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155 East 44th Street, New York, N. Y. 

Previous generations had to venture 
forth in the darkness, groping their 
way slowly. Today, the next advance 
in the structure of society is already 
charted. You will not be able to 
remain unaffected in this greatest 
of all social constructions. Why 
not be in the vanguard? 




— A Challenge 
and a Warning 

First Five Printings 
Published by Section I, R. D, 12349, Technocracy Inc. 
Vancouver, B. C. 

Sixth Printing, March 1939 
Seventh Printing, August 1939 
Published by Continental Headquarters, Technocracy Inc. 
155 East 44th St., New York, N. Y. 

Copyright 1939, Technocracy Incorporated 

Printed in U. S. A 

Technocracy in Plain 

A WAY back in 1919, a body of scientists, 
I \ engineers and technicians known as the 
XA. 'Technical Alliance,' began a production- 
and-distribution survey and analysis of the system 
in use on the North American Continent. This 
survey was known as the 'Energy Survey of North 
America.' They gathered a great mass of informa- 
tion regarding the use of energy and the physical 
equipment of this Continental area to ascertain 
the relationship of energy consumption to the 
amount of goads and services rendered. 

Technocracy is the direct result of the work of 
this body of scientists. 

The word itself stands for the findings and con- 
clusions of this organization, and signifies a new 
and purely scientific form of social management 
which, as formulated by Technocracy Inc., is based 
solely on scientific principles and incontrovertable 
scientific facts, and can only be carried on along 
scientific lines. 

Technocracy Inc. is a legal, non-profit member- 
ship organization. 

The members of Technocracy are called 'Tech- 
nocrats.' The name 'Technocracy' is copyrighted 
and the right to use it owned exclusively by Tech- 
nocracy Inc. 


Technocracy is not the result of deliberate 
scheming or Utopian day-dreaming; in this it 
differs, as it does in many other ways, from all 
other movements. It is a new method of governing 
society that inevitably suggested itself to the re- 
search body as its analysis and survey progressed. 

If the human race on this Continent is to survive 
the crash of the Price System, Technocracy will 
have to be put into practice. And this crash will 
inevitably occur within the next very few years 
as the result of the impact of the use of extraneous 
energy on the social fabric, a process which is 
steadily throwing millions of men on the industrial 
slag heap. If the people of North America — the 
rich as well as the poor, as none are immune — 
are to escape the stark horror of famine and bar- 
barism which may follow this crash, Technocracy 
will have to save them. Only Technocracy can 
do it — Technocracy, the scientific control of all 
social functions. 

Can you visualize what such a chaotic period 
would mean? A nation-wide walk-out and panic 
would only be the start of things. There would 
be hunger, rioting, disease, and starvation — and 
deaths, probably by the million. This is Tech- 
nocracy's challenge and warning to the people of 
North America. Heed it or perish. 

Technocracy will not perish. After the inevit- 
able collapse of our stupendous financial and 
political structure, after the many palliatives have 
been tried and have failed, it will still remain. 
Technocracy is the one workable answer to the 
frightening dilemma in which we find ourselves. 
You can kill a million men, but you cannot suspend 
the laws of nature. 


What It Holds for You 

In consideration of Technocracy there are four 
major questions that will rise in the mind of the 
inquirer : 

1. What is Technocracy? 

2. What is it designed to do? 

3. How will it junction? 

4. Will it be satisfactory to all concerned? 

1. What is Technocracy? This question has 
been answered partly in this article already. 
Science is no respecter of persons and there is no 
appeal from the immutability of natural laws. 
Live according to nature's laws and you will avoid 
a lot of grief. Live contrary to her laws (or at- 
tempt to)) and you pay the price — which is some- 
times very heavy. 

2. What is it designed to, do? Technocracy, 
briefly stated, is the application of science to the 
social order. Science (through the technologists) 
has looked at the present order of things on this 
Continent and exhaustively surveyed and analyzed 
the methods of production and distribution of all 
goods and services, the energy harnessed and po- 
tential, the renewable and non-renewable resources, 
the technological equipment now in use, and the 
trained personnel which operates it. 

