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Emigrant j&rltttm* (itottc, 








Between the 10th November, 1858, and the 12th April, 1859. 


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No. 1.] 


[Price 3i>. 

fhc Emigrant gtoUtwrs' fedte. 

'•THAMES C1TV," NOVEMBER Gtb, 1838. 

Eat. 20.58 N. Los. 20.11 W. New Moon, Nov. 
5th, at 4h. 48m. p. m. 

We liave started on a long voyage for a distant 
land, with no prospect for several months of any fresh 
faces to be seen, or any fresh beef to be eaten, unless 
our tender hearted Captain, mindful of our infirmities, 
can be prevailed upon to put in at some pleasant and 
productive port by the way. A life at sea must of ne- 
cessity be always to a great extent monotonous, and we 
shall no doubt often find the time slipping lazily by, 
witli a faint breeze, and at the rate of not more than 
a knot or two an hour, notwithstanding the glorious 
days of sunshine we look forward to in the tropics, 
and the clear starlight nights of the southern hemis- 
phere. But we know, all of us, that, of our duties 
to one another, the chief is at all times, and never 
more so in our own cases than now, a constant feel- 
ing of brotherly love nnd kindness, a resolution to 
avoid offence, a desire to please and be pleased, and a 
readiness to contribute, each in his ability, to the com- 
mon fund of content and cheerfulness. Shakespeare 
says that ''A merry heart goes all the day," and we 
trust that in this respect ours may be found at the end 
of the voyage to have kept time as truly as the Cap- 
tain's chronometer. As one means towards this de- 
sired end, a thoughtful friend on shore, whose name 
should be held in honor mining us, has provided us 
with the means of establishing a small Newspaper, to 
be kept up by our own contributions. Eet us set about 
it with good will and heartiness. Some little amuse- 
ment and instruction will be sure to fullow. Any tri- 
lling matter recorded now it will be a pleasure to refer 
to hereafter as a memorial of the peaceful and happy 
days of our vo}'age, contrasted with the turmoil and 
excitement that await us in the Colony of British 

The present year has been a very remarkable one. 
The youngest as well as the oldest of our readers will 
always look back with feelings of astonishment anil 
satisfaction at the number of events, social, political, 
and otherwise that have crowded on one another in 
quick succession during the portion of year 1858 lliat 
has already elapsed. The launch of the Leviathar, 
the relief of Lucknow and Cawnpoie and the suppres- 
sion of the Indian mutiny, the Princess Royal's mar- 
riage, the completion of the Persian and Chinese wars, 
the extension of our Telegraphic communication, the 
appearance of the Comet, the visit of the Queen to 
Cherbourg, the extraordinary vintage, the discovery 
of gold in abundance in British Columbia leading to its 
improved colonization, are all confirmatory of our 
opening seiitcnce, and possess the additional charm to 
Englishmen that nearly all of them have ended in in- 
creasing their power and strengthening their resources. 
But on this Cth day of November an event has occur- 
red which far outstrips in importance those previously 
mentioned, and adds the as yet crowning gem to the 
wonders of this wonderful year. We allude to the 
birth of the Emighaxt Soldiers' Gazette & Cape Horn' 
Chronicle. Our readers have doubtless often read in 
English newspapers short paragraphs headed "Death 
of a contemporary," in which in a few but pithy words 
are described the birth, rise, decline, and ultimate 
death of the contemporary in question, and it is a sin- 
gular fact that in no instance do Editors allude to the 
birth of a contemporary until it has ceased altogether 
to exist. If however our Office were in England in- 
stead of in Lat. 21 N., Long. 20 W., so remarkable 
an event as the birth of the E. S. G. and C. H. C. 
could not fail to call forth remarks from all sides, al- 
though only a "birth." True the remarks would be 
various. Those on the one hand from superior Editors, 
quaking though the latter would necessarily be at 
the prospect of rivalry from such an array of talent, 
would, written in an apparently generous spirit, give 
us encouragement and congratulate the world and our- 
selves on the event, while on the other hand the in- 
ferior class of Editors would give vent to their feel- 
ings in petty and malicious spite. As however we 
are now beyond the reach of either encouragement or 
discouragement, we will proceed at once to congratu- 
late our friends on the completion of arrangements 


which place in their bands a weekly periodical unri- 
\ ailed inr tin.- soundness of its political views, the 
discretion and unbiassed opinion shown in nil its criti- 
cisms en poblie oventa, ond its keen ami turate taste 

r. ir literature ami the arts. In conclusion, we earnest- 
iv appeal to all interested in oar success to give their 
hearty nnpporl to tliia interesting publication, and 
Feel anre that provided each does his best, the produc- 
tion nftlta rare talent hitherto lying dormant on board 
the Thautt Ciiy cannot fail to ensure a long life and 
glorious success to the EmaRAST Soldiers' Gazettb 



itndy of Nature is one which ought to inter- 
■ the rnosl listless of observers at all times, but if 
there is one time more calculated than another to in- 
spire man with reflections on the wonders and 
bean ties of the world we live in, and till his mind with 
feelings of gratitude towards the Architect of the 
Universe for his bountiful goodness in arranging all 
things for the good of his creatures, it is when, like 

selves, lie is on a long voyage traversing the vast 
and boundless ocean, when' at times nothing is dis- 
cernible around him but the wide circumference of 
water and tin- vast canopy of Heaven apparently 

Bring the waters at the boundary commonly known 
as the horizon. With the exception of the ship be- 

;!i oar feet, we are entirely surrounded by natural 
objects. We have beneath and around us the briny 
deep, calm, smooth, and unrtiHled at one moment, bois- 
terous, tiaming, and angry at another; we have over 
mtr heads the spacious firmament, at times presenting 
beautiful rich blue even curtain, and at others dis- 
playing the most dismal looking black clouds, fore- 
warning n» of heavy rains, furious winds and tempes- 
tuous sens. Then again we cannot help feeling inter- 
ested in the animated creatures which constantly pre- 
sent themselves to our view. Scarcely a day passes 
without our attention being called to some poor little 
wandering bird whose appearance is be unexpected as 
it is mysterious, or to some one of the numerous finny 
tribes which frequently follow vessels for several hours 
at a time in the hope of picking up scraps of food for 
their subsistence, and which in the clear waters of 
the .southern seas are visible many feet below the ship's 
keel. Now though we all of us more or less see and 
observe these objects, still how few there are who 
think of enquiring into their nature and habits, and 
who ask themselves why and wherefore the winds 
blow, the waves rise, the clouds form, the rain falls, 
fee. The object of our paper being to afford us all 
amusement, instruction, and useful information during 
the voyage, I propose contributing such information 
as will tend to illustrate the nature and habits of such 
fish and birds as may happen to come across us during 
the week, and the causes and effects of the various 
natural phenomena which will constantly present 

mselvea in the course of our voyage, constituting 
in facta "Journal of the Natural History of the 
Since the 17th of October last, the day on which 

we left the Downs, we have sailed nearly 1700 miles 
in a Southerly direction, vis : towards the Equator, 
and have experienced great varieties of wind and 
weather. We are in a totally different climate from 
that in which we were the day we sailed, and the far- 
ther we progress in our course, the more we are made 
sensible of our approach to the hottest regions of the 
globe. On Thursday, the 8rd inst., about 4 p, m., we 
passed into the 23rd degree of north latitude, and may 
fairly be said to have entered the tropics. It is within 
these regions, viz : the space included bel ween 2S\ degrees 
north, and 23i degrees south of the eqnati r, that the 
trade winds(a somewhat narrow belt of calms prevailing 
near the line) prevail. These winds generally blow 
with regularity from one direction, viz: from the north- 
east above, and the south-east below the line, although 
their strength varies according to the locality and sea- 
son of the year. They are called trade winds on ac- 
count of the facility they afford to commerce. Wen- 
it not for these winds, vessels might be for months 
and months becalmed without making progress, and 
losing valuable and irrecoverable time. Lot us now 
enquire into the causes of these winds. In the tropi- 
cal regions the sun is almost vertical, that is, lie pours 
his rays in an almost pe pendicular direction on the 
surface of that portion of the globe included in those 
regions, rendering the air in these parts of extreme 
tenuity, and lighter than the air in colder latitudes. 
Now we all know that if we light a fire in a grate and 
open the door or window of the room, a thorough draft 
is produced. The air which is heated by coming in 
contact with the lire becomes lighter and rushes up 
the chimney, and cold air takes its place, which like- 
wise gets heated and disappears in the same manner. 
Thus a constant stream of fresh sir passes from tin- 
window into the grate, and this is kept, up as long Of 
the fire remains alight, and the chimney is kept free 
from any obstacle which might hinder its escape. It 
is precisely on this principle that a draft is produced 
on the surface of the globe. The heated air in the 
regions of the equator may represent the air that 
passes through the grate, wiiich being extremely light 
rises upwards, and the cold air from the north and 
south poles which rushes towards ihese regions to 
supply its place, constituting the trade wind, may re- 
present the air which enters the room through the 
door or window. If the earth were a fixed object, the 
direction of the trade winds would be due s< nth and 
due north, but we all know that the earth revolves oil 
an axis from west to east, and let US observe how this 
revolution changes the direction of the current of air. 
As the air on the surface of the globe is free and 
moveable, it (\~»-s not acquire the same velocity as the 

solid parts of the earth, and it is consequently left 
behind : the effect of this is, that an apparent motion 
in a contrary direction (i. e. from east to west) is giv- 
en to it, which, combining with the one already pos- 
sessed by the polar enrrent, makes the direction of the 
northern trade northeast, and that of the southern one 
south-east. The two currents thus funned merge 
into one which takes an easterly direction. The divid- 
ing line however is not exactly at the equator, but a 
little to the north of it Much more might be said on 


the subject, but it is hoped that the foregoing remarks 
may suffice to explain that wonderful provision of na- 
ture, which we may look forward to as a source of 
progression for several days to come. 


It is an old and a very true saying that " Time ami 
Tide wait for no man." 

Years roll on and anniversaries come round in reg- 
ular succession, with no possibility of their progress 
being stayed by any human effort. The 5th of Novem- 
ber has just passed, a day which Ave cannot refrain 
from briefly noticing, famous as it is for the miracu- 
lous preservation of a King, Court, and Parliament 
from destruction by a pang of desperate conspirators, 
in the year 1605. In all countries, and in none more 
so than our own, the various events of which anniver- 
saries are celebrated arc brought vividly to our re- 
membrance by the observance of old forms and cus- 
toms. Yesterday for instance, in England, in every 
town or village capable of producing a i'uw dozen 
small boys, might have been seen grotesque figures, 
supposed to represent the conspirator, Gny Fawkes, 
curried about triumphantly, hatless, bootless, coatless, 
or otherwise, according to the peculiar tastes of the 
boys in question. Whether the image represents the 
pope, a cardinal, a soldier, a sailor, an old clothes-man, 
or even Calcraft himself, it is all the same to the boys 
provided (he Guy (we cannot call him Guy Fawkes) 
looks as horrible a miscreant as possible, their great 
end and object being, after carrying him about all the 
morning, subject during the exhibition to be kicked, 
cuffed, pelted, and sometimes even decapitated, in a 
manner that defies description, to bear him off, and 
make a final end of him the same night in a large 
bonfire, V'l ing and screaming with exultation at the 
just punishment inflicted on so atrocious a conspirator. 
So much for Uuy Fawkes. Since the year 1854, how- 
ever, we have other great cause to remember this an- 
niversary, for it was on the 5th of November in that 
year, that England's heroes fought so manfully and 
successfully in the valley of Inkerman. to support the 
honor and glory of their country. Let the memory 
of the brave fellows who fell on that day he honored 
among us, and mnj we ever continue to respect, hon- 
or, and value those who remain, i.nd at all times let us 
keep in mind that if we have cause to remember with 
thankfulness the preservation of King James I. and 
his parliament on the 5th of November, 1605, we 
have equal cause for thankfulness to that Providence 
which gave success to our arms, and for gratitude and 
respect to the brave heroes who fought and bled in 
their country's cause at liikernian, on the 5th of No- 
vember, 1854, 

0'on;r. t ipoiuli'nn\ 

To the Editor. 
Sir, — I find in a work on the early events of crea- 
tion that the date of the birth of Adam and Eve is 
4004 B. C, that Cain slew his brother Abel in 4000 

B. (.'., and that the city of Enoch was built in the same 
year. As Cain could not have been more than four 
years of age and Abel still younger, by whom could 
the above city have been built? 1 wonder what dura- 
tion of time composed the year? If you can give van 
any information on the subject through your Chronicle, 
I shall feel greatly obliged, 

I am, Sir, your obedient servant, 


fjteoal and gftitifarg IntelKgcnije. 

The last detachment of Royal Engineers for service in Brit- 
ish Columbia sailed finally from the Downs at 10 p. m.. on 
Sunday, the 17th nit., on board tile clipper ship Thames ('■■". 
557 tons, commanded by Captain Glovbr. The detachment 
consisted of 2 Officers, 1 Staff Assistant Surgeon, IIS Non- 
commissioned Officers and Men. .".1 Women, and 34 Children, 
the whole under the command of Captain II. II. LUARD, It. E. 
The vessel left (Jiavcsend on Sunday, the Kith nit, but was 
detained wind-bound in the Downs from the 12th to the 17th. 

Doting tho 1 ta - 1 \nrk. 



Mil. < llii'i, 


.".1st . 

. 300 111' X. , 

. SB0 28> W. . 

. 8.30.0 >» 65 m 



;»S 32'X. 

. Jl°10/W. . 

. BJ9.00W.114tn. 

* • 


. ■J'V.'ll'N. 

. -jno.TW. 

&3S.0OE. 130 in. 

1 • 


. £'>°58'X. . 

. Mtt, . 

. &83jOOB.83ra. 



. 2SP4& X. 

. 1T°JS'W. . 

. EU&0OK. 109 m. 

1 • 


. •J-.'OIS'X. . 

. I8°82'W. . 

. S.iii.ikiW. 101 hi. 

4 * 

tit 1 1 

. 2U°58'X. . 

. XfiWW. . 

. S.4.S.00W. K'-l in. 

Course and distance to Antonio, (Cape do Verd Island) S. 
51 W., 357 m. 

To day at noon we have completed n distace of 1800 miles-, 
counting from the Lizard light, in Cornwall, in a uttalght 
line fcr our destination. 


Oct. 28th. The English 15ari[iie British Empire, in lot 3& 
00 N\, Long. 10.30 W., from London for Vancouver Island. 

Nov. 1st. The English Ship Currie Mulzic, in Iat. 28.00 X., 
long. 21.10 W., from Liverpool, for llmavia, 19 days out. 

Nov. 2nd. The English Ship Blenheim, in lat. 27.00 X., 
long. 20.10 W., from London, bound for Bombay with troops, 
22 days out. 

Nov. 5th. The English Barque Eleanor Dixon, in lat. 22.14 
N. long. 18.38 \\\, from Liverpool, bound for Arica. (Peru) 
21 d»vs out. 


On the 25th ultimo, the nift of Acting (Quarter SffMtar Betfaint I>. B. 

(i-iim lit. EL k., <>f ■ dtngbtsr. 

&o (Torrcspoiulcnts. 

In future, contributor! of Leading Article! on any subject «/■•- 
requested to send them in to the Editor by noon every Thurs- 
day, and all other contributions should be sent in by 8 o'clock 
the tame evening, to give ample time for publishing the paper. 

Any person willing to answer letters addressed -To the Eilitor.' 
are invited to do so, addressing their answers in the same man- 

The answers to Charades and Conundrums will be published th> 
Saturday after they appear, and any person guessing an an- 
swer, may learn on application to the Editor or Sub-Editor n 
he is right or wrong. But it ie hopea correct guetseri wilt 
keep their secret. 


£oiigs and Jjtoftrg. 


(.-!(> tl Bonny Dundee") 

] We nre bound for the lan<l where the awift mpMs flow. 
Where tiic mountain* bow high, uvl are crested with rmow. 
When tin- bufflo roomi free, In tin soft sunny Hlmtlu, 
Ami the bold forest stretches o'er valley and gUdc. 

Then hurra' for Columbia, Columbia the fur, 
For the pear, and the plum, and the apple are there; 
And who shall dare say that we'll ever repine, 

Aa we Lsagb, dame, and sing o'er the juice of the vine. 

'J We arc bound for the land where all nature roams free. 
By the Praser'a bold Hood rolling down to the sea; 
Where the rod lavage yells BU "war whoop" o'er the plain, 
In hie mantle of »hin, of the hrute he has slaiu. 

Then hnrrV for Columbia, Ac. 

:; We are bound for the land whore the cataracts roar. 
Where we'll spear tbe sweet salmon «^ npward they soar] 
When the bright glancing stmbeanu awaken the morn. 
We'll bring down with our rifle the Klfc and Bighorn. 

Then hurra' for Columbia, At. 

4 Though my muse sings of comforts and JOTS that are there, 
There are dangers, but none we're not willing to dare; 
And though perils surround ns aa upward we go, 
.Mill upward we'll climb to those regions of snow. 

Then hurra' fur Columbia, &c. 

We'll teach the red savage tbe use of the spade* 
And his plough-share shall turn the rich mould of tl 
And his anvil shall ring, tho' In- v 8 ige looks grave. 
As we tell Of Old Bngbtnd, the free and the brave. 

Then hurra' fur Columbia, Ac 



A friend of mine, who has iui universal contempt for poetry 
and poete in general, was engaged one day in an animated 
argument with me on this subject, and after putting down the 
w hole race of poets as thorough humbugs, and ridiculing the 
flight deviations in grammatical construction, order, &c. 
which we all know necessarily exist in poetry, gave rue the 
following lines composed by himself, as illustrative of his 
idea of the sort of humbug produced by poets in general. 
Whether they are humbug or not, I leave my readers to de- 

"As I have seen on Alps recunils.-nt height. 
The storm-fed lion pulverise the light: 
So have I seen nn enigmatic bat, 
Fly through the zenith in a slip-shod hat. 

Down where wild mountains rollth' Imperial barge. 
Have to great Hancock's men peculiar charge; 
To drive full tilt against subjunctive mood, 
And fatten padlocks on antarctic food." 



' 'Whom Pagans rank with Gods above, 

Whom wiser mortals only love; 

Which high in air now pours its song, 

Now sink* the ooean'a depths among, 

Kollows a wedding from the dour, 

Goes to the grave a corpse before; 

Touch it and like magic still, 

Up starts an agent to your will. 

Hut, if you try to make it speak, 

It thrusts its tongue between its cheek. 

Adam and Kve had one between them, 

Hut wc in every house have seen them. 

First iu the church its warning voice to raise, 

First nt a ball to lead tho circling maze, 

Full of brief facts, though brief its age, 

Its life unfolds a sporting page; 

Kach dume the title clainiB, though each 

Would just as soon be called a witch. " 

i One monosyllabic word answers the whole of the above lines.) 

♦ — •«— ♦ 


"My first although 'tis very bright, 
Oh may my second never see, 
For if my character then you write, 
My third" the initial letter 'd be. 

Then tf to these my fourth you add, 
A time it i« when man M be 
Not to ieek and secure the four 
Of him who crushed my first of yore. 

An hyphon here! my fifth has wings, 
Five and six a child oft sings; 
Five to seven girl* wear, 1 think, 
My last the drunkard hates to drink. 

Hut for my whole, oh sad the fate 

Of many a person now alive; 

A compound word with letters eight, 

With hyphon joined 'twixt four and five.' 


I. Why is the visitor we expect at the Equator like a man 

looking for the philosopher's stone? 

II. When is a sermon like a kiss? 

III. Which is the most unequal battle, in point of numbers, 

that has ever been fought? 

Jolics, &c. 

In taking a walk one afternoon when it happened to be raining. I saw a 
man fishing under a bridge. On enquiring of htm why he fished their, bi< 
reply was, "Och! sure yer honor, and WoUld'llt the list, be after getting out 
of tiie wet as well as yourself?" 

An Knglishinan and a Welshman were disputing one day in whose C01U1-. 
try was the best living. "There la inch noble honec -keeping In Wales, " 

said Tatty, ' 'that I have known above a dozen cooks employed at one wed- 
ding dinner." * 'Ay," answered John ltoll, ' 'that was because every man 
toasted his own cheese I" 

A Professor at the Woolwich Academy was lecturing a vein 
or two since on the properties of dog-wood. He began by 
stating that he "did'nt know what the word derived it3 name 
from, or why it should be called dog-wood." Owe of the young 
gentlemen remarked that it might perhaps be on account of 
its "bark.'' 

The Leahked Scotchman. — A lady once asked a very silly 
Scotch nobleman how it happened that the Scotch who left 
their own country were, generally speaking, men of greater 
ability than those who remained at home. "Oh madam." 
said he, " the reason is obvious. At every outlet there arc 
persons stationed to examine all who pass, that, for the hon- 
or of the country, no one tony be permitted to leave it who is 
not n man of undcrstandipg." '■ Then," said the lady, "I 
suppose your lordship was smuggled out." 

Prodigy at Sea. — On the night of the 1st inst., on board 
the troopship Thames City*? bonnd for British Columbia, a col- 
ored lady gave birth to no less than twelve children at the 
one time. No precise information respecting the paternity in 
this case has been given, bat the infants when born wore till 
of a mottled hue, being blnek about the face am! cars, with 
light spots on different parts of the body. To herald the ap- 
proach of this phenomenon, a star of rare beauty and great 
magnitude is said to have appeared for several successive 
nights in the western heavens. 

P. S. — The children are, with their mother, doing ns well 
as can reasonably be expected. 

A Frenchman who dabbled a little itiliteratarc and politico 
but who was not particularly distinguished in either depart" 
ment, came over to England with a swann of other ragamuf- 
fins on the outbreak of the last revolution. An eveuing or 
two after he arrived he found himself in cunipany at an even- 
ing party with Douglas Jerroltl, to whom he repeatedly ex- 
pressed his anxiety respecting the fete of M. Gui/.ot,"! wish." 
quoth he, "I could be certain that Guizot was safe, I wotilii 
take a great interest in him. We are in the same boat sir. we 
are in the same boat," which he kept repealing so often that 
Jerrold told him at last that it was possible enough they might 
be in the same Boat, but that they certainly had not got the 
same Skulls. 

The publication of the Emiokast Soimsks' Gazkttb axi> Cap* Hon* 
Chronicli was commenced yesterday at a p. m. , and was completed at 4 p. 
in. this day. Published at tho Editor's Office, Starboard Front Cabin, 
" Thames City." 



%\> fa) \s \ \ \s & 


!S T o. 2.] 


[Price 3d. 

%\n Emigrant JSfltdwrs' fee% 

"THAMES CITY," NOVEMBER 13th, 1858. 

Lat. 9.34 N. Lon. 23.00 W. Moon's First Quar- 
ter, Nov. 13th, at 8h. 43m. p. m. 

There is a great tendancy observable in most of the 
districts of England to do away with, or treat lightly, 
the holiday customs of good old times, but we believe 
that this is by no means so much the case at sea; for 
although the festive occasions proper to that element 
are far from numerous, yet, such as they are, they seem 
to become, like the peculiarities of a seaman's lan- 
guage, a part of his profession, and to keep their hold 
upon his mind with a tenacity equal to that of limpets 
and barnacles. A question bearing directly on this 
subject is on the eve of presenting itself to the con- 
sideration and judgment of the high authorities on 
board. We allude to the nature of the reception to 
be given to the great monarch of the deep, who in a 
few days may be expected to come and visit us, riding 
in his carriage of state, with his wife on one side and 
his trident on the other, his august person decorated 
in the most approved style of ancient mariners since 
the days when Noah first became a sailor ; that is to 
say, with a beard as venerable as Theodore's or a polar 
bear's, and with a pair of trowsers and a waistcoat of 
the same pattern and dimensions as those worn in the 
Downs by our friend the Deal Boatman. His Majesty 
is coming to welcome us to his ancient dominions, 
and, as his custom has been since his kingdom, has 
been acknowledged by all sea-going vessels, he will 
no doubt demand a tribute from every one who has 
not before passed his frontier line. From the great 
pillar of the Church downwards, we trust that no one 
will be found recreant enough to hang back on this 
solemn occasion, but that one and all,' like men, will 
bring forward without a murmur the month's accumu- 
lation of hair upon their chins, rendering unto Neptune 
the red, black, and grizzly beards, which are his law- 
ful perquisites. The Scotch nobleman alluded to in 
last week's paper, (who at the time of reading attract- 
ed the attention of one of his distinguished country- 

man) contrived, as the story goes, to cross the English 
border by a species of successful smuggling, but 
nothing of the same kind it is hoped will be attempted 
in the present case. It is hoped also that the state 
razors to be employed during the ceremony will be of 
a fine temper and not too deeply notched, and that 
plenty of salt water (and a little grog) will be provi- 
ded for the entertainment, with an ample supply of 
lather, manufactured from marine soap, tar, a few 
trifling collections from the sheep pen, and other mar- 
itime perfumes. 

