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Full text of "The Diary Of John Evelyn Vol-2"

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Nothing" was so   delightful   to  her  as   to  go into my
Study, where she would willingly have spent whole days,
for as I said she had read abundance of history, and all
the  best  poets,   even   Terence, Plautus, Homer, Virgil,
Horace, Ovid; all the best romancers and modern poems;
she could compose happily and put in pretty symbols, as
in the ^Mundus Muliebris,J> wherein is an enumeration of
the immense variety of the modes and ornaments belong-
ing to  the  sex.    But all  these are vain trifles   to   the
virtues which adorned her soul;  she was sincerely reli-
gious, most dutiful to her parents, whom she loved with
an affection tempered with great esteem, so as we were
easy and free, and never were so well pleased as when
she was with us, nor needed we other conversation; she
was kind to her sisters, and was still improving them by
her constant course of piety.    Oh, dear, sweet, and desir-
able child, how .shall I part with  all this goodness  and
virtue without the bitterness of sorrow and reluctancy of
a tender  parent!    Thy  affection, duty  and  love  to  me
was that of a friend as well as a child.    Nor less dear to
thy mother, whose example and tender care of thee was
unparalleled, nor was thy return to her less conspicuous.
Oh!  how she mourns thy loss!   how  desolate  hast thou
left us!    To the grave shall we both carry thy memory!
God alone (in whose bosom thou art at rest and happy!)
give us to resign thee and all our contentments (for thou
indeed wert all  in this  world)   to his  blessed pleasure!
Let him be glorified by our submission, and give us grace
to bless him for the  graces he  implanted in  thee, thy
virtuous life, pious and holy death, which is indeed  the
only comfort of our souls, hastening through the infinite
love and mercy of the Lord Jesus to be shortly with thee,
dear child, and with thee and those blessed saints like
thee, glorify the Redeemer of the world to  all eternity!

It was in the ipth year of her age that this sickness
happened to her. An accident contributed to this disease;
she had an apprehension of it in particular, which struck
her but two days before she came home, by an impru-
dent gentlewoman whom she went with Lady Falkland
to visit, who, after they had been a good while in the
house, told them she has a servant sick of the smallpox
(who indeed died the next day): this my poor childwere sick, so as she was exceedingly beloved ofe of James II.,»