Science — now Technocracy — -finds that every 
man, woman, and child could have and enjoy for 
his natural lifetime a supply of goods and ser- 
vices equivalent to $20,000 per year based on prices 
in 1929, or ten to twenty times what the average 
man then enjoyed. This is a very high standard 


of living to be shared by our entire population and 
if it sounds like an exaggeration, be assured that 
our statement is easily supported by proven sta- 
tistics available to any one who cares to make the 
investigation. We shall not undertake the proof 
here, for that could not be done intelligently in an 
article of this length. 

In their researches the scientists discovered 
certain things. They did not carry any precon- 
ceptions to their task, nor did they do any guess- 
ing or theorizing as they went along. Their find- 
ings cannot be successfully refuted or denied by 
anyone and from them come concrete indications 
of the collapse of the Price System on the North 
American Continent. The evidence is positive 
and complete. There is no 'out.' The Price 
System can no longer work on this Continent. 
And by Price System is not meant merely the 
capitalistic system which is only one variety of 
the species ; it means the collapse and complete 
obsolescence of the entire method of distributing 
goods and services by means of a PRICE. 

3. How will it junction? In a Technate there 
are no such things as trading or working for 
wages. We have such an abundance of goods 
available now that they can lo longer be exchanged 
or bought or sold. They must be distributed to all 
persons without restriction in order to scientifically 
determine production and to operate the plant on 
a balanced load basis ; and to do this goods must be 
measured and not evaluated. Money cannot be 
used, and its function of purchasing must be re- 
placed by a scientific unit of measurement. 

All the goods that the people of this Continent 
can use can be turned out in a steady flow by the 
present productive equipment with each operative 

working 4 hours a day, 4 days a week for about 
165 days a year between the ages of 25 and 45, 
with complete leisure time after his 45th birthday. 

4. Will it be satisfactory to all concerned? This 
question as it involves the tastes, opinions, formed 
habits, emotions, idiosyncracies, etc., of people, no 
two alike, is the hardest to deal with. But even the 
most hardboiled and hardest to suit would prob- 
ably come to like living under a Technate. At 
any rate it is quite possible that you would have 
to take it whether you liked it or not. That would 
be rather a raw deal, wouldn't it? — to have all of 
the very things that you wanted forced upon you? 
The only way to avoid enjoying all these things — 
the full and unrestricted gifts of science, as re- 
leased by technological control — would be to com- 
mit suicide or leave the country permanently. 

Get this fact firmly: Technocracy is not advo- 
cated because it may be desirable. Technocracy 
does not deal in any way with people's emotions, or 
desires, or wishes, or dreams. All Utopian states 
in the past have been formulated by dreamers who 
started out by postulating what they thought would 
be the best or more desirable. Technocracy starts 
out with the facts at hand which indicate what the 
next most probable state of society will be, and 
whether that state will be desirable from the stand- 
point of people's opinions or not, has nothing to 
do with the question. However, and fortunately, 
it all seems to be highly desirable, even to the most 

For Technocracy, the only test is : 'Will it 
function ?' 


Would it make it any clearer or more emphatic 
with regard to the mechanization of industry and 


the displacement of manpower, and man's ultimate 
emancipation from toil — to say that a certain ma- 
chine, now in existence and working, can go out 
into the cotton fields and pick cotton so fast that 
if it were used universally it would throw five- 
sixths of all the cotton pickers out of work? Or 
to tell you that : 

There are paper making machines a city 
block long, each one of which can turn out a 
strip of paper 21 feet wide and nearly 300 
miles long in a day? There is a rotating 
machine in a dairy near New York which 
washes, dries, and milks 60 cows every 12 
minutes? Three men with a modern thresh- 
ing combine can cut, thresh, and sack 40 acres 
of wheat per day? A single unit in a modern 
brick plant has a capacity of 10,000 bricks 
per hour, and there is no limit to the number 
of units that can be installed in a factory if 
necessary? In a modern match factory one 
machine dips a million sticks with each revolu- 
tion of a wheel, a job that used to be done by 
hand? Shoe factories now have machines in 
the form of a gigantic wheel and each revolu- 
tion of the wheel completely soles 200 pairs of 
shoes ? 

