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64                      THE   BRONTES
in appearance from the others. She was her
aunt's favourite. Her hair was a very pretty light
brown and fell on her neck in graceful curls. She
had lovely violet-blue eyes, fine, pencilled eye-
brows, and clear, almost transparent complexion.
She still pursued her studies, and especially her sew-
ing, under the surveillance of her aunt. Emily had
now begun to have the disposal of her own time.
" Bran well studied regularly with his father and
used to paint in oils, which was regarded as study
for what might be eventually his profession. All the
household entertained the idea of his becoming an
artist and hoped he would be a distinguished one.
" In   fine   and   suitable   weather   delightful
rambles were made over the moors and down
into glens and ravines that here and there broke
the  monotony of the  moorland.    The  rugged
bank and rippling brook were treasures of delight
Emily,   Anne  and  Branwell  used  to  ford  the
streams,  and sometimes  placed  stepping-stones
for the other two.    There was always a lingering
delight in these sports - every moss, every flower,
every tint and form, were noted and enjoyed.
Emily, especially, had a gleesome delight in these
nooks   of   beauty - her   reserve   for   the   time
vanished.    One long ramble made in these early
days was far away over the moors, to a spot
familiar to Emily and Anne which they called
4 The Meeting of the Waters/-    It was a small
oasis of emerald green turf5 broken here and there
by small clear springs ; a few large stones served
as resting-places ;   seated here, we were hidden
from all the world, nothing appearing in view but