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Full text of "The Discovery Of The Child"

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H           A          P           T           E           R           Vli



ONE point which I think it is well to clear up for teachers is the dis-
tinction to be drawn between the nutritive part of the bodily system,
and the part which functions in bringing us into relationship with the-
environment and the organs with one another. The former depends-
on the circulation of the blood, the latter on the nervous system.

The nervous system can be distinguished as consisting of the
main sympathetic nervous system, which specially controls the-
visceral functions and which is closely linked up with emotional
states; and the central nervous system with its infinite ramifications-
of nerves which, proceeding from the sense organs, place these-
centres in communication with the external world, and by termi-
nating in muscles establish the dependence of these on the will..
We need no other indications than those of the emotions and the-
will to convince us that the sympathetic system is subordinate to-
and dependent on the other. And that, above all, ought to be
considered by anyone whose aim is education.

The question which occupies us at the moment, however, is
to bring for a moment under our attention, in then* entirety and