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268                                DIARY OF                                LONDON

endeavor with the Lords of the Treasury to be favorable
to him.

My Lord Arran, eldest son to the Duke of Hamilton,
being now married to Lady Ann Spencer, eldest daughter
of the Earl of Sunderland, Lord President of the Coun-
cil, I and my family had most glorious favors sent
us, the wedding being celebrated with extraordinary

i5th January, 1688. There was a solemn and particu-
lar office used at our, and all the churches of London
and ten miles round, for a thanksgiving to God, for her
Majesty being with child.

22d January, 1688. This afternoon I went not to church,
being employed on a religious treatise I had undertaken.

Post annum 1588—1660—1688^ AnnusMirabilis Tertius.*

3oth January, 1688. Being the Martyrdom day of Zing
Charles I., our curate made a florid oration against the
murder of that excellent Prince, with an exhortation to
obedience from the example of David; i Samuel xxvi. 6.

12th February, 1688. My daughter Evelyn going in
the coach to visit in the city, a jolt (the door being not
fast shut) flung her quite out in such manner, as the
hind wheels passed over her a little above her knees.
Yet it pleased God, besides the bruises of the wheels,
she had no other harm. In two days she was able to
walk, and soon after perfectly well; through God Al-
mighty's great mercy to an excellent wife and a most
dutiful and discreet daughter-in-law.

17th February, 1688. I received the sad news of my
niece Montague's death at Woodcot on the isth.

i5th March, 1688. I gave in my account about the
sick and wounded, in order to have my quietus.

23d March, 1688. Dr. Parker, Bishop of Oxford, who
so lately published his extravagant treatise about tran-
substantiation, and for abrogating the test and penal
laws, died. He was esteemed a violent, passionate,
haughty man, but yet being pressed to declare for the
Church of Rome, he utterly refused it. A remarkable

The French TYRANT now rinding he could make no
proselytes among those Protestants of quality, and others,
whom he had caused to be shut up in dungeons, and

*Thls seems to have been added after the page was written.n, having been five weeks absent with mv brothernheer Diskvelts, the