of Xayenta, Arizona. 

Bidaa' Ha'azt'i' (Grand Canyon) 

60 miles north of Uilliams, Arizona. 

Naasht'ezhi (the Zuni Pueblo) lj.0 miles 
south of Gallup, New Mexico. 

Halchxxtahx (Painted Desert) 2$ miles 
Gad Deelzha or Nooda'a Dziil (Mesa Ver- east of Holbrook, Arizona. 
de National Park) 11 ndles east of 
Cortez, Colorado. Tse Nastanii (Petrified Forest) 

20 miles south of Painted Desert. 
Kinteel (Aztec Ruins) II4 miles east of 
Farmington, New Mexico. Tsebit'a'i (Shiprcck Pinnacle) 13 miles 

southwest of Shiprock, New Mexico visible 
Tsek'i Na f asdzooi (El iiorro National for many rales from all directions* 
Monument) Some 60 miles south of Gallup, 
New liexico. 


jSERVATION north of Minslow, Arizona 

(13 Villages ) 
AGENCY: Keams Canyon, Arizona 

First M esa; 
Hano (Naashashx) 
Polacca (? ) 
Sichomovi ('Ayahkin) 
N'alpi (Deez'aajj.' ) 

Second Mesa: 

Third Mesa: 

Mishongnovi (Tsetsohk'id) Old Oraibi (Oozax Hasanx) 

Shipaulovi ( ■ " ) New Oraibi (Oozax) 

Toreva ( » ) Hotevilla (Tl'ohchin To) 

Shungopovi (Kin Kaazt'i') Bacabi (Tl'ohchin To Biyaazh) 

Moencopi ('Oozax Hayazhx) near Tuba City, Arizona 




1 t'aala'i (laa'ii) 

2 naaki 

3 taa' 
h dii' 

5 'ashdla' 

6 has"t§.| 

7 ,/tsosts'id 

8 tseebxi 

9 nahast'ei 

10 neeznaa 

11 laUs'aadab 

12 naaki ts ' aadah 

13 taa' ts' aadah 
1U d&'ts' aadah 

15 'ashdla' aadah 

16 has t|' aadah 

17 tsosts ' idts ' aadah 

18 tseebiits ' aadah 

19 nahast'eits' aadah 


20 .naadiin hP 

21 naadiin la' 50 

22 naadiin naaki 60 

23 naadiin taa' 7° 
2ii naadiin d££ ' 80 

25 naadiin 'ashdla 1 90 

26 naadiin hast|| 100 

27 naadiin tsosts' id l50 

28 naadiin tseebii 

29 naadiin nahast'ei 

30 tadiin 



• ashdladiin 


tsosts' idiin 



t'aalahadi neeznadiin 

t'aalahadi neeznadiin doo 
bi'aa 'ashdladiin 

31 tadiin doo bi'aa 
"0 aa^a* x 

32 tadiin doo bi'aa 

33 tadiin doo bi'aa taa' 

500 'ashdladi neeznadiin 
1,000 t'aalahadi mill 
1,000,000 t'aalahadi nail ntsaaigii 

3U tadiin doo bi'aa d£f 

35 tadiin doo bi'aa 'ashdla' 

36 tadiin doo bi'aa hast|§ 

37 tadiin doo bi'aa tsosts' id 

38 tadiin doo bi'aa tseebxi 

39 tadiin doo bi'aa nahast'ei 

dizdiin doo bi'aa t'aala- 
hadi mil ntsaaigii doo 
bi'aa 'ashdladi neeznadiin 
doo bi'aa tadiin doo bi'aa 
taadi mill doo bi'aa tsee- 
biidi neeznadiin doo bi'aa 
tsosts 'idiin doo bi'aa 


. . ... ■ , : . . . -- ■.. .■■. ■ :■ - 


Spring ' • Daan Fail (Autumn) ^j&lSl 

During the spring, > Daago During the fall "Aak'eego 

During last spring Daad|i' During last fall 'Aak'eed^ 

Summer • Shi Winter Hai 

During the summer Sh£igo During the winter Haigo 

During last summer Sh£i44' During last winter Haid||« 


January Yas Nilt'ees July ...... . Ya'iishjaastsoh 

February 'Atsa Biyaazh August ', . Bini < Ant' &»< 6zi 

March l-Joozhch'iid September . . , . Bini <Ant'i£tsoh 

April T'i4chil October. .... Ghaaji' 

Hay> . , T'ifttsoh November .... Nxlcn'its' 6s£ 

June Ya'iishjaashchilx December • • «• • Nxlch'itsoh 


Sunday Damiigo Thursday. . . .Damiigo doo dj'i oi 

Monday. Damiigo biiskanx Friday. . . . .Damiigo doo 'ashdla'a ji 

Tuesday Damiigo doo naaki ji Saturday .... Xiskfago Damxigo or 

Wednesday Damxigo doo tagx j(. Damiigo Yazhx 

HOMSY (beeso) 
1 t'aala'x sindaoo 50^ d££ yaal 

^ litso $5$ dy| yaal doo bi'aa litso 

100 t'aala'x dootl'izh 75>'p hast|f yaal 

15$ giinsi a. 00 t'aala'x beeso 

20^ naaki dootl'izh ^1.5'3 t'aala'x beeso doo bi'aa d£l yaal 

2$$ naaki yaal doo bi'aa taa' sindaoo 


■" ' ■ ■.■■■■-■■ ... -■■..■ •..::.■ :-:-- - ■ i . 

■ - ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■ ■ " . 


. -"...- 

— - J -—*<u -^*-^_ _ , ^m^^^^uM^,^^.. ,^mMi 


Go slow, the road is slippery. 

T'aa hazhoo'ogo, 'atiin 'ayoo nahateel. 

Drive slow there are some wagons on T'aa hazhoo'ogo nil 'oolwol, nilfao^- 1 
the road ahead. t'aa 'ayidxgoo la' da'xbaas. 

You will have to go back, the bridge 'fse'naa na'nxzhooza 'xi'eel la, t'66 
is washed out. nat'fl' dah nxdinidzaago 'ex ya'at'eeh. 

Be careful, the road is very rocky. T'aa baa 'Ih6ly|, kodoo 'ayoo tsetahgo 
f rora here. « atiin. 

Watch the high centers. 

'Ayoo leeya da'diitiin t'aa baa ' ah6ly|u 

Go back, the snow drifts are bad from Kodoo bil nihwiichxxl daadadeezhjil la, 

here on. 


* * 

/, / // I ' ' ' t ' ' t ' 'l 

b'oo t'aa' hanxnahxgxx "ex ya'at'eeh. 

There are logging trucks on the road. Chidxtsoh nastaan ndayiiyeehxgxx la'i 

ndaajeeh kodoo. 

Get completely off the road if you 
want to park. 

No parking here. 

Do not forget to put your fire out 
before leaving. 

Hoi ni'xltlaadgo hozh.9 'atiin bits' a 1 - 
jilbasgo ya'at'eeh. 

Kwe'e doo ninada'abas da. 

Dah diinaahgo kg' hazh.6'6 dinxxitsis, 
t'aaka oaa yoonceh. 