As we are now fairly within the Tropics, where 
habits of cleanliness are of the greatest importance, 
we have thought it advisable to offer a few remarks 
on the sanitary condition of the "City." In doing so 
we are happy to bear testimony to the energetic and 
praiseworthy exertions of our worthy Chief Commis- 
sioner of Health, Captain Glover. Our present object 
is to call the attention of our readers to the filthy 
condition of the locality known as ''Long-boat Square, 
where, notwithstanding the personal exertions of the 
Chief Commissioner, the inhabitants cannot be pre- 
vailed upon to keep themselves respectable. We beg 
to inform our readers that it was at No. 1, Long-boat 
Square that the prodigy took place, an account of 
which appeared in our last number. But it is more 
to Nos. 2 & 3 that our remarks apply. It is very 
curious, though no less a fact, that the Cackles living 
in No. 2, ground floor, seem quite grateful at first for 
the bountiful supply of clean water with which the 
Commissioner's men freely deluge them, but soon 
their inherent love for dirt returns, and they express 
themselves quite disgusted with the cleansing opera- 
tion. Mrs. Swine and family, living in No. 3, ground 
floor, excel in filth the whole street, and are in fact a 
disgrace to the neighbourhood; their quarrelling and 
fighting, more especially at their meals, calls for the 
constant interference of the "Watch" or Police of the 
" City." It is a curious fact that not one of this nu- 
merous family has ever been known to die a natural 
death, and they have been transported by tens and 
twenties from under the same roof. Some maiden 
ladies of the name of Bleat occupy the upper story of 
Nos. 2 & 3, but to them our remarks do not apply, 
for though they are rather dirty, and very lazy and 


sleepy, yet when we take into consideration that they 
are olil maids, and very likely disappointed in life, we 
are bound to say they live a very quiet Inoffensive life. 
A certain Mrs. Nanny G., a lady from Wales, also 
lives with them. We have been told that she is a 
very old resident in the "City," at present separated 
from her husband and under the protection of a gen- 
tleman of color. Early on the morning of Wednesday 
the 10th instant she gave birth to twins, who with 
their mother are doing as well as can be expected. 
On the present eventful occasion Mrs. <■. is extremely 
unfortunate in the absence of her husband, to whom 
she is denied the joy of presenting this double pledge 
of her affection. A enrly beaded young gentleman of 
the name of Barker has been observed peeping out of 
the window, but we musl east do reflections on him. 
In conclusion we hope our brother citizens will vigor- 
ously assist our worthy Chief Commissioner in keeping 
Long-boat Square in as cleanly a condition as the 
dirty disposition of the inhabitants will permit. 


In our last number the trade winds formed the subject 
of our remarks. During the past week we have accom- 
plished 886 miles, and it is to the prevalence of these 
winds that we owe our rapid progress towards our 
final destination. I would now beg to draw your at- 
tention to the consideration of a beautiful phenomenon 
which none of us can have failed to have observed, 
and which has exhibited itself in great splendour since 
our entry into the tropical seas. 1 allude to that pe- 
culiar luminosity of the water known as the "Phos- 
phorescence of the Sea." This appearance is common 
to all seas, being observable In the frozen ocean of 
either pole, and under the burning Line, in the Atlan- 
tic, and in the Pacific : still there seem to be greater 
intensity and brilliancy in the appearance of the phe- 
nomenon in the tropical seas than in colder climates. 
No sooner has night descended, than on every portion 
of the surface of the ocean we have ocular demonstra- 
tion of the existence of light. Whether we look over 
the stern, and observe the beautiful line of yellow 
light that marks our wake, consisting of innumerable 
sparks of varying form, size, intensity, and duration, 
or whether we mark the broad flashes of light from 
the surface of the waves, appearing and disappearing 
with the rapidity of lightning, either gives us certain 
proof of the universal existence of the luminosity of 
the ocean. Let us now enquire into the cause of this 
extraordinary and beautiful phenomenon. Many very 
interesting observations have been made on these 
luminous appearances, and there seems to be no doubl 
that to a very large extent they are produced by 
minute living animals, amongst which larger and 
more brillant species may be seen swimming in splen- 
dour, some like balls of living tire, others like waving 
bands of flame. Numerous experiments have been 
made at different times and on different seas by various 
Naturalists, on the origin of the light. "Dr. Baird 
drew a bucketful of water and allowed it to remain 
quiet for some time, when, upon looking into it in a 
dark place, the animals could be distinctly seen emit- 

ting a bright speck of light. Sometimes this was 
like a sudden flash, at others appearing like an oblong 
or round luminous point, which continued bright for a 
short time, like a lamp lit beneath the water and mov- 
ing through it, still possessing its defined shape, and 
then suddenly disappearing. When the bucket was 
sharply struck on the outside, there would appear a 
great number of these luminous bodies, which retained 
their brilliant appearance for a few seconds, and then 
all was dark again. They evidently appeared to have 
it under their control, giving out their light frequent- 
ly at various depths in the water, without any agita- 
tion being given to the bucket.'' M. Ehrenburg, a 
very eminent Naturalist, has made some interesting 
observations on the origin of the phosphorescence of 
the sea, and has mentioned several minute animals as 
luminous. The Medusa, commonly known as the " 
blubber," is luminous, and gives rise to the bright 
globes of living lire previously descril ed. On making 
experiments, it was found that several remote medo 
of various species gave out light, which seemed to be 
more vivid on any extraordinary excitement of the ani- 
mals. A drop of sulphuric acid being put into a glass 
of water several bright Hashes of light were seen 
One of the little animals was taken up in a drop of 
water on the point of a pen, when, a drop i facia 
ilig added, it gave out a momentary spark and instant- 
ly died. In the British seas a great deal of the light 
is owing to the presence of an exceedingly minute ani- 
mal, which does not exceed the one-thousandth part 
of an inch in diameter. There can he no doubt tic 
fore that the main source of oceanic cffulgi nee is t. 
found in the countless millions of minute animals that 
throng the sea, but which are invisible without the aid 
of high microscopic powers; and truly, when, from 8 
lofty station on board our ship, we Burvey a space of 
many Bquare miles, and see every portion of its sur- 
face gleaming aial Hashing in living light; or mark the 
pathway of the vessel ploughing up from fathoms deep 
her radiant furrow, so filled with luminous points that, 
like the milky way in the heavens, all individuality 
lost in the general blaze, and relied that, wherever OB 
the broad sea that furrow happened to be traced, 
result would he the same, we can scarcely conceivt 
more megnificenl idea of the grandeur and the un- 
imaginable immensity of the creation of God. 

\ :i KA1.1ST. 


(in Honda; hist, considerable excitement prevailed in the 
vicinity of Long-boat Alley, In consequence nf the discovery 
of the body of s middle-aged gentleman suspended l>y the 
heels with his throat cnt from cur to cur. An inquest was 
immediately held on the body. It was ;" first (bought tin t 
the unfortunate gentleman hud committed jimmrclde, and, 
Knt lor the position of the body, such doubtless would have 
been the verdict. Una of the witnesses, (a respectable towns- 
man of ours, formerly a bntcher, bnt who, finding business 
iic^ sufficiently remunerative, wisely retired) said In his 
dence that the ruffian or ruffians luul endeavored t<> Bever the 
jugalar vein, but. not succeeding In their horrid purpose, had 
tried to ti ml Its whereabtfuts by inserting ■ finger Into the 

WOUttd, and had actually poked the vein in question out of 

the way, thereby causing several unsuccessful attempts st 

decapitation by more formidable instruments. Three Knives 


were found near the body; one, that doubtless by which the 
first cut was inrficted, answered the description of a glazier's 
putty knife (great sensation); the second bore evident marks 
of having lately been used to cut up salt junk ; the last was 
a horrible looking weapon measuring three feet six inches and 
one-eighth in the blade. The name of the deceased is at 
present unknown. One of the witnesses said that he had 
formerly been known by the name of lamb, and was about to 
pass as mutton. A voice in court bawled out that he had not 
the slightest claim to the latter. The jury retired but could 
not arrive at a verdict of wilful murder, inasmuch as our be- 
fore-mentioned townsman (being one of them) said that the 
deceased had been for some time in indigent circumstances, 
had parted with some of his clothing, and was in a very bad 
state of health; in fact, he believed the wounds he had re- 
ceived had only accelerated his death. It is believed he has 
relatives at or near Rio Janeiro, also parties at the sameplace 
by the name of Steer, who, if they cannot give information 
respecting his family, can at least give some satisfaction to 
the yearning bowels of those amongst whom he latterly re- 

and Clothing with his lady. The band of the Royal Engin- 
eers, which was in attendance, played the most favorite se- 
lections in their usual masterly style, and the entertainment 
was protracted to an early hour. 

gjtaral and Itltlifanr Intelligence. 


During the past week. 
Latitude Longitude. Miles Run. 
Kov.Tth . . 19°1S'N. . . 22° WW. . . B.W.VCW. U0 m. 
"8th . . 17°43'N. . . 24°39'W. . . S.W.1i\V. 163 m. 
" 9th . . loOftfl'N. . . 2o°58'W. . . S.YV.bS. 128 m. 
" 10th . . U°28'N. . . 2S°55'W. . . S.91m. 
" lltll . . ]'-X>59'N. . . 25°40'W. . . S.3iE. 91 111. 
"12th . . 11°9' N. . . 23°30'W. . . SJIWE. 168 m. 
"13th . . 9°44'N. . . -23,° W. . . s.bE.%E. Ml m. 

To-day at noon we were 612 miles in a S.bE. J Easterly 
direction from the point at which it is proposed to cross the 

sided. Should any vessel be proceeding that way, we would 
strongly advise the Captain to put into that or some adjacent 
port for humanity's sake. A would-be wag, seeing the crowd, 
asked what was the matter, and on being told that it was a 
dead body, exclaimed, " Why of course any one can see it is 

(fomun drums. 

IV. What were Jonah's sensations when the whale was in tho 

act of swallowing him? 

V. Why are Clergymen like ladies? 


To the Etlitor. 
Sir, — For the information of" Enquirer," it may be observ- 
ed in reference to the chronology of events recorded in the 
sacred Scriptures, that there is some obscuritv,and hence some 

VI. Why is crinoline like a passionate man? 


I. Because he is a sea king (seeking) what never was. 

II. AVhen it has two heads and a practical application. 

III. That in which forty thousand Russians fought a(t)inkcr- 


diversity of opinion upon the subject. The most generally 
received chronology is that of Archbishop Usher, which may 
be found in Oxford and Cambridge Bibles with marginal ref- 
erences. According to Usher, the creation of Adam took 
place 4004 I!. C, and the death of Abel 3875 B. C, the build- 
ing of Enoch having the same date. The data from which 
scripture chronology is determined consist of notices of the 
ages of Patriarchs at the birth of their eldest sons, (vide 
Gen. V.) allusions to periods of time interspersed through- 
out the sacred volume, and certain historical events, the dates 
Of which may be accurately determined from profane history: 
where these sources fail, recourse is had to Jewish tradition- 
ary writings. Allow me to hint that either ''Enquirer" must 
have made a mistake when consulting his book, or else the 
book is erroneous, probably the latter. 

$o Correspondents. 

1 . Any person guessing answers to Chardes or Conumdrums art: 

requested to send them to the Editor's Office that they may be 
published for the edification of the community at large. 

2. We beg to remind contributors of the last paragraph of the, no- 

tice originally circulated, in which "It is hoped that contribu- 
tors of songs will also sing them for the better appreciation of 
their merit." N. B. One week alloiccd for preparation. 

3. It is hoped that those of Neptune's children who have not al- 

ready passed his boundary will make a point of not shoeing 
during the present week. 

I am, Sir, your most obedient servant, 


gRarhct Intelligence. 

ctfashioniible ^ItdcIUgcnre. 

PRESERVED MEAT? & SOUPS — Very scarce and in great demand, On 
account of the arrival of Suet last week, there is no scarcity of that arti- 
cle in the market. 

TEA, COCOA, SUGAR, RICE, RAISINS, & FLOUR— Plentiful at present. 

REEF * PORK— Plentiful. 

MUTTON— Scarce. 

PORTKR — Is in great demand, hut, on account of the monopoly, there U 
little chance of o supply being obtained. 

WINF:S. — Sherry was in great demand during the last week, but on the 9th 
instant it went off in a very mysterious manner. 

On Thursday evening last, a grand ball was given in the 
"City," whicu was very numerously attended. Amongst the 
company we noticed the General Coinmanding-in-Chicf, with 
his two Aides-de-Camp, Sir George Can't, the Inspector of 
Infantry, and lady, the Gold Sticks in waiting to the Com- 

mander-in-Chief and his Aides-de-Camp, with their ladies, 
and many other distinguished personages. The Chief Com- 
missioner of Scales, Weights and Measures officiated as 
Master of the Ceremonies. The star of the evening, however, 
was Miss Matilda Wide-a-Wake, the beautiful and accomplish- 
ed daughter of old Wide-a-YVake, commomly known as the 
King of the Cnnnibal Islands. We believe a matrimonial al- 
liance between this distinguished heiress and Sir John Wood- 
bine, one of Her Majesty's Inspectors of Machinery, is in 
contemplation. Amongst those who had the honor of being 
invited, but were unable from various causes to attend, were 
the Admiral Commanding-in-Chief and his lady, the Arch- 
bishop of our "City" and his lady, the Inspector General of 
Hospitals, Her Majesty's Collector of Customs for the Colony 
of British Columbia, and the Chief Commissioner of Stores 


Theatre Royal, " Thames City." 

rpIIE MANAGER of the above Theatre begs to announce to the public of 
J- this city and the neighborhood that he has completed arrangements fur 
a series of performances of a highly interesting nature, and ventures to 
hope that, being supported by a company of performers of rare owl well 
known abilities, he will be able to give universal satisfaction. The perform- 
ances will commence shortly, and on the lirst occasion will be presented 
the Farce, in two Acts, entitled 

fll, ©a©©©[lKl® fKllI kOMIia'"' 


49- further particulars will be given in the Bmall bills. 

Alfred R. Howbe, Manager. 


£ongs and gerirg, 

(Pobk.) MATILDA. 

1 Who wraps iiur wounds mid liciila our sores, 
On pain tin- beJni of comfort pours, 

Ami Icne&dj up boluflefl by scores? 


2 Wlio opens that mysterious trunk, 
Ami bean a draught to every bonk, 
still quit*- rcM-u'iiiy nibbles junk:' 


3 Who trips along the slippery dock, 

With outstretched arms and lengthened neck, 
And goes to Dumber one i'"r peck? 


4 S-e le.w tin- liltli- IciIkj slie dances, 
Anil casts on it endearing glances, 

J say Bne walks I dont say she prances, 


5 Bee the sweet babe upon her lap, 
She plaits Its hair and sets it* cap, 
She gives it everything but pap, 


6 Forgive me, sweet, tor what I've said, 
My muse sings fun, by her I'm Led, 
Tho 1 married twice, you'll die a maid, 


7 Your kindness to each heart has sank, 
Of old and young Of every rank, 
YoUT OUp of phyilO all have drank, 


8 Now if you should offended be, 
Keep up the fun and writs on me, 
I'll bear the joke right pleasantly, 


-» ♦ » 


1 'Twas in the Atlantic ocean, in the Equinoctial gales, 

That a man he did fell overboard, among the sharks and whales, 
His ghost appeared unto ma, saying * 'Weep no mors tor me, 
For I'm marri-cd to a mermaid, at the bottom of thi 

(Chorus.) Kule Britannia, Ac. 

l Z The dancers of the spacious deep, which unto me befel, 
'Tis utterly impossible for Language for to tell, 
lint now from debt and drinking, and naxvlsh fear Tin free, 
Sinoe I'm marri-od to a mermaid at the bottom of the mm. 

Rule Britannia, &<•. 

3 Surprised'will h<- my comrades, and the friends i know'd mi bhore, 
And my poor parients, whom alas I'll never set.' no more, 

To hear that 1'vf been Bummonsded away so suddenly, 
And marri-ed to a mermaid at the bottom of the sea, 

Kule Britannia, Ac. 

4 'Tis true for to refresh myself, no baccy now i gets, 

But of course, as with respecl to that myself l never frets, 

Pot all your earthly joys air unmateria] t<> me, 

.Since I'm marri-ed to a mermaid at the bottom of the aea. 

Kule IJiitannia, &c. 

(The spirits of the marincrc here waxetk pathetic.) 

r> A broken sixpence in my chest, likewise a lock of hair, 
To Sally, I BOlIcitlse that you will wifely bear, 
And you'll tell to my true lover as how it was necessity, 
As made me marry this 'ere mermaid at the bottom of the sea." 

Kule Britannia, &c. 

G J see'd and I hoar'd the drrrrr-ownded man, and ray jints with terror 
1 axed him no questions, 'cos since thevords my lips forsook, [shook, 

Hut immediately 1 swowmbd, and be suid no mote to uie, 
Hut he dived back to his mermaid at the bottom of the wm. 

Singing Kule Britannia, Ac. 




My first and last two Islands on the sea express, 

My second sounds the word without my first at all. 

My third is saved from Nature's own most lovely dress, 

Fourth the initial of what Adam caused by tall. 

Fifth stiuids for that which it and the remainder spells, 

Hixtli much quicker made if sol the gloom dispels, 

Seventh in song bold sailors loudly bawl, 

first and last are one, so I pray you tell me all. 


Cut off my head and singular T act, 

Cut off my tail and plural I appear, 
Cut off my head and tail, I'm nought intact, 

My whole a fish to epicures most dear. 

JoluJS, &t. 

Bon-Mot. — A barrister was married lately in Londou to a 
lady of the name of Rodd. A facetious friend who had been 
to the ceremony, taking leave of the bridegroom, who was 
about to start for the wedding tour.remarked to him that if he 
"spared the rod" it was just possible that he might "spoil 
the child." 

A Uunaway Wife. — An Irish gentleman, whose lady had 
absconded from him, cautioned the public against trusting her 
iu these words, "My wife has eloped from me without rhyme 
or reason, and I desire that no one will trust her on my ac- 
count, for I'm not married to her." 

Habitual Thirst. — A soldier on trial for habitual drunken- 
ness was thus addressed by the President, "Prisoner you have 
heard the prosecution for habitul drunkenness, what have you 
to say in defence?" "Nothing plase yer honor but habitual 

Advantage of Politeness. — An Irish Officer happened one 
day to be making a bow at the moment a cannon ball passed 
over his head and took off that of a soldier who stood behind 
him. "You see," said he, "a man never loses by polltem 

A Letter written during the Rebellion, and bint by an 
Irish M. P. to his Friend. — My dear Sir, having now a little 
peace and quietness, I sit down to inform you of the dreadful 
bustle and confusion we are in from these bloodthirsty rebels, 
most of whom are, thank God, killed and dispersed. We are 
in a pretty mess, can get nothing to eat. nor any wine to 
drink, except whiskey, and when we sit down to dinner we are 
obliged to keep both hands armed. Whilst I write this letter 
I hold a sword in each hand and a pistol in the other; I con- 
cluded from the beginning that this would be the end of it, 
and I see I was right, for it is not half over yet; at present 
there are such goings on that everything is at a stand. I 
should have answered your letter a fortnight ago, but I only 
received it this morning; indeed hardly a mail arrives safe 
without being robbed; no longer ago than yesterday the coacb 
with the mails from Dublin was robbed near this town, the 
bags had been judiciously left behind for fear of accidents, 
aud by good luck there was nobody in it but '.wo outside who 
had nothing for the thieves to take. Last Tuesday notice 
was given that a band of rebels was advancing here under 
the French Standard, hut they had no colors, nor any drums 
except bagpipes. Immediately every man in the place includ- 
ing women and boys, ran out to meet them. We soon found 
our force much too little, aud they were far too near for us to 
think of retreating. Heath was in every face, but to it we 
went, and by the time half our little party wen- killed we be- 
gan to be all alive. Fortunately the rebels had no guns but 
pistols, cutlasses, and pikes, and as we had plenty of mu8l 
and ammunition, we put them all to the sword; not a soul of 
them escaped except some that were drowned in an adjacent 
bog,and in a very short time there was nothing to be beard 
but silence; their uniforms were all of different colors, but 
mostly green. After the action we went to rummag 
sort of a camp they left behind them ; all we found was 
a few pikes without heads, a parcel of empty bottles filled 
with water, and a number of blank commissions filled up, 
with Irishmen's names. Troops are now stationed every- 
where around the country. I have only leisure to add that I 
am in great haste. Yours truly, &c. 

1'. B. — If you don't receive this in cnur.-e it must have mis- 
carried, therefore I beg you will immediately write and let 
me know. 

A gentleman, who was rather fond of his port wine after 
dinner, found nt 1 >st ii small colony of pimples were begin- 
ning to settle at the extremity of his D0S6. lie was very much 
annoyed at this, and, in speaking about it ton friend, told him 
he thought be must have been stung upon the nose by a bet . 
His friend replied that perhaps the ''bees-wing" had more to 
do with the matter than the bee itself. 

The puVUcotiOD of the BxtORART SOLBXSSB 1 GASKTl and CAPS Ilel.N 
Ciironiclk wan commenced yesterday at In a.tii. .unit was oomplotod at 4 p. 
in. tali day. 1'uiilinlied at the Editor's Office, Starboard front Cabin, 
" Thames City." 


SflMta' 1 


No. 3.] 


[Price 3d. 

P §h Emigrant Soldiers' feetfy. 

"THAMES CITY," NOVEMBER 20th, 1858. 

Lat. 2.54 N. Lon. 23.38 W. Full Moon, Nov. 
21st, at 2h. 35m. a. m. 

As all hands on board, with the exception of the 
ship's company, belong to and form the main body of 
the expedition to British Columbia, a few remarks on 
the causes which led to its organization and the cir- 
cumstances attending the same may, we trust, not be 
out of place, and we hope our readers will bear with 
us, and not think us too egotistical, if we make a few 
remarks suggestive of the importance of the expedition, 
and the honor conferred upon us, conducive as their 
detail must be to our all making firm and steady re- 
solve to acquit ourselves in a manner that shall shew 
us to be not unworthy of this honour. " British Col- 
umbia" or, as it was formerly called, " New Caledo- 
nia" had, until the recent discovery of gold, been 

uncolonized and over-run by Indians. The Hudson's 
Bay Company carried on an extensive trade in furs 
with these Indians, and for this purpose had large 
fortified stations or depots at various intervals in those 
districts where the trade was carried on. Last year, 
however, Mr. Douglas, the Governor of Vancouver 
Island, represented to the English Government that, 
in consequence of the discovery of gold in large quan- 
tities in New Caledonia, it would be advisable to em- 
power Her Majesty to appoint a Governor, in case of 
a sudden rush of diggers to the new gold fields. His 
advice was accordingly acted on, and on the news be- 
ing received in August last that, owing to the verifi- 
cation of the fact of the discovery of gold, the rush 
of diggers from San Francisco was daily increasing, 
Her Majesty was pleased to appoint Mr. Douglas Gov- 
ernor of the new Colony of British Columbia, as it was 
now for the first time called. It being also necessary 
that the Governor should be supported by a proper 
military force, it became incumbent on the Colonial 
Minister to select and send out a body of men on 

whom proper trust and reliance could be placed. It 
at once occurred to Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton, the 
Colonial Minister, that great advantage would accrue 
to the Colony, could a body of men be sent out pos- 
sessed at once of military and scientific acquirements, 
inasmuch as, while in their military capacity they could 
give all the necessary support to Governor Douglas, 
their mechanical and scientific labors would contribute 
in a most important degree to the improvement and 
colonization of the country. For such a body he turn- 
ed to the *orps of Royal Engineers, where the call 
for volunteers was speedily responded to, and the Times 
shortly afterwards, speaking of the corps with refer- 
to the present expedition, said in a leading article on 
the subject, " Whenever Her Majesty's Government 
want a body of skilful, intelligent, and industrious me- 
chanics to perform any task requiring peculiar judg- 
ment, energy and accuracy, such as the arrangement 
of a Great Exhibition, the execution of an accurate 
National Survey, and so on, or even the construction 
of houses, roads and bridges, in a new Colony, they 
have only to turn to the Corps of Royal Engineers, 
and they find all the material they want." The first 
detachment of the expedition sailed from Southampton 
on the 2nd September in the Steamer La Plata. . On 
this occasion Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton went on 
board the steamer when she was off Cowes, and addres- 
sed the party under the command of Captain Parsoxs, 
R. E. at some length, impressing on them the interest 
he felt in their welfare, and how much the ultimate 
success of the new Colony depended on the exertions 
of themselves and their comrades. Considering, there 
fore, the circumstances attendant on the despatch of 
the expedition, there appears no doubt that we have 
been selected for a duty of trust and importance, and 
that on our exertions much depends. The Corps looks 
to us, Her Majesty's Government looks to us, and the 
Country looks to us, and all expect great things from us. 
Let us not disappoint these expectations, but show 
ourselves sensible of the honor conferred upon us, and 
endeavor to prove ourselves worthy of the same. Let 
us each in our various capacities do our best to aid 
this work, and let us fulfil cheerfully and contentedly 
the duties we may be called upon to perform, and 
above all things remember and stick to the words of 
the old motto, "Ubique quo fas ct gloria ducunt." 


It is a proverbial and no less certain fact that, "All work 
and no play makes Jack a dull boy." Now Jack i3 a name 
that under all circumstances, and nowhere more particularly 
so than on board ship, belongs as exclusively to the sailor as 
do the beards to Neptune which will shortly, we hope, be ren- 
dered up to bin) their rightful owner, those pills which all 
will be so eager to swallow, and that lather to receive which 
each successive votary will distend his chin with such eager 
avidity. In the present instance, however, we ought all of 
us to assume this as a temporary appellation, and agree that 
a few kind friends have done their utmost to give the accr- 
mulatiOD <>l "Jacks" on board the Thames City, as much play 
as possible, by the introduction of sundry sources of recrea- 
tion and amusement, contributing thereby to alleviate to a 
great extent the monotony which is a necessary ingredient of 
life on board ship. We have had occasion in a former instance 
to bear testimony to the efforts made in this direction by the 
kind friend in England, who suggested the method ami fur- 
nished the materials for establishing our Newspaper, lint on 
this occasion, as a second instance of the kind interest shown 
in our behalf, we cannot refrain from eulogizing the thought- 
ful kindness of our Commanding Officer, who, as a means of 
contributing to our amusements, has, amongst other things, 
not forgotten to provide us with the means of establishing a 
series of theatrical entertainments. The consequence of this 
kind forethought is that we « ere enabled to publish in our 
last number a communication from the distinguished mana- 
ger of the new theatrical company, in which, after announc- 
ing his plans, "he hopes that, supported as he is by a company 
of performers of rare anil well known abilities, he will be able 
to give universal satisfaction, Arc." Let us hope that such 
•will be the case. We heartily wish him and his company suc- 
cess, and can assure him of our wannest support. A great 
portion of the pleasure, on occasions like tltese, consists in 
looking forward to them, and when, in addition to this pleas- 
ure (one by no means to bo sneered at on board ship), we are. 
as we feel sure we shall be, delighted and gratified at the per- 
formances, the thing is complete, and the object of the kind 
originator Successfully gained. A few words in conclusion 
about the coining performance. We would venture to sug- 
gest that it might contribute to the amusements of the even- 
ing if any aspiring musical genii, desirous of distinguishing 
themselves, would favor us with their performances. Let 
none on this occasion be bashful or shy, but come forward 
like men. On Saturday last, a gentleman, who made it quite 
evident that " by studying economy he lived like a hud. 
gave great promise on this his first appearance before us. and 
we look forward tO future indications of his talent. Let us 
hope then that there are many such amongst us, and that 
they will follow the example thus given them. Lastly, it 
must be obvious to our readers that on board ship, where 
there is not even a " Hairdresser's" or a " Milliner and Corset 
Maker's" shop, considerable obstacles must necessarily exist 
in the war of Stage management. If therefore the oysters 
" Pomona " carries ( ,n her back should not be genuine '-nat- 
ives," 01 if " Estelle's" crinoline .should happen to be ellipti- 
cal instead of circular, or even her petticoats rather short, let 
us not be too critical, as alter all she is probably just as nice 
a girl as ever in spite of her crinoline. Let us all make up 
our minds to be pleased and there is but little doubt we shall 
be, and let us hope that the performance of Wednesday next 
will only be the first of a scries to he continued long after 
our arrival in the Colony. 


