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140                     THE   BRONTES
thoughtfulness and usefulness at home. On the
other hand there are impressions left on the minds
of some of those who, as school-girls, were at
Brussels with her, disagreeable impressions of her
abruptness and severity, and there is Sir Clifford
AUbutt's boyhood's recollection that " no one could
get on with Emily." In Branwell's portrait group,
her face is striking but exceedingly difficult to
read. It is a proud, scornful face, with an aquiline
nose and prominent mouth, set and determined.
The eyes are wide apart but there is a look in
them abstracted almost to wildness. There is a
strong likeness in features but not in expression
between Emily and Anne ; between Charlotte
and the other two there is little resemblance. Of
the three faces, Emily's is the arresting one.
Anne lived five months after Emily's death ;
she drooped rapidly from that time. A Leeds
doctor whose advice was immediately sought
pronounced her lungs to be in an advanced
tuberculous condition. Anne was as patient in
her illness as Emily had been ruthless. She had
but one longing : for the spring to come that she
might have a change of air. The spring came
but the warmer weather made her worse instead
of better. Her wish to go, nevertheless, to Scar-
borough seemed madness to Charlotte who,
accompanied by Ellen Nussey, took her there at
Whitsuntide. She was dying when she was carried
out of the Parsonage, but it made her happy to
see York, where they stayed the night, and the
Cathedral, and Scarborough and its bay once
more. She went out on the sands in a donkey