Do not throw cigaretts from the car. Chidx bee deixnohkaahgo t'aadoo bikaa 1 - 

d||' nat'oh bidah ' adahohnxlx. 



What is your trouble? 

I have a fever and a headache. 

Ni sha' 'ex ha' at ' xx biniiye yxnxya? 

Shitsiits'iin diinii' doo shitah honii- 
Sit down here. We will take your Kodoo dah nxdaah. Hiza'dootsih daavit'ee- 
temperature. go na'xlkid dooleel. 

Put the ^thermometer under your tongue. Nitsoo' biyaa gone' ' anitseeh 'azanatsihx, 

Now^keep still for about three K'ad ' altse ' ahodrnxlzee' taadi dah »al- 
ai^utes. zhinjj.' daats'i\ 

Let me take your pulse. Hits' 00s dah naaltalijii na yinishta' . 

(Continued on next page) 


■ ■ ■'■ ■ - ■ ■ ;■ ■ - ■ 

. . v«"i:f "-if. --..,- -^1 --"!,..„ 

" ' .,■ :: .- ■ 

._J»~ ..-.., »-..-. - - — — 


HI THL HOSPITAL (continued) 

Ha ve you been a patient at this Lahhash kwii >azee' naah 'al'££ nt'ee'? 
hospital before? 

yes, I was here about two years ago. ^ 'Aoo', naaki naahai ?$&& kwii sedaa 

nt'ee'. y f 

What was wrong with you at that time? »t£d|&« sha' 'Si daanxt'eego? 

A horse threw me and I came here with, liV nash££lgo»go shit' og k'e'elto' 
a broken collarbone. nt'ee' 'xxdaa'. 

Is your throat sore? 

Yes, ray throat is sore. 

Lay your head back and open your 
mouth wide. 

iJidayi ' ash hashch' xi ' ? 

'Aoo', shidayi 1 hashch' xi'. 

Nitsiits'iin t'H 1 konxleehgo yeego dii- 

Take your shirt off and let me listen ;ii«ee^degji' xgii hadiilts66s, nijei na 
to your heart. yxsxsts'aa . 

Dxkwxx sha' ninaahai? 

Dxzdiin doo bi'aa naaki shinaahai k'ad. 

Dxx bikaa' dah nxteeh. 

Haa'x la neczgai? Bik'idiilnxxh. 

Kwe'e shibidgi neezgai. 

How old are you? 

I am forty-two years old. 

Lie down on this table. 

Where does it hurt? Show me* 

It hurts right here in my abdomen. 


' Is it a steady pain, or does it come T'aash lahagi/ at'eego neezgai, lahda 
and rJ0? daats'x yoc 'analdoh? 

It is a steady pain, but sometimes T'aa lahagi 'at'Sego diniih, 'ako ndi 
it is worse. lahda t'aa 'xiyisxx naniigah. 

How long have you had this swelling? Had|i« la '^zaa dix ..kwii neezhchadxglx? 

I have had it for ten days.. now. K'ad neeznaa yisk| t'aa neezhchaadgo. 

Ton have appendicitis. Will you stay Hich'ix' bits' a,ni'nxs(4 la. T'aa kwii 
for an operation? ni^a doogish, t'aash 'ako? 

Must 1 have an operation? Could you Hagha gishgoosh t'eiya ya'at'eeh? T'^6 
just give me some medicines that will daats'x bich'j.' ^da'asee'ix la' shaa dxxnxl 
cure* it? nisingo ' adxshnx? 

Only an operation will get you well ,Nigh£ gi'zhgo t'giya t'aadoo hodina'x 
Quicklv * ya'at' eeh nxcaxdleex. 

(Continued on next page) 


■,- t ..*r-,:^:-v- ■■ ■-■■ 

-: ' -.-■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■■ ■ - ■■ - -■ ■■■>- ■ ■ ■ ' ■•■■■■■■ ■ ■ -■ '■ ■■ <■■■■■>■ 

sJi«««ii&iy,i»»sii^t_-.. , 

IN 1TC HOSPITAL (continued) 

How long must I stay after an oper- 

If everything goes well you will be 
.it of here in seven days. 

Are you constipated? 

Yes, I ain constipated, 

No, I am not constipated. 
Are your bowels loose? 
Yes, they are very loose. 

Your eyes look bad. How long were 
ihey like that? 

| They were all right yesterday. 

We will have to put some medicine 
Into them. 

Take all your clothes off and_put 
/hese pajamas on. 

You should not leave here until I 
say you can go. 

Shigha gizhdoo daanizahji' t'aa kwii 
naasedaa dooleel? 

IJiziionigo na. bina'azhnishgo tsosts'id 
yiskgago ch 1 'edxidaal. 

Wichaanish nee'ni'? 

'Aoo', ch'eeh biniiye nanishdaah. 

Dooda, doo 'at'ee da. 

Kichaanish togo ni^ha nil£? 

'Aoo', to toiya shigha rianah. 

Hinaa' t'aa •liyisll doo 'akot'ee da. 
Kad^l' sha 1 'adzaa? 

'Adl^dlf 1 ya'at'eeh ni'. 

'Azee' la' na baah 'alyaago ya'at'eeh. 

'ilijee» t'aa 'altso hadii'n'ilgo dH biih 

K'ad nikininaah nidiiniidgo 'inda niki- 
ciamaai 'usiijaa'. 

You cannot leave now because you are K'ad nikidxinaiigil "ei dooda t'ahdii 

still sic 

naah dan haz'|a^o 'at'e. 

j If you leave now you will probably K'ad nike^diidaal ndi yeego ' anaadH ' x&M 
pet sick again. sh ~ i shin# 

We will give you a shot of medicine. 
This will not hurt a bit. 

This nay hurt a little b:k 
This is going to hurt. 

'Azee' la' bil naa'i'dootsih k'ad. 

Dii doo bik'e' neezgai da. 

I)ii t'aa 'alch'^d'go bik' c'eshch'ii' leh. 

Dn t'aa ycego bik'e 1 neezgai. 

Take one-teaspoon full of this medi- Naakidi 'ahen'na'a'ki' o dia 'azee' 
erne every two hours. blesh ^adee'yazbi t'ualanadi hadeezhingo 

'aca nidiikaah dooleel. 

r t r , f t 

raoS™ Kf-l', 1 h ° Pe 7™ £&&1 fine t0 - E ad *& »fik«d£, yiskfago shi;. ya'ani- 
Jr w ' If not > ccne oack as soon as t'eeh dooleel. Doodago <ei, t'aa tsxii^' 

Xt^x can. 

• aaaee ' naadildaal. 
(Continued on next page) 


i; 1] 

——— — ' -■ ' -■ ■■■-■ - -- -. - 


IN THE HOSPITAL (continued) 

Visiti ng Patients 
How do you feel today? 
Oh, I feel much better today 
You are looking fine today. 
You will soon be well. 
You are getting better fast. 
You are a very good patient. 

Daa nxt'e k'ad? 

K'ad t'aa ya'anxskt'een. 

K'ad ' x.ida ya'arat'eeh nahonxlin. 

T'aadoo hodidoonaaix ya'at'eeh dxxleel. 