A few days before I left England, whilst waiting in a Rail- 
way Station for the arrival of the train, I heard the following 
conversation between three laborers : 

1st Laborer to 2nd Laborer, "I say Bill" (pointing to the 
Comet) -'what's that?" 

2nd Laborer, "That's a Comet." 

1st Laborer, "Comet!" 

3rd Laborer, "Comet! What's a Comet?" 

2nd Laborer, "Why a Comet!'' 

1st Laborer, "Count! ' 

3rd Laborer, "Comet!" 

My friends seemed quite staggered, and immediately dropped 
the conversation. The question however is really one to which 
nobody could give a decided answer, all the researches of As- 
tronomers having as yet failed to establish any fixed theory or 
law to account satisfactorily for the peculiar and eccentric 
motions o." these mysterious bodies, varying as their nature 
and circumstances must necessarily be, and Sweeping as they 
do round the sun in every possible direction and with even- 
possible velocity. I propose, however, for the information of 
my readers to enunciate some of the theories that observa- 
tions hare led Astroncmers to support during the last two 

Comets may be divided into three classes ; firstly, those 
whose nuclei are of considerable density and opacity; second- 
ly those which have nuclei, but of such tenuity thai stars can 
be distinctly seen through them ; thirdly, those which have 
no nuclei at all, and are of uniform density. The nucleus of 
a Comet is that bright portion which has the appearance of a 
star, forming as it were the head of the Comet. The revolv- 
ing heavenly bodies with which we arc familiar, i. e. the 
Planets and their satellites, move in curves called ellipses. 
The Kllipse is a curve of such a nature that, without its ma- 
thematical properties being interfered with, it may approach 
indefinitely near to a circle on the one hand, and to a curve 
called a parabola on the other. If a heavenly body moved in 
a parabola, it would recede into infinite space never to reap- 
pear. Comets revolve round the Bun in every pos-iblc direc- 
tion, with every possible velocity, and in periods of almost 
every possible duration. Some are suppose, 1 to move in par- 
abolas never to reappear, but nearly all of them move 
in ellipses. These however so Dearly approach par- 
abolas, as to make some of their periods of vast duration, pro- 
bably never to reappear to human rision. Comets are lumi- 
nous bodies supposed to derive their light from the Sun. 
Their perihelion passage, i. e. that portion of their path near- 
est to the Sun, is performed by them with immense rapidity 
and in short periods of time. Comets have, when seen, a 
nebulous appearance, owing probably to vapors raised by their 
proximity to the Sun. They arc accompanied by nebulous 
tails of immense length and extreme tenuity, the heads of the 
Comets being always nearest the sun, with the tails stretch- 
ing out in a direction away from the sun. The tenuity of 
ils is such, that while a very thin fog would obscure 
the brig r from our vision, stirs shine distinctly 

through tails of Comets thousands of miles thick. Some As- 
tronomers assert that the nuclei of Counts are surrounded by 
nebulous matter, of which that portion opposite the sun i- 
illuminated, forming the tails we see. but this theory is hard- 
ly reconcilenble with the occasional appearance of curved and 
forked tails. Others argue that the nebulous matter compos- 
ing the tail is actually whi-ked round with the nucleus 

ways preserving a position directly away from the sun. Sir 
John Herschel admits the idea of a repulsive power on the 
part of the sun. which repels the nebulous matter from the 
nucleus to enormous distances, forming the tail. A philoso- 
pher named Eocke propounded the theory tfa imove 
la a resisting medium, and his theory is strongly supported 
in the present day. I have now briefly noticed the leading 
facts connected with these mysterious bodies, and although 

it maj be remarked that nothing very decided has been state,!, 
be it remembered that we are treading on unknown ground. 
Astronomy however is a rapidly advancing science, and though 
we must at present be satisfied with the opinions of those who 

ate the best judges in the matter, let us hone that a time may 
come when the mysteries of these chaotic worlds shall be re- 
vealed, and till the circumstances connected with them be as 
familiar to us as those of the planets are at present. The 
Study of nature in all its phases is wonderful and interesting, 
and whether on the one hand, we arc led by the study of Nat- 
ural History to contemplation on and admiration of the nll- 
proriding and ever-presiding power which regulates the phe- 
nomena of our globe, or on the other hand, we are led ill tlo 
study of Astronomy to ideas of Velocity and distance so vast 

as almost to defy imagination, all point to ot I object, 

and lead us to look through nature up 10 Nature's Cod, thank- 


ful on the one hand for his gracious goodness, and awe- 
stricken on tlie other at his vast Omnipotence. I may men- 
tion, hs one of those Ideas of infinity to which this study leads 
us, the following instance. Suppose a Comet to perform its 
perihelion passage at a distance of 1,000,000 miles from the sun, 
and to pass in 24 hours through a portion of the curve up- 
wards of 3,000,(100 miles long. If then the tail he 100,000,000 
miles long, and it be true that the tail is whisked round with 
the nucleus, the extremity of this tail would move at the rate 
of upwards of 13,000,000 miles per hour. Let us now assume 
Bucks' B theory of a resisting medium to he true, and endea- 
vour to form an idea of the extreme tenuity of a medium that 
will permit matter of such rarity that stars can be seen dis- 
tinctly through f>0,000 miles of it to move with but slight if any 
deflection at this immense rate, and I think the mind almost 
fails to grasp the idea, being led as near as it well could be 
to a conception of infinity. An article in our paper must bb 
somewhat brief, but I trust enough has beeu said to explain 
the most generally entertained ideas on the subject and to en- 
able my readers to venture their own explanations, should 
they ever be asked "What is a Comet?" Comes. 
♦ » < 


AVk pursue our researches into the Natural History of the 
Voyage by proceeding to examine the nature and habits of 
some of those creatures with whose visits we have been oc- 
casionally favored since we left England. Of ocean birds, one 
species only has yet been brought under our observation, viz: 
the Stormy Petrel, commonly known among sailors as Mother 
Carey's Chicken. The name applied to these interesting little 
creatures has a somewhat singular derivation. They hare 
been said to run upon the surface of the waves with their 
wings closed, and this supposed faculty having been compar- 
ed with St. Peter's miraculous walking upon the sea of Gen- 
nesaret, a diminutive of the Apostle's name has been applied 
to the bird. Lottie authors assert that it is called "Pewetrel" 
from its cry. These birds belong peculiarly to the ocean, and 
never approach the shore, except for the purpose of breeding 
amongst the rocks. Flocks of them more or less numerous 
ottcn accompany ships for many days successive]} - , not, as 
has been asserted, to seek a refuge from the storm in their 
shelter, but to teed on the greasy particles which the cook 
now and then throws overboard, or the floating substances 
which the veBSel'a motion brings to the surface. They seem 
to have the power of dispensing with sleep, at least for very 
long intervals. Wilson, one of the most accurate of observ- 
ers, has recorded a fact illustrative of this ; he writes as fol- 
lows: "In Bring at these birds a quill feather was broken in 
each wing of an individual, and hung fluttering in the wind, 
which rendered it so conspicuous amongst the rest as to be 
known by all on board. This bird, notwithstanding its incon- 
venience, continued with us for nearly a week, during which 
we sailed a distance of more than four hundred miles to the 
North." Ot conrae if this individual had gone to sleep, the 
■ nel would have sailed away, and we can hardly imagine 
that it wouid have agaiu found her in her pathless course. It 
is a pity that so interesting a little creature as this should 
ime an object of a meaningless superstition. The per- 
-- i- ion that they are in some mysterious manner connected 
with the creation of storms is so prevalent among seamen as 
to render tie ui, innocent and confiding as they are, objects of 
general dislike and often even of hatred. It this unoffending 
little bird does afford any indication of a coming storm, dis- 
eovcrcd bj its more accurate perceptions, which nevertheless 
are very much doubted, should not the navigator receive the 
warning of this harmless wanderer, whose manner informs 
him of the tpproaefa of the storm and thereby enables him to 
prepare for it. with Mings of gratitude r.ulier than of dis- 
approbation. The Stormy Petrel belongs to the same family 
of bird.- to which the huge Albatross belongs; of the true 
Petrels the larj i limit Petrel which inhabits the tem- 

poetuous Beat south of Cape iloin. and which measures ill out 
twenty-eight inches in length and Bfty-six In expanse of wing, 
and which at ad be realilj mistaken for the Al- 

batross. On the 31st of October last our attention was 
drawn to a number of small fishes which followed in the wako 
of our vessel; these beautiful little creatures, about the size 
of a herring, the back striped transversely with broad alter- 
nate bands of brown and bright azure, are known by the 
name of Pilot Fish. This fish receives its name from its habit 
of accompanying ships for weeks together: the ancients even 
asserted that it pointed out the proper course to the mariner 
when he was at a loss how to proceed, leaving him when he 
arrived at the desired haven. It appears probable, however, 
that the Pilot Fish only attends the voyager for the sake of 
the numerous pieces of food which are constantly being thrown 
overboard: and a community of feeling in this respect may 
perhaps account for the frequent association of the Pilot Fish 
and the Shark. It is, however, a general opinion amongst 
navigators that the Pilot Fish really attends upon the Shark 
as a guide: and an instance has been related in which two of 
them led a Shark to a baited hook that had been thrown out 
for him. Another observer states that he repeatedly saw ft 
Shark, which was inclined to swallow a bait put out for him, 
prevented from doing so by one or other of four Pilot Fishes 
which accompanied him; and that at length, when the Shark 
had swallowed the tempting morsel and was being hauled 
out of the water, one of his diminutive friends clung to his 
side for some little time. The Pilot Fish belongs to that fam- 
ily of fishes of which the common Mackerel is the type. Its 
flesh is said to be very good. In our next number we propose 
making a few remarks ou the Flying Fish and Honitos, shoals 
of both which fish have been frequently observed by us since 
we entered the tropics. Natubalist. 

tout and Itlilitarn ^intelligence. 


During the past week. 

Latitude. Longitude. Miles Hun. 

Nov. 14th . . 8°61'K. . . SPteW. . . P.C.K. r.4ui. 

•• lJth . . 7°44'N". . . 23°00'W. . . S.C.W. 87 m. 

•• 18th . . B°11'N. . . 2&>WW. . . s.'.IW.Win. 

•• 17th . . 4°l!i'X. . . 28°61'W. . . S..<W. lil m. 

•• 18th . . 3°39'N. . - WWW. . . K.W.IiS. 4S m. 

•• 19th . . 3°.' . . u:s°:;s'\v. . . EMS. am, 

•• nth . . 2°54'.\. . . aS°88'W. . . S.'4l m. 

Tn-duy nt noon we were 174 mile- to the Korthward of the Equator, ttio 

distance of the Usard Ughl being 8086 miles in n N.N. Easterly direction, 

■ad Oape Horn bearing s.k.i.s., 4900 miles. 

Riches, Jto, 

Bed 'ih a bundle of paradoxes. We £0 to it with reluctance yet we quit it 
with regret, and we make up our mind* every night to leave it early, but 
wc make up our bodies ivcrv morning to keep it late. 

An Absent Man. — A friend of mine who wttB wrangler at Cambridge 
nnd, like *U great mathematician*, subject to occasional Ate of absence oil 
mind, wu in the habit of doing the moat eccentric things daring then ne- 
riods of mental abstraction ■ it eras a common thing for him to call bis 

wife ''Sally," (Jier real name was ( 'leinentina) and to POUT wine vacantly 

into bis glass, until the table cloth had the appearance of a map of the woi Id 
on the uercator*fl plan; and he thought nothing of giving a guest the great- 
er portion "f the crust of s tart without any fruit, or cutting op a cheese 
abstractedly and heaping it upon the plate Define him until it represented 
a t*ort of minature * 'Tower of Babel. " On one occasion, baron hi* mar- 
riage, when writing at the name time to iii- Clementina and the First Lord 

of the Admiralty, he unfortunately nut tin- letters "II in the wn»ng ••nvrl- 

opes. ami the latter gentleman Bncung himself address* d ths next morning 
as somebody's * 'own dearest (Semanttna.* 1 was, as may be Imagined, highly 
indignant , ths consequences to my friend being rather serious. Nor m re 
the feelings of Clementina more pleasant or ea-v to he described, on finding 
henelfsodressed as "My Lord. At length this great philosopher man- 
am d to terminate the aan (Semantma/i existence in '» truly scientific nan* 
iht. He Wl nt up to hi* bedroom one evening to put wi his great coat , and, 
on lea vim: the bedroom, succeed! d, after great exertion, En blowing the pay 
out, a proceeding which must haweinvorrad the expenditure <>f ■ lane 

quantity of brent h on his part; bs t<»»k especial ran-, mop-over, to leave the 

gas i nine i on. Tlie unhappy (Sementina, going up shortly afterwards with 
a lighted candle, suddenrj I in sir. bedn*.iii, candlestick, jr.n 

pipe and all. I will do my friend the justice t" Bay that he deeply hit bin 

in-- end was sfleotually cured of his absence of mind, which had Dean the 
can* of nis snddsn bereavement. EDatatft for science -till clings to him 

and. When I bun heard of him. he WBS lai-ilv engaged in invest iptt in - the 

natoro and p roperti es of the eatrratmn must bare bean desntiDBdby hi* 
poor Clementina In her sudden and unnatural accent. If, an I deem highly 
probable, ha takes int.. nni-iderati-.n the retarding influ. in " "t ■ i K line. 
this carve will doabtli an bs posse -^--d of extraordinary properties, and cre- 
. it i \ Itement in the mathematical world. 


£ongs and jJoetrg. 


A would-be m, we Ml know him. 
To Matilda wrote ft silly poem. 
Bo wishing to keep up the parley, 

The H OOUod Mtt i Mi writes tO Charley. 
Surely mt tank of making nflli 

Is n8 good Bfl T0UBB in driving <jnills 

oYi- cardboard papers t 
Or Bitting biting your finger nails. 
Looking throngn those window rails 

At other people's eapers. 

TOO truly DHLBl have jolly time.-. 

Lounging in that cabin making rhymes, 
Exempt from all tnewATOBtt; 

Bui to think ion put mf En a funk 

By writing verses on my think 
All bosh is. 

Ons day when 1 was on the deck and twigging, 

J taw yon, Charley, up in the rl| 

Your Dice Long as a nnsui 

Perhaps you'd gone np there to wonder f 
I rather think you'. I gone to plunder 

From thai book another riddle. 

You're n rote a song aboni ran and fishes, 
And game to make us savory dishes i 
i hope you'll bag 'em ; 

Or if those Indiana DTOTe too rude. 
And on our LAWS and stores intrude, 
Jpray be sure to gag 'am. 

Retween ourselves, shant we he cosey. 
And won't OUT days he rich and tOST, 

Unless there's l"ts of GAMMON; 

For you have said, the time must conn , 

When we ahal] benold the a]. pie, pear, and plum. 

And go pibhuni (or cock salmon. 
Your remarks about the baby's cap, 

The dandling on my knee — and PA?, 
Are very cruel; 

For, Charley, I can see no harm 
Jn trying little ones to charm . 

Or feeding them on giutel. 

The name you've given ME is had, 
And oven us a juke, rnv lad. 

It might some folks bewilder. 
At any rate, when next you try 
My faults or goodness to* descry, 

Don't address me as "Matilda." 


As all hands are doubtless acquainted with the particulars of the melan- 
choly episode oil which the following lines are written, I will venture no 
further explanation, but hope to carry the Sympathy of the audience, with 

me during the recital of her untimely end. 

(Air "Festal") 

1 Yes! you're gone at last, 

From hungry dreams they did'nt wake tlicc, 
The pangs of death are past, 

The rats and mice and every dainty. 

(Air " Wait for the Waggon,") 

2 Oh! 'twas on a Sunday morning, 

When from the poop I Spied 
A lovely whitey-browny oat 
Brought up just as sne died. 

(Chords) Then why did they kill her, Ac. 
And throw her down the side. 

(Air '-The Mistletoe Bough.") 

o Her legs hung low, though her tail was curled, 
Her ribs lapped over as round she was twirled, 
Her eyes Looked fishy, her whiskers crimp. 
As she shot o'er the side, whitey-browny and limp. 

(Chorus) Oh the poor whitey-brown cat, Ac. 

(Air "Lord Lovel.") 

i Oh! where are you gone, pretty pussey, I say, 
I never shan't Bee thee no more, 
But I'll think on your fate, how unconscious you lay. 
And gave up the ghost with a snore, -ore, -ore. 

(Chorus) And gave up the ghost with a snore. 

(Air "Thou art gone from my gaze") 

5 Yes! you're gone from my gaze in the deep heaving sua, 

And great Neptune's trident keeps watch over thee; 

Though the rats may rejoice, never fear love for me, 

For I'm nigh broken hearted and blubbing for theo. 

(Chorus) For I'm nigh brokeu hearted, &c. 

(Air "My Mary-Ann. 11 ) 

The pride of all the cats so rare, 

That dwell in London town, 
May handsome be, hut can't compare, 
In face or form with my whitey-brown, 

(Chorus) Then fare thee well, my own whitey-brown, 
For ever fare thee well, 

For the ship is ready and the wind blows fair. 
And we are 1 round rouud the " Born," whitey- 

[ brown . 



My whole pulls down, my whole doth rise. 
My whole comes sparkling from tbe skies, 
My first it speaks of things that bo. 
My second's answer in our land, 
To what we do do! understand. 
• My third's the organ oi a sense, 

M\ fourth you write when you write sense, 
My fifth a Scotchman calls my third, 
Now try if you can tell the word. 
Answer to I., Bell.— II., Life-boat.— III., Knapsack.— IV. 



VII. What comes after raining cats and dogs in London? 

VIII. Why are old maids going to DC married like troops going abroad 1 

IX. If the "Old Gentleman" were to lotfl his tail, where would he go for 

a new one! 

Answers to IV. Down in the mouth and going to blubber* 
" V. Because there is no living without them. 

,( VI. Because it often Stands Ottl about trifles. 

Puzzle. — Fifteen young ladies at a boarding school went out for a walk 

daily for .-even BUCOeasiTe days and managed tO arrange themselves in such 
a manner that no two young ladies walked next to one another more than 
once during the seven days. They walked in flverOWS of three each. Kx- 
plain how the daily arrangement was effected. 

3^0 (rorrapoiulcnls. 

Correspondents are reminded, that, although contributions may be 
published annonymously, the Editor doeinot undertake to pub- 
lish any communications thai are not signed with the Author » 


Theatre Royal, " Thames City." 

THE MANAGER of the above Theatre lias tin- honor to annoonoa to the 
Inhabitant! of this • -city" that he baa, with considerable difficulty and 

un tin ri-'' expense, succeeded in securing the valuable services of the follow. 
iug histrionic artists, viz: 

Charles Sinnett, Charles Derham, James htmu, 

QlOSfil Eaton, IIexkv J. Hexney, JajosH, Bluoxt, 

John Meade, William A. Franklin, James Dioby, 

Jama B. Lai niiers. 
Tho Theatre has undergono considerable alterations, and every attention 
has been paid to the comfort ami convenience of the audience. The Scenery , 
Dresses and Properties are entirely new, and of a first class description. 

(in Wednesday, the 34th inst., will he produced for the first time at this 
Theatre that laughable and Interesting Farce by U. Almar, entitled, 


Wouvcrman Von Broom A Boat Builder C. Derham. 

Wi.uter Von Broom A Pilot C. Sinnett. 

Bloffenburg A Workman, G. Eaton. 

Caolkenburg A Sailor J. H. Elliott. 

Von Brent A Lawyer J. Turnbull. 

Est, lie de Burgh Ward of Wouvcrman, H. J. Banner. 

Pomona Vondertviller An Oyster Girl, J. Meade. 

Leader of the Orchestra William II ran . 

During the evening several Songs and Dances will be introduced. 
49* Doors open at 6.30 p. m., performance to commence nt«7 o'clock 

Alfred It. Howse, Manager. 

Tho publication of the Emigrant Soldiers' Gazette and Cape Hork 
Chronicle was commenced at 2 p.m., on the 18th, and wascompletod at '1 p. 
m. this day. Published at the Editor's Office, Starboard Front Cabin, 
"Thames City." 


€nuttt f 


No. 4.] 


[Price 3d. 

aUtit tfimiigntnt Soldiers' (fettfr 

"THAMES CITY," NOVEMBER 27th, 1858. 

Lat. 10.54 S. Lon. 32.45 W. Moon's Last Quar- 
ter THIS DAY AT 5h. 35m. a. M. 


The great event has at length transpired which has 
been for so long a time the universal topic of conver- 
sation, looked forward to in an heroic manner by some 
about to suffer, dreaded and anathematized by others 
as a barbarous and shameful proceeding, and affording 
a prospect of malicious delight and satisfaction to all 
old salts, with somewhat the same feeling that a fellow 
has when he becomes a big boy at school and can bul- 
ly the youngsters, and, revelling in the conscious su- 
periority due to coat tails and stick-ups, talks about 
how he was treated when he was a boy, his age at the 
time being about seventeen. On Monday last, Nep- 
tune paid his accustomed visit to exact tribute from 
those of our inhabitants who had not before crossed 
his boundary(ladies, children and live stock excepted), 
and although the weather during the forenoon was 
such as to cause sundry knots of expectant sufferers 
to join in loud chorusses of "Cheer up my lively 
lads, we'll all get shaved together," as if they were 
determined not to be done by the rain, it cleared up 
sufficiently before 12 o'clock to enable Neptune to 
come on board radiant with glory, and do justice to 
the shouts of applause and welcome which greeted 
him from all sides. He was accompanied as usual by 
his wife, who, strange to say, always has a baby of 
the same age and size in her arms, from which extra- 
ordinary and unaccountable fact we must infer that 
either like the lady in Long-boat Square, she has a 
dozen or two at a time, or else she prigs them, proba- 
bly the latter. He was accompanied also by his doc- 
tor and apothecary, barber, barber's mate and staff 
of constables, and, to be brief, we will borrow the 
words of the illustrious manager of onr theatricals 
and state that the "Scenery, dresses and properties 
were perfectly new and of a first rate description," 
especially the collars. We must also bear testimony 
Jo the able manner in which all the salutes were con- 

ducted, from that with which Neptune's secretary an- 
nounced his arrival on Sunday night down to that with 
which the great monarch himself was pleased to greet 
a fair young member of the community previously to 
leaving the ship. Neptune's head was of such im- 
posing and stupendous magnitude that we almost re- 
gretted that a certain gentleman omitted to serve him 
as he served Corporal Casey and fling his head in his 
face. On a declaration from the deity that, whilst 
coming along the deck, they had all been nearly chok- 
ed by the smoke from the galley which continued to 
stick in their throats, the "main brace," which appears 
to have been broken in an unaccountable manner, was 
"spliced," and this repair having been effected, the 
party proceeded at once to business. To the sufferers 
and lookers on a description of the scenes that ensued 
would be superfluous, but to those who may have 
been prevented from seeing them we may as well say 
that the "doctoring, the "shaving" and the "ducking" 
were all conducted in a most correct and scientific man- 
ner, and that if they would like to form an idea of the 
extraordinary grimaces of the victims they had better 
come up to-morrow morning and see little Dodd in his 
shower bath. All who have witnessed the latter oper- 
ation must have noticed that the little gentleman is, to 
begin with, in an horrible funk the whole time, that he 
would give the world to open his mouth and have a 
good bellow, but that, not approving of the taste of 
salt water, he is obliged to keep his mouth shut and 
content himself with making horrible faces, wriggling 
and writhing until he looks as if he were all legs and 
arms. Such were the laces of Neptune's victims who 
had similar objections to the taste of tar and grease, 
or even a nice little pill about the size of a pickled 
onion, the one great difference between them and little 
Dodd being that the youDgcr gentleman always looks 
clean and nice after his ducking, while those who 
emerged from Neptune's bath looked equally dirty and 
disagreeable, especially about the chin. In conclusion, 
we are happy to state that nearly all who were called 
upon, from the Commanding Officer downwards, came 
to their fate like men, and we will be bound to say 
that they, although precious glad it is all over, are 
equally glad they have gone through the ordeal, and 
will take as much pleasure on some future occasion in 
serving others the same trick as did those who on 


Monday last oondacttd so ably the operation! that iu- 
vuriably tuki s picket OB the occasion of 


A lending article which appeared in our columns a short 
i of i banliness in certain parts of 
• ■ particularly, and the Itata of the sewerage in Long- 
boat - • bicfa « e arc happy '» state that our zenl- 
mer ol Public Works has in tome degree rectified 
the same by carrying out .ui aztensit "i -ewers to the 
■ this arrangement it will be neces- 
r moans of flushing these sewers. 

