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1670                              JOHN EVELYN

stable, had begun to trim up the keep or high round
Tower, and handsomely adorned his hall with furniture
of arms, which was very singular, by so disposing the
pikes, muskets, pistols, bandoleers, holsters, drums, back,
breast, and headpieces, as was very extraordinary. Thus,
those huge steep stairs ascending to it had the walls in-
vested with this martial furniture, all new and bright,
so disposing the bandoleers, holsters, and drums, as to
represent festoons, and that without any confusion,
trophy-like. From the hall we went into his bedcham-
ber, and ample rooms hung with tapestry, curious and
effeminate pictures, so extremely different from the-
other, which presented nothing but war and horror.

The King passed most of his time in hunting the
stag, and walking in the park, which he was now plant-
ing with rows of trees. *

13th September, 1670. To visit Sir Richard Lashford,
my kinsman, and Mr. Charles Howard, at his extraordi-
nary garden, at Deepden.

15th September, 1670. I went to visit Mr. Arthur
Onslow, at West Clandon, a pretty dry seat on the Downs,
where we dined in his great room.

17th September, 1670. To visit Mr. Hussey, who, being
near Wotton, lives in a sweet valley, deliciously watered.

23d September, 1670. To Albury, to see how that gar-
den proceeded, which I found exactly done to the design
and plot I had made, with the crypta through the moun-
tain in the park, thirty perches in length. Such a Pausil-
ippe * is nowhere in England. The canal was now digging,
and the vineyard planted.

i4th October, 1670. I spent the whole afternoon in
private with the Treasurer who put into my hands those
secret pieces and transactions concerning the Dutch war,
and particularly the expedition of Bergen, in which he
had himself the chief part, and gave me instructions, till
the King arriving from Newmarket, we both went up
into his bedchamber.

2ist October, 1670. Dined with the Treasurer; and,
after dinner, we were shut up together. I received other
[further] advices, and ten paper books of dispatches and
treaties; to return which again I gave a note under my

*A word adopted by Evelyn for a subterranean passage, from fke
famous grot of Pausilippo, at Naples.ismegistus and Zoroaster;