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Full text of "TheCompleteMemoirsOfGeorgeSherston"

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able wild flowers. Red anemones, cyclamen, and
others I don't know the names of. Went back along
a glen with a cheerful stream, small but companion-
able. Birds came down there to drink. Sitting on a
stone I watched 2 men and 2 women (Arabs) driving
some small black and white cattle and two donkeys
along the other side of the stream. The cattle turned
and looked at me and their owners shouted greetings.
I waved back and shouted "Cheeroh!" The cattle-
bells sounded just right. Back in the village, lorries,
limbers, camel-columns, etc. coming and going, and
the same old business grinding on. But I felt as if I'd
escaped it all for a few hours.

March 14. Marshall and I walked up to Divisional
Supply Depot, about six miles. Then on to 25th Bat-
talion, another three miles through the usual wild
hills where the Division have been advancing lately.
Fine day. Got there about four o'clock. They are
bivouacked on a hillside, along rocky terraces. The
Colonel greeted us genially. He is a real live lord.
(Something to live up to!) I must now pull myself
together and try to be a keen young officer. Colonel
evidently thinks me efficient, owing to my M.C. and
service in France. Am second in command of "C"
Company. Only one other officer. (Company com-
mander in England on leave.)

March 15. Out from 9 till 4, with the Company,
working at roadmending. Got very wet. Before we
started the Brigadier addressed the Battalion; he
stood on the terrace above us, leaning on a five-foot
pole. He praised the men for their recent exploits in
chasing "Johnny Turk" over the hills and ended by
saying that he hoped our efforts would soon get him
a Division. The latter remark did him no good at all.

March //. Heavy rain the last two days. Am sitting