Though there is no want of water tor the purpose, hoses and 
ro much required for conducting it, and we hope 

I. The sanitary 

of il I mil' h improved, but we canuol Impress too 

much opon our read' rsthal it depend) not only apon the state 

oft 1 " on tin- cleanliness of them- 

-. both ;i- regards tl I p si ona, and we sin- 

thers will pay particular 
BtlOD to their children on this head, and bear in mind that 
cleanlii nt to god! i 


by the sailor. Sharks, however, are seldom seen when a ship 
is making any way through the water, and perhaps the fact 
of our nut having encountered much calm weather accounts 
for our not having had the satisfaction of setting eyes on one 
of these most detestable Of aquatic animals. Wr may per- 
haps come across one of these monsters in the course ol the 
ensuing week, and if so we shall offer a few remarks on his 
nature and habits, which arc very interesting to the natural- 
ist, notwithstanding the bad repute in which the animal is 
held by mankind in general and by sailors in particular. 


We pursue our examination of the fish which have visited 

your attention to a few re- 
nt' the Bonito and the Flying 
a fortnight ago we were surrounded by si 

hich some of OS mistook at fir>t for Dolphins. 

-i class of li.-h belonging to the family to 
which the Tunny, so much prized lor food in the Mediterra- 
nean, belongs. Notwithstanding the numerous lines thrown 
out ti) entice these creatures on to our baited hooks, not one 

Ol t he tcmptiii held 

out to llii'tn, and passed by as it i,, pursuit of some object 

u accordance with thai* ts 
than lat i dh. Soon after the appearance 

of these fish, we noticed large shoals of Flying Fish greatly 
.teil and ni"'. ing rapidlj in and out ot the water as if hot- 
my. SOW this enemy was- undoubtedly 
Bonito, wh u life seems to consist in pur- 

i (lunate little Flying Fish. It 

ting to watch the aerial flights of these wonder- 
fttl little . .. bo abound in the tropics, and are gene- 

rally seen in shoals varying in number from a dozen to a hun- 
dred or n ■ [a apt at first sight of a flock, especially 
if it be unexpected, to mistake them tor white birds Hying by 
until they are seen to alight in the water. It must not be im- 
agined however that these Bah only make their appearance 
if the water in that seemingly unnatural 
manna when they are pursued by an enemy ; from the num- 
we daily see around OUT VI -el in these 
ml but natural to conclude that they are in fact 
amusing themselves in sportive play, as the lamb skips upon 
or the dog pursues its own evasive tail. It is a-ton- 
Qg to wati li the bounds that these little fish make over the 
met of the water. Some naturalists have remarked that 
uk alternately in the air so as to keep at the 
Hue dill the undulations of the sui ad of 

ribing a uniform curve as they generally appear to do; 
. Humboldt, one of the mosl accurate of observers, posi- 

to have seen tin in 11. ip the air with their long 
it would also seem almost impossible to imagine 
l hat so rmnll a fish, not BO large as a herring, should lie able 
to the height of twenty and to the distance of 
re than six hundred feet through the air. Generally, one 
: hen the whole flock follow at once, shoot- 
.'i nearly a Straight line and skimming along a little above 
< little that they often strike the side of a rising 
" and go under w ater. We have for some time been looking 
out for another visitant, who sometimes gives more of his com- 
pany to ships than sailors exactly like. I allude to the .Shark, who 
robably the most terrific monster that cleaves the w 
.inly the most hated and at the same time the most feared 


The province of Nova Scotia, a part ol our North. American 
.-ions, belonged before tbeyear 1113 to France, and was 
known by the name of Acadia. In thai year the Colony was 
made ovr by France to Qrea! Britain, and the settlers in the 
villages throughout the district were called upon to take the 
oath of allegiance to their new masters, reserving to them- 
selves the condition that tiny should never hi required to 
take up arms againsl i Indians or their own country- 

men the French. As the war proceeded, however, the Aca- 
dians were charged with having supplied both French and 
English with intelligence, provisions and quarters, audit 
was further alleged that a small part] of them were on one 
don found in aims against the English. Little or no. 
enquiry was made into these rumours, but the Lieutenant 

Governor of the Province, after consulting with the Admiral 
on the Station, deemed it advisable to remove for ever from 
the Colony all the original settlers. His proposal appears to 
have been approved by the Government at home, and orders 
were issued that they should all be taken on board the ships 
of the squadron, and distributed, some in one part and some 
in another of the other provinces, known now as the United 
Stales. Their lands, their houses, their stores, their corn 
and their cattle were forfeited to the Crown, and they were 
only to be allowed to take with them their money, and such 
portions of their household goods as could be conveniently 
placed in the ships. These orders at the end ol harvest, 
when the crops had been gathered in and could be seized 
upon by the troops, were n Ij carried out, to the 

horror and consternation of the wretched pi ople. One of the 

most beautiful of the villages was named Grand Pre, situated 
near the mouth of the river Gasperatt, in front of the liasin of 
Minus. The cottages were clustered together in a lovely val- 
ley, in the midst of rich meadows, broad pasture lauds, gar- 
dens and orchards, fields of Max and fields of corn, surround- 
ed and watched over on the outskirts by forests of grand and 

towering pines, whose tops stretching towards heavm teemed 
to announce that they had been owners of the soil since the 
creation of the world, and that the faces of the stars In the 
stillness of the night were of far closer acquaintance than thu 
faces of the white people who, but li: store, had come 

to sojourn among them. The settlers appear chiefly to b 

come Irom Normandy, and they built their houses in the 

Norman fashion, with strong framework of oak and chestnut 

thatched roots, fanciful windows and projecting gables; the 
women too imported the snow white picturesque and ' i'-tfd 
Caps, a- well as the gaily colored petticoats that delight to this 
i he hearts of the pen-ant girls, and the spinning 
wheels of the old country hummed busily in their new homes. 

They brought with them also the observani e ol their ancient 

Catholic Religion, and a venerable PrieSl walked among tit'-m 
father among his children, blessing the yottng who paus- 
ed in their play BS he passed, and the grown people who i 
to welcome his approach to the shady porches of their door- 
ways or to their comfortable tire-ides. In one sen.-e they 
were all poor, for luxuries were unknown to them, but in an- 
other sense all were rich, for luxuries were neither desired nor 
cared for, and necessaries Of all kinds flowed in upon them in 
great abundance. In this way like the children of one fami- 
ly, fearing Cod and loving one another, lived these simple and 
upright people, till destruction fell suddenly upon their homes, 
and banishment, like the last blow of the Angel of Death, fell 
upon themselves. Among all the emigrants settled In the 


neighborhood of Grand Pre, one of the wealthiest, one of the 
best, most looked up to and beloved was Benedict Bellefon- 
t:iine,a man now well stricken in years, with one only daugh- 
ter named Evangeline, who was just bursting into the ripe- 
ness of womanhood, being at the time the story commences a 
little more than 17 years of age; a girl so good and beautiful, 
so frank with her friends, so fond and dutiful to her father, so 
kind to her poor neighbors, so welcome from the fullness of 
licr light and gladness to everybody, that she was called by 
common consent the "Sunshine of Saint Eulalie," (a fine sun- 
shiny part of the year, which the Acadian farmers looked for- 
ward to for ripening their corn, and for loading their apple 
boughs with rich blossoms and fruit); but neither the pros- 
perity of the father, nor the daughter's beauty, nor the love 
and goodness which were as daily bread to them both could 
revert the ruthless fate that was in store for the poor Acadians. 
Their sad fortunes, especially those ot Evangeline, her father 
aud her lover, form the subject of Longfellow's celebrated 
poem, and if the same story, interspersed with passages from 
the poem, can be told in prose with any likelihood of inter- 
esting the present audience, the contributor will have great 
pleasure in continuing it in future numbers of the paper. 

porting Intelligence. 


As we are going to a country in certain districts of which 
the above animal abounds, the following extract from a letter 
from an officer in Canada, descriptive of the sport, will we 
hope interest our readers. As it is too long to publish all at 
once, it will be continued in our next. — My dear Charlie, when 
I wrote to you last I was just preparing to start for a Moose 
hunt, so I will now give you an account of our excursion: — 
H — , an officer of the — 3rd had planned the expedition and 
engaged the Indians, and afterwards, on speaking on the sub- 
ject to me, I agreed to accompany him. Accordingly we set 
out from here on the 15th of February, and proceeded on 
sleighs to St. Francis by way of Quebec. Here we found our 
Indians who were to act as guides and find game and also 
draw the "tabogins" or Indian sleighs in which our provisions 

were carried. The man that H had engaged for himself 

was a Mic-Mac with a regular unpronounceable Indian name, 
signifying "Dweller in the Woods," but known in civilized 
society as Jean Baptistc. My fellow was a half-breed, (his 
mother having been as he informed me a " Sauvagesse") the 
most villainous looking scoundrel I ever set eyes on,and, as it 
turned out, a most horrible impostor in regard of his hunting 
capacity. This gentleman's acquaintance with English was 
principally of a blasphemous nature, consisting of the most 
horrible imprecations in that tongue, consequently,as I am not 
particularly fluent in French, our conversation was rather lim- 
ited. His name was Louis de Fini. Besides these, they had 
a French Canadian called Boniface, a very willing fellow, but 
whose naturally dirty habits quite unfitted him for society. 
Well, we started with these three birds, they drawing the ta- 
bogins, and we carrying our guns and axes, all of course 
walking in snow shoes, as the snow in the woods is from five 
to six feet deep. In this way we marched for eight or nine 
days without seeing a blessed thing of any sort, the ground 
having been hunted before, but afterwards, on getting deeper 
into the hush, we found plenty of moose. The mode of hunt- 
ing them is this: you come on their track in the snow which 
is called "ravage, '' pronounced after the French fashion; then 
you rush frantically on, following this in all its windings, 
tumbling head-over-heels about every ten yards, and knock- 
ing your eyes out against branches of trees; this sort of thing 
lasts sometimes for eight or ten miles. At last you come to 
where the moose is feeding; sometimes he waits to see you and 
regards you with a sort of enquiring look ; if, however, he is 
disinclined for society he mizzles as hard as he can split, and 
you hear him crashing through the branches in front, but you 
must eventually come up with him as he labors through the 
snow; then, as you get sight of him through the trees, you 
put your ball in two inches behind his shoulder. He dies 

with christian resignation, invariably giving up the ghost 
without a murmur. I made my debut by killing three, athrce 
year old bull with a travelling harem of two cows. They are 
enormous brutes, standing seven feet and a half at the shoul- 
der. After killing them I felt particularly like a murderer, 
and swore I wouldn't kill any more, but I broke this vow soon 
afterwards, when we changed our camp and got short of pro- 
visions; altogether I killed eight myself. At the conclusion 
of the day's march the Indians would cut a couple of spades 
out of a tree, and dig a large square space about a yard deep 
in the suow, always by a stream if possible, make up a roar- 
ing fire across the middle, and build a shed at each end with 

fir branches something on the principle of Mrs. W 's cow 

house. Then the ground was covered with more fir branches, 
''Sapins,"the Canadians called them, and the cabin was com- 
plete, the three men occupying one side and we the other. 

Tuis morning a Flying Fish flew on board about 4 o'clock, 
a. m.; after considerable struggling he was eventually caught 
by the second officer on board and put into a bucket to keep 
fresh, but unfortunately he was nabbed by the cat by way of 
breakfast about 8 a. m. 

Uaual and fRiliiarjj Intelligence. 


During the past week. 
Lntitnde. Longitude. 

Miles Run. 
. 21st . . 1°25'N. . . 24°30'W. . . S.W.bS.'^S. 103 in 
" 22nd . . 0°04'N. . . 25°55'W. . . S.W. 123 m. 
" 23rd . . 1°52'S. . . 27°55'W. . . S.W.VfW. 162 m. 
" 24th . . 3°43'S. . . 29°37'W. . . S.W.ViS. 151 in. 
" 25th . . C°06'S. . . 30°46'W. . . S.S.W. 159 m. 
•• 2fith . . 8°23'S. . . 32°28'W. . . S.W.^S. 170 m. 
'• 27th . . 10°54'S. . . 32°45'W. . . S.J4W. 153 in. 
To-day at noon Cane Horn horo S.W.bS. 3240 miles, and Rio Janeiro S. 
W.J4S. 940 miles. 

Oifthe 23rd inst., we Bpoke the French Barquo "Marie Louise," from 
Bordeaux bound to Monte Video, 26 days out. 


On the 24th inst., in Lat. 4.10 S., 
Linn, R. E., of a son and heir. 

Long. 29.30 W., the wife of Sapper John 


On the 25th inst., in Lat. 5.40 S., Long. 30.30 W., Richard, the only 
son of Serjeant Richard llridguian, H. K. 

gRarliet Intelligence. 

FLOUR, RAISINS, TEA, SDGAR & PEPPER— Appear to be very plentiful 
and of good quality. 

MUSTARD & COCOA— Not of first rate quality; we have seen a much bet- 
ter article in the market and only fetching the same price. 

BEEF & PORK— Plentiful, and of first rate quality in general. 

MUTTON— Scarce. 

POUTER * WINES — In great demand still ; a fresh cargo is expected shortly. 

LIME JUICE — Is eagerly sought after, but dealers in this article need not 
look for a further supply until the commencement of the ensuing week, 
and then only in limited quantities. 


X. What is the difference between an auction and sea-sickness? 

XI. Why have the ducks and fowls in the hen-coops on the poop no right 

to expect a state of future existence? 

XII. What were the colors of the waves and winds in the last storm' 1 

Answer to VII. Hailing cabs and onmibusses. 

" VIII. Because they go off in transports. 

' ' IX. To a low public-house where bad spirits are re-tailed. 


rpHE COMMANDING OFFICER having thought it advisablo to postpone 
-L the Theatrical Performance this week, it will, if circumstances permit, 
take place on Monday Evening, the 29th inst. , at the hour before specified. 


OR TIIE FUTURE this paper will be allowed to remain on the lower 
deck until Friday evening. 


£ongs and jpoetrti. 


BOOM jrt lover* of peace and of order, 
dom with glory united, 

KaJiy round the old bannerol union , 

- flory Shall OOTOr be M^lile'l. 

\ ii- freodom shall neref be blighted. 
Th^re are bob! heart a in Britain's dominions, 

thai freemen nay dare, 
bet the Throne and the QoMO be OUT watchword, 
An<i !■ Iti ilton beware. 

(Cuoftus) Viva notorial 

\ i\.i, tin \ totorUtl 

Sit ingtb to the Throne, health to the Queen, 

viv.i vlctarlal 

We'll 1' ■ : -it mufll bo with honor, 

1 11. 1 oaw names in story, 
Hut if war 1 in. than Britain 

Still ha 1 her glory. 

\ , : Britain has heroes enough for lior glory. 
Bhama t)n- brawlers who trade Ln sedition 
bUali 1 taxi a bo I raffle In lies,, 
And beware leai thaaa eetf-oealring martyrs 
Would be Lions, prove wolves in dinguue. 

<.,,:i.- fjTa >'■- i"i Lai Ac. 
ity the head or the hand, if ho totleth, 
Cad the honoat man live by his labor, 
Hut the dr >iu-, wtin 1 in wi.rk and who will not, 
Shall not real on tin- strength of in* neighbor, 

Hoi he snail nol real on the strength of his neighbor. 
To the- Throri' M th< 1 lorn 

By our birthright we swear. 
For tin- Queen an the 11101mr1.l1 of freedom 
To the King "f all kins* be our prayer. 
(Cuoeus) Viva Victoria! Ac. 


Hare's nenghty Oherley onoe again 
With gall full flowing from nil pen* 

And like wild hawk at little wren, 
Still paokfl sir; 

Hi* paltry v< n^ram .■ (bUOWfl Up 
Tliat nanty rhyme abOOi tin- pSVp, 

lie thinks he'u "no email cheese" that chap, 
Charley I mean sir. 

Thn* he write* quite unforgiving, 
Aw it 'twere thu* be got his living. 
Nor cares he aught for people's grieving, 
Tie quickly Man *ir ; 

And dared you write on me last week, 
And tall it long that puny squeak, 
And will you thus pen vengeance seek, 
A host oi't . 

Then Khali wo now have blow for blow. 
Till one or t'other'S overthrow 
Atlowri the victor loud to crow, 

And boast o'it; 

When you last week your pen did grip, 
You thought you had mo on the hip, 
Your doom's prouounccd, so "now sir atrip" 
And take it fairly. 
1 With "cat o' nine" pens now I boat you, 
•J With hfly laahea thus 1*11 treat you, ' 
.'[ Whenever y«>u "ahow light" 1*11 meet you, 
4 Late or early. 

ft I will not ( ill yon bj that name 
•I That's earned mi you ■ local fame, 
7 How odd that yon should think with shame 
8 On such sweet christening. 

* ( loan try and hit him somowhat hard, 

10 As yet y 'ii ■ tOUOhad the lard, 

11 Or is't with fun satiric bard 

U Your eye is glistening? 

13 I etopp'd but Just to mend my pen, 

14 To fill it full of ink again, 

15 But now 'tis donOi so t<> it again, 

U And now I'll lay it on sir. 

17 Now when thai Upward wijuint you took, 
It* And thought me prigging from a book, 

19 If you had dar'd < one 1 t and look, 

20 You'd found your thought Via wrong sir. 

'21 Though salt pork fit and hard junk fails 

22 To nourish me like your "ox tails," 

23 You ii'ver saw in< • 'eat my nails" 

24 As tit bite. 

20 Tho' I be sent to write on cardboard, 

26 Within that cable Window starboard, 

27 To say "I idle," that's a hard word, 

28 At least on most days. 

29 No doubt they work you very hard 

30 At making pills of grunter's lard, 

SI Spreading diae'lum o'er a yard 

B8 of rag or such case. 

33 Because your job's to heal up Soa t o h ao, 

34 On paltry wounds to plant your patohee, 

35 You growl because I get "off Watohat 91 

3a And such like. 
37 Now that Columbia snng I wrote, 
.'W Tho' as a BOOS DOt worth a BTOat, 

39 'Twas meant to amuse as while adoat, 

40 And help to pass an hour sir. 

41 Tt HI suits you thus to abuse 

42 The prattling «.f my infant muse, 

43 She'll make you tremble in your shoo*, 

44 If you don't give o'er sir. 

45 But that al<out tin youngsttr.-t charming, 

46 By .low the hit wax quite alarming, 

47 But nowhere else WUS any Ii at in in 

All that rhyme air. 
4* But I suppose now tired y>ui*ve grown, 
M My rhyme has beat him Black and brown, 

50 So "printer's devil" take him down, 

And let him go with that much. 

[Tho dose to be repeated at regular intervals until the "pati.nt" is better.] 


Answer to V. Itaiso. 


The falls or rapids of the river Columbia are situated about 
180 miles above tbc mouth of the river. The first is a per- 
pendicular cascade of twenty feet, after which there is a swift 
descent for a mile between islands of hard Mack rock to an- 
other pitch of eight feet, divided by two rocks. About two 
and a half miles below this; the river expands into a wide 
basin, seemingly dammed up by a perpendicular ridge of 
black rocks. A current however sets diagonally to the left 
of this rocky barrier, where there is a chasm of forty-five 
yards in wiith. Through this the whole body of the river 
roars along swelling and whirling and boiling for some dis- 
tance in the wildest confusion. Boats are in great danger 
from the great surges and whirlpools existing here. At a dis- 
tance of a mile and a half from this narrow channel is a rapid 
formed by two rocky islands, and two miles beyond is a se- 
cond great fall over a ledge of rocks twenty feet high, extend- 
ing nearly from shore to shore. The river is again compres- 
sed into a channel from fifty to a hundred feet wide, worn 
through a rough bed of hard black rock, along which it boils 
and roars with great fury for the distance of three miles. This 
is called the "Long Narrows." Here is the great fishing place 
of the Columbia. In the spring of the year, when the water 
is high, the salmon ascend the river in incredible numbers. 
As they pass through this narrow strait, the Indians, standing 
on the rocks or on the end of wooden stages projecting from 
the banks, scoop them np with small nets distended on hoops 
and attached to long handles, and cast them on the shore. 
They are then cured and packed in a peculiar manner. After 
having been disembowelled, they are exposed to the sun on 
scaffolds erected on the river banks. When sufficiently dry 
they arc pounded fine between two stones, pressed into the 
smallest compass nnd packed in baskets or bales of grass 
matting about two feet long and one in diameter, lined with the 
cured skin of a salmon. The top is likewise covered with fish 
skins, secured by cords passing through holes in the edge of 
the basket. Packages are then made containing twelve of these 
bales, seven at bottom and five at top, pressed close to each 
other with the corded side upward, wrapped in mats and cord- 
ed. These are placed in dry places and again covered with 
matting. Each of these packages contains from ninety to a 
hundred pounds of dried fish, which in this state will keep 
sound for several years. This process is given as furnished 
by the first explorers in these regions. It marks a practicable 
ingenuity in preparing articles of traffic for a market, seldom 
seen among the aboriginals. 

(To be continued.) 

The publication of the Emigrant Soldiers' Gazette and Cape Mors 
Chronicle was commenced at 2 p.m., on the 25th, and was completed at 2 p. 
in. this day. Published at the Editor's Office, Starboard front Cabin, 
"Thames City." 


JM&rs' 1 



No. 5.] 


[Price 3d. 

®hii (Emigrant Soldiers' fecttc. 


Lat. 21.30 S. Lox. 38.5 W. New Moox, Dec. 5th 
at 10h. 10m. a. m. 

"All the world's a stage, the men and women mere- 
ly players," and "play-goers," if one might venture to 
add a single word to anything written by the great 
Shakespeare, and, as some excuse for the liberty we 
have taken, we would beg to allude to the opening of 
the Theatrical season on Monday evening last, when 
the superb scenery and fine acting were only equalled 
by the gratification and approval loudly evinced by a 
delighted audience in all parts of the house. It is 
our glory and pride as Englishmen on all occasions to 
place the fair sex foremost, and we accordingly com- 
mence by noticing the two bright stars who have just 
risen in the theatrical firmament, Miss Bridget Meade, 
and Miss Mary Benney, both of whom, by their quiet 
ease and elegauce on the stage, and by the propriety 
of their diction, gave great promise of future excel- 
lence. Their acting was admirable throughout, and 
the young ladies were dressed for their parts in per- 
fect good taste. We cannot more especially help no- 
ticing the rich bands of their beautiful and luxuriant 
hair, clustered gracefully around their blooming cheeks, 
and we trust these fair damsels will long continue to 
delight a crowded audience as on the night of their 
last performance. Charms like theirs cannot fail to at- 
tract admirers, and we venture to predict that many 
a heart-ache is in store for the young nobility and gen- 
try amongst the play-goers of the rising generation in 
these realms. Of the performance on the part of the 
gentlemen we will only express our cordial and entire 
approbation, merely adding that their parts appeared 
to have been carefully studied, and that ample justice 
was clone to them. To the Manager the greatest 
praise and credit are due for the able manner in which, 
after struggling with considerable difficulties, he suc- 
ceeded in producing on this occasion a stage effect 
which shewed that in the minutest particulars every- 
thing had been attended to with the greatest care, and 
that, even on board a ship in the middle of the South 
Atlantic Ocean, everything must give way to energy 

and talent. He opened the performance by delivering 
a prologue written for the occasion, which is published 
in another part of our paper. Last, but by no means 
least, we come to the band of amateur dancers and 
singers, who, by the diversity of their talents and their 
comic powers, may almost be said to have rivalled the 
renowned Minstrels of Christy, though wc must admit 
that v there was a shade or two of difference in their 
complexions. Where all were so excellent, it seems 
almost invidious to particularize one or more, but, if 
this might for once be permitted, it would be some- 
thing soothing and consolatory to our feelings to men- 
tion a young gentleman of a portly and a noble pre- 
sence, who in the character of a Spanish Prince (ad- 
mirably sustained) sang a roundelay that would have 
done credit to the Troubadours of old; another who, 
with the freedom and the gallant air that seemed a 
combination of the Seaman and the Soldier, sang 
amidst a burst of applause of a " land flowing with 
milk and honey" beyond the banks of the river "Jor- 
dan." Such a land, we trust, when we look around 
on the patient faces of the women and children before 
us, may be found ere long at no great distance from 
the banks of the river "Eraser." A Highland Fling 
gave universal pleasure, and in one direction the burst 
of feeling was quite uncontrolled. It led apparently 
to the introduction of a Scotch song and a pair of 
Scotch breeches, and, from the cheering at the conclu- 
sion, both these productions must have given intense 
satisfaction. Another gentleman, whose great object 
seemed to be to impress upon the audience that he was 
" Bobby Miles the charity Boy," and a very learned 
character into the bargain, had, we observed, a happy 
knack of occasionally, nay frequently edging off to 
the back of the stage with a sort of sideway motion, 
with what view we can scarcely tell, unless it were to 
imitate the eccentric motions of the great " Robson." 
The object, whatever it was, evidently succeeded, as 
these little journeys raised shouts of laughter. In 
conclusion we beg to congratulate all concerned on 
the success of this first effort to afford us amusement, 
and we have great pleasure in stating that the Man- 
ager intends to continue the series of performances, 
by introducing next week the farce entitled "A Thump- 
ing Legacy," all particulars of which arc given at the 
end of our paper. 



