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tnmx (hat you nave made a mistake in so doing and
that this an**   mm perhaps a lack of appreciation
on your part o, the value of an University education.
One ..I   he ol,,«Tts of an Uuivendty career is to equip
the studeut lor the battle oflife, and as you grow older
you uill imcl that people are estimated in the world
by _ihe results * Inch they have obtained at the Varsity
It is a kind oi stamp upOn a man and is supposed to
indicate tue stuil of winch he is made. With a decree
you .start unu so much capital to the good, but if on
the oil >er hand having once commenced an University
career you abandon it, the fact will militate against
you in almost everything you undertake hereafter
Altnough you are nearly twenty-two you cannot be
expected yet to look at things in precisely the same
hghl as tnose who have had more experience, but
knowing as 1 do the great importance of the whole
matter I do most earnestly beg you to reconsider the
dcciMon at which you have arrived.   G. Sherston,
M.A., will rank higher than plain G. Sherston, and
the mere laet of your being able to attach the magic
letters to your name will show that whatever may be
your capabilities you have at any rate grit and per-
severance. I hope, therefore, that you will see that the
step you have taken is one of unwisdom and that
before it is too late you will carefully reconsider it
Forgive this homily, but I am sure that whether it is
to your iaste or not you will at least acknowledge that
it proceeds from a strong desire to be of use to you
from - your fimriv friend, I'ercival G. Pennett."

1( amuses me now when I think ofthe well-meaning
lawyer dictating that IvUnriu his Lincoln's Inn office,
and ofmyselfwith my ga/.e. recoiling from the wiseacre
phraseology to follow a rook which was travelling
overhead \\iih querulous cawings. Everything the