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Full text of "The Diary Of John Evelyn Vol-2"

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DIARY OF                            LONDON

January, 1698-99. My cousin Pierre point died. She
was daughter to Sir John Evelyn, of Wilts, my father's
nephew; she was widow to William Pierrepoint, brother
to the Marquis of Dorchester, and mother to Evelyn
Pierrepoint, Earl of Kingston; a most excellent and pru-
dent lady.

The House of Commons persist in refusing more than
7,000 men to be a standing army, and no strangers to be
in the number. This displeased the Court party. Our
county member, Sir R.. Onslow, opposed it also; which
might reconcile him to the people, who began to suspect

iyth February, 1699. My grandson went to Oxford with
Dr. Mander, the Master of Baliol College, where he was
entered a fellow-commoner.

19th February, 1699. A most furious wind, such as
has not happened for many years, doing great damage to
houses and trees, by the fall of which several persons
were killed.

5th March, 1699. The old East India Company lost
their business against the new Company, by ten votes in
Parliament, so many of their friends being absent, going
to see a tiger baited by dogs.

The persecuted Vaudois, who were banished out of
Savoy, were received by the German Protestant Princes.

24th March, 1699. My only remaining son died after a
tedious languishing sickness, contracted in Ireland, and
increased here, to my exceeding grief and affliction; leav-
ing me one grandson, now at Oxford, whom I pray God
to prosper and be the support of the Wotton family.
He was aged forty-four years and about three months.
He'had been six years one of the Commissioners of the
Revenue in Ireland, with great ability and reputation.

26th March, 1699, After an extraordinary storm, there
came up the Thames a whale which was fifty-six feet
long. Such, and a larger of the spout kind, was killed
there forty years ago (June 1658). That year died Cromwell.

3oth March, 1699. My deceased son was buried in the
V-ault at Wotton, according to his desire.

The Duke of Devon lost ^£1,900 at a horse race at New-

The King preferring his young favorite Earl of Albe-
marle to be first Commander of his Guard, the Duke ofhose death