With the exception of a short visit from an inter- 
esting little bird known by the name of the Sea Swal- 
low, which flew on the poop, evidently exhausted from 
long travelling, on Monday last, nothing- new in the 
W»y of Natural History has come before us during 
the pail work. This bird, about the size of a pigeon, 
belongs to the family of Gulls, and is classed among 
the Terns, sometimes met with on our coasts during 
the spring months. They have long beaks, webbed 
feet, and very long wings. They are endowed with 
great powers ol flight, and live indeed almost entirely 
upon the wing. They feed upon small fish, which 
they catch whilst swimming over the surface of the 
water. They are very bouyant on the water, but 
swim little, ami are incapable of diving. The bird we 
had an opportunity of becoming acquainted with on 
Monday hist was a very fine specimen, Some hopes 
were entertained of our being able to keep bim and 
tame him, I >iit as all attemps to reconcile bim to his 
new situation turned out of no avail, and as he had 
evidently made up his mind not to make himself at 
homo amongst us, be was, after due deliberation, set 
free, and allowed to continue his journey in pursuit of 
his companions, who must have been wondering what 
could have become of him for so many hours. I now 
propose directing your attention to the consideration 
of some of the interesting facts in connection with 
the vast ocean we have been traversing for the last 
six weeks, and which offers such innumerable ol 
for our reflection. In the first place we are all of us 
aware of the fact that sea-water differs materially from 
rain water or river water, inasmuch as it is salt. We 
all know this, but have we asked ourselves what ob- 
ject the Creator of the Universe may have had in 
view when he established this difference between the 
waters that were under the firmament, and which he 
gathered together and called seas, and the waters that 
were above the firmament? In other words, have we 
considered for a moment why the sea is salt? Seine 
persons believe that if the sea were not salt it would 
become stagnant and putrefy ; but this reason does 
not appear to be the correct otic, for large masses of 
fresh water, such as inland lakes, do not stagnate. 
Strictly speakiug, pure water cannot putrefy. When 
water does become stagnant, as we often find it does 
in pools and small ponds, it is on account of the decomposi- 
tion of vegetable or animal matters contained in it, and, if 
we liked to try the experiment, we should find that animal 
and vegetable matters decompose and become offensive in salt 
water as well as in fresh. Kvery one who has been in the 
habit of bathing knows how much easier it is to swim in the 
sea than it is in the river, and how much better he can float 
on the salt water than on the fresh. Now when we come to 
consider that this fluid bears on its bosom the commerce of 
the world, how clearly do we sec what an important advantage 
is gained by its superior buoyance; and is it not very proba- 
that the Author of the Universe had in view the convenience 
and benefit of man wher. be ordained the sea to be salt? By 
the sea being salt its weight is increased without its bulk be- 
ing in any way affected, and is it not reasonable to suppose 
that its present density was necessary also for the perfect ac- 
complishment of those motions and revolutions of the earth, 
which would be materially altered, were the vast bulk of wa- 
ter comprising the ocean of less density and of less specific 
gravity? The ocean contains three parts in every hundred of 

saline matter, consisting chiefly of "muriate of soda" or com- 
mon table salt, with small proportions of other salts. The 
amount of common salt in the ocean is estimated by Schauf- 
hault at 3,031,342 cubic geographical miles, or about five 
times more than the mass of the Alps, and only one-third less 
than that of the Himalayas. The sulphate of so. In equals 
633,044,30 cubic miles, or is equal to the mass of the Alps; 
the cloridc of magnesium 441,811,80 cubic miles; the lime 
salts 109,330 44 cubic miles. Admitting with Laplace that 
the mean depth of the ocean is from four to five miles, the 
masa of marine salt will be more than double the tims,. of the 
Himalayas. If we consider only the immense amount of 
evaporation which is daily going on from the sra, we might 
suppose that, like a vessel of the fluid exposed to the sun, it 
would diminish in volume, and increase in sultncss, until at 
length nothing would be left but a dry crust of salt upon the 
bottom; on the other hand, looking alone nt the many mil- 
lions of tons of fresh water which are every moment poured 
into its bosom from the rivers of the earth, we might appre- 
hend a speedy overflow, and a second destruction by a flood. 
l!ut these two are exactly balanced ; the water taken op by 
evaporation is with scrupulous exactness re.- 1 ' i, either 

indirectly in rain, which falls On the I ea, or circultOll -Iv in the 

rain and snow which, falling on the land, feed the mountain 

streams and rivers and hurry hack to their source. This in- 
teresting Calculation had been long ago bythe wisest 
of men. "All the rivers run into the sea, yet the sea is not 
full: unto the place fromwhi thither they 
return again" (Kcclcs. 1. 7). And a very beautiful and in- 
structive instance it is of that unerring skill and wisdom with 
which the whole constitution of our eartli is ordered and kepi 
in order by Him who, with minute accuracy, ''welgheth the 
mountains in scales and the hills in a balance." We shall 
continue the subject in our next number by making a few 
observations on the Depth and Pressure of the ocean, and 
the nature and character of the Waves. 


Mies, &r. 


A Professor of Woolwich Academy, who bad a painfhl habfl of using h'e 
when they werenol needed, wai heard one day to remark to h Oadet whose 
exercise lit- was exotnlnljig, there were only two I Vienna. 

Another young g intleman of precocious talent Immediately ejaculated "By 
Jots horn hard np they must be for eggs I" 

Tin- effects of free living told heavily apt n Sheridan, na all the world 
knows, towards the latter part of his life; but even acute bodily i 
lolled to depress the brlltfauicj i whichhewas so celebrated. On 

one occasion, when complaining of digestion, bin Burgeon told him thai th« 
■ 'coats*' of his Btomach were entirely destroyed. Sheridan repliod thai 
"if that was the case he did'nt know what was to become i i bim nn 
Btomach could contrive to digest in Its waistcoat. " 


On the BOth ultimo, in Lat. 17° S., Long. 84° WW., the wife of A >j ,: '" r 
Richard Bridgman, K. LB., of 

Jlauat and gftitttarg 3n.clligi.ncc. 




Miles I'.un. 

NOT.28th . . 13°WS. ■ ■ 33-42' w. . . B.bW&W.178m. 
15°WS. . . 34°15'W. . . S.bW.J*JW. ISO m. 

E SU . 121 ill. 

S \.\\ . 196 in. 
23°27'S. . . S6°<yW. . . S.:<,\\. lea m. 
25°53'S. . . 37° WW. . . B.W.bS.WS.ltWl 

20th . 

" 3Uth . . n°3.S'S. . . 85°2'W. 

Dec 1-t . . 20°15'S. . . WPti-'W. 
" 2nd 
■• Brd 

■ • 4th . . ZSOSCS. . • 38°56'W. . . n.W.bH. lis m. 

To-day nt noon Monte Yi.ho hore S.W.hW ' v> 096 miles, the Falkland 
Luanda B.W.bA 17-M mile, and Cape Horn B, W.JiS. 2130 mile*. 

n o hare heard with sincere pleasure, and we beUere on good authority, 
that the ancient punishment of the stock* liar ar a temporary meaaurebeen 
done away with In the army, by an order eniiumtiiiii from tin- office of the 
Commander-ln-ChieC it la rumored alao thai men appearlngon parade <-u 
Sundays In hot weather are do longer to be required, ar heretolbn , to jrrin 
through a collar. We think hir Royal Eighneaa li greatly t" bo commended 
I .1 the spirit lie lias shown in introilueine, there salutary reforms. 

On the 28th ulto. we spoke the liritish ship "Northumberland," with do- 
pots of Indian Regiments, from Cork, bound to Bombay, 36 days out, vwili 
lorn of maiu-top-gnllant-maet and fore-top-mast. 


porting JnfeUigcncf. 

About 11.30 p. m. on Sunday the 28th ult., a bird flew on 
the poop, and, after sundry hops, bites, and kicks, was even- 
tually captured by that sportsman of sportsmen Mr. Osborne, 
lie was kept till morning in a bread basket, and, it being first 
rumored that he was one of Mother Carey's own chickens, a 
match between him and that well known game cock "Hoop 
de doo dem doo' 1 was eagerly looked forward to by the sport- 
ing world. Betting five to four on the game cock (taken and 
offered). On the bint being thrown out that ne wa3 a 
"booby," the betting immediately rose to 10 to 1 on t( Hoop 
<le doo dem doo," and, when it turned out at last that he was 
a Sea Swallow, and rather out of condition, the match was 
declared off. Some voted for keeping him, some for killing 
and stuffing him, but humanity at length prevailed, and at 
the suggestion of the ladies lie was eventually let go. 



My nicker, Mr. da Fini, whose solo talents were of a culinary description, 
Would new produce his frying pan and fill it with moose meat and onions, 
boll some rice, and in a few minutes we would be hard at work eating like 
I hi' devil. A slice cut from the haunch of a young moose is the best meat 
1 ©TOT tasted, not excepting the primest sirloin of English beef. The mar- 
row bone is the grandest thing of the sort you can conceive, and the kid- 
neya are also very fine eating. You know I'm not at all a bad hand at the 
knife and fork, but 1 "was nothing to the niggers. If we ever spent a whole 
day in the camp, as we sometimes did when it snowed much, they would 
never stop eating ; the intervals between the regular meals were tilled up 
with roasting bits of meat on sticks and eating it half raw. Then they 
would also make an abomination they called a ' 'galette" or cake, consist- 
ing of flour and water kneaded together until the marks of the manufac- 
turer's filthy thumb were pretty equally distributed over the surface, when 
is was shoved into the ashes, in which they had probably been expectorat- 
ing for the last forty-eight hours., and, after remaining thereabout five 
minutes, it was pronounced to "be cooked, drawn forth all over smut, and 
devoured. Previously to retiring to rest, Da Fini, who, notwithstanding 
that he was as horrible a blackguard as ever existed, was an excellent Cath- 
olic, would kneel down to say his prayers with his pipe in his mouth, occa- 
sionally stopping to swear most frightfully at the dogs, and then continu- 
ing his devotions. This bird offered me his wife for two dollars, on return- 
ing to St. Francis, a courtesy which, seeing that she was rather a dirty 
squaw, I did not think fit to accept. At night I used to roll my blankets 
around me and lie down with my knapsack for a pillow. It was desperately 
COW sometimes, and my spirit flask would freeze at my head while my toes 
•were in the fire. 1 was generally woke two or three times in the night by 
my niggar poking mo up across the fire with a stick, and, on sitting up, 
IjflCame aware of the pleasing fact that there was a small conflagration go- 
ing on in my moccassin, blanket, or some other article of apparel. My 
slumbers were also frequently broken by one of the Indian dogs called 
* \\Iuta-houta" or the "devil." a regular specimen of the prick-eared cur 
of Iceland, who used to make a point of sitting on my chest or head 
as soon as I was asleep, and producing temporary night-mare. The hunt- 
ing qualities of this creature were held in great esteem by his proprietor 
BapfcjStO, in consequence, as I discovered, ;of his having once converted 
Bhoop into mutton, o qualification which in any civilized community would 
infallibly have procured him a halter. We took three gallons of brandy in- 
to the bush in a keg and drank it all. Baptiste was a teetotaller, but the 
other two gentlemen were seized with periodical fits of sickness which ob- 
stinately refused to yield to any other remedy than brandy. We used to 
call a cup of brandy and water a horn. One night the keg, which was stuck 

in the side of the cabin in the snow, tumbled down on H 's head and 

nearly stunned him. ' ' Ah!" rjnoth our red friend, ll your horn stick to 
you." In this way we spent thirty days in the bush. I killed a hare and 
partridge, both with ball, which, besides the moose I killed were the only 
things I fired at. My attire all the time consisted of a flannel waistcoat and 
shirt, drawers, trowsers, ami a blanket coat. We never washed except on 
Sundays, a day which we devoted to cleanliness, and our companions to 
eating; I came out of the woods with a white moustache, and a red face. I 
was in capital health the whole time. I find our exploits are figuring in a 
Yankee sporting paper as ' 'a tall moose hunt." 


When anew Lord and Lady Lieutenant visited the Theatre for the first 
time, Pat's peculiarities became most diverting. 

"Pat Mooney," shouts a voice in the gallery. 

"Holloa," answers Pat from the following side. 

' 'Can you Bee them Pat?" (meaning the Lord and Lady Lieutenant. 

"I can." 

"Well, what's he like?" 

"Oh, mighty like a grazier or a middleman; anyway he's got a long nose 
of his own," (loud laughter in which his lordship joins). 

"Ib he clever think you?'* 

1 'I'd be sorry to make him sinse keeper," (laughter again). 

"Does ho look good natured?" 

"Well, he does, ami enjoys a joke to, Heaven bless him! like a gentle- 
man as he is." 

"Then we'll not have to send him back?" 

"No, I don't think we shall; we might get a worse." (roars oflaughter.) 

"They say he's mighty generous, and means to spend' W money amongst 
us like a prince." 

Gallery — "Bravo! bravo! we'll keep him then, we'll keep him thou. 
Three cheers boys for the Lord Lieutenant!" (cheers and laughter.) 

' 'Well what's she like Pat?" 

"Oh nothing particular, she'd not frighten a horee," (roarB; her Lady - 
Bhip joins.) 

"Ib she tall?" 

"Wait till she stands up." 

' 'Maybe she's stout Pat?" 

"Faix! you may say that, it is'nt the likes of her lives on buttermilk." 

' 'Do you think she's good natured?" 

"Oh I'll engage she is, she has the real blood in her and there's plenty 
of it." (roars of ' 'Bravo" from the gallery.) 

Many voiceB — "She'll do then Pat." 

"Och! she will, she will, I'll engage for her Ladyship." 

' 'We may keep her then may we?" 

"Och! the longer the better, the longer the better, (roars) it's her Lady- 
ship that'll speak the good word for the man that's in throuble, and never 
let the dacent woman want that's in the straw, God bless her." 

Gallery — "Bravo! bravo! three cheers for her Ladyship! three cheers 
for the Lady Lieutenant." (cheers and laughter.) 

Pat Mooney — (seeing the Lord Mayor) "My soul to ye! Dan Finnigan is 
that you?" 

Gallery — "Ah! ah! is that you Dan Finnigan? is that you?" (hisfes and 

Pat Mooney — "Faix! it's good for the likes of us to see you down among 
the gentry there, Dan Finnigan!" (aloud laugh, at which his Lordship 
does not seem particularly well pleased.) ' 'Och! you need not look up so 
sour at us. Many's the good time you've sat up here yourself; you know 
it is ye ould vinegar bottle." (roars.) 

* 'Sure the world's gone well wid you, any way Dan Finnigan. Ye hnd'nt 
them white kid gloves." 

Pat Mooney — ' 'No nor that grand cocked hat there." 

Gallery — "No, nor that white wand, ye cormorant! When you kept 
the chandler's shop, and cheated Mike Kelly out of a farden's worth of 
pipes. Who cheated Mike Kelly? Who cheated Mike Kelly?" (great cun - 
fusion during which the orchestra strikes up.) 


XIII. Why is Blind-man's-buff like sympathy? 

XIV. Why did the accession of Queen Victoria throw a greater damp over 
England than the death of King William? 

XV. What is the difference between an accepted and a rejected lover? 

Answers to X. One is the "sale of effects" and the other the "effects of, a 
", XI. Because they are sure to get their next world (necks twirl- 
ed) in this. 
1 ' XII. The waves rose and the winds blew (blue.) 
Love Letter. — A young gentleman wrote the following lines to a young 
lady with whom lie was deeply in love: 

Read see that me; and not ray got. 
down will I love if me love for 
and you love you that love for be 
up and you if you should you must 
To which the young lady replied: 

Down and girl just love for mine's the 
and you the to your me that same 
up will I'm your if is find to 
Read find that mind; and true you'll you. 


Theatre Royal, " Thames City." 


THE MANAGER, having succeeded in securing the addition to his Com- 
pany of the services of those distinguished artistes, < 'Herr Wolfenden" 
and "Miss Matilda Hazel," has the pleasure to announce to the public 
that, on Wednesday evening the 8th inst., will be presented the farce in 
one Act by John Maddison Morton, entitled, 


Filippo Geronimo. (an Innkeoper) , Charles DsBBAK. 

Jerry Ominous, (his Nephew) Charles Sin.nett. 

Bambogetti, , James B. Launders. 

Leoni James Tcrxbli.l. 

Brigadier of Carbineers, Richard Wolfenden. 

First Carbineer, John Meade. 

Second Carbineer, Georok Eaton. 

Rosetta, (daughter of Filippo) Miss Matilda Hazel. 

Leader of the Orchestra, William Hayses. 

Comic, and other Songs will be introduced during the evening. 
Reserved geats for Ladies only. 

Alfred R. Howse, Manager. 


TMMEDIATELT in front of the residence of Mrs. Swine, No. 1, Longboat 
•L Square, a REGIMENTAL CLASP KNIFE. Whoever will bring the 
same to the Editor will receive ample reward. 


AT or near Laundry Lane, a WHITE-HANDLED PENKNIFE, on which 
is engraved the namo of the owner. Whoever has found the same, and 
will return it to the owner, will be rewarded, if not in this world certainly 
in the next. 


ptarfttt Intelligence. 

BEEF.— Ten good and in groat demand. 

Ml 1 TON.— Then hai boon a small supply during tbo pa* t week of this 
article, but of such an inferior quality, that there was little or no de- 
mand made. 

PORK.— -Not being of such a superior quality as in general, the demands 
hare boon moderate. 

FLOUR.— A got i tive demand at full rate. There arc- still coni- 

bj about thi POTATOES. 

COFFEE. — Was in gie; it r i ■ ■ | in -<t during the pant week, but either owing 
> -i trott; of the article in market, or the desire of monopolists to keep 
up their prices, no business was effected. 

£ongs trad |loe(rw. 


1 Had QU answer to your first challenge been a fiction, 
I could havo borne your paltry contradiction; 

Your nit anness, sir, has raised my ire, 
My barrel's full and thus again I fire. 

'2 You (airly deserve a Bound nod thrashing, 

Not allegorical, as was my ashtng, 

For denying Bhamefhlly, as you do 

The truthful attack I made on you. 

rn sas your neck tight In a hum-.!' 

Betbre l tremble In at; shoos; 

Retreat I can't, I won't be dumb; 

If you don't bite your nails, you sunk your thumb. 

3 You say I growl because from snatches you're exempt, 
I treat this false assertion, ,-ii , with gross contempt! 
I neither growl, nor snarl, nor bite, 

1 only hit you hard when eVr I Write. 

Yon dare taunt me with feeding 00 ox-tails, 

Itllt even here TOUT oase assertion fails. 

The cabin folks (gentlemen excuse b sinner) 
Don't always get ox-taiis to * -; 1 1 for dinner. 

4 You contradict yourself, for in a former pun 
You said i ' 'nibbled junk at Dumber one; " 
Allow me to ask sir, without raj .1 '-sting, 
Why your head upon your hand is often resting; 
The matter's plain, and there Is do delusion, 
By me you're licked, completely In conmsion; 
Your senses Beam gone, aye every particle, 
Judging from your Last wishy-washy article. 

. r < Write something good, If 'tis within your scope, 
Don't look so cross, there's do offence I hope. 

Why call the lines I wrote a ' "puny BOUSSC?" 

At anj rate they Quickly make you speak, 
In passion to! you're far too rash. 
Take it coolly, man, as I do your trash. 
"We each defend ourselves as U prize writers. 
We're hardly bigenougfa to be prise fighters. 

6 I did not wish to take a look 
Into that very pretty book, 
But if from it you do not steal , 

"Why does my allusion make you squeal? 
Was it a Survey lesson or on chain jobbing, 
"Jack the Giant Killer," or Cock Robin? 

Perhaps a Bible " "flie Shadow and the Dog," 
Or else that one about the Bull and 1 i 

7 The silly bug WOO swelled himself m, lull, 
He thought ill size to be a nolde hull, 
Analogies are often pleasing. 

And as I have a knack of teasing, 

I'll carry on this funny tale, 

The BimUe Should make you ojiiail; 

of bounce yon Beem bo very full, 

I'll call yon the frog, myself the hull. 

5 The bull for vengeance did not thirst. 

But let the frog go OD until lie bunt; 

Buck is your case I'll willingly engage, 

You're bursting now, if not with grass, with rago. 

The UOble bull on the frog took pity, 

I treat you the same, also your ditty. 

9 You've styled yOUTSelf a hawk, and hie a little wren, 

But mighty deeds have been performed by little men, 

And, by the alteration of a single word, 

You have had a mighty pecking from a little bird. 

Come, come, confess at once (don't look, alack) 

That the wren has laid the hawk upon his haek. 
ITS plainly heat and in a pretty fixture, 

Hut hold again, I've got another picture. 

10 Of birds you seem quite fond, ami now my wish is 
To Introduce a line or two about DBbes. 

Of course I do hut wis)] to hit my mark 

So consider yourself a trout , and no- a shark. 

Along the stream you have been closely followed, 

Aliis, poor trout you're in shark's jaws, and sw V. 

11 I must say a word about my healing scratches. 
On horrid wounds, sir, I have laid the patches; 
In soothing others' pains I take great pies i 

And try my very I. est to prove a little treasure. 

By such duties 1 fulfil my mission. 

Therefore east no slur on mv position. 

To serve you all I'll be constant, firm and steady, 

Morn, noon and night, I'm always willing, ready. 

12 Another word before I say adieu, 

As you lash me, sir, so shall 1 lash you, 
Repeat your dose you'll do no barm I know, 
My motto is that * 'while I live I'll crow! " 


See on our stately ship's lee quarter 

A herd of Bea-hogs is descried, 
On they rush through air and water 

Steering for the ressst'fl side. 

In greedy haste. 
The practie'd tar his weapon takes, 

And he hurries to his post, 
He for the Dolphin-striker makes 

*'or there is no time to be lost, 

They now are near. 
With well nerved arm and steady hand 

The deadly shaft he pcdseS, 
The running line is ably manned, 

And here come the Porpoises, 

Dashing and splashing. 
They brisk and plunge beneath ths bow, 

Now hare a care you lubber, 
One moment more he has him now, 

With nine barbs in his blubber, 

Borne Inches deep. 
In vain he wrestles to get free, 
lie Anus baft been too bold, 

He struggles hard for liberty, 

And breaks from treacherous hold. 
In lashing rage. 
The ponderous fish has bent the grain, 
Now madly off he rushes, 

The path he taken his lite Hood stains, 
As from his wounds it gushes, 

I n OOplOUS stream. 

With lightning speed the herd he reaches 
And they seent the vital stream, 

They fix their snouts on him like leeches. 
How greedy now of gore, they seem! 

To know not sympathy* 

His fears increase, improved his speed, 

Unsolved, they keep his track, 
Once more from him tiny wrest the lead. 

And fix on his gory back, 

Without remorse. 
In pain he leaps high in tin 1 air. 

And with tins he tun would By, 
Then deep he dives in wild despair, 

He is spent and soon must die; 

How sad his fate! 

Once more his sides appear to view, 

Sooll death Will r|o- ( his e\ eS, 

See, with a plunge he bids adieu, 
He flaps his tail , and dies. 

By kin unpitied. 

J. B. h. 


There is not one of us who does not love 

At night to Bearch tin- clear calm Bkies above, 

To watch the light Clouds drifting o'er the moon, 
Ami wait for stars we know are coming soon. 
And is there one of u^ who does not OBSt 

Across the BUgiC Hue We have jUSt pa.--.-ed , 

lii t hi- deep night when lights are bugled out, 

A thought .m Kngland fogs Bad ''London Stout." 

The shrimps, the prawn-., the winkles <>t the - 

Of that dear land an Kn-hshmaii adores? 
And don't WO now and tie n besides Tel:: 

The plays thai we save gone to in November, 

The little stalls thai decorate OUr streets. 

Containing oysters, pettitoes, and sweets! 

And these delights, are they forever o'er.' 

Shall crowds u<> longer throng the play-house doorl 

Yes; be it known we've entered on the line 

Theatrical, great talents here combine 
To reproduce tie plug of Monday morning. 

When .Neptune, alter Sunday -evening's warning, 
Tailed with his wife and officers of state, 
Whose shirts had collars of the latest date, 

Collars BO shapely that they well might be 

The envy of that swell beiutenant 1' 

Then all men bent in awe ,it Neptune's rule. 
Bars some brought forward like great boys to school. 
And Hughey Price, who kept his tegs below, 
And trembled at his ' ' Sadder 's" overthrow . 

At last perhaps OUT Curtain we may raise, 

And, when it drops, we hope for some Miial! ; 

Meanwhile we make Ho promiBeS but tl 

That we will do our very beat top] 

And trust to frighten no one by our BtOTJ 

As Neptune did hy kis-ing fanny Morey . W. I 

The publication of the kmiurant SoxDmuV Qaxsri am fJari 
Cbbonioli was commenced at 2 p. m. on the 2nd Inst., and Rn 
in. this day. Published at the office, Btarboard Front Cabin I 


d- hj -v W <v f 


No. 6.] 


[Price 3d. 

3fli$ (Kmtjgrant Soldiers' (Sazcttij. 

"THAMES CITY," DECEMBER 11th, 1858. 

Lat. 39.24 S. Long. 49.44 W. Moon's First Quak- 
ter, Dec. 13th, at 3h. 29m. p. m. 

Probably most of our readers are anxiously looking 
forward to the day when the "Thames City" will be 
safely anchored in Port William at the Falkland Is- 
lands. We trust that their expectations may he soon 
realized, and that the few days we may remain there, 
will be a pleasant break in our long voyage. The 
Falkland Islands form a group or cluster of nearly 
ninety in number ; they were first seen in the year 
1592 by Captain Davis, when there was no appear- 
ance of their ever having been inhabited. Several at- 
tempts at settling in these Islands were made by the 
French, English, Spanish and Germans in succession, 
between 17(53 and 1834, none of which appear to have 
succeeded. At the latter date Lieut. Smith, R. N., was 
appointed Governor, and arrived there with a small 
party as the nucleus of a future Colony. Col. Moody, 
R. E., under whose command we shall be in British 
Columbia, was also Governor of these Islands for 
some years. In one point of view the Falkland Is- 
lands present to the English a most important feature, 
as the Eastern island possesses a beautiful harbor of 
easy access, where excellent water, fine beef and good 
vegetables can be procured at moderate prices. It is 
also iu the direct track of every ship doubling Cape 
Horn. The climate is temperate, but the weather 
generally unsettled ; some parts of the Islands are 
mountainous, and few if any trees are to be seen. 
Herds of wild horned cattle exist, wild horses are also 
found of small size and very hardy. Game is extreme- 
ly common, especially wild geese and ducks. Fish 
abound in all the bays and inlets, particularly in the 
spring; their flavor is excellent, and when salted are 
considered by some to be superior to cod. We hope 
that no time will be lost when we get into harbor by 
the Commissariat Department in obtaining a good sup- 
ply of fresh beef, mutton and other necessaries of life 
for the use of all on board. We also think that this 
opportunity should not be lost by tho Chief Commis- 
sioner of Public Works for obtaining a good assort- 

ment of lamps, brooms, mops, buckets, hose, &c, 
sufficient to last for the remainder of the voyage. 

We are aware that it is not usual for troops on a voy- 
age to be allowed to land until they get to their desti- 
nation, but should our Commanding Officer, taking in- 
to consideration the nature of the expedition, and the 
high character borne by the Detachment, grant this 
indulgence, wo are sure that every one would consider 
it a matter of houor as well as duty not to abuse it. 

