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THE EXERCISES                              161

(&) A board resembling (a), but covered with alternating
strips of smooth and rough paper.

(c)  A similar board having strips graduated from roughness
in decreasing stages towards smoothness.

(d)  A board on which are placed papers uniform in size
and varying in smoothness from parchment to the smooth card-
board of the first board.

These boards, which keep immovable the different objects to
be touched, serve to prepare the hand for touching things lightly^
in addition to giving lessons in identifying differences in a
systematic manner.

The child, with his eyes closed, strokes the different areas of
the board and thus begins to measure distances by the movement
of his arm.

As in many of the exercises which are called sensorial, the sensi-
tive stimulus is a means of leading to the determination of movements.

To follow this first series, I have prepared movable material,
each part constituting a group by itself and therefore determining
a separate exercise.

The collections comprise:

(a) Smooth cards of varying grade,
(6) Graduated sandpaper cards,
(c) Fabrics of different kinds.

This material is used in the usual way, that is, by mixing up
the objects of a series, proceeding sometimes in pairs, sometimes
in graduated order.

The fabrics are duplicated in pairs and are kept in a special
little cupboard which contains velvet, silk, wool, cotton, linen, net^
etc. The children are able to learn the names of these materials.

All the above-mentioned exercises are carried out with the
eyes bandaged.


. I utilize for this exercise various small metal receptacles, of
ovoid shape and hermetically closed.   Using warm water at a