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Full text of "TheCompleteMemoirsOfGeorgeSherston"

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Colonel (having demonstrated his senior rank by ask-
ing me an adequate number of questions) willingly
allowed the Captain to suggest that they couldn't do
better than send me to Slateford Hospital. So it was
decided that I was suffering from shell-shock. The
Colonel then remarked to the Major that he supposed
there was nothing more to be done now. I repeated
the couplet under my breath. "Did you say any-
thing?" asked the Colonel, frowning slightly. I dis-
claimed having said anything and was permitted to
rejoin David.

When we were walking back to my hotel I over-
heard myself whistling cheerfully, and commented on
the fact. "Honestly, David, I don't believe I've
whistled for about six weeks!" I gazed up at the blue
sky, grateful because, at that moment, it seemed as
though I had finished with the War.

Next morning I went to Edinburgh, David, who
had been detailed to act as my escort, missed the train
and arrived at Slateford War Hospital several hours
later than I did. And with my arrival at Slateford
War Hospital this volume can conveniently be