But machines more astounding than these are 
being put into use in all lines of industry every 
day. It would take a small pamphlet merely to 
list some of the major developments of the so- 
called 'depression years.' You can see that by 
increasing the number of units of any of these 
machines there is no limit to the amount of goods 
that can be turned out in an incredibly short time 


and with very little or no man-energy applied. 

Is it any wonder that the machine has put men 
out of work? We can see only too clearly what 
misery that phenomenon is causing today ; but we 
also see that it is the machine which can give us 
security and leisure to enjoy life. 

These statements are not the theories and 
vagaries of engineers or inventors talking about 
machines they have in mind which they are going 
to produce some day in the future. These ma- 
chines and countless thousands more are now in 
existence and working. And day by day, as they 
whirl and roar, they are spelling out on the wall 
in fiery letters the doom of the Price System. 

Technocracy will bring out the many useful 
machines and processes that are lurking in the 
background — buried patents, and many other use- 
ful things, suppressed for financial reasons- — and 
put them to work to increase still further the 
leisure of mankind on this Continent. 

Technocracy finds that most of the human effort 
expended under the Price System is wasted effort 
and non-productive, tending only to increase the 
cost of the goods produced and prevent their wide- 
spread distribution, rather than to increase the 
quantity or supply. Technocracy will eliminate 
this waste and produce as much as possible for 
the least possible expenditure of man-energy. Pro- 
duction and distribution will be maintained on the 
basis of a balanced load ; no overproduction and no 
underconsumption . 

Think of the millions of salesmen, insurance 
agents, bankers, bookkeepers, accountants, adver- 
tising men, etc., in industry who actually produce 
nothing and only add to the cost of the goods ! 
Their services in these capacities will not be re- 


quired under the Technate. Those over forty-five 
will not be required to work any more, and those 
under twenty-five years of age will be trained in 
some really useful capacity to their liking and 
ability, and along with those now unemployed 
would be given work, reducing the individual 
working hours of all. 

Every one will have all that he can use of 
everything with no repetition of the present or 
any other form of depression. The man or woman 
who is incapable of working will be entitled to 
exactly as much as any other person, for the use 
of goods and services will in no sense be given as 
a reward for work done, but simply because the 
recipient happens to be a human being living on 
the North American Continent. 

What Would This Cost You? 

This abundance of goods and leisure can be had, 
as we said before, by every one for their lifetime 
with a minimum of work and a maximum of 
leisure, with complete leisure time after the age of 
forty-five. The working hours would be further 
reduced as time went on as new labor-saving ma- 
chinery was devised, or as the demands and desires 
of the people became less. The cost of keeping it 
after we had it would be very little in terms of 
human energy. There would be a large positive 
gain in the net comfort and well-being of every- 
one, and there would be another large gain in the 
independence and sovereignty of each individual. 
We would lose our right to vote once every few 
years, and gain a new right to vote every day, and 
as many times a day as we chose. 


Our present vote amounts to the expression of 
a choice between two or more usually dubious 
political parties, once, say, every four years. Either 
way, our vote has positively no effect on the 
actual operation of the country, for the country is 
not run by politicians anyway. The voice of the 
people through the ballot box is absolutely nil. 

The only real vote is purchasing power. What 
you buy you vote for. The people who attend 
wrestling matches in their thousands each week are 
voting for them each time they go. Every time 
you buy anything or use any service you vote for 
a continuation of that thing or service, and in this 
manner help to weave the texture of your life and 
the collective life of the country. Unfortunately 
the purchasing power of everyone today is unequal, 
which invalidates the real power of this consuming- 
power ballot. Under a Technate, however, every- 
one's consuming rights are equal (because by far 
the simplest way to distribute the right to use 
goods and services is equally) and therefore every- 
one has an equal voice in what he or she shall 
have. There are no elected politicians to spend 
your 'money' for you, so you spend it yourself and 
directly represent yourself ; nor do you need any- 
one else to help you. Each individual tells the 
Technate what shall be made, and the Functional 
Control says how it shall be made. The only dic- 
tatorship in Technocracy is in the plant, where it 
is even now. Just try and be an individualist — 
working in a factory! 

