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126                   THE EGYPTIAN PROBLEM                CHAP.
tative in Cairo would henceforth take charge of the relations between the Egyptian Government and the representatives of f oreignPowers. The Note further placed it on record that the Capitulations " are no longer in harmony with the development of the country/' though their revision would be most conveniently postponed till the end of the war. In the paragraph dealing with " the field of internal administration " it was stated that: " it has been the aim of His Majesty's Government, while working through and in the closest association with the constituted Egyptian Authorities, to secure individual liberty, to promote the spread of education, to further the development of the natural resources of the country, and, in such measure as the degree of enlightenment of public opinion may permit, to associate the governed in the task of government. Not only is it the intention of His Majesty's Government to remain faithful to such policy, but they are convinced that the clearer definition of Great Britain's position in the country will accelerate progress towards self-government."
The Note concluded with an assurance that " the religious convictions of Egyptian subjects will be scrupulously respected," and that " His Majesty's Government are animated by no hostility towards the Khalifate," to which past history showed the loyalty of Egyptian Mahomedans to have been quite independent of any. political bonds between Egypt and Constantinople.
This Note was doubtless quite suitably drawn for a diplomatic chancery, but not for a more unsophisticated public. Had it been translated into more popular language and widely circulated, it might have done something to allay the not unnatural apprehensions of a people, alien to us in race and religion, who found their destinies settled for them suddenly without any warning or consultation. But nothing of the kind was done, whilst a great deal, on the other hand, was done to lend colour to the sinister interpretation which our ill-wishers hastened to place upon the Protectorate.ish Represen- incorporatinghe visit which heocialf light railways and the introduc