It is very pleasant and delightful of a fine clear night to be 
on deck and watch the stars or planets as they make their 
first appearance above the horizon, suddenly bursting upon 
our view with a cheerful little twinkle and throw their sub- 
dued rays across the intervening waters. There is no cere- 
mony or grandeur attending their appearance, but they sud- 
denly shine forth bright and happy looking, in a hitherto 
gloomy portion of the horizon, and pursue their silent path 
through the deep vault of heaven. If however we stay till 
morning, and see the sun rise, a much grander aud more mag- 
nificent spectacle awaits us. He sends his light before him to 
herald as it were his approach, and soon we see the first bright 
speck, gradually increasing from speck to segment, from seg- 
ment to semicircle and from semicircle to circle, when finally 
the whole of the magnificent orb shines forth in stately splen- 
dor, and pursues his daily path, giving forth that light and 
beat so essential to our globe and all mankind, while the sim- 
ple star-rise is almost forgotten in the solemn and stately 
splendor which accompanies the rising of the greater orb. 
Ideas of this nature must evidently have actuated the manager 
of our theatricals in arranging the programmes of his enter- 
tainments, as, although it is far from our intention or wish to 
speak lightly of the performance of Monday week, which was 
in every respect excellent and amusing, it must be confessed 
that the successive portions of the entertainment of Wednes- 
day evening last, which drew forth Lursts of applausb from an 
audience more delighted and more crowded if possible than 
before, as far outshone and eclipsed those of the foimer occa- 
sion as does the grand and stately appearance of the sun-rise 
overwhelm in magnificence the quiet and simple beauty which 
attends the first appearance of a star. We have often observ- 
ed that our nautical friends on board evince to a great extent, 
and more especially when hauling on the ropes, the existence 
in their noddles of the bump of " deslructivencss," as, no 
matter what they are pulling at, they invariably ejaculate 
"down his house, heigh ho!'' In this instance however we 
may safely predict that, whether their efforts are directed against 
"Howse the Manager" or the "House Theatrical," either 
house, to judge from tho grandeur of their first successes, will 
effectually withstand all attempts at its destruction. In 
connection with the play itself, we beg to congratulate all 
concerned on the addition to the Company of that beautiful 
and accomplished actress, Miss Matilda Uazel, who, in the 


character of Ilosetta, combining becoming modesty with 
charming naivete and frankness, acted most admirably, and 
delighted the whole audience with the exquisite modulations 
of her voice. The excellent acting of the gentlemen must 
have been obvious to all, but, as critics, wc would beg more 
especially to notice that of Messrs. Sinnett and Derham, the 
former of whom as "Jerry Ominous," and the latter as his 
uncle "Gcronimo," evinced great talent and a careful prepa- 
ration of their respective parts. After the play a collection of 
comicand other songs, such as probably have never before been 
heard on board ship, and rarely, if ever, on shore, produced 
loud bursts of applause. First came the Christy's Minstrels, 
(for we can call them by no other name) a band of negro per- 
formers of such rare ability and color, and with instruments 
of so fine a tone and construction that, while at one moment 
their entreaties to a certain "Susanna" not to indulge in tears 
on their account, would all but affect the audience to indulg- 
ence in the same weakness themselves, their jokes and antics 
the next moment would make all laugh to an extent that 
threatened immediate explosion, and cause them to think of 
their own ribs in connection with some bones played by an 
old friend of ours in his favorite corner at the back of the 
Stage. Another gentleman appeared rather bilious, in conse- 
quence, as he informed us, of his having detected in certain 
mutton pies the flavor, not of pepper, potatoes, onions, or salt, 
but of a patriarchal dog, in indigent circumstances, commonly 
called Tray, whose existence had been suddenly terminated by 
a dose of prussic acid. "Bobby Miles," who, by the by, imi- 
tates Uobson as much as ever, told us a good deal, but net 
quite all about a trip to Gravesend with his wife, and the 
consequences. Since his marriage he has indulged in a new 
suit of clothes, and has given further proof of his scientific 
capabilities by the invention of a complication of machinery 
which imparts to his head, while music is playing, a curious 
kind of reciprocating motion, that produces a pleasing and 
soothing effect on the audience. 


During the past week we have had the opportunity of ob- 
serving a most remarkable species of ocean bird. Last Mon- 
day the 6th inst., two Albatrosses first made their appearance 
following our vessel, together with several Cape Hens and 
Stormy Petrels, who accompanied us the whole day in a most 
persevering manner, pouncing upon everything that was 
thrown overboard as if they had been weeks without food. 
The following day, the 7th, scarcely one of this large party 
■was visible. The fact was we were almost becalmed, and, 
curious to say, these ocean birds seldom accompany a vessel 
except in rough weather. The next day the weather was very 
unsettled, and we Again found ourselves in the company of 
the two Albatrosses and their large retinue of Cape Hens and 
Stormy Petrels. Wc cannot positively state whether they 
were the identical birds who had followed us on Monday, but 
in all probability they were the same. The Albatross gene- 
rally frequents the vast expanse of ocean which lies to the 
south of the Cape of Good Hope and Cape Horn, and seldom 
or ever approaches the tropics. These birds, provided with 
enormous wings, which sometimes measure as much as fifteen 
feet in extent, follow and attend ships for many thousands of 
miles, and even from one ocean to another. They arc exceed- 
ingly voracious, and it is said they will even attack sailors 
who may happen to fall overboard, in places where they 
abound, if not immediately rescued by their comrades. It 
was long supposed that the Albatross was peculiar to the 
Southern Hemisphere, but a species has been found in con- 
siderable numbers in the North Pacific Ocean about Bebring's 
Straits, in pursuit of the vast shoals of fish which occur in 
these regions. On the morning of the 8th, attention was 
drawn to a most curious appearance which the water present- 
ed. Streaks of a gelatinous looking substance of a reddish 
brown color were observed floating and extending for several 
feet in a zig-zag direction along the sides of our vessel. This 
extraordinary looking substance was supposed to be the spawn 
of some large fish, but, on examining a tumbler of water drawn 
fr«m the dark brown surface, some curious transparent look- 

ing creatures of an oblong shape, varying in length from one- 
eighth to one-fourth of an inch, were visible. The head of 
one of these creatures presented a most interesting subject for 
reflection on the wonders of Nature. The moutb was sur- 
rounded by a delicate fringe covered with very minute red 
specks, which under the microscope would have presented the 
appearance of transparent cylinders, furnished with suckers 
capable of being thrust out, and adapted for seizing and hold- 
ing tbeir minute prey. On each side of the mouth was a long 
ienticle or feeder, whose office appears to have been to attract 
the particles of food and conduct them to the animal's mouth. 
After carefnl examination and close observation, we came to 
the conclusion that these interesting little creatures were 
small medusae, a species of liviug animal wc had occasion to 
mention in the second number of our paper as contributing 
largely to the production of that beautiful phenomenon the 
"phosphorescence of the sea." Anxious to witness this curious 
luminous property, I kept a few of these medusa- in a tumbler 
of water until night, and, on agitating the water in the dark, 
I had the satisfaction of observing bright specks of light pro- 
ceeding from the bottom of the glass where the creatures were 
lying : some of the sparks were very vivid, while others were 
faint and scarcely preceptible. After a few minutes the emis- 
sion of light ceased, but again appeared on stirring the water 
after having been allowed to rest for a short while. The act 
of stirring the liquid however soon caused the destruction ol 
the medusae, and life being extinct they ceased to emit any 
more luminosity. The discoloration of vast extents of the 
water by these hosts of small animals is not an uncommon 
occurrence in the Atlantic, but it is more noticeable in the 
Arctic seas, where the water is most extensively colored of a 
grass-green or an olive-green hue., owing to the presence of 
millions of medusa? of microscopic minuteness. The '-green 
water," as it is called, though liable to slight shifting from 
the force of currents, is pretty constant in its position, occu- 
pying about one-fourth of the whole of the Greenland Sea. 
Mr. Scoresby an eminent naturalist computes that within the 
compass of two square miles, supposing these animals to ex- 
tend to the depth of two hundred and fifty fathoms, there 
would be congregated a number which 80,000 persons' count- 
ing incessantly from the creation until now would not have 
enumerated though they worked at the rate of a million per 
week. And when we considor that the area occupied by this 
green water in the Greenland Seas is not less than 20,000 
miles, what a vast idea does it give us of the profusion of an- 
imal life, and of tbe beneficence of Him who " openeth His 
hand and satisfieth the desire of every liviug thing." 



It is surprising to see with what fearless unconcern the 
savages about here venture in their light barks upou tbe 
roughest and most tempestuous seas. They seem to ride upon 
the waves like sea-fowl. In managing their canoes they 
kneel two and two along the bottom, sitting on their heels, 
and wielding paddles from four to five feet long, while one sits 
on the stern and steers with a paddle of the same kind. The 
women are equally expert with the men in managing the ca- 
noe, and generally take the helm. Should a surge throw the 
canoe on its side and endanger its overturn, those to the wind- 
ward lean over the upper gunwale, thrust their p uldles deep 
into the wave, apparently catch the water and force it under 
the canoe, and by this action not merely gain their equilibrium 
but give their bark a vigorous impulse forward. The effect 
of different modes of life upon the human frame and human 
character is strikingly instanced in the contrast between the 
bunting Indians of the prairies and the piscatory Indians of 
the Sea Coast. The former, continually on horse-back scour- 
ing the plains, gaining their food by hardy exercise, and sub- 
sisting chiefly on flesh, are generally tall, sinewy, meagre, but 
well formed, and of bold and fierce deportment ; the latter, 
lounging about the river banks, or squatting and curved up 
in their canoes, are generally low in stature, ill shaped, with, 
crooked legs, thick ancles and broad flat feet. They are in- 


feric - also in muspular power and activity. Towards spring 
the fishing season commences, the season of plenty on the 
Columbia river. About the beginning of February a small 
kind of fish, about six inches long, called by the natives the 
"oolachan," and resembling the smelt, makes its appearance 
at the mouth of the river. It is said to be of delicious flavor, 
and so fat as to burn like a candle, for which it is often used 
by the natives. It enters the river in immense shoals, like 
solid columns, often extending to the depth of four or five 
feet, and is scooped up by the natives with small nets at the 
end of poles. In this way they soon fill a canoe, or form a 
great heap on the river banks. These fish constitute a prin- 
cipal article of their food, the women drying them and string- 
them on cords. The "sturgeon" makes its appearance in the 
river shortly after the "oolachan," and is taken in different 
ways by the natives; sometimes they spear it, but often they 
Use the hook and line, and the net. Occasionally they sink a 
cord in the river with a heavy weight with a buoy at the up- 
per end to keep it floating. To this cord several hooks are 
attached by short lines, a few feet distant from each other, 
and baited with small fish. Tins apparatus is often set to- 
wards night, and by the morning several sturgeon will be 
lound hooked by it, for though a large and strong fish it makes 
but little resistance when ensnared. The salmon, which are 
the prime fish of the Colujnbia, do not enter the river until 
towards the latter part of May, from which time until the mid- 
dle of August they abound, and are now taken In vast quan- 
tities, either with the spear or seine, and mostly in shallow 
water. An inferior species succeeds and continues from Au- 
gust to December. It is remarkable for having a double row 
of teeth, half an inch long and extremely sharp, from whence 
it has received the name of the dog-toothed salmon. It is 
generally killed with the spear in small rivulets and smoked 
for winter provisions. 


As we have lately had an abundance of the above article, a 
few words on its nature and origin may I trust be possessed 
of some interest to such as are not already acquainted with 
them. Water poured into an open vessel is found to diminish 
gradually, and eventually disappear altogether. Thisprocess 
is termed Evaporation, but as it is an essential property of 
matter that the particles composing any substance caanot be 
annihilated, and although decomposed in infinitesimal por- 
tions must continue to exist in some form or other, we know 
that the water has only changed its form and ascended into 
the air as vapor. Evaporation is favored by heat, as we have 
ample evidence to show. Warm water for instance decreases 
in bulk, as is well known, more quickly than cold, and wet 
decks and puddles dry up more quickly in warm than in cold 
weather. Whether however the process of evaporation be 
visible or not, depends on the state of the surrounding atmos- 
phere; i. e. if the surrounding atmosphere have a somewhat 
lower temperature than the evaporating body, the vapors as 
they rise become cool and are condensed being thus rendered 
visible. If however the surrounding atmosphere have the 
same or nearly the same temperature as the evaporating body, 
the vapors are not condensed, and remain invisible. This is 
evident from the fogs and mists which appear on the surfaces 
of lakes and marshes after the sun has set and the atmosphere 
cooled, but which are not visible by day when the sun is up. 
The atmosphere always contains watery vapor in some form 
or other, whether it exists in a visible state in the form of mist, 
fog, or clouds, (the only difference in these three consisting 
in the height to which they rise,) or whether it exists in an 
invisible state as it does in clear weather. A proof of its ex- 
istence ia the above state may be given by pouring cold water 
into a bottle on a warm day, when the exterior surface of the 
bottle will be soon covered with moisture, sometimes amount- 
ing to drops caused by the condensation of the air surround- 
ing the bottle, owing to the diminished temperature of the lat- 
ter. In a similar manner dew is simply a deposition of mois- 
ture oh the earth's surface, caused by the diminished temper- 
ature of the lower strata of the atmosphere. Let us now 

extend this principle to the upper strata of the atmosphere, 
and it will be readily understood, that if a cool stratum conic 
into contact with a warm one, condensation of the watery 
vapor takes place, and it descends to the earth in the form of 
rain. Aqdarii's. 

(Jjoreicjtt Intelligence. 

(From our own Correspondent.) 

New York, Dec. 1st. — Since I last wrote to you nothing 
new of a political nature has transpired, so I will send you 
an extract from the Patent Office report as a gratifying index 
of the general inventive industry of the country. In Prof. 
Kennick's examiner's report we hearof the invention of a har- 
poon which makes the whale kill himself. The more he pulls 
the line the deeper goes the harpoon. Examiner Lane's re- 
port describes various new electrical inventions. Among 
those is an electric whaling apparatus, by which the whale is 
literally"shocked to death." Another is an electro-magnetic 
alarm which rings bells and displays signals in case of fire or 
burglars. Another is an electric clock, which wakes you up, 
tells you what time it is and lights a lamp for you, at any 
hour you please. There is a sound-gatherer, a sort of huge 
ear trumpet, to be placed in front of a locomotive, bringing 
to the engineer's ear all the noises ahead perfectly distinct, 
notwithstanding the rattle of the train. There is an invention 
that picks up pins from a confused heap, turns them all round 
with their heads up and sticks them in papers in regularrows. 
Another goes though the whole process of cigar making, tak- 
ing in tobacco leaves and turning out the perfect article. 

One machine cuts cheese; another scours knives and fork.-; 
another blacks boots; another rocks the cradle ; and seven or 
eight take in washing and ironing. 

There is a parlor chair patented that cannot be tipped back 
on two legs, and a railway chair that can be tipped back into 
any position without any legs at all. 

Another patent is for a machine that counts the passengers 
in an omnibus and takes their fares. When a very fat man 
gets in it counts two and charges double. 

There are a variety of guns patented that load themselves; 
a fish line that adjusts its own bait; and a rat-trap that throws 
away the rat, and then baits and sets itself, and stands in the 
corner for another. 

There is a machine also by which a man prints instead of 
writing his thoughts; it is played on like a piano. And speak- 
ing of pianos, it is estimated that nine thousand are made 
everyday in the United States, giving constant employment 
to one thousand nine hundred hands, and costing over two 
millions of dollars. 

$acal and JPitarjr Intelligence. 


Dec. 5th 

" 6th 

" 7th 

• ' 8th 

' ' 9th 

' ' IOth 

" 11th 

During the post week. 
Latitude. Longitude. 

29°52'S. . . 40°04'W. 

32°03'S. . . 42°40'W. 

33°48'S. . . 44°it'W. 

35° 15' 8. . . 46°35'W. 

37°19'S. . . 47°23'W. 

39°09'S. . . 49°06'W. 

3U°24'S. . . 49°44'W. 

Milt's Run. 
S.S.W. 154 ill. 
S.W. ts.s.n. 
S.W.US. 137 m. 
S.W.OV. Bin. 
S.bW.VW. 131 in 
B.W.V8. 137 m. 

To-day at noon Port William bore S.S.W.^W. 808 miles. 

Jolics, &q. 

A gentleman who had an Irish servant sent him one day to the farrier's to 
get his horse shod. John, the servant, foolishly took up one of the shoe* 
while hot and burnt his hand. On waiting at dinner the same day his mas- 
ter asked him what he had done , and , on being told , he said to John ' ' You 
should always spit upon a thing if you want to find out whether it is hot. 
and if it goes phiz whizz you may bo sure it is hot." A few days afterward* 
the gentleman had a few friends to dinner, and on taking a spoonful of soup 
he burnt his throat and called out, "John how hot the soup ia." John 
turning round said, "well, sir, I am sure it ain't for want of spitting in it , 
for if Ispat in it once I spat in it a dozen times, and it never went phiz 
whiizall the time." 


£oni)5 and §)orirg. 


ho fair one you have again taken pluck, 

And obliged \i# to listen to more of your muck, 

About giants, anil Jacks, and shadows, and dogs, 

About noble biilln and slimy frogs. 

So you're not "the chaj. wot snips" and fights, 

You call yourself ' 'the chap WOl writes," 

You style yourself a noble bull, ha! ha! 

Kun and tell such stuff to your mamma; 

Once more oaten hold of her apron strings, 

And tell her of ' 'Charley," the chap wot STINGS, 

You think your sheepish poem sma-hes 

Because yon underline it well with dashes, I 

You portly say * 'come take it coolly," 

Now raj ! u frantic — quite unruly* 

You know they did; we all remember 

Your Breasted rag.-, thirteenth November, 

When yon wool stamping o'er the deck; 

oh! you'd liked to hare twisted some one's neck! 

1 dare ha\ we'll hear of yon throttling a hen, 

Endeavoring to think Its the ' 'hawk,'* miss "wren"! 

So my "noble bull" you the "frog" have pitied. 

Yet still you say the frog eat till he splitted. 

What sickly nonsense to send to the paper! 

Why I'd scarcely ose it to light a taper! 

You say great lug deeds have bean dun.- by ' 'wee" men, 

Masai you spreading a plaster or handling a pen? 

At rolling up pills I'll allow you'ro a stunner, 

But don't talk of ' 'tiring," you're an infernal bad gunnor. 

You forswear ' 'ox-tait soup" — you deny you're a ' 'nobbier," 

Y''t you say you're a shark, and of course a great gobbler. 

Take in.v advice, be a shark no more, 

It'rt an infernal bad character at sea or ashore. 

When next you write — write shorter, hit harder, 

.And between ourselves no more of the lardek. 

He's an ill-fed bull its clearly shown, 

Who can boajri Oi nought but skin and bone; 

Tho" * 'the Dearer the bone the nweeter tho meat," 

1 think ' 'noble bull" you'd bo no great treat. 

Oh! thou skinny bull pray "go to grass," 

For at present by .love you are more like au ass. 

Yon talk of being randy and always willing. 

In the mighty DUBStOfJ that you're fulfilling. 

You seem much more Uke a * 'peeler" tome, 

"Who may always be found where lie ought not to be. 

The noxt time you send me a "pill," "draught," or "julep, 

Lei it I short and sweat, like a donkey's gallop." 

Methinks my BUSTER has made you sore, 
Do you want hot water? ' 'any more?" 


Again the cry of ' 'porpoises" in heard, 
(Ah yet we've neither caught a tish or lard) 
Thin time our woi' thy "tar," a knowing coon, 
Intends t" make anre work with Us harpoon. 

Again be take* hi.- post as heretofore, 

We wish him better lurk than he'd before, 

Wo watch with intercut his every chance. 

As oft the sea-swine glide beneath his lance. 

His reputation being now at stake, 

The first that offers on the hop he'll take; 

At length one boldei than the rest advaie . ■., 

He's struck, but from his side the weapon glances, 

Oft" on bis side he goes, and s. ■<■![!- to say, 

"I'll have no more of this, there's some foul play.* 

Hut yet again lie comes beneath the how. 

As Id, mgb he wished we'd take hi* trunk in toWJ 

His body now is by the lanre trau-tix M , 

And with the ocean now his blood is mixed . 

Hi- oomrades horror sticken leave his wreck, 

Wo with a lusty Cheer haul him on deck. 

J. B. L. 


Now onwards push united comrades, 

Unto our battle held ol lite, 

We'll ne'er rapine tho' storms surround us, 

Hut press on cnaerful 'mid the strife. 

'Tis true our path is strewn with dangers, 

The thnnderiug billows round its POST, 

Vet golden nuggets shall repay us, 

When we reach Columbian shore. 

We'll build oursalTea some pretty dwellings, 

By Prater 1 ! i hret (hir to view: 

well civilize the Bquaw andVavage, 

The Oospel Truths we'll teach them too. 

We'll yield not there, tie.' hosts surround us, 

But firmly duty's path puriUB; 

For all who gild the page of story 

Know these brave wold---- 'Dare and Do." 

We'll ohaaathe dsex on the woodland mountain, 
Tho Bear and Elk we ne'er shall miss, 
BhOt -hall echo thro' glen and forest, 
Our spear shall bring us dainty fish. 

80 forward then with bright eyes beaming, 

Try not lose the conqueror's crown, 

With lifted arms lot's seiw our toll-right, 

We'll take it, wear it, 'tis our own. 

By onr country we've been highly honored, 

Who selected us the chOStfl few, 

Let no one therefore waste his talents, 

But each resolve his bent to do. 

Then when retired and freed from labor, 

Triumphantly we'll tread the plain, 

Then Fortune's pencil shall be waiting 

To write our names in book of fame. 


To the Editor. 

Sir, — Last Saturday morning a vast amount of light penetrated the great 
saloon in the ' 'City." Many conjectures were set afloat as 10 the cause of 

so extraordinary a phenomenon, till at length the curiosity of every on« 
was satisfied by the discovery that the skylights were undergoing the puri- 
fying and cleansing process recently invented and patented by our zealous 
Chief Commissioner of Public Works. This invention having met with 
such decided success, I venture to suggest that it- general adoption would 
meet with the approbation of all the inhabitants of the * 'City," and might 
be BMlly applied in clean- bag the interior of Lons-bOBJt Crescent, Duck Lan« 
and Fowl Alley, where a large amount of Vegetable and animal matter has 
been known to accumulate. Should it bIbo answer for cleansing paint ami 
man ropes, the vicinity of Poop .Scpuare and Fire Bucket arcade offer plenty 
of scope to the talent and energy of the patentee, who, though he DO 
realize a large fortune by his Invention, will at least receive the thanks of 
those who benefit by it. Observer. 


XVI. Why may the English be considered the worst judges of cattlti in 

the world? 
XVI7. Why are men happier with two wives than with one? 
Will. Why does a donkey prefer thistles to grass? 
Answer to XIII. Because it is a fellow feeling for a fellow creature. 

" XIV. Because the King was (missed) mist while tho Queen was 

(reigning) raining. 
" XV. One kisses his missis and the oth«*r misses his kisses. 

Answer to last week's Love Letter: 

1 Read down and up and TOU will see 

That I Lore yon it" yon lore ma, 

And if that you should lore me not 
My love for you muai tie forgot* 

2 Bead up and down and you will find 
That I'm tho girl just to your mind 
And if your love to me is true 

You'll find that mine's the name to you. 



Theatre Royal, "Thames City." 

THE MAN'AOEK has the honor to announce to his fellow citizens, that 
Otpt. Luard, Lieut. Palmer, It. E., and Dr. Seddall have kindly con- 
seuted to appear, on Wednesday next the lstfa iunt . , in that catenated 
end langheMn Veroe, entitled, 

iboix: ^ustid cox. 


Oox, Lieut. Valmer. 

Mrs. Bouncer Dr. SHUULL. 

After which there will be a variety of Sentimental and Comic Songs, and 

during tin- evening the far famed CHRISTY'S MINSTRELS will have the 
honor of appearing. 

a^- Doors open at G.30 p. m., performance to commence at 7 o'clock 

Reserved seats for Ladies only . 

Tin 1 encouragement which the Theatrical Company have hitherto met with 
In their endeavors to afford some amusement to their companions during 
their long and tedious pasaagi has man sod them to establish it as a perma- 
nent affair, and to earry out on shore that which h;is he< n so successfully 

commenced on board ship* To do tins it would be necessary to raise a fund 
sufficient to enable tin- Company to purchase suitable scenery and appoint- 
ments. If therefore such an undertaking should meel the approval of 
their companions and they are willing to ooutribute a trilling sum towards 
it- accomplishment, they are requested t" signify their assent to it by en- 
tering their nun - a td subscriptions in a book which «ill be opened for that 
by the Manager on Monday next. Proper arrangements will be 
made tor appointing a committee to carry ou1 the design, and to purchase 
a few necessary articles if possible at the Falkland Inlands, 

The publication of the EMIGRANT SOLDOBS' tivzKTTE ano Cap 
Chronicle was commenced at 2 p.m. , on the nth, and was completed at 2 p. 
in. this day. PubUehed at the Editor's Office, Starboard Front Cabin. 
"Thames City." 


&%uUt f 


No. 7.] 


[Price 3d. 

Ww (Emigrant Soldiers' toe% 

"THAMES CITY," DKCEMBER 18th, 1858. 

Lat. 49.33 S. Long. 50.08 W. Full Moon, Dec. 
20th, at 1h. 6m. p. m. 