Technocracy has many other far-reaching social 
implications, benefits, and advantages which there 
is no room even to mention here. 

Any statement made by Technocracy Inc. is a 
statement of fact, not theory. Technocracy's pre- 
dictions are made with almost the same mathe- 

matical and scientific exactitude as astronomers' 
predictions of the next solar eclipse. We use the 
word 'almost' because Technocracy, unlike astron- 
omy, has to take into account the human equation 
in its calculations which might possibly cause a 
short-term variation. The predictions would ulti- 
mately come true, however, in spite of the human 
variation factor. 

Technocracy does not concern itself with human 
emotions or antagonisms, or political dogmas or 
beliefs, or with European philosophic importations. 
Technocracy does not talk in terms of what is 
known as 'economics.' Technocracy is not to be 
confused with any recovery or reform movement 
or organization either monetary, political, or other- 
wise. It bears no allegiance to and makes no com- 
promise with the Price System or anything that is 
a part of the Price System. 

Technocracy stands for reconstruction and a new 
form of control operated and directed by a Con- 
tinental Control, acting through and with each one 
of the Functional Sequences in our productive 
system. Each Sequence or industry will control 
itself from within on the basis of the requirements 
of the job and abilities of the men who are in the 
plant and naturally control it anyway. Under this 
form of control the resources of the country would 
be converted into goods and services for use only. 
Only that which was demanded by the people as 
individuals extering their right to consume would 
be produced. 

The Big Job Today 

What Technocracy Inc. is chiefly engaged in 
now is the organization of an army of trained men 


and women in the United States and Canada who, 
when the present interference controls break down 
and the intricate machinery of production and dis- 
tribution is in danger of stopping, will be able to 
prevent that catastrophe before it is too late. For 
once the mechanism were to stop completely it 
would be practically impossible to get it going 
again. There is only a few days' store of goods at 
any time in the larger urban centers of this Con- 
tinent, and in a period of hunger and madness it 
would not take long for the mob to ruin or let go 
to ruin an important part of the machinery. Even 
if they did not actually destroy the industrial plant 
it would have to be started simultaneously from 
the basic industries up since it operates as one 
inter-locking mechanism. 

Can you imagine the picture that would prevail 
if this machinery came to a dead stop? 

It is up to all who do useful things in a material 
world to get in touch with Technocracy Inc., find 
out what can be done, and be ready for any emer- 
gency that may arise. They must at least know 
why they should keep on performing their own 
particular job even in the midst of chaos, and with 
no pay. If people do not function the new civiliza- 
tion will never be ushered in. Every one of us will 
be needed on the job. 

The Symptom Doctors 

It is difficult, very difficult, for the average man 
to distinguish between the various reform organiza- 
tions which are sprouting up like weeds in these 
troublous times. However, a careful examination 
will reveal that all organizations can be divided 
into two classes. The first is composed of those 


that are trying in some way to improve the Price 
System, or are attacking it in some way or other 
to effect an improvement in its operation. (Re- 
member, by the Price System we do not mean 
capitalism. We mean the entire method of ex- 
change and barter, wages and money.) 

If you critically examine the various organiza- 
tions or movements of today, such as socialism, 
fascism, communism, social credit, the Townsend 
plan, the League for Social Justice, etc., you 
will find that they all retain the essential mechanics 
of a Price System. They are attempts either to 
remodel the monetary system or to switch controls 
from one group to another, retaining the most im- 
portant and pernicious parts of the present order. 

It is worth while to take each in turn and care- 
fully analyze it. Even if you are a member of one 
of these organizations, you should attempt to do 
this and find out how they are designed to func- 
tion. You should see clearly their lack of con- 
formity to the technological requirements of this 
Continent — requirements not duplicated anywhere 
else on earth — and you should see how incapable 
they are of putting their reforms into effect with 
any chance of success. 

