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Full text of "TheCompleteMemoirsOfGeorgeSherston"

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Autumn will bring many of them to oblivion. "It is
written that you should suffer without purpose and
without hope. But I will not let all your sufferings be
lost in the abyss/5 wrote Duhamel. That is how I feel
too; but all I can do for them is to try and obtain
them fresh vegetables with my own money, and teach
them how to consolidate shell-holes, and tell them
that "the soul of defence lies in offence"!

To-morrow morning we leave Domvast. Somewhere
between Arras and St. Pol will be our area for "inten-
sive training".

Magnicourt. May 24. "Yesterday" began at 2.30 a.m.
and ended at 11 p.m. when the Company were safely
settled down in billets after 20 miles' marching and 5
hours in the train. (Covered trucks.) We marched
away from Domvast at 5 a.m. A warm, still morning
with a quiet sunrise glinting behind us beyond the
trees and the village. Crossing the Abbevillc-St. Omer
road, we went through Crecy Forest for about 8
miles. There had been some rain in the night and the
air smelt of damp leaves and dust.

Entrained at Rue, one o'clock, and reached St. Pol
about 6.30, Marched 5 miles to billets. Strong breeze;
much colder. It has rained all to-day and the men
have been resting (the whole Company in one huge
lofty barn, with nice clean straw). I have got a room
up a lane, with churchyard view (!) and a clock tick-
ing peacefully on a shelf. Have just received orders
to move again to-morrow.

Sitting here I glance over my right shoulder at the
little row of books, red and green and blue, which
stand waiting for my hand, offering their accumu-
lated riches, I think of the years that may be in store
for me, and of all the pages I may turn. Then I look
out at the falling rain and the grey evening beyond