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Full text of "The Dynasts : Parts First And Second"

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SCENE i                  PART SECOND
There have been such approachings ; more, worse luck. Last week Champagny wrote to Alexander Asking him for his sister—yes or no.
What " worse luck " lies in that, your Majesty, If severance from the Empress Josephine Be fixed unalterably ?
This worse luck lies there : If your Archduchess, Marie Louise the fair, Would straight accept my hand, I'd offer it, And throw the other over.    Faith, the Tsar Has shown such backwardness in answering me, Time meanwhile trotting, that I have ample ground For such withdrawal.—Madame, now, again, Will your Archduchess marry me or no ? That is, will her good sire assent thereto ?
Your sudden questions quite confound my sense! It is impossible to answer them.
Well, madame, now 111 put it to you thus : Were you in the Archduchess Marie's place Would you accept my hand—and heart therewith ?
MADAME METTERNICH I should refuse you—most assuredly!1
1 So Madame Metternich to her husband in reporting this interview.    But who shall say !
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