T'ahaa'go ya'at'eeh naadxeel la. 

You are now well. 

You can go hone now and take care of 

T'aa 'ani'dx'nxn'^i 'at'eego 'azee' naah 
'ai'il nt'ee', 'akot'eego dine haica 'anal- 
wo'go baa 'aheeh 'xlj4go 'at'e. 

K'ad ya'a'c'een nxsxnxdlii 1 . 

K'ad nxlaah naadaal doo hazho'o ' adaa 

rr~ f 

About the Baby 

How old is the baby? 

He (she) is new ten nont'ns old. 

How long has the baby been sick? 

Had|4' yiahch£ dix 'awee'? 
Keeznaa bee nxdeezid k'ad. 
ladg^' sha' 'awee' doo bitah hats' xi da 

ad" " 


He (she) became sick night before last. 'Atseeti'eedlil 1 bitah honiigaii la. 


Docda 3 doo nakwi da. 
T'aash ni uilt'o' 'awee'? 
Dooda, tosis yee 'alt'o'. 

Any vomxxxng? 

Ho, there is no vomiting. 

Do you breast feed your baby? 

No, I feed him with bottle. 

Yes, I breast feed my baby. 

'Aoo', shiit'o'. 

What else do you feed the baby besides 'Abe' doo ha'at'xx sha' biyxsg. 'awee'? 

Hilk is all he (sic; gets. 

How many children do you have? 
I have four children. 

'Abe' t'eiya, ' aadoo ha'at'xhxi da 'ex 
doo biyiisaa da 

Dxkwxx na'alcinnxf 

T)%% % sna'alchxnx. 

(continued on next page) 





IN THE HOSPITAL (continued) 

When did you have had the baby 
cxanin&d by a doctor? 

I never had the baby exaitdnecL 

Had44' ■ azee ' iil ' xni na deineel ' \% ' dxx 

T'ahdoo sha deinxl'ij. da. 

Are all your children vaccinated for Na'alchinxxsh t'aa 'altso hadabi'dish- . 
smllpoi ch'iizh? . 

Yes, they have all been vaccinated... for 'Aoo', t'ffi '^o^hadabi'dis^iizh 
smallpox out the little baby. ndi 'awee' 'alus'xx,x u xx ex o ah dooda. 

No, they never have been vaccinated. Dooda, t'ahdno hadabi'dich' iish da. 


Nits' iini la', da' t'aash 'akon't'e? 

you look thin, have you always been 
that way; 

No, I have lost some weight in the 
last six months. 

How long have you been coughing? 
I have been coughing now for about six K'ad hast£| nideezid t'aa diskosgo. - 
months . 

Dooda, hast|a nxdeeaidfedfl' t'aa nis- 

tsxaaz nt'ee' . 

Ilad|i' sha 1 'idini'nilkeez? 

Did you ever have had an X-ray taken 
of your chest? 

No, I never had an X-ray taken of my 

Yes, I have had an X-ray taken of my 
chest abut three years ago. 

Will you get another X-ray taken of 
your chest next week at Ft. Defiance? 

There Is no use if I cannot get into t 
hospital, besides I live too far away 

Yes, I will go as soon as I can. 

Lahash nijex gonaa bigha'deeldlaad? 

Dooda, t'ahdoo shigha'deeldlaad da. 

«Aoo', taa' naahai yf§d£4' daats'x 'eiya 
shi-?ha' deeldlaad ni 1 . 

Daiafigo naa'asdlU' doo bilc'ij^ daa- 
ts'x Tehootsooica biniiye naadixdaalgo 
nigha naadi* dooldlal? 

he T'aa sh££ doo biniiyehe da, 'ak§9 'azee- 
", 'adaal'ilgoo hada'deezbin t'eiya daha'nx, 
'aadoc 'lex niaaadi keehasht'i. 

La'aa, t'aa siift hahl ' ak§§ biniiye dee- 

Do y<m spit up anything tfhen you cough? Ha'at'ihxi daash habxhidxlkees leh dxl- 


(continued on next page) 


; -*-* '-:•■■■ ■ ■'-'• 

..... ... - ■ ■■ ■ .- - 

.■..-.. ........ 

TUBERCULOSIS (continued) 

I started to spit up blood yesterday. 'Ad^f/i^' r ^ habxdeeskeez. ' tS. baago 
' That is why I want to go to the hospital. ' azee'al'^igoo deeshaal nisin k'ad. 

Yes, especially in the morning. 
Not so much since the warm weather. 

Have you ever spit up any blood? 

Last winter I spit up a lot of blood, 
but there is no room for me in the 

'Aoo', 'abxnigo 'aghaago. 

Deesdoi nahasdl£:£' doo woshdgf ' doo 
hozhp 'at'j.i da sil^j.'. 

HadU'daash dil la' habidiinilkeez? 

Haid|4' dil la'x nabxhidiskees nt'ee', 
.mdi 'azee'al'^i gone' doo haz'^a da 
ha'nxigo biniinaa t'.aadoo yah 'lityaa da. 


Will you bring your husband to me for Nahastiin kwii bil dxx'ashgo bidil ba 
a blood test? dln&ol r 4p, t'aash 'ako? 

Hy husband left me, I don't know where Hastiin 'alk'idlft' t'aa shits' H' dah 
he is, diiyaa. nt'ee'. Haadi slxf} naagha hola. 

How many of your babies were born too Na'alchxnx dxkwxx t'aadoo 'aaji' 'iil- 
soon? kaahx ndahaazhchj.? 

Ity first^baby^ came. without,.any. trouble. T'66 hahoolzhiizhd£|' ya'at'eehgo 
Yty second baby came too soon and did ' ashelchj.. Maaki gone' yileehlgxi 'ex 
not live e t'aadoo ' aaj^.' 'iilkaahx shelchj, 'ako 

'ex t'aadoo hiina' da. 

Do you have any discharge between your 'Aaji>' 'anlxlkaahgo t'aadoo lo'e nanx- 
periods? dleehig'x bita'gilsh 'aido' t'aadoo le'e 

nigh a nanah? 

Yes, ever since the last baby was born. 'Aoo', 'akee'di ' ashelch^doo 'akot'j 


Do you understand now why you must go T'aa tsx£i!go 'asee' riaah 'al'£i doo- 
for treatment right away? Icex, biniiye ' aba : niinii" 'ex k'ad nil 

bcenozin ya'V 

Yes, I will go to see a doctor day 'Aoo', k'ad shil beeuoozin, naakiislc|a- 

iite.r torn -xr or. go ' azee'xxl'xnx la' bich'i' deeshaal. 

(continued on next page) 




.... ... . ■,■ .- ... .-,,,...,... ..-- ■ .-. ... ..-■.■■ .■ ■• ■ ■ ■-. ■ ■ ■■ •■ i ? ••-.■ ■ ■ ■■ 


VD CONTROL ( c ont inued ) 

Was your wife given a blood test be- 
fore the baby was born. 

She had a blood test at Shiprock and 
we never heard if her blood was good 
or not. 

'Asdzanx bil. nani'aashxgxlsh bidil ba 
neel'^' dx£ ' awee' t'ahdoo yichih^ed^ 1 ? 

