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Full text of "The Diary Of John Evelyn Vol-2"

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1675-76                      JOHN EVELYN

2oth February, 1675-76. Dr. Gunning, Bishop of Ely,
preached before the King from St. John xx 21, 22, 2^
chiefly against an anonymotis book, called « Naked Truth »
a famous and popular treatise against the corruption in
the Clergy, but not sound as to its quotations, supposed
to have been the Bishop of Hereford's and was answered
by Dr. Turner, it endeavoring to prove an equality of
order of Bishop and Presbyter.

27th February, 1676. Dr. Pritchard, Bishop of Glou-
cester, preached at Whitehall, on Isaiah, v. 5, very alle-
gorically, according to his manner, yet very gravely and

29th February, 1676. I dined with Mr. Povey, one of
the Masters of Requests, a aice contriver of all elegancies,
and exceedingly formal. Supped with Sir J. Williamson'
where were of our Society Mr. Robert Boyle, Sir Chris-
topher Wren, Sir William Petty, Dr. Holden, subdean
of his Majesty's Chapel, Sir James Shaen, Dr. Whistler,
and our Secretary, Mr. Oldenburg.

4th March, 1676. Sir Thomas Linch was returned from
his government of Jamaica.

16th March, 1676. The Countess of Sunderland and I
went by water to Parson's Green, to visit my Lady Mor-
daunt, and to consult with her about my Lord's monu-
ment. We returned by coach.

19th March, 1676. Dr. Lloyd, late Curate of Deptford,
but now Bishop of Llandaff, preached before the King,
on i Cor. xv. 57, that though sin subjects us to death,
yet through Christ we become his conquerors.

23d Mar6h, 1676. To Twickenham Park, Lord Berke-
ley's country seat, to examine how the bailiffs and serv-
ants ordered matters.

24th March, 1676. Dr. Brideoake, Bishop of Ghiches-
ter, preached a mean discourse for a Bishop. I also
heard Dr. Fleetwood, Bishop of Worcester, on Matt.
xxvi. 38, of the sorrows of Christ, a deadly sorrow caused
by our sins; he was no great preacher.

3oth March, 1676. Dining", with my Lady Sunderland,
I saw a fellow swallow a knife, and divers great pebble
stones, which would make a plain rattling one against
another. The knife was in a sheath of horn.

Dr. North, sou of my Lord North, preached before
the King, on Isaiah liii. 57, a very young but learned