Well] wc have not anchored in Port William harbor yet, 
though, from the many eager faces that awaited the arrival at 
the main hatchway of the "abstract of progress" on Wed- 
nesday last, and the excitement in the betting on the proba- 
ble distance of the ship from port on that day, we feel sure 
that the moment is anxiously looked forward to by all hands, 
when the chain will once, more rattle through the hawse-hole 
as it did for the last time on our own shores on the 17th Oc- 
tober last. J' any of as, and especially the fir sex, will also 
rejoice wheu the "Thames City" lies with furled sails as quiet 
as a duck in a pond, aud no longer gives her inhabitants cause 
to roam about the deck in a wild soit of manner, and with all 
the appearance of semi, if not total intoxication, embracing 
ropes, blocks, sails, or even one another in a most endearing 
manner, and finally settling down into the lee-scuppers on top 
of a plate-basket, or some other convenient article, with pro- 
bably two or three other stout persons on top of them to make 
the heap complete. During the past week the slightest allu- 
sion to boats, oars,,or rollocks seems to have produced an in- 
stantaneous effect on the hearers, causing them to prick up 
their ears, as they think on the prospect of their very soon 
hearing the splash of oars which they hope will ere long bear 
them to land, and producing a '..atery sensation in their 
mouths, as the connection of ideas is carried on, and visions 
of fresh meat, vegetables, battled beer, soft tommy and pickles 
float o'er their brain, and last, bat by ro means least, the 
prospect of a good run on shore. Our voyage since leaving 
Gravesend has been so protracted, that, although it was ex- 
pected that we should spend our Christmas Day very near 
Cape Horn, there appears to be every probability, from the 
quantity of ballast and water that it will be necessary to pro- 
cure in order to enable us to proceed on our journey, that we 
shall at that time be anchored in Port William harbor. Snould 
such be the case, we hope all will spend a merry and happy 
Christmas Day. There will be something more congenial to 
our feelings in being on such an anniversary, if not on land, 
at least in harbor, where we may hear a bell summoning all 
people to morning church, and although, after service is over, 
we shall not, amid the rustling of Bilks and the buzz and 
cackle about the sermon, see small boys issuing from public 
houses with pots of foaming beer, and people of all sizes car- 
rying along dishes of roasted meat and baked potatoes, which 
smell so savory in the cokl frosty air that one almost feels in- 
clined to beg a morsel, we at least hope that all hands will 
have a jolly gocd dinner somewhere or other, and an equally 
pleasant evening afterwards. Circumstances do not permit 

our sitting round a good fire in the evening and roasting cbes- 
nuts on the bob, (unless we could manage to borrow the stove 
from the bedroom of Messrs. Box and Cox) nor indeed docs 
the climate require it, and brandy does not wander about in 
search of an owner to an extent that warrants any expecta- 
tion of snap-dragon, but at the same time there is nothing to 
prevent us all enjoying ourselves, and looking forward to the 
day, far distant though it may be, when we shall spend an- 
other Christmas Day in old England. We have heard it con- 
fidently averred by a Scotch gentleman on board that his wife 
(and she is by no means light) will trip up the gangway lad- 
der after her trip on shore as light as a feather, and that on 
this occasion no chains or tackles will be required; let us all 
follow her example, and when the gang way ladder is finally 
hauled up pursue our voyage with light hearts. Little dis- 
comforts are a necessary ingredient of life on board ship, and 
c vnnot therefore be avoided, but at the same time while put- 
ting up with these, let all grumbling be smothered in the con- 
sciousness that with our two weekly entertainments as much 
relief is given to the monotony of the voyage as has been the 
case with any ship that ever left her port, and above every- 
thing, let one and all be thankful to Providence who has been 
graciously pleased to conduct us in safety and with such free- 
dom froni danger and accidents thus far on our tedious voyage. 

♦— • — ♦ 

That "perseverance conquers" is a maxim the oftener tried 
the better proved. With respect to our theatricals the truth 
of this is weekly illustrated. What seem insurmountable dif- 
ficulties are here treated as "trifles light as air," and the con- 
sequence is that we have a stage machinery complete in every 
particular, at least as far as can possibly be obtained by un- 
tiring energy and perseverance in spite of great want of ma- 
terial. Great credit is due to the manager and his assistants 
tor the complete and able manner in which they so arranged 
matters last Wednesday night, as to enable Box to go 10 bed 
and Cox to fry his chop, and to empower either individual to 
wreak his vengeance on the other by throwing his breakfast 
out of a window. With reference to the players in that in- 
imitable farce of Box and Cox on Wednesday evening, we 
have but to say that their debut was in every way admirable 
and interesting, that the moustache, &c, of the gentleman 
who played the part of Mrs. Bouncer was caused to disappear 
as if by magic, that his portly and noble proportions admira- 
bly characterized the venerable female he personated, and. 
combined with admirable acting, charmed and delighted all 
who had the opportunity of hearing and seeing him. The 
characters of Box and Cox were ably personated by Captain 
Luard and Lieut. Palmer, who by their excellent acting gave 
universal satisfaction, more particularly in those parts of the 
farce where Box deplores the untimely consumption ot his 
coals and candle, and the discovery that even his lucifcrs are 
not saced from the supposed pilfering of the innocent Boun- 
cer, and also where Cox discovers that some mysterious hand 
has abstracted his chop, used his last lucifer, and even invad- 


ed the sancity of his gridiion. We were glad to see that the 
merry faces in every part of the house showed the interest all 
felt, and the amusement they derived from the excellent act- 
ing of these gentlemen, who kept up the interest and fun in 
au ahle manner to '.he conclusion. Before concluding our 
critique, wc must beg to say that sincere thanks are due to 
our Captain and Officers for the lively and personal interest 
they take in endeavoring to lessen the monotony of our dreary 
voyage. The Christy's .Minstrels were, as before, highly 
amusing. The description of a dinner that was eaten by 
their leader, resembled much more a description of the pro- 
bable lading of our provision boat at the Falkland Islands 
tnan a meal (cod-liver oil excepted). We regret to Bay that 
the individual who is so desirous of getting back to "Ole Var- 
ginny" is not likely to have his wishes gratified, and we sin- 
cerely hope that the gentlemen who requested the ladies to 
marry are not imbibing the pernicious doctrines of the Mor- 
mon persuasion, as we strongly suspect that they have already 
succeeded in persuading a fair one, each of them, to come on 
"t'other side of Jordan." The rapturous encore accorded to 
Serj. Major Cam) on his first appearance needs no eulogium 
from us. But to those who were denied the pleasure of hear- 
ing him we have but to say that our worthy ,S. M. was in full 
tune, that his black eye was all perfection, and that the lovely 
episode in the life of a broom-seller was most musically nar- 
rated to a pleased and gratified audience. We cannot con- 
clude our somewhat lengthy critique without mentioning Sap- 
per Hughes, whose well tuned voice and harmony in the 
beautiful song of the "TrystingTree," called forth the hearty 
applause of all, especially the ladies, whose tender hearts are 
always touched by the recital of such scenes and associations. 


We continue our remarks on the interesting facts connect- 
ed with the Natural History of the Ocean by making a 
few observations on its depth. Within the last few 
years numerous experiments have been made at different lo- 
calities, and by different individuals, with a view of ascer- 
taining the extreme depth of the Ocean, but latterly our con- 
clusions have been formed more from inference than from 
direct evidence. The bed of ttie Oceanic waters presents ir- 
regularities and roughnesses, hills and valleys, plains and 
slopes, similar to those which mark the surface of the dry 
land. Off a low, level and sandy shore, the sea is in general 
shallow for a considerable distance; but close to 1 old, tower- 
ing rocky cliffs it is generally very deep. A very simple expi r- 
imeut will give us some idea of the depth of the ocean. If wc 
were to place a thick coating of wax over the bottom of a dish, 
taking care to make a very Irregular Surface with cat if 
prominences of all forms and sizes, we should probably have 
a fair idea of the solid surface of the globe. Let us then pom 
water upon it until the surface of the water should equal that 
part which is exposed, and it is clear the average depth of 
the one will be equal to the average height of the other. Hut 
we know that the proportion of the water of the globe to the 
land is as 3 to 1; if therefore wc increase the quantity of water 
until the proportion is as 3 to 1 it is evident that the d< ptb 
will have increased in the same ratio. We may therefore with 
high probability conclude that, as the greatest height of the 
land is about 5 miles, the greatest depth of the water doi > not 
much exceed 12 or 13 miles, while the average depth may be 
about 2 or 3. Captain Sir JameJ Ross, in his voyage to the 
south, made some enormous soundings at sea, one of which, 
t)00 miles off St. Helena, extended to tho depth of fiOOO fath- 
oms, or 30,000 feet, or nearly 5} miles ; the weight-employe id 
amounting to 450 lbs. Another, made in Lat. 33°. 4/ S. and 
Long. 9° W. , about 300 miles west of the Cape of Good Hope, 
occupied 49£ minutes, in which time 8226 fathoms were sound- 
ed. These facts are thought to disprove the common opinion 
that soundings could not be obtained at very great depths. 
Captain Denham sounded in the South Atlantic, between Rio 
Janeiro and the Cape of Good Hope, 7.706 fathoms, or4G,23(J 
feet, something more than 7 geographical miles. Now the 
highest summits of the Himalayas are little more than 28.000 
feet. The sea-bottom has therefore depths greatly exceeding 

the elevation of the highest pinnacle above its surface. The 
mean depth of the sea is, according to Laplace, from four to 
five miles. If the existing waters were increased only by one- 
fourth it would drown the earth, with the exception of some 
high mountains. Professor Maury has madesome interesting 
observations on the depth of the Atlantic. He lays, "The 
basin of the Atlantic Ocean is a long trough, separating the 
old world from the new, and extending pro lie to 

pole." The Ocean furrow was probably scored into the solid 
crust of our planet by the Almighty hand, that there the wa- 
ters which he called the s-a^ mi ,'iit lie gathered together, SO 
as to let dry land appear, and tit the C irth lor the habitation 
of man. from the top of Chimborazo to the bott' in 
of the Atlantic, at the deepest place yet reached by 
the plummet in the Northern Atlantic, the distance in a ver- 
tical line is nine miles. Could the waters of the Atlantic be 
drawn off so as to expose to view the great sea-gaab which 
separates continents and extends from the Arctic to the Ant- 
arctic, it would present a scene the most ragged, grind and 
imposing. The very ribs of the solid earth with tin- found i- 
tions of the sea would be brought to light, and we should 
have presented to us at one view, in the empty cradle of the 
ocean, a thousand fearful wrecks, with that horrid array of 
dead men's sculls, great anchors, heaps of pearl, and inesti- 
mable stores, which, in the poet's eye. lie Bcatti red in the bot- 
tom of the sea, making it hideous with sights ot ugly deith. 
The deepest part of the Atlantic is probably som -where be- 
tween the Bermuda* and the Grand Hanks. The waters of 
the Golf of Mexico are held in a basin about a mile deep in 
the deepest part, and there is otthe bottom of the sea bet* 
Trinity Bay, in Newfoundland, and Valencia Hay, in Ireland, 
a remarkable steppe or plateau, on which the Atlantic Tele- 
graph Cable, that wonderful achievement of science ami art. 
bat been recently laid. Such are a few of the marvellous 
facts which the vasl ocean presents for our investigation, and 
let us remember, whilst we reflect on the nature of the water 
of the ocean, on its vast expanse and immeasurable di p 
and on the countless variety of animated creatures with which 
it abounds, that we are marking the footsteps of Him whose 
"way is in the sea and His path m the great waters." 


To the 

Dbab Mb. Sditob, — Thedrcomsl tyromd 

i f it n Jit .'^ . in search ol .i shaving tackle with which be 
might share a sheepskin, in order to convert ft into a banjo I 
with the c o that we are go expected to u 

ant with wilit abim&lai t i ■• »n, and where we hope, hi the lan- 

guage ofoui C't Laureate, to ■ ' bring down a tb oar rule the and 
Bighorn," has induced me to eirks \, to the 

enr ng and dressing of ^k as. From the perusal and simple practical appli* 

iii i lie in i 1 1 ii i son e ef oar party may be enabled to i I 

count forclol . . the skin of such anion li 

I,., fortunate enou ;u to "bag." There are doubtless many ol youi 
droady well skilled in these matters, and whomaj inu 

lit (Veil 

I'}' them e 

| 1( i iod, 'en illj ai bj i. n wl 

and soap Id the instance above referred to, u we shall n il be ■ ur] i 

ere long, Hie lei in r n tic] -■■- to 1 II m Kit, and 

nth even thi Be menus be no leu ">* it. 

1, pre I toa tiuveller irr an uncivilised country, 

i, its and 
thai Me hide -in old be wasted. b de i~ Hayed 

it it B net inien led in dross t. it should he laid out in the sun. it 
sun-dried twlllkeep, If rubbed over with v 
it will keep better. If wth siit. better Mil. Bmuk'ng hides 

ring fire has a strong preservatlvi tsttlnaf. 

v, iter. 
■j. in ,: ns there la no . it Is hard work 1 1 

w:,nt; ckthei d crumpling and Btretching onl withthebai 
tbout wit li the (bet. A go it-skln tak< 
D ux-liido takes two persons ;i dayanda half or even two 
flabor. It s the simplest plantobegin upon the skin half an 
a Irs i a il y :: If oj sllou -l i" ilry i( must be » [ten- 
ad again by damping, not with water n - it dry 
andnard, out with whatever tic natives generally employ; thus clotted il is u. e.l n Abyssinia, cow-dung bj the Cat 

i i. When a skin is put as bt It must be rolled up, lest 

1 1 should I me dry by the morning. Seme pro se i- usual!] required by 

the time thai Hie |k il is Irilf ,ln <-e,l to mile' li lli ' pie. 

8, 'tie- greater part of skins, however, go through still another operation 

afterward* (besides dressing), which gives them a e,re itt I I due, and ren- 


ders them much more serviceable, that is the process of smoking. For this I 
a small hole id ring in the ground and a fire is built in it, with rotten wood, 
which will produces great quantity of smoke without much blaze, and : 
■evcra! sniall poles of the proper length stuck in the ground around it, and 
drawn and fastened together nt the top (making a cone), around which the ; 
t-khi is wrapped in the form of a tent and generally sewed together at the | 
edges to secure the smoke within it. Within this the skins to be smoked j 
are placed i aud in this condition the tent will stand a day or two inclosing 
the heated smoko, Tbjs i» the mode adopted by the North American In- 
dian*, and Cat 1 In, in describing it, adds : "By some chemical process or j 
other, wh'i h I do not understand, the skins thus acquire a quality which 
enables them, after being ever so many times wet, to dry soft and pliant aa 
they were before, which secret 1 have never seen practised in my own coun- 
try, and for th<- lack Of which all our dressed 6kins when once wet 8X0, I 
think, chiefly ruined. " 

And now. Mi'. Editor, you will be thinking that I have come to the end 
of my, or I might mure appropriately say your tether. I only hope that 
your reader* have been able to follow me with interest through the para- 
graphs of this article, which is I must confess a somewhat dry one, but I 
am sure that any who may now make notes from it will hereafter derive 
Borne little benefit. Another week I propose continuing this article, and 
in.|T nji liitun m v imoiis to put them up to a few more dodges equally as 
useful, anil porhaps more interesting than preserving skins. In the mean 
time 1 cannot do better thausubscribejmyself as your obedient servant, 

Peter Simple. 

Ijtatral and |ttilttarj| Jniettioenec. 


During the past week. 



Milos Run. 

loc. 12th . 

. 40°38'S. 

. 47° S'J' \V. . 

S.E. 109 m. 

■ ' 13th . 

. 42°15'S. . 

. 47°47'W. . 

. S.KE- 88 m. 

" Hth . 

. 44°28'S. . 

. 48°35'W. . 

. S.bW.WW.139m 

•' 15th . 

. 4. r )°ll'8. . 

. 48°5.V\V. . 

. S.bW.^W. 46 in. 

" 16th 

. 4B°27'8. 

. WWW. . 

. S.S.W. 82 m. 

" 17th . 

. 47°57'S. . 

. 50°03'\V. . 

. S.MV. 91 m. 

•' 18th . 

. 49°83'S. 

. S0°08'W. . 

S.J^W. 96 m. 

To-day at noon Port William bore S.S.W. 3112 miles. 

We were happy to hear yesterday morning that the Commanding Officer 
had at length Issued an order that of late ban been much wished for, viz: 
that we are not for the present to be required to show feet at the morning 
pandas. The certainty thfvt our as yet tender "understandings" would 
for many a day have to be exposed to a somewhat uncongenial climate, anil 
that , like young bears, all uur troubles are before us, has no doubt induced 
him to allow mm to preserve our extremities from the frosty blasts of the 
South Atlantic. 


A long way buck in the avenue of my life, perhaps rather more than a 
quarter of a century ago, I can remember a poor old soldier who had been 
in the American War, and had fought at the battle of " Bunker's Hill." 
He had been frosl -lit ten and crippled in a winter's campaign, and had suf- 
fered so much that he was unable to walk, or even to stand without incon- 
venience. Through somebody's kindness, for out of his pension it would 
have been impossible to eava money for the purpose, he had become pos- 
sessed of a donkey, on which he seemed literally to pass his life. No one 
wasevrrkiiov.n to have seen them apart except an old woman who took 
charge of him. that Is to say, who conked his meals, put him to bed, anil 
dressed him Mil pitched bis clothes when necessary, lie and the donkey 
were in fact OS one animal, and they wandered upand down the Streets of a 
pin ill town ; n an out-of-the-way district in England, in any direction that 
suited the fancy of the donkey rather than under any guidance from Ins 
master. The cold which hid Bmitten his limbs had also settled on his face 
with an air of tn stinesa, and he looked almost as it" he belonged to another 
world, lie retained as a fragment of his military service an old three-cor- 
nered cocked hit. which he aTwaj - wore perched on the top of an old \\ elah 
wig and a flannel nightcap. a, dingy coat with velveteen breeches, thick 
worsted stw kings, and shoes ornamented with broad brass buckles complet- 
ed his costume. An old hunting whip was also carried about in the hands 
which bad so long been fimilar with Brown Bess; altogether it was a very 
grotesque figure, but it bred no feeling of insult or ridicule; on the contrary 
he was always regarded with a sort of good natured respect, and a kind 
word was nlwoys i ei dy for him as be passed. Gentle folks of the good old 
stock know well that nothing of their dignity is lost by frequent Intercourse 
with thatr poorer neighbors, on the contrary, by taking an interest in their 

welfare, Bnd showing 1 hem at ail Opportunities little acts Of k mines-, love 

and good (eel ng on both Bides are engendered. Only upstarts ami half bred 
Ppopi tri il '' inooj with slights and scorn. Of the battle of Hunker's 
Bill he could tell but little, there was a great "wurl" and a great smoke, 
and '*Lord blots ye, my dear, the Americana hopped about like sqo rrela 
from hush to bush, so that a follow couldn't get a poke at them with his 
baggpnel . " bul ■>- a traveller his pretensions in that sequestered place were 
very great, and f • w wll f animals, whether real or fabulous, could be men- 
tioned but ho was ready matantly to exclaim with an air of Indisputable au- 
thority that he h id seen them all alive in America. He bad no relat vesof 
any kind, and when nature grew tired of the contest for life he dropped 
quietly and nun ticc ! from the donkey to the grave. 

Many- year later tn I f«\ 1 WSJ Visiting one day an old village Church in 
Englaii- 1 , aivt.inp'ti ■■ . I v the sexton, who was a little old man with a stoop 
and asquint; (lurch he knew little, and seemed to care lees, but 

he was not long bt-l be I! and an Cpportun ty to nay that he had been a 
soldier ntle.thi Imont in the Peninsular War, and had shared in the 
slashing rhai pt the French from the height of Bus.ico. But 

the crown ru 1 fe was an adventure in which he was a single 

actor, and ot th pr w» ss he had then shown any man might hnvc been 

proud. His story was that be was on an out-picket, and had gone to a 
neighlwring fountain for water; he had placed his musket against a stone 
and was stooping to drink when he heard a noise behind him : turning round 
he saw three F'rench "Chasseurs" gallop at him from behind a clump of 
trees. He seized his piece in an instant, fired, and the foremost man and 
horse fell. He then dashed at the second and disabled him with a bayonet 
wound in the thigh. The third "Chasseur," seeing the fate of his com- 
rades, took to flight at once. 1 am afraid he must have seen something like 
a look of incredulity about my face as his story was going on, for he took 
out, when he had finished, from his bosom a bit of paper, dirty aud almost 
ftlbng to pieces from old age and constant folding and unfolding. It was a 
document under the hand of one whose name is often repeated when Eng- 
land's greatest battles are talked about, stating that the bearer on a certain 
day had brought in two wounded prisoners and a horse, and that a second 
horse was found lying dead at a short distance frojn the picket house. So 
hie story was corroborated, and it was no doubt true ; the bit of paper ho 
carried always in his bosom; it was the patent of his nobility among brave 
men (like the bits of ribbon on several breasts in the ship) ami as dearly 
prized as if it had been a badge of Knighthood. It has no doubt gonedow u 
with him into the grave, and is now mouldering away alongside of his bra\e 
old soldier's heart in the quiet dust. 


The melancholy episode to which the following dialogue has reference is 
believed to have occured once upon a time on board aship in the South At- 
lantic Ocean, nt no great distance from the Falkland Islands. 

(Scene) a "Long-boat." (Dramatis persona?) Two solemn but seedy 
looking animals in an advanced stage of decline, the one called "Sammy" 
the other * *Jirnmy." Jimmy — ' ' I say Sammy! do you believe in the d<»e- 
trine of the transmigration of souls?" Sammy — "Well, notexactly. Why 
do you ask?" Jimmy — ' 'Because 1 have a dim recollection of being once a 
sheep, but I'm blessed 'if I'm anything but a parcel of skin, bones and ticks 
now." Sammy — ' 'Well you're uot far out there; but I say Jimmy, do you 
think they are meditating murdering us deliberately?" Jimmy — "No, no 
Sammy, I wish they would murder us, but its my firm opinion that they 
are trying to see if we can live upon nothing." Sammy — "Ob! Jimmy, I 
feel so faint! I say Jimmy did you ever hear the story of the man who made 
his horse wear green spectacles and got him to live upon shavings and fancy 
they were gross?" Jimmy — No, but I wish they would give us the same 
chance; even shavings would be better than nothing. By the bye Sammy 
I dare say they could got us some grecu spectacles at the Falkland Islands." 
Sammy — "We are Bpeeticles enough already. I shall never see the Falk- 
land Islands. Oh! Jimmy, is'nt it horrible! I feel sure I'm going to give 
up the ghost! oh! oh! oh!" Jimmy — ' 'Don't take on so, Sammy. You'.l 
6oon be all right again." Sammy — "No I shn'nt. I feel I'm dying fast. 
Goodbye, Jimmy. Give my love to my family. Going — going — going — 
guggle." (Enter butcher, who puts au end to the conversation, and cuts 
Sammy's throat to save his life.) 

JoltlJS, tvq. 

Pat's Idea. — 'Why don't you go on making the pudding Judy?' 'Arrah, 
bad 'cess to you Pat, how can I widout the shuet?' ' But w here's the shuet?' 
'Divil a one o' me knows; it's not to be found anyway.' 'Be the powers 
but its that divils clip of a cat that's at his ould work again. I'd bet a brass 
far den.' 'Well sweet bad hick to you Pat, but you've a dirty t< n.ue in 
yor head whin you like, to be thrying to make an innocent baste answer 
for yer sins in that way.' 'Och! Judy, but its yerself and yer growlin' 
that's squeesen the life out o* me; can't yo whist an I'll thry an find the 
shuet to-morrow.' 'Well may I niver ate mate agin, but that man's killin 
me be inches; to talk of findin the shuet jist whin 1 don't want it, an we 
wid nothen to ate but a dry rib of 'Cot.een' the on hi BOW. 1 'Hurroal Judy 
darlin, 1 have an idaah!' 'Tell us it then Pat, for be the holy it's the first 
one iver yo had.' 'Just cut up some small pieces of fat pork, an put them 
in the . puddiu; 1 mind now we had to do that same wonst oo boord-Bhip, 
somewhere about the Atlantic amis ; I think the shuet got somewhere far 
into the hould ov the ship, among the rats, and there wasn't a man or cat 
bould enough to fetch it out.' 'Is it cut up the ould sow to put in the pud- 
din, an is that what ye call an Idaah; may ye niver have another one isiny 
heart's wish.' 'Thry it anyway acushla. *l couldn't doit Pat, for t wint 
to me heart's core to see ye puttln a knife in that poor wit In-red ould sow, 
that was like a mother to us. But sure I don't want any ill feelin bewean 
us, so I'll thry the Idaah, if me feelins '11 let me.* 

The Prince of jokers among gentlemen was the Ear. Sidney Smith, who. 
from all accounts that have hcen published respecting him seems to have 
lived in a perpetual atmosphere of pleasantry from the time be entered the 
breakfast room of his parsonage house in the morning (when the servant, 
instead of being told to draw back the curtains, was desired to glorlty the 
room) till he went to bed at night. His funny sayings are known all over 
the world, but most of them will bear repetition. Be was taking Leave of 
the fir>t bishop appointed to New Zealand at a time when the aborigines in 
that Colony it era very numerous, and by no means pleasant to come In con- 
tact with, on account of their inclination towards cannibalism, lie told the 
bishop by way (.fa finish to his adleux, that he hoped he would not disagree 

with the man that ate him. He then recommended him to he careful as a 
h .-le-p ought to observe the rites of hospitality, especially towards the na- 
tives, adding that it might perhaps be considered a sort of compl merit to 
them if he always kept a cold clergyman on the sideboard by way of lunch- 
eon in the forenoon. 

A neighboring Vicar had a little girl who, in repeating her lesson in scrip- 
ture history, persisted In calling the patriarchs "partridges"; when thi« 
was mentioned to Sidney Smith, he told the child that she must he a vcrj 
naughty little girl to "make game" of the patriarchs. 

Lord Brougham was passing him one day in London in his carriage; tie- 
carriage had Lord Brougham's initial letter B on the panel, flldn? y Smith 
observed to his cm pan son, * 'There he goes with a B{ee)outside and a wasp 


£ong<> and {Jortrg. 


A pretty iluty now devolrc* "n me 

Touiwn that chap's rubbish, No. three; 

To my motto I intend to stick ; 

I'll crow and conquer too, old Flick. 

So the hole of Hi«- bull and frog 

Saa mads you marl, you silly dog! 

Talking of dogs, in there any danger 

if 1 Ulnitrate that one in the manger, 

That greedy cor, snug in the feeding box, 

Who could not eat the hay, nor give it to the oxf 

Yon are like that dog, you can't claim all the merit. 

