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DIARY OF                            LONDON

with that swiftness, and in so small a compass, as was
admirable. With all this so gentle and tractable as
called to mind what I remember Busbequius, speaks of
them, to the reproach of our grooms in Europe, who
bring up their horses so churlishly, as makes most of
them retain their ill habits. They trotted like does, as
if they did not feel the ground. Five hundred guineas
was demanded for the first; 300 for the second; and
200 for the third, which was brown. All of them were
choicely shaped, but the two last not altogether so perfect
as the first

It was judged by the spectators, among whom was the
King, Prince of Denmark,, Duke of York, and several of
the Court, noble persons skilled in horses, especially Mon-
sieur Faubert and his son (provost masters of the Acad-
emy, and esteemed of the best in Europe), that there
were never seen any horses in these parts to be compared
with them. Add to all this, the furniture consisting of
embroidery on the saddle, housings, quiver, bow, arrows,
scymitar, sword, mace, or battle-ax, £ la Turcisq; the
Bashaw's velvet mantle furred with the most perfect
ermine I ever beheld; all which, ironwork in common
furniture being here of silver, curiously wrought and
double gilt to an incredible value. Such and so extraor-
dinary was the embroidery, that I never saw anything
approaching- it. The reins and headstall were of crimson
silk, covered with chains of silver gilt. There was also
a Turkish royal standard of a horse's tail, together with
all sorts of other caparisons belonging" to a general's
horse, by which one may estimate how gallantly and
magnificently those infidels appear in the field; for noth-
ing could be seen more glorious. The gentleman (a Ger-
man) who rode the horse, was in all this garb. They were
shod with iron made round and closed at the heel, with
a hole in the middle about as wide as a shilling- The
hoofs most entire.

18th December, 1684. I went with Lord Cornwallis to
see the young gallants do their exercise. Mr. Faubert
having newly railed in a manage, and fitted it for the
academy. There were the Dukes of Norfolk and North-
umberland, Lord Newburgh, and a nephew of (Duras)
Earl of Feversham. The exercises were, i, running at
the ring; 2, flinging a javelin at a Moor's head; 3, dis-ET, ii. 989.cules, fight with the Centaurs,