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Full text of "The Dynasts : Parts First And Second"

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SCENE ii                  PART SECOND
The first change under the cloak of night is that the tightly packed regiments on the island are got under arms. The soldiery are like a thicket of reeds in which every reed should be a man.
A large bridge connects the island with the further shore, as well as some smaller bridges. Opposite are high redoubts and ravelins that the Austrians have constructed for opposing the passage across, which the French ostentatiously set themselves to attempt by the large bridge, amid heavy cannonading.
But the movement is a feint, though this is not perceived by the Austrians as yet The real movement is on the right hand of the foreground, behind a spur of the isle, and out of sight of the enemy; where several large rafts and flat boats, each capable of .carrying three hundred men, are floated out from a screened creek.
Chosen battalions enter upon these, which immediately begin to cross with their burden. Simultaneously from other screened nooks secretly prepared floating bridges, in sections, are moved forth, joined together, and defended by those who crossed on the rafts,
At two o'clock in the morning the thousands of cooped soldiers begin to cross the bridges, producing a scene which, on such a scale, was never before witnessed in the history of war. A great discharge from the batteries accompanies this manoeuvre, arousing the Austrians to a like cannonade.
The night has been obscure for summer-time, and there is no moon. The storm now breaks in a tempestuous downpour, with lightning and thunder. The tumult of nature mingles so fantastically with the tumult of projectiles that flaming bombs and forked flashes cut the air in company, and the noise from the mortars alternates with'the noise from the clouds.
From bridge to bridge and back again a gloomy-eyed figure stalks, as it. has stalked the whole night long, with the restlessness of a wild animal. Plastered with mud, and dribbling with rain-water, it bears no resemblance'to anything dignified or'official.- The figure is that of NAPGtioN, urging his multitudes" over. • ' ; '•.           • •' ' • ' ' . •
By daylight the great mass of the men is across the water. At six "'the* rain ceases, the mist uncovers the face of the sun, which bristles on the helmets and bayonets of the French. A hum of amazement rises from the Austrian hosts, who turn staring faces southward and perceive what has happened, and the columns of their enemies standing to arms on the same side of the stream with themselves, and preparing to turn their left wing. ' ' • • ' '' . •' ."•'•'•' ..
NAPOL&ON rides along the front of his forces, which now spread out upon the plain, and are ranged in order of battle.
Dumb Show ends, and the point of view changes.