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Full text of "The Dabistan"

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An account of the lord Ktialifet, " Vicar/' of God.—
The author of this book heard from Khdjah Masdud,
the son of Khdjah MahnM, the son of Khdjah Mirshed
al hak, who was a pious master of worldly concerns,
what follows : * * My honored father said he had
" heard from his noble ancestors, that the lord of
" the faith and of the world will appear ; but he
" knew not whether that lord's time was already
** come, or will come ; meanwhile he saw him one
" night in a dream; when he rose from sleep, he
" went to the country where that august personage
ct was born, that is on Sunday of the month Rajeb
" (the seventh Arabian month), in the year of the
" Hejira949 (A. D. 1545), the lord JeW eddinAkbar,
44 the august son of Hamdyun Padshah and of the
4 * praise-worthy Bdnu Beg am was born." The writer
of this work heard also in the year of theiiejira 1055
(A. D. 1645-4), in Lahore, from Mirzd Shah Muhain-
med, surnamed Khaznin Khdn, the son of shah Baigh
Khan, with the surname of Khan Douran, a native of
Arghiin, who is said to have asked from the Navab
Aziz Koka, surnamed Khan Adzem, what observation
he had to make upon the rumor current relative to
the Lord, the inhabitant of the ninth heaven, as to
v. in.                                               4