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DIARY OP                           LONDON

gentlemen, or princes. It consisted of minatures, draw-
ings, shells, insects, medals, natural things, animals (of
which divers, I think 100, were kept in glasses of spirits
of wine), minerals, precious stones, vessels, curiosities in
amber, crystal, agate, etc.; all being very perfect and rare
of their kind, especially his books of birds, fish, flowers,
and shells, drawn and minatured to the life. He told us
that one book stood him in -£300; it was painted by
that excellent workman, whom the late Gaston, Duke of
Orleans, employed. This gentleman's whole collection,
gathered by himself, traveling over most parts of Europe,
is estimated at ^8,000. He appeared to be a modest and
obliging person.*

2pth December, 1686. I went to hear the music of the
Italians in the new chapel, now first opened publicly at
Whitehall for the Popish Service. Nothing can be finer
than the magnificent marble work and architecture at the
end, where are four statues, representing St. John, St.
Peter, St. Paul, and the Church, in white marble, the
work of Mr. Gibbons, with all the carving and pillars of
exquisite art and great cost. The altar piece is the Sal-
utation; the volto in fresco, the Assumption of the blessed
Virgin, according to their tradition, with our blessed
Savior, and a world of figures painted by Verrio. The
throne where the Zing and Queen sit is very glorious, in
a closet above, just opposite to the altar. Here we saw
the Bishop in his mitre and rich copes, with six or seven
Jesuits and others in rich copes, sumptuously habited,
often taking off and putting on the Bishop's mitre, who
sat in a chair with arms pontifically, was adored and
censed by three Jesuits in their copes; then he went to
the altar and made divers cringes, then censing the im-
ages and glorious tabernacle placed on the altar, and now
and then changing,place: the crosier, which was of silver,
was put into his hand with a world of mysterious cere-
mony, the music playing, with singing. I could not have
believed I should ever have seen such things in the King
of England's palace, after it had pleased God to enlighten
this nation; but our great sin has, for the present, eclipsed
the blessing, which I hope he will in mercy and his good
time restore to its purity.

*TMs collection was afterward purchased by Sir Hans Sloane, and
new-forms part of the British Museum. ..,'••d to do.                                                    J* ^ that he could do none of Worcester he would have no further com-