Naat'aanii Neezdi bidil ba neel'^'l', 
'ako ndi t'aadoo bee nihil nakoone' da. 

No, she was not given a blood test. 
But when my wife felt sick before the 
baby x^ras born we had a sing for her. 

Do you remember how long ago it was 
that you had a little sore on your 

Dooda, t'aadoo bidil ba neel'^i' da. 
'Ako ndi k'ad£e , izhniilchxn9ed§.§.' natah 
doo hats' xi dago hast ox dahataaii jix la 1 
hak'i nahasaago bee ya'at'eeh nxdzxsdlp^' 

Kadga' sha' 'ei nijaadgiizhgi lood naah 
dah yists'id f.t'ee', 'exsh beenxlniih? 


I dp not remember ever having one. 

Doo lood la' 'akwii shaah dah yilts'xi 
da hola. 

It was about two years ago, but it was 'fix yee' naaki naahai vcedaa 1 t'eiya 

cured quickly with Navajo medicine. 

Do you have a pus discharge and pain 
when you urinate? ' 

alcodsaa nt'ee', 'ako ndi t'aadoo hcdxx- 
na'x t'aa dineji 'azee'xgxx bee ya'at'eeh 

Ma' xdlishgoosh neezgai ieh, his shxsh 
leh 'aido«? 





Yes I had, until the doctor at Tuba 
City gave me a shot. 

I would, rather not tell .such, a thin£ 
to a woman. 

How long ago did you. received shots 
at Tuba City. 

'Aoo» 'akct'ee ht'ee', 'ako ndi To Fa- 

.. . * . m . _ 

■dx 'azee' bil siiaa 'o'ootsi doc 


t'aa 'ako doo 'at'ee da sil££«. 

'Asdzanx^jxl^igo 'akodaat'exx bee hoi 
;xi baa yanxsin. 


"Ts'xda hadaf. 1 'azee' "oil naa 'o'ootsi 
To kaneesdizidi? 

Last year about this time. 

Do you know why you should have a 
blood test every six months'/ 

I-:6hoot''ed§.,§' ts'xda. kwii nahalzhiishgo. 

Hast4§ nxnadisi'go nidil na naml'Jih 
iooleek ha'ranfgii. biniiyeixsh nil beeho- 


Yes, the doctor at Reams Canyon told 
Re all abo*it it. 

I feel well and I see no reason for 
being treated by a doctor. . 

'Aoo', shil beekosin 'azeo'xxi'xnx 
Lok^deeohijin hoolye'edi cid,qMg££ t f £a" 
'at'e yco sail ^anasne'. 

Ha'at'xxsh do' biniiye' 'azee' shaah 
•al'ij dooleei, jo doo ' ai*-xsht'ene da. 

(continued on next page) 


f, ;^;-.v/^-r*;; ■--■ ■ . 

__ . „.- — .— 

VD CONTROL (continued) 

Villi you give ne the name of the girl 'Asdzani bits' i|u66 naah^dah W|gil 
or woman who gave you this sickness so «ald6^'azee^baah 'adoolnxxx, uaa la 
she can be treated too? yoolyee la ei? 

't know her name. I net her in 

I don 

Ker name is .... « 
lives somewhere near » 

and she 

Bxzhi'. doo b6ehasin da. T'66 iia'ni- 
zhoozhidi bil 'ahidii' aazh. 

,:,-.™^HH- 8 * 

hoolyeneaoo vaa ana- 

nxgi haa'i sh£l koihat'l. 

Will you tell me the names of any 
other people to whom you may have 
given this sickness? 

If I tell you might tell my wife. 

There is no one else, except my wife's 
younger sister who lives with us. 

Do you understand the danger to your 
wife and children... if you .refuse '.to .have 

Ki naah dah hoo'a' doo bik'iji' bil^ 
'ahaa ninaadasinit' J4dii 'ex haa daolye? 

llilhweeshe'go she'esdzaan bil hodxxl- 
nih sha'shin, 

"Aadoo t'aadoo baa n'naasxst^ijdi da, 
t'aa hazho'o 'asdzani bil sekehxgxx bi- 
deezhx t'ciya, 'ei t'aa oil danihighan. 

T'aadoo 'azee' naah 'alnehe t'66 t'aa' 
"akot'eego naah dah haz'£ago bil tao.xna.ah- 
po teod66 na'alehxnx naadadoodleelii doo 

£> __ * > ... ****** i_ . 

Yes I understand, and perhaps that is 
why our last baby did not live, i will 
go to a doctor at once. 

'asdzani bil hininaanii bee bich'i' naho- 
yxlnaa dooleelxgxxsh nil beehozin? 

'Aoo' 3c' ad shil bteiioosin, Iiaala '^ex 
biniinaago 'awee* 'akee'di vizhcnin§e^ 
t'aadoo hiina' da sha'slrin. K'ad t'aa 
tsxi^lgo 'azee'iil'ini la' bich'i' dee- 



■-■■- -..■-.,■- - ■■- ■ :--■ ':■' -■ ■-■" ■ ■ ■'" "■■ " " 

.^..--^aaart^Wfe . 

General Statement About The Navajos 

^ TI J«Naivajo Indians are the largest Indian tribe in the United States. It 
s estimated that they number about 73, 000 and are increasing at the rate of 
, 500 or more each year. 

The lands available to the Navajo Tribe consist of about 25, 000 square 
nites and extend into three states - Arizona, New Mexico and Utah. The 

l!!n~t l0n L 3 ab „° Ut the Size °* the state o£ West Vif g inia OT New Hampshire, 
ndfan S Hvpn^\H C ° nneCtiC 1- a ^ ^hcxie Island, taken together. Many Navajo 
lu 11 °?i the f eservatlon °n Public domain allotments and on public domain 
Jlf. Many live along the railroad, camping on land which they do not own. 

.».. H aVaJ ° lSnd iS m . ade UP ° f high P late *« s » fla t-top mesas, inaccessible 
f!l deep C f? yons and sand and g ravel washes. The river valleys are either 

he'cTmaS SS^S^hT" 1 ""; 2* F ° CkS ^ ***** sedimentary in formation. 
nav ta^SJSiIS fi V ! g K a l 10n s P arse > and a ™*y substantial part of the area 
nay oe classified as unsuitable for any productive use. 

.arren to hf .22 T & f 0ne ' half miIUon acreS are to ° rm ^ ^accessible, or 
JS"*? be f ed even for grazing. Rainfall varies from about 5 inches a year 
n the lower elevations, to about 20 inches in the. mountains, but much of it 
■ni« ™ "°» summer showers of short duration. Winters are cold, with 

S S^L", °rf f n ? U F th8re are heav * r snows ' In s ^ in S the ^ e « violent 
wnds, with attendant dust storms. The summers are hot and dry. 

The Navajos belong to the great Athabascan language family which extends 
nZ tl 'f- ^k tr l be i n the Yukon Valie y of Alaska, south to the Apachean groupf 

n5 R^fi^ , Ca Tt a ', and S ° me Smaller grou ^ s in California. Also, Tlingit 
^nd Haida in coastal Alaska are distant relatives. 

