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Full text of "TheCompleteMemoirsOfGeorgeSherston"

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And then, unexpected and unannounced, Rivers
came in and closed the door behind him. Quiet and
alert, purposeful and unhesitating, he seemed to
empty the room of everything that had needed exor-

My futile demons fled him—for his presence was a
refutation of wrong-hcadedness. 1 knew then that I
had been very lonely while I was at the War; I knew
that I had a lot to learn, and that he was the; only
man who could help me.

Without a word he sat down by the bed; and his
smile was benediction enough for all I'd been through.
"Oh, Rivers, I've had such a funny time since I saw
you last!" I exclaimed. And I understood that this
was what I'd been waiting for.

He did not tell me that I had clone my best to
justify his belief in me. He merely made me feel that
he took all that for granted, and now we must go on
to something better still. And this was the beginning
of the new life toward which he had shown me the
way, . . .

It has been a long journey from that moment to
this, when I,write the last words of my book. And
my last words shall be these—that it is only from the
inmost silences of the heart that we know the world
for-what it is,^and ourselves for what the world has
made us- r

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