If they retain any part of the Price System in 
their make-up, they can only be classified among 
the Symptom Doctors. They are dealing with 
Symptoms, and with Straw Men they have built in 
their own minds. They are not dealing with real, 
material conditions. 

If they retain within their structure one bit of 
the design that is part of the present structure and 
has caused its breakdown, you can safely discard 
them as inadequate to the problem at hand. Tech- 
nocracy Inc. is the only organization in existence 


which does not fall into the class of the Symptom 
Doctors. Technocracy is not trying to make pres- 
ent conditions any better, or to obtain any conces- 
sions from the lords-of-finance or the political- 
powers-that-be. Invariably, people who attempt to 
alleviate the present suffering of humanity wind 
up their activities in an attempt to maintain the 
system, with some slight modifications. Tech- 
nocracy will have none of this. Technocracy by its 
very nature can have none of this. The Price Sys- 
tem on this Continent is doomed. 

Technocracy is a clean break. It is perfectly in 
conformance with the physical facts at hand. You 
cannot cure a man of cancer by cutting out the 
cancer and replacing it with another, nor can you 
cure the present functional and organic evils of 
society by substituting for the present cause of our 
troubles another with any of the same deadly dis- 
ease germs in it. 


Technocracy is not out to smash anything. It 
knows thoroughly well that this Price System is 
smashing itself. Before that happens Technocracy, 
with your help, stands ready and able to save this 
Continent from ruin, and stands able to institute 
a balanced production and distribution of all goods 
and services commensurate with the available en- 
ergy and resources of the Continent. 

Technocracy shows how the high-energy civiliza- 
tion on this Continent today has made a Price 
System unworkable, and that the only System that 
is workable is functional control and direct and 
equal distribution — without a Price. 


Technocracy Inc. has nothing to sell, and is not 
out for your vote. It is merely giving you the 
facts of a dangerous situation. 

Nor, in this article, is it attempting any proofs. 
Proofs there are, and striking and overwhelming 
ones, but to have them you will have to get in touch 
with your Technocrat friends. 

Do that. Technocracy needs you. Believe it or 
not, you can help. Every able man and woman will 
be needed in the crisis now approaching so rapidly, 
and already so near. 

Of course, 'If enough of us understood the in- 
evitability of Technocracy and were prepared to 
act, we could have it right now, without having to 
wait and go through the hell that may otherwise 
check the evolutionary struggle of mankind to 
reach the much-to-be-desired state of peace, secur- 
ity, leisure, and plenty that is now within our 



Technocracy, 155 East 44th St., New York, N. Y.; 15 cents, 
$1.50 for 12 issues, $1.00 for 8 issues. 

Technocracy Digest, 307 W. Pender St., Vancouver, B. C; 
10 cents, $1.00 for 12 issues. 

Eighty-One Forty-One, 438 The Old Arcade, Cleveland, 
Ohio; 10 cents, $1.00 for 12 issues. 

The Technocrat, 1007 S. Grand Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. ; 15 
cents, $1.50 for 12 issues. 

Northwest Technocrat, P. O. Box 1003, Portland, Oregon; 
10 cents, $1.00 for 12 issues. 

The Foothills Technocrat, 305 L O. O. F. Bldg., Calgary, 
Alberta; 10 cents, $1.00 for 12 issues. 

The Northern Technocrat, Box 371, Edmonton, Alberta; 
10 cents, $1.00 for 12 issues. 

The Southwest Corner, 964 Fifth Avenue, San Diego, Calif. ; 
5 cents, 50 cents for 12 issues. 

Technocratic America, R. R. 2, Box 524, Fontana, Calif.; 
5 cents, 50 cents for 12 issues. 

The Prairie Technocrat, 342 Main St., Winnipeg, Manitoba; 
5 cents, 50 cents for 12 issues. 

The Desert Salute, Box 123, Hinkley, Calif.; Gratis. 


No political movement — 
communist, fascist, or 
democratic — is capable of 
instituting a planned econ- 
omy of abundance on the 
North American Continent 





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