«™ «. Th9 Wava J os W8re first encountered by the Spanish in northern New Mexico 
1 thl ST?' 1 1Ca H illa Re ^ vatio *- They appear to have moved westward 
aTflM ™ L^ th . e ? aCqUlred horses ab0llt the time <* ^ P«eblo rebellion 
L d;-, T? N f a J°s intermarried with the Pueblos and probably learned weaving 
tod agr culture from them. They became shepherds when they took possession 

M?ff ? btain6d fr ° m Spain thr ° Ugh Mexico > ^andoned by the 
ueblos, who fled their homes at the time of the rebellion. • 

Lll o^S? y i ye f f, th8 ^ aVaj08 liVed by shee P and smali P atches of corn and 
^ifw l hlCh they t pianted in the few valle ^ <* the area where they 
he ?ueblnT ,nd ,? W ! rS hW i m th 5 St0ie more 6he8 P and stote mo ^ c «™ ^om 
he n^ todions S ° meUmeS fr0m the ^-Indians. They also stole horses from 





■ - - -■■-:■- - ■ ■-■■- 


=.:-.-, ...-. - - ........ ... . ■ *,.,>,. 

To stop their depredrtions, the United States Army moved against 
the Navajos in 1863-64 and finally, under the leadership of Kit Carson, 
secured their surrender after destroying their fields, their orchards and 
their livestock. When they got hungry enough many of them surrendered and 
were taken to Posque Redondo (Fort Sumner) in New Mexico. They were kept 
there four years. Finally, in 1868, the leaders signed a peace treaty with 
the United States. The Indians agreed to stay within certain geographic areas 
and not to molest Pueblos and non-Indians, The United States promised in 
return to provide certain educational and economic aids, which were specified 
in the treaty. 

The Navajos were then marched back to their country, near what is 
now Fort Wingate, New Mexico, and a little later to Fort Defiance, Arizona. 
There they were given a total of 30,000 sheep and 4, 000 goats, and were 
allowed to return to a portion of the country that had been their home. 

When the Navajo people returned from Fort Sumner they were 
resettled on a reservation very much smaller than the area they had formerly 
occupied. The reservation boundaries were specified, however, and by the 
terms of the treaty the Navajos were required to remain within these limits. 
In many respects the area set aside for their use was of inferior quality. 
Much of the water and grasslands they had previously used lay beyond the 
reservation boundaries. Settlers were coming in to homestead lands adjacent 
to the reservation and there was constant friction between them and the 
Navajos. Either the Navajos poached on private property with their herds, 
or to stave off starvation, they killed cattle belonging to the settlers, 

A rapid increase of livestock as well as of the human population on 
the reservation, coupled with exceptionally heavy rainfall in the mid 1880 's 
upset the delicate balance of nature and began the excessive erosion that has 
scarred the Navajoland with gullies and deep arroyos. There was not enough 
forage for the livestock necessary to sustain the people. The land area was 
simply too small, and many of the people were forced by necessity to move 
beyond the reservation boundaries. Periodically the boundaries were extended 
to include new areas in which Navajos were already living. Thus, the 
reservation grew in size, but the resources added were still not sufficient. 

Economic pressure, with the ever present specter of starvation, 
made it difficult at times to prevent the Navajos from raiding or from engaging 
in actual warfare with the white settlers. In fact some raiding parties were 
operating in the early 1870 's in southern Utah. 

During the past 80 years insufficient and overgrazed land has made 
the livestock industry increasingly inadequate as a basis for Navajo economy. 
Also, the failure of the American people to provide effective education for 
the Navajos during this period has left the Navajos ill -equipped to make : 
economic adjustments and substitute other modes of livelihood for the 
declining livestock economy. Certain aspects of the Navajo problem have 







•■ . • • 



changed over the course of the past 80 years. However, the problem 
remains today basically what it was in the past. 

In the treaty of 1868 between the Navajos and the Government, the 
United States promised to provide a classroom and a teacher for every 30 
Navajo children of school age; the Navajos in turn promised to see that 
their children attended school. This agreement was for not less than 10 
years. Neither side did very much about it. V ith the return from Fort 
Sumner Navajos again scattered over the thousands of square miles of 
semi-desert lands. The Government opened one day school at Fort Defiance. 
It had about 11 children at first. Later it lost even these and was closed 
entirely for a brief time, The Navajos saw little need for an American type 

Today these people unanimously support education and attendance 
is entirely voluntary. Cnce there were empty school rooms; today many 
Navajo children are turned away. There are now about 28, 000 Navajo 
children of school age. There are no school facilities for approximately 
6, 000, The ultimate goal under the Long Range Rehabilitation Program for 
the Navajo and Hop! peoples and their reservations is to provide school 
facilities for all. (The Long Range Program was approved by the 81 st 
Congress for the Navajo and Fopi Tribes through the act of April 1, 1950— 
64 Stat 44; U. 5. C. 631) The Act authorized appropriations totaling 
$88, 570,000 to be expended over a period of 10 years. Measures 
contemplated under the program include new schools, conversion of day 
schools to boarding schools, enlargement of existing schools and the use of 
Federal and public schools off the reservation. Funds authorized for this 
activity total $25, 000, 000, 

Other phases of the Long Range Program are expected to have a 
definite effect upon the school program, such as land subjugation and the 
development of community industries, which would shift population into 
concentrations where day schools will be practical, 

In addition the present Commissioner is instituting a new three 
point program for Navajos which includes adequate education, effective 
medical care and improvement of economic opportunities. With development 
of this program it is felt important strides forward will be made by Navajos, 




'■■■'"'■■■ ■■■-- ■!-■ —.---.- ■- - ..• <T -^-yf.'-^,ir^>^;.>*:: ■■■--■■ - r - 

£*lMl^rawh«a u ..-» u d. ,„_^„. «-**«»«. 

,~.~. _-.-_. . > .*-j.JB~.. 

BOOK I (Preprimer) 

P. 1 Baa' 

Bah (feminine name) 


Kee (masculine name) 

P. 2 



Dine 1 


P. 3 

Dibe naaki. 

sheep two 

Dine naaki. 

men two 

P. h Baa' bidibe naaki. 

Bah her sheep two . ' 

Kii bidibe naaki, 

Kee his sheep two 

P. 5 


one f s eye 

Hanix ' 

one' s nostrils 

P. 6 

Hanaa' naaki. 

one's eyes two 

Kanii' naaki. 

one's nostrils two 

P. 7 

Dibe binaa 1 . 

sheep its eyes 

Dine binaa' . 

man his eyes 

I P. 8^ 



P. 9 Dxi naad£|' dip, 
these corn four 

Dxi dine binaa 1 dip. 
this nan his eyes four 

P. 10 Dix ke naaki, 
these shoes two 

Dii Kii bikee'. 
these are Kee his shoes 

P. 12 (1) Dibe naaki. 
sheep two 

(2) Dine naaki 
men two 

(3) Dibe binaa'. 
sheep its eyes 

(If) Dine binaa.'. 
man his eyes 

(5) 3aa' bidibe dip. 
Bah her sheep four 

(6) Kii bidibe dip. 
Kee his sheep four 

(7) Naadlf' dii 1 , 
corn four 

(8) Dine binaa' d$p . 
man his eyes four 

P. 13 (9) Baa 1 bikee'. 

Bah her shoes 

(10) Kii bikee' naaki. 

