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Full text of "The Diary Of John Evelyn Vol-2"

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1672-73                           JOHN EVELYN

5th March, 1673. Our new vicar, Mr. Holden, preached
in Whitehall chapel, on Psalm, iv. 6, 7. This gentle-
man is a very excellent and universal scholar, a good
and wise man; but he had not the popular way of
preaching, nor is in any measure fit for our plain and
vulgar auditory, as his predecessor was. There was,
however, no comparison "between their parts for pro-
found learning. But time and experience may form him
to a more practical way than that he is in of University
lectures and erudition; which is now universally left
off for what is much more profitable.

i5th March, 1673. I heard the speech made to the
Lords in their House by Sir Samuel Tuke, in behalf of
the Papists, to take off the penal laws; and then dined
with Colonel Norwood.

i6th March, 1673. Dr. Peiarson, Bishop of Chester,
preached on Hebrews ix. 14; a most incomparable ser-
mon from one of the most learned divines of our nation.
I dined at my Lord Arlington's with the Duke and
Duchess of Monmouth; she is one of the wisest and
craftiest of her sex, and has much wit. Here was also
the learned Isaac Vossius.

During Lent there is constantly the most excellent
preaching by the most eminent bishops and divines of
the nation.

26th March, 1673. I was sworn a younger brother of
the Trinity House, with my most worthy and long-ac-
quainted noble friend, Lord Ossory (eldest son to the
Duke of Ormond), Sir Richard Browne, my father-in-
law, being now Master of that Society; after which there
was a great collation.

2pth March, 1673. I carried my son to the Bishop of
Chichester, that learned and pious man, Dr. Peter Gun-
ning, to be instructed by him before he received the
Holy Sacrament, when he gave him most excellent
advice, which I pray God may influence and remain with
him as long as he lives; and O that I had been so
blessed and instructed, when first I was admitted to that
sacred ordinance 1

3oth March, 1673. Easter day. Myself and son re-
ceived the blessed Communion, it being his first time,
and with that whole week's more extraordinary prepa-
ration. I beseech God to make him a sincere and admirably well,