Kee his shoes two 



Naadaa' naaki. 




Lrt-.-. ■ ■■„■ . 

^-.-^M^^^^^i^^^^^,^^^^^,^ ^....^^^^^a 


BOOK II (Primer) Naaltsoos Naakixgxx 

P« 1 Yoo» 


P. Baa 1 yoo 1 


Bah necklace she sees 

P« 2 Kii (masculine narae) 

Kii yoo' yoo'£, 
Kee necklace he sees 

P. 3 Baa' biyo'. 

Bah her necklace 

Dibe biyo'. 
sheep its bell 

P. h Doo yoo'£i da. 
cannot see it 

Baa' Kii yoo'£, 
Bah Kee she sees 

Kii Baa' yoo'£. 
Kee Bali he sees 

Kii dibe yoo'|. 
Kee sheep he sees 

Baa* dibe doo yoo'j4 da. 
Bah sheep she cannot see 

P. 5 Dine, 


P. 6 hanii' 

one's face 

Dine binii' 
man his face 

hanix' hanii 1 

one's waist, one's nostrils 

Dine bxnix'. 

man his nostrils 

Dine binii \ 


his waist 

Kii binxi ' . 
Kee his waist 

Dibe binxi ' . 
sheep its face 

Baa' binii'. 
Bah her face 

P. 7 '&i 

clothings (shirt, blouse, etc. ) 



ox' ee' . 
her blouse 

Dine dibe naaki yoo'£. 
man sheep two he sees 

Dine dibe biyo' yoo'<. 
man sheep its bell he sees 

Dine naad|4' doo yoo'jj da. 
man corn he does not see 

Kii bi'ee'. ' 

Kee his shirt 

F. 8 1. Kii Baa' doo yoo'^j. da. 
Kee Bah he does not see 

2. Baa' Kii doo yoo'£j. da. 
Bah Kee she does not see 

3. Baa' Kii bi'ee' doo yoo'£j da. 
Bali Kee his shirt she does not see 

P. 9 h. Kii Baa 1 biyo' doo yoo' £3. da. 
Kee Bah Her necklace he does not see 

$. Kii Baa' bi'ee' doo yoo'|j da. 
Kee Bali her blouse he does not see 

(continued on next page) 





BOOK II (Primer) Naaltsoos Naakixgxx (continued) 


6. Baa' Kii binaa' doo yoo'£j da. 
Bah Kee his eyes she does not see 

7. Baa' Kii binii' doo yoo'^ da. 
Bah Kee his face she does not see 

8. Baa ! Kii bxnxx' doo yoo'f4 da. 
Bala Kee his nostrils she does not see 

9. Kii Baa 1 bin£{' doo yoo'^j. da. 
Kee Bah her i aist he does not see 

ni shi dxx nx 
you my this she (he) 




"year necklace 11 she said 

P. 10 doo 

hanaa' doo honxi' 

one's eye and one's nostrils 

Dine doo dibe. 
man and sheep 

Baa' doo Kii. 
Bala and Kee 

Yoo' doo ke. 
necklace and shoes 

P. 11 .holp 

(to) have 

Kii bi'ee' holp. 
Kee his shirt he has 

Kii bikee' holp. 
Kee his shoes he has 

Kii biyo 1 hoi?. 
Kee his necklace he has 

Kii bi'ee' doo bikee' doo 
Kee his shirt and his shoes and 

biyo* daholp. 
his necklace he has. 

P. 12 bikaa' 'adanx 

on it which one eats (table) 

P. IS 


"Nikee" 1 

"your shoes 11 she said 

Dxx shiyo'. 
this my necklace 

Dxx shikee 1 . 
these ray shoes 

Shiyo 1 doo shikee'. 
my necklace and my shoes 

' adin 

(to) have none 

Shikee' 'adin. 

my shoes I have none 

Shiyo' 'adin. 

my necklace I have none 

Shinaa' hoi p. 
W eyes I have 

Shxnxx' h6lp. 
my nostrils I have 

Shi'ee' holp. 
my shirt I have 

Shinii' holp. 
my face I have 


her (his) elder sister 

Dxx Baa' badx. 

this Bah her elder sister 

Baa 1 bad! bikee' holp. 
Bah her elder 3 is tor her 

shoes she has 





» : 


i • 
' r 



ei«Stafc*j>„ ^._^ ^^^^^ 

BOOK II (Primer) Maaltsoos Naakiigxx (continued) 

Baa" badi biyo« 'adin. 
Bah her elder sister her 

necklace she has none 

Dxx doo Kii badx da. 
this not Kee his elder sister 

P. 17 bxnaax 

his (her) elder brother 

Dxx Kii bxnaax. 

this Kee his elder brother 

your shoes 

iJihikee ' 
our shoes 


his, her shoes 


their (3 or wore) shoes 

Dii doo niyo 1 da. 

this not your necklace 

Dxx doo ninaad^a 5 da. 
this not your corn 

Kii bxnaax biyo' help. 
Kee his elder brother his 

necklace he has. P . 20 1. Kii naadffi naaki yoo'£. 

Kee corn two he sees 

Kii bxnaax bikee' 'adin. 
Kee his elder brother his shoes 

he has none 

Dxx doo Baa 1 bxnaax da. 

this not Bah her elder brother 

P. 18 hanaa' 

one's eye(s) 

Snxnaa ' 
- my eye(s) 

t Ixnaa ' 
your eye(s) 

Bxnaa ' 

his, her, its eye(s) 

our eyes 


their (3 or more) eyes 

Dxx doo nikee' da. 
these not your shoes 

Dxi doo ni'ee' da. 
theae not your clothes 

P. 19 halcee 1 

one's shoes 

Shikee ' 
my shoes 

2. Kii dibe naaki doo yoo'^i da. 
Kee sheep two he does not see 

3. Baa bidibe d|i'. 
Bah her sheep four 

k. kii bxnaax bikee' 'adin. 

kee his elder brother his shoes 

he has none 

5. Baa' badx biyo' 'adin. 
Bah her elder sister her necklace 

she has none 

6. Kii shiyo' doo yoo'ii da. 
kee my necklace he does not see 

I. Shikee' doo shi'ee 1 'adin. 
my shoes and my shirt I have none 

3. Hi' el' doo nidibe holp. 

your shirt and your sheep you have 

9. Baa' badx bilxx' holg. 

Bah her elder sister her horse or 
her livestock she has 

P. 21 10. kii bxnaax binaa' 'adin. 
Kee his elder brother his eyes he 

has none 

11. Baa' bidibe ' naaki yoo'i. 
, Bah her sheep two she sees 

»i*ftft l fc., M ^.» JUW _-_ 


BOOK II (Primer) Haaltsoos Naaki£g££ (continued) 

12. Dine niyo 1 doo nikee' doo 
yoo'^j. da. 

wan your necklace and your 
shoes he does not see 

'Ako Kii binaai 'ani, »»Na', dii 

naad|£» ni dooleel." 
So Kee his elder brother said, 
"Here j these corn yours it will be." 

13. Kii binaai holp doo Baa 1 
badi holp, ndi Kii badi 
'adin doo Baa' binaai 'adin. 
Kee his elder brother he has 
and Baa' her elder sister she 
has, but Kee his elder sister p. 21, 1. Shinaa' 'adin. 

D66 Baa' badi 'ani, "Na«, dii dibe 

ni dooleel. " 
and Bah her elder sister said, "Here, 
this sheep yours it will be." 

he has none and Baa 1 her elder 
brother she has none 

1U. Baa' doo Kii doo Baa' badi 
dabikee 1 daholp. 
Bah and Kee and Bali her elder 
sister their shoes they have 

P. 22 Baa 1 Biyo' Baa Hane'. 
Bah Her Necklace About it Story 

Baa 1 biyo' ȣ d in. 

Bah her necklace she has none 

Baa' badi yoo'f doo t&ni, 
Bah her elder sister she sees 
and said, 

"Shadi, shiyo' 'adin" ni. 
"ray elder sister, ay necklace 
I have none" she said 

Badi 'ani, "Ha', shiyo' dii ni 

Her elder sister said, "Here, my 
necklace this yours it will be." 

Baa' 'ani, "'Alienee', Shadi," 

Bah said, "Thank you, my elder sister." 

P. 23 naadf!' doo dibe 
corn^ and sheep 

Kii binaai binaad|4« holp. 
Kee his elder brother his corn 
he has 

Baa' badi binaad||> 'adin. 
Bah her elder sister her com 
she has none 


my eyes I have none 

Binaa' do' 'adin. 

his eyes also he has none 

Binaa' holp. 
your eyes you have 

2. Kiyo'osh holp? 

your necklace (do) you have; 

{ Aoo', shiyo' 


Yes, my necklace I have 

3. 'Ad|fd44' Kii niya. 
yesterday Kee he came 

Kii 'ani, "Hane' 'adin." 

Kee said, "Mews there are none." 

Binaai doo niyaa da. 

his elder brother he did not come 

It. Hish§> hiadgf' yim?k> 

what about you where from did 

you come? 

Kindpf* niya. ■ 

town from I came ' ' . 


f>. Baa' bidibe naaki holp. 
Bah her 'sheep two she has' 

Kii Baa' bidibe doo yoo'^j. da. 
Kee Bah her sheep, he does not see 

Kii 'ani, "Haadi sha' nidibe?" 
Kee said, "Where are your sheep?" 



«-»... MMiMB 

^^^L^^as^ai^ ,- 


BOOK III (Reader) Dine Bizaad W$lta*go Bee Bxhoo'aahii 

Page 3 


ee 1 








tin cans 











it started to 





socks, a. pair 




medicineman' s 






cane, walking 








it is striped 


it began to move 


Page 5 

lAt'eed bi'ee' yoo'|. 
girl , her blouse she sees 


'Ooljee haaya. 
moon is rising 

Yadiizini naaki. 
tin cans two 

Ye' iitsoii~yadiisxni 
giant tin cans 

Ye'iitsoh yistle 


jeeh yoo':£, 

antelope gum he sees 

Jish jool biighahgi siltsooz. 
medicineman's ball beside it it lies 
Da'ak'eeh 'at'e. 
cornfield it is 



it started to buck 


Dibe 'aadoo doola da'ak'ehdi da'alchozh. 
he sees sheep and bull cornfield at they a re 

doo yoo' 11 da. Gaagii geeso yilkeed. 

giant (a pair of) socks he does not see/Crow cheese he is eating 

Ye'iitsoh yoo' doo yoo'jj. da, 
giant necklace he does not see 

Gish golchoon biyaadfg' haa'a. 

cane quilt from under it it sticks out 

-U6- ' 

■■■""''"■■--•'^fv ■ ' 

BOOK III (Header) Dine Bizaad Molta'go Bee Bihoo'>aahii (continued) 

Naad4|' naaki. 
corn two 

Ne'eshjaa' naad^' doo yoo'£'i da. 
owl corn he does not see 

Wibaal noodppz. 
tent it is striped 

Hastiin heel yoo'£. 
man bundle he sees 

Chidi hidees'naa' . 

car it started to move 

Hooghangco hidees ' naa' . 
toward the hogan it moved 

Page 6 

Dii tin 'at'e. 
this ice it is 

Dii 'azee' 'at'e. 
this medicine it is 

Dii 'atiin 'at'e. Dii 'azee' 'at'e. 
this road it is this mouth it is 

■ni 1 


jool 'at'e. 
this ball it is 


jool dii 1 . 
there are balls four 

Dii 'ats'os 'at'e. Dii hanii' 'at'e. 
this feather it is this one's face it is 

Dxi 'ats'oos 'at'e. Dii hanii' 

this blood vein it is this one's nostrils it i 


tin (ice) 
'atiin (road) 

Page 7 
'azee' (medicine) 
'azee' (mouth) 

Dii 'at'a' 'at'e. 
this wing it is 



this leaf 

it is 

dii (this, these) 
dii 1 (four) 

• ats ' os (feather ) hanii ' ( one ' s face ) 'at'a' (wing ) 
•ats'oos (blood vein) hanii 1 (one's nostrils) 'at'aa' (leaf) 

1. Dii yoo r 'at'eed biyo' , 

this necklace girl her necklace 

2. Dii yoo' dibe biyo', 
this bell sheep its bell 

3. Dii yoo' hastiin biyo' . 

this necklace man his necklace 

h. 'At'eed bizee'. 
girl her mouth 

£. Hastiin bisee'. 
man his mouth 

6. Hastiin binii'. 
man his face 

7. Dibe binii'. 
sheep its nostrils 

8. Gaagii bits'os 'at'e, 
crew its feather it is 

9. Hastiin bits' oos 'at'e, 
man his blood vein it is 

10. Nibaal 

SI §.. 


it sits 

-1*7- ■ 

—..... . __^~__i — ,«. _. _ ^1»J^., , 

- - _ , ^ . „ „, , i iiiim 

BOOK III (Reader) Dine Bizaad Wolta'go Bee Bihoo'aahii (continued) 

11. Hooghan si'|i. 
hogan it sits 

12. Dii hooghangoo l atiin. 
this to the hogan road (goes) 

13. Dii nibaalgoo 'atiin. 

this to the tent road (goes) 

lit , Dx £ da ' ak ' ehg 6 6 


this to the cornfield road (goes) 

Page 8 

! Baa' (Bah - fer.dnine name) tacheeh (sweathouse) shadi (my elder sister) 

latsini (bracelet) 
t'aala'i (one) 
iaa'ii (one) 

•akagi (pelt, skin) 'aghaa* (wool) 

k'aalogii (butterfly) zahalanii (mocking bird) 

(old one) nazhahi (cresent shaped 





Baa ' wolye . 

Bah (she) is called 

Latsini Baa' baah sitf,. 
bracelet Bah on (her) it lies 

T'aala'i beeso 'at'e. 
one dollar it is 

Laa'ii niigo bikaa' . 

one (it) saying (this) narking 

Tacheeh si 1 !, 
sweathouse it sits 

Page 9 

7. K'aalogii 'akagi yiighahgi sida. 
butterfly pelt beside it it sits 

8. Kastiin sani gish yee yigaal. 

man old one cane with he is walking 

■ 3 t 

9. Weed shadi 

girl my elder sister she saying she sits 


10, 'Aghaa' shadi be'aghaa'. 
wool ray elder sister her wool 

11. Zahalanii dah sida. 
mocking bird up it is sitting 

'Akagi t'aala'i beeso bffh 'il:^, 12. Dii nazhahi dabidii'ni. 

pelt one dollar it is worth this cresent shaped pendant we call 



Page 10 





"Shizhe'e niish nibeeso hoi 9? » T'aala'i beeso nisin. 
my father do you your money you have? one dollar I want 

"Shibeeso 'adin, shiye'." 
my money none, my son 

-U8- . 

- ■ :" 



BOOK III (Reader) Dine Bizaad Wolta'go Bee Bihoo'aahii (continued) 

hol£? " 

"Nisha' shima, niish nibeeso 
What about you my mother, do you your money you have? 

"Shi do 1 shibeeso ' adin, sh.iyaa.zh. " 
He too my money none, my son 

"Nisha' shadi* berso 2a' shaa ni'aah." 

YJhat about you my elder sister, money some give (it) to me 

"Shi do' shibeeso 'adin, sitsili." 
He too my money none, my younger brother 

"Shima sani, nisha 1 ?" 
Hy grandmother, what about you? 

"Shi t'eiya shibeeso holp. Na 1 t'aala'i beeso. " 
I only my money I have Here one dollar 

Page 11 

'Ashkii k'aa' la f yoojih. Bad.' k'aa 1 naaki yoojih, 

boy arrows some he is carrying his elder sister arrows two she is 

'Ashkii k'aa' taa 1 yoojih. 
boy arrows three he is 


Bizhe' e 



his father for (him) he made 

car lying 

Bideezhi k'aa' bee 'adin. 
his younger sister arrows she has none 

Bitsili do' k'-aa' tee : adin. 

his younger brother also arrows he has 


Badi k : aa' la 1 yoojih. 

his elder sister arrows some she is carrying 

Page 12 

T'aa. 'akodi - That is all. 

chaha' oh 

shade , 

brush shelter 











he is drinking 




tl'aaji 1 ee' 






BOOK III (Reader) Dine Bizaad Kolta'go Bee Bihoo'aahii (continued) 

Page 13 

1. Chaha'oh 

brush shelter it sits 


2. Ch'al chaha'ohdi sida. 
frog in the shade he sits 

3. lia'ii yilwol. 
coyote he is running 

h> Dzaaneez siz£. 

mule he is standing 

5>. Tsah sitfL. 
needle it lies 

7. Hastiin tlah yee 'adiltlah. 

man ointment with he rubs himself 

0. Tl'aaji'ee' 'at'e. 
pants it is 

9. I*'aa' tl'aaji'ee' bixghahgi ' xi'a. 
beeweed pants beside it it stands 

10. lip 'adl£. 
liorse he is drinking 

11. Hwaah nx. 
Hwaah she says 

6. Ts'ah bikaa'di tsah dah sita. 12. Eal'io 

sagebrush above it needle it lies 

1 ex doo dcesdoi da. 

during winter it is not warm 



Page lU 


nahast' ei. 



Hastiin yazhx tsa'aszi' haigeed. Tsa'aszi' hast|| 
man little soapweed (yucca) he is digging out Soapweed six of them 

hayxxgeed. Ch'ceh deeyaago "hwaah" ni. Kastiin yazhx tsa'aszi' 
he dug out When he was tired "hwaah" he said Man little soapweed 

yee bitsii 1 tlidoogis. Hastiin yazhx be'awee' 'aldo' bitsii 1 
with it his hair he will wash I Ian little his baby also his hair 

yee taidoogis, 
Td-th it he will wash 




in it 

into it 





bil 'abid 
sleep(noun) stomach 

doobish yibizh 

it will be boiled she is braiding it 

bi jideesbaal 

his, hers she spread it out (blanket., etc. ) on it 

bikaa 1 

dineebin jideezbaa' 

we sat downjhe is going on a raid or to wax 

~5o- • 


his tonsils 

■ ■ . -■ ■ 


Ci, jit,— i it l*ja»«lj.,., 

BOOK III (Reader) Dine Bizaad Wolta'go Bee Bihoo'aahii (continued) 

dilid sha'joolii' dishii 1 

you burn depend (this is part t burn it 

(self) of expression "I can (customarily) 
not be depended upon" ) 

I will make it 

nahalin she'aliil dishlid yishleel 

it seems my magic (my magic power) I am burning it I am becoming to 


Page 15 

'Ashkii deenasts'aa' neinilkaad. Deenasts'aa' tseebii. Deenasts'aa' 
Boy ram he is herding Rams (there are) eight Rams 

t'aa. 'altso daneesk'ah. 
all of them the; s are fat 


1 ei dibe 'aadoo tl'izi neinilkaad. 


His elder sister (she) sheep and goats she is herding Goats (there 

nahast'ei, dibe 'ei neeznaa. Tl'izi ' ei doo 'il££ da. Dibe 
are) nine, sheep (there are; ten Goats they do not worth mach Sheep 

t'ei ' il£. Tl'izi naakigo 'ashdla 1 beeso b4fh 'ii^. 
only \rorth lauch Goats two of them five dollars they are worth 


I will wash it 

(shirt, etc. ) 


I am washing it 

I washed 

it wart 


I will cut it 

(to slash it) 


I am about to cut it 

I cat it 


his wart 

I belted myself 


I washed it (car, 

etc. ) 

he washed it 

I am belted 


I sheared it (she 

2p, etc. ) 

He sheared it 

time passing 

time will pass 


up (to the higher. ■ 

time passed 

time began to pas, 



up (sa.:ie as godei) 






BOOK III (Reader) Dine Bizaad Volta'go Bee Bihoo'aahii (continued) 

Page 17 

La' Hane' ' Alts' iisigii 

A Story That Which Is Short 

'Ashkii lei' bima 'ayidiiniid, "Shima nlei 
Boy that which is his mother he said to her, my mother that one 

sha" ha'at'ii 'at'e?" 'Aad.66 bima 'ani 

what is it it is? And his mother she said cow 

"Beegashii 'at'e." 

it is 

'Ako 'ashkii ' anaadoo'niid "Ha'at'ii sha' bitsiits'iin baa 'ii'a?" 

So the boy again said what is it his head inti it it stick? 

•Ako bima 'ani "Bidee' 'at'e." ni. Hodiina'go beegashii 

So his mother said his horns they are she said After awhile the cow 

'adiiniid "moo oo!" flt'ee' 'ashkii yazhi bima, 



moo oo 


the boy little his mother he said to her 

"Shima hai bidee 'igii sha' yee 'adiiniid?" 
my mother which his horn is it with he said moo oo 


' -52- 

■ — 