And yet you seem unwilling to give me a share of prkdit; 

in "poem writing" I mean — now ain't yo^«RKKI)v , 

But dam' in'- some "t \<n it's lire precious skkdt; 

V«>ti talk of MiNF. u ntcfa — that's not gentility; 

I w rite witli BUQAH01 sir, — also ability. 

My i>.\siiiMi lines you call, wir, absurd; 

The Maine to yours, — upon my word! 

You call me an ass, — now I moat h;iv, 

You are tin- biggest am. yon first l»'#in to bray. 

ha to the shark, it was never my wish or intention 

To possess that monster's hungry propeusion; 

Merely as an illustration did 1 wish 

You to understand me as that fish. 

In firing too you wish to take the shine, 

In one sense you do — with your carbine, 

To be a gunner milit.hkk 1 don't presume, 

You'd heat me at fku-de-joik, you can't at pku-pe-plvmi. 

I don't mean, sir, tin' plumk in your Sunday hat; 

The pllmk's my pen— please remember that. 

How many times am I to ask forsooth 

Why, when yon write, yon do not stick to truth? 

Tell me at once, I can't remembss 

Putting myself In a passion last November; 

You're in a passion bftener — lor you're defeated; 

■ M course you won't confess it, you're bo devilish conceited. 

You call my attention to your .-ting, ahl ah! 

For such a sting u yours I would'nt trouble my mamma; 

Such cheek as QUs is quite unbounded, — most ill-bred, 

Don't rouse the Bull too much, or Frog you'll be in dread. 

of what? why a tossing you little croaker, 

Or perhaps a goring, — that's a choker! 

Ynii call in.- a peeler — that joke you spoil, 

(There was 1 when you wanted castor oil? 

At my post , sir. and in glee quite rax, 

To see tin- nice you were about to itll. 

Oh I Gemini! the sight was so rery pretty, 

I think 1 shall more about it in a future; ditty. 

That thing you cull a BUSTSB is all bother, 

It wasn't strong enough— «o spread another; 

Yor blister KB I how I should like to kimw; 

Not by pouring Such "Hot water down below." 

i oan bear racb a Boaldlng every day, 

l have no fear, so pqur awaj . 

A pretty bauble you were spouting, 

The tiling was lost but for the shouting 

Of Captain I* . whose lungs ere sound, 

lj they heard him under ground. 

fa t was g I . ami we all rejoice 

That he possesses so strong a voicej 

On this head I have nothing more to follow. 

Beyond that lie beats John EtfcGowan hollow. 
VMiru next you take your pen in hand, 
An explanation, sir, I must demand. 

What do you mean by skinw, you lubber' 
I'm as fat a- thou, but not -<< full of blubber. 
Now go to bed, 1 think you've found your master; 

I don 1 ''.ill thlBS i:i 181 Ml. hut a Ml BTAAD PLASTER! 

ter, sir, n ii! never bjsb on me. 
What mustard does on you— we'll wait and see! 


The citi7«n^ t<. reel have gone, 

The moon on our lee, 

The LTeah'ning breeze with cheefnl tone, 

- m'. i the dark blue sea. 

The dolphin lea] ;■ om w ive to wave, 

l ii [.ii- isphoi escence bright. 

The flying ii-ii iiiin»> it to - i\e, 
I Jud< - i.i- r * bj Sight. 

Our gallant ship W I Ii dipper stein, 

Flooghs t bron Jn the moon-lit sen. 
Hut England still Is 1 red by them 

U bo dow i epose in thee. 
And though they travel o'er the main, 
Their thoughts revert i" home, 
Take courage then my merry men, 

Wherever you may roam . 
Bold chanticleer with loud clear voice, 
Proclaims th' approaching dawn, 
The gold tinged clouds bid all rejoice. 

And bail the smiling morn, 

Predicate of our future joya. 
In our far distant land, 
Arouse you then my merry boys 

And lend a helping hand. 
We cross the Equinoctial line, 
Where Neptune reigns supreme. 
He boards us with his razors fine, 

His barbers and his cream, 

Made from the sea*king's own^recelpt, 
Nor rank nor grade escape, 
His pill and draught, new hands must meet, 
And wash after their scrape. 

Time heavy hangs, the day seems long, 
Yet jovial we can be. 
To-night we have our round of song, 
All join in harmony. 

To-night we read our own gazette, 
When gathered in a ring, 
To-night on equal terms all meet, 

With heart and voice to sing. 
We have no store nor sordid wealth, 
Though we may see the day, 
But social intercourse and health 

Will cheer us on our way. 
As brethren let us still remain, 
And jovial will we be, 
Then let us all, my merry men. 

In unity agree. 


When lonely and far on the wild ocean wave, 

How our warmest affections awaken; 

And mem'ry clings firmly to all whom the grave 

From among us so rudely hath taken. 

Though he was but a non, poor ".hick" oft' amused us, 

And his bark was a laugh as he galloped away; 

His paw after fighting lie never refused us, 

And his clear eye shone bright as the sun's sparkling ray. 

How intently we need f we a&w him afar 

In the waves mighty grasp QODly Struggling f»r life, 

Had we seen it that clear eye bad shone like a stnr. 

But alas! it's now dim, and he's given up 'he strife. 

Then farewell to thee "Jack:" thou wer't faithful and true. 

Though but a i r dog we'll regret thee, 

May we ne'er want a friend we could liken to you, 

Be H never the day we forget thee. C. S. 

Notice. — To any man or woman desirous of making a fortune and bene, 
fitting their fellow creatures. A. handsome reward Is hereby offered to any 

person or persons Who will in ven l a certain mode of pr I ' 6lin | 

among women, and preventing them from fighting with, teasing, abusing and 
quarrelling with one another. The cure must be perfeel and involve no 
bodily Injury . 


XIX. Why does a duck put its head under water? 

XX . Why does a man who marries a widow do well? 

XXI . Why Is a man who is restless at night tike a lawyer? 

Answer to XVI. Because when the Pope sent them a bnll they thought it 
a bore ( boar). 
" XVII. Because with one lie is delighted and with two trans- 

'* XVIII. Because he's an ass. 

Hdfcrtiscment. 1 ;. 

Theatre Royal, " Tliames City." 

THE MANAGER of the above Theatre begs to Inform H ntrj end pub- 
lic in general of this "City ," that th.- celel I I ly, bj Oliver 
Goldsmith, entitled 

"©ME Q-f OOPH -J' §> 
Is In preparation, and will be presented on v. tt, cir- 

cumstances permitting, when the entire store] ; slanted Company 

will have Hn' honor "i appearing. 

He takes tbJa opportunity of ezprcsi ' rtheliberal 

support that has been given to the '•» il Fund," which 

at 3 o'clock this afternoon amounted to d. As it is necessary to 

close tli'' tfsl by Monday evenin ; re ri - 

.,u. to apply i" Kicli. Wolfonden, Acting Secretary, No.7, Port Side, 
Lower-deck street. 

(Signed) AlF&ra II. Hown, M«J 

Tho publication of the Emigrant Solsiibs' Qixsra UO Capu Ho** 
CtmoMCLK was commenced at 2 p.m., on the 16th, and was completed at 

4p. in. this day. Published at the Editor's Office, Starboard Front L'ubia. 
•' Thames City." 


€nuttt f 


N.o 8.] 


[Price 3d. 

She Emigrant Soldiers' tecttij. 

"THAMES CITY," DECEMBER 25th, 1858. 
Lat. 50.46 S. Long. 55.58 W. 

Another great anniversary has come round, with its heap 
of associations, and the recollections of happy hours spent 
with pleasant companions, that possess such a charm for us 
all and remind us so forcibly of dear old England. 

Christmas time — with its visions of roast beef and plum 
pudding, — holly and mistletoe, — Christmast trees and Christ- 
mas presents, — prize turkeys and prize geese, — clowns and 
pantomimes, — cheerful firesides and happy faces, — cold noses 
and hot grog. 

Christmas — the time that the school-boy looks forward to 
as t'ne jolliest in the whole year, when he can sit down to eat 
with the certainty of rising from the table with the loss of at 
least the three lower buttons of his waistcoat and the two up- 
per ones of bis trowsers, — when he can kiss his pretty cousin 
under the mistletoe, and, emboldened by sundry glasses of 
wine, even extend his enresses to the sly little housemaid, 
causing both young ladies to blush incessantly for at least a 
week afterwards, and to declare (although ihcy really like it 
very much) that he is a "nasty rude fellow." 

Christmas time, — when diminutive boys make slides on the 
pavement to entrap wary old gentlemen with blue noses and 
still bluer spectacles, and take a malicious de ight in pelting 
policemen from round corners or behind lamp-posts with snow- 
balls so hard as to cause temporary aberration of intellect on 
the part of the policemen in question, and enable their tor- 
mentors to escape with impunity. 

Christmas lime. — when "cabbies" stand at the corners of 
the streets, beating a tattoo with their hands and feet to keep 
themselves warm, wad thing their own breath as it assumes all 
sorts of fantastic shapes in the cold frosty air, and growling 
inwardly, as the foot passengers pass on heedless of tin ir im- 
portunities, preferring the healthy air and exercise to the close 
an.l study feelii.g of a hackney cub. 

Christians eve, — when boys go about singing Christmas 
carols from house to house and from street to street; hoys so 
small that, as they huddle round your door to keep one another 
warm, the only fear is th 't, in the squeeze, one of them might 
get jammed in the ke.\-hole or the letter box, bat who never- 
theless contrive (o amass s.nnll fortunes, and forthwith pro- 
ceed to invi st them, not in "Three per cents,'' but in mince 
pies, sausage rolls and ginger papal the shop round the corner. 

Christmas time,— when the butcher's boy has a pitched bat- 
tle with the chimney sweeper's boy, in consequence of your 
having given th • former 2s. and latter 2s. Gd. as a Christmas 
box, thereby causing the "blackamoor" to chaff "greasy" to 
an extent that injures his sensitive feelings. 

Christmas Day, — when in England, even the poorest of the 

poor are, we hope, enabled to have a better dinner than they 
have had for some time before, and to derive warmth and 
comfort from hot soup and a good fire, and when all, both 
rich and poor, manage, in spite of the cold, to enjoy them- 
selves more than on any other day in the year. Sucti in n 
few words are some ot the associations with Christmas day 
and Christmas times in old England that the recurrence of 
this anniversary calls forth; and while in our lonely position 
in the middle of the South Atlantic ocean, far away from such 
scenes, we think of fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, 
sweethearts and friends, whom we have left behind, let all de- 
rive some satisfaction from the knowledge that we too arc 
not forgotten, and that on this day a tie of thought is as it 
were established and extended over thousands and thousands 
of miles, through which all think reciprocally of those that 
are near and dear to them, and look forward to a recurrence 
of the happy days and scenes that are associated with this 
the greatest of all anniversaries. We at one time expected to 
spend this day in the vicinity of Cape Horn, and it is there 
doubtless that the thoughts of all our friends in England are 
diiccted. Latterly we certainly did hope, and not without, 
reason, (for during the whole of the past week we have only 
completed a distance of 247 miles) that we should spend it at 
the Falkland Islands. This pleasure the wind however has 
done its utmost to obviate, so under the circumstances we 
must make up our minds to have as jolly an evening as pos- 
sible. Anyway it is some little consolation to think that, be- 
fore we do encounter the still colder blasts off Cape Horn, we 
shall have a trip on shore, to send the blood once more circu- 
lating through our veins, (an animal function that has of late 
ceased altogether to act except during an occasional dance) 
and that we shall at least have a good layer of fat beef, bot- 
tled porter, &c, to fortify our inner man. There seems to be 
something unnatural in separating Christmas day nnd Christ- 
mas dinner, the lattT forming, as we are snre it does with 
most people, the staple delight of the day; but, since present 
circumstances must be put up with, we cannot do better than 
wish every one a merry Christmas day and night, with the 
hope that they will ere long have a real Christmas dinner at 
the Falkland Islands, and that we may all live long enough 
to enjoy in harmony and fellowship together many another 
Christmas day in a better and more congenial spot than tin 
South Atlantic Ocean. 

The termination of one of the epochs of man's life called a 
yenr is an occasion, of all others, the most calculated to im 
press on us how stealthy, rapid, inexorable and irrevocable 
is the march of man's great enemy "Time." Ere our nex' 
publication is complctcd,thc year 1858 will have ceased lobe 
and, ou looking back on the various events which hnve served 
to distinguish it as a truly wonderful year, we cannot rcfraio 
from briefly noticing, as one of the most important of tho*f 
events, the birth and early career of the "Emigrant Soldier'* 
Gazette and Cape Horn Chronicle." This magnificent publi 
cation first saw the light at 7 p. m., on the 6th Nor. 1808 


Great fears were entertained for the infant's safety, but, thanks 
to a very fine evening, and the able support afforded to the 
doctor and his nurse on this trying occasion by a number of 
kind friends, it was ushered into the world under the most au- 
spicious circumstances. Since its birth it has received every 
possible attention and kindness that its tender age could re- 
quire, and its friends seem to have vied with each other as to 
who could best contribute to its welfare and prosperity. 
Amongst other little contributions, medical comforts have not 
been forgotten. A kind young lady sent us for the infant's 
use (Charley she called it) a "pill'' and a "mustard plaster," 
both of which took great effect. One whipping has been al- 
ready necessary, and a contribution of a jug of very hot wa- 
ter, coupled with the offer of more if required, proved of 
great service in these cold latitudes. Little inflictions like 
these are, as all mothers know, conducive to preserving child- 
ren in good health and spirits, and "training them up the way 
they should go." With regard to our young progeny, Buch, 
we are happy to saj', has been the case; it is getting on as well 
as can reasonably be expected, and better than we ourselves 
ever dared to hope, and we feel sure that our friends will bear 
us out in the assertion that for its age (seven weeks to-day) so 
fine a child has never been seen, not even excepting Master 
Linn. In presenting therefore the final number of the "Emi- 
grant Soldiers Gazette and Cape Horn Chronicle'' for the year 
1858, we beg to express our grateful acknowledgments for 
the patronage that it has received, and for the numerous tes- 
timonials of approbation that have reached us from all sides. 
We allude with pride and satisfaction to the success it has 
achieved, and the position it now occupies as the reading pub- 
lication of the deep. Brightest in the constellation of the 
literary lights, the E. S. G. & C. H.C. is weekly rising higher 
and higher in position, and whilst it continues to sparkle as 
it does, there is not the least fear of any other star getting the 
ascendancy and taking the shine out of it. In conclusion, we 
beg to assure our readers that the eight weekly numbers for 
the latter portion of the present year will, when printed and 
bound, form one of the most magnificent and interesting pub- 
lications in the world, and to call upon all who are interested 
in our success to join with us in wishing the E. S. <;. & 0. H. 
C. very many happy returns of this its first "Christmas day." 


The next interesting subject which the ocean presents for 
our consideration is temperature. The surface of the ocean 
is warmest at the tropics and gets cooler and cooler ns we go 
north and south, until we get to the poles, where we find water 
converted into solid ice. The surface of the water is gene- 
rally cooler at mid-day than the atmosphere (noticed in the 
shade), but always warmer at mid-night. In the morningand 
evening the temperature of the surface of the ocean usually 
corresponds with that of the atmosphere. Banks diminish 
the temperature of the sea, so that it is always colder over 
them than where it is deeper; and the difference is greater, the 
greater the shallows. So much for the surface of the ocean; 
but the temperature of the ocean also differs according to its 
depth; as water is a very slow conductor of heat, the upper 
surface only is affected only by the influence of seasons and 
atmospherical changes, and observation has shown that, in the 
ocean the vicissitudes of season do not influence the temper- 
ature of the water beyond the depth of 300 feet. Through- 
out the whole of the deep ocean there is at a certain depth, 
varying with the latitude, a stratum of water which maintains 
invariably the temperature of about 39° 5'; this stratum marks 
the influence of the sun's heat. In the equatorial seas the 
line of unvarying temperature is found at the depth of 7200 
feet. From this depth at the equator the line gradually rises 
till it conies to the surface in Lat. 56° 2G' N. & S., and here 
the water has the same temperature 39° 5' at nil depths. From 
the latitudes named to near the degree of 70° the line de- 
scends to the depth of 4200 feet, beneath which to the great- 
est depth the temperature is uniformly that of 39° 5', while 
that of the surface is 30° 1'. Thus the temperature of the 
ocean decreases with the depth to a certain limit at the equa- 
tor, and increases with the depth to a certain limit towards 

the poles. Some interesting experiments have been made 
with a view of determining the depth to which light pene- 
trates the water, and the conclusions arrived at arc that the 
propagation of light through water is not carried far below 
the surface ; that its influence at the depth of 300 feet is 
scarcely equal to the glimmer of twilight, and below about 
700 feet there is perpetual darkness. Admitting this to be a 
fact, founded on the most accurate of calculation, do we not 
wonder how it is that the myriads of animals which inhabit 
the depth of the ocean are thus left without the benefit of 
light, but here again do we see the wonderful provision which 
the All-disposing hand of Providence makes for his creatures. 
We have had occasion to notice the light thrown out by count- 
less numbers of organic beings which inhabit the ocean, giv- 
ing rise to that magnificent and imposing spectacle the phos- 
phorescence of the sea, and might we not venture to suppose 
that the light thus produced in the extreme depths of the 
ocean contributes in a great measure to supply the place of 
the sun's rays, which do not penetrate beyond Too feet. One 
important fact has suggested this notion, and it is this : we 
have every reason to believe that Algoe or sea-plant j , which 
constitute the food of large fish and afford shelter to small 
ones, grow in great abundance in the extensive depths of the 
ocean; now experiments have proved that plants cannot grow 
and flourish without light, in fact that light is essential to the 
growth of plants, and, as the light of the sun does not reach 
very deep sea-plants, is it not natural to suppose that the light 
constituting the phosphorescence of the sea answers the pur- 
pose equally as well, especially as we are aware thai plants of 
a low organization like sea-weed do not require the influence 
of so strong a light as those of a higher organization? 

There is yet one more subject in connection with the Natu- 
ral History of the Ocean which merits our consideration, and 
that is the formation of waves. Were it not for winds the 
surface of the sea would ever present an unbroken andglassy 
smoothness. The playful ripples which break the moon's 
rays into a thousand sparkling diamonds, and the huge bil- 
lows that rear their crested summits to the sky would be 
alike unknown. If the direction of the breeze were exactly 
horizontal, it is difficult to imagine how the surface could be 
ruffled at all. but doubtless the wind exerts an irregular pres- 
sure obliquely upon the water, a few particles of which are 
thus forced out of their level above the surrounding ones; 
these afford a surface, however slight, on which the air can act 
directly, and the "fleet now goes on increasing every moment, 
until, if the wind be of sufficient velocity, the mightiest waves 
are produced. The progressive motion of the undulation pro- 
duced appears like an onward flow of the water, but a bird 
resting on the sea, or a boat adrift upon its surface is not car- 
ried forward by the waves. There is merely a rise and fill 
with them, except in the case of a strong continuous wind 
which occasions a superficial current. Notwithstanding the 
extremely agitated state of the surface of the ocean during 
furious tempests, at a comparatively small depth it Is perfect- 
ly tranquil. By experiments in 1836" it was found that, in wa- 
ter 12 feet deep, waves 9 inches high and 4 or B feel long did 
not sensibly affect the water at the bottom. The effect of the 
strongest gales does not probably extend beyond the depth of 
200 feet. The common saying of the waves running moun- 
tains high is a popubr exaggeration. Viewed from the deck 
of a vessel the immense undulating surface causes them to 
appear much higher than they are, while theevcrchanging in- 
clination of the vessel itself produces a deception of the 
senses which increases the exaggeration. Experienced prac- 
tical men have however made some observations which show 
us their height. Taking theirstation in the shrouds, they have 
proceeded higher and higher until the summit of the loftiest 
billow no longer intercepts the view of the horizon. After 
watching for a sufficient length of time to verify the deduc- 
tions they descended, and measured the height of the point 
of sight from the ship's water line; deducing half of this dis- 
tance for the depression of the hollow below the level of the 
surface, the remainder gives the elevation of the highest wave. 
It is found that the waves do not usually exceed six feet in 
height, except when cross waves overrun each other. The 
highest rise noticed in the Mediterranean is only 16 feet', r.nd 


20 feet off Australia. The French ship 'Venus,' in a recent 
circum-navigation of the globe, met with no wave higher than 
i3 feer. Off the Cape of Good Hope 40 feet is considered the 
extreme height of the waves, or 20 feet above and below the 
general level of the ocean. Although the height of waves 
in a storm does not exceed 22 feet, the surf, half water and 
half spray, rises at times above the head of the Eddystone 
Lighthouse, which is 90 feet high, hooding the lantern in a 
watery shroud and sometimes extinguishing the lights. At 
the Bell-Rock Lighthouse the surf in a storm mounts to the 
lights, which are 100 feet above the ordinary level of the sea. 
At such time the column is felt to tremble when struck by 
the hugli mass of the rolling waters. What a grand subject 
lor contemplation is this? What is more eminently calculat- 
ed to draw man's attention to the power and majesty of God 
l h u 1 1 the consideration of a mighty tempest, and what can be 
greater claims on man's grateful love and praise than the 
wondrous deliverance He has so often wrought from its fury. 


showed him a gliiupso of tetter things above. Bid we not nil feel glad to 
follow him itep by step as he worked his way from one grade to another, by 
good conduct nnd constant bravery in notion, to a high rank in his profes- 
sion? Was it not a pleasure to think of that good officer who made the poor 
soldier his friend and pulled him up, in sheer love and kindness, on the 
ladder of life? it was a pleasure too we connot help thinking to leave that 
good officer dying, as a brave man loves to die, on the field of battle and 
with the sh.nits .if victory echoing in his ears, and lastly it was no small 
pleasure to leave • -Master Doubledick" himself living as a brave man loves 
to live, doing his duty always, his services acknowledged and advancement 
ElYSD Dim as In- deaotTed, with that priceless treasure, the chosen wife of 
his bosom beside him. 

|tat and iftilitarn ^ntclligcnrc. 


During the past week. 

Miles Run. 

. W.S.W. 60 m. 

. W'.US. 124 m. 

. 8.S.W\7Um. 

. N. 2 in. 

. N.W.W.i:. ra. 

. y.K.IiK>-,'K. 2a in. 

. N.W.J4W. 33 ra. 

To-day at noon Port William Lighthouse bore S.W.}.£W. $5 miles. 

All obi sayings luwe something good about them, something that ought 
not only to "bf nriKiiibered but also, if circumstances permit, to be acted 
on. One of the Terj ofdttte for it has probably been repeated in one shape 
or another not less than eighteen hundred years, is that "Christmas comes 
but once a year ami that when it comes it brings good cheer." The cheer 
with the greater part of us will not be nueh to-day or to-night as we could 
dordre, but we hope to be pardoned for bringing forward for consideration 
the question of an additional glass of grog. We know that every arrange- 
ment for our comfort is in good hands, and we hope that in the little mat- 
ter now hinted at we shall not bo disappointed. 



lec. 19th 

. 49°5t'S. . 

. 61°3o'W. 

" Mth . 

. MPc:5'S. . 

. H°WW. 

" Vilst . 

. 51° 10' 8. 

. 65° .WW. 

'• 22nd 

. 61° 08' 8. . 

. »u°35'W. 

• • ■> ;rd . 

. 6(P5S'8. . 

. 55°53'W. 

•■ 24th 

. 81° OS' 8. . 

. 65°20'W. 

■• iotli . 

. 40° 46' 8. . 

. 65°6S'W. 


Till weather during the early part of the week was windy, wet, cold and 
dismal, is the nose, throat and pocket-handkerchiefs of almost every one 
of lU can bear witness, but on Friday the wind had lulled and the Bun re- 
sumed a little of its warmth, comforting once more our backs and bosoms; 
and the poor old year 1858, (tho bright and cheerful months of his youth, 
manhood and old age worn through) ns if conscious that the last sen,- is 
approaching, seems preparing to depart in peace. How fondly wo trusted 
ere this to have been at anchor snug aud sheltered in Port William harls.r, 
aud to have had the satisfaction on this Christmas day to have walked round 
the. mess tables laden with good fresh fat beef, plenty of vegetables and 
other th ngs to correspond! Few sights we could think of at the present 
time could gladden us so much as this. In so small a community every 
trifle acquires importance, and we feel bound therefore to record thedecuase 
of the two little Kids, who In the storm of Wednesday morning, with the 
wind singing a dismal dirge around them, gave up tho ghost at the feet of 
our reverend pastor and master. 8cveral Albatrosses have been captured 
and paraded round the decks like the spoils of war at a Itoman triumph. 
Tho victor in this case, at whose chariot wheels the prisoners w--ro Isirne, 
being Serjeant Lindsay. Neither conqueror nor conquered could haveBhown 
a prouder or more defiant eye than did these haughty birds, with their bills 
■ trapped down in the yuirl.r Master Serjeant's hand. They seem so friend- 
ly to us, following us with their glossy wings waving in the wind like the 
ensign of a foreign vessel saluting us on our onward path, that, although 
their capture and their measurement from wing to wing is something to talk 
of heremnor, wo confess to have felt a pleasure at seeing ooo of them sent 
back again in freedom to his native clement. Some one on this occasion we 
are t .1.1 an inquiry as to whether the bird would be ready to take 
the hook again if it funic in his way. The most facotions of Hospital or- 
dcrlics.with his usual promptitude and acuteness, replied that there was not 
much doubt als.ot that, as ho had already hooked it. 

Tho usual theatrical performance of Wednesday evening was unavoidably 
postponed, owing, wo regret to slate, to tho indisposition of some of the per- 
formers, but, to prevent disappointment being fclt.Capt.Luard kindlycanie 
forward and read to us the most appropriate and beautiful tile(bv Dickens) 
of the "Poor Traveller." Do wo not owe Capt. Lnard our hearty thanks 
for the gratification he afforded us? The story commences with the descrp- 
tion of a heart-broken but high souled man. who, having quarrelled with 

To the Editor. 

Dear Mn. F.mTOR,— As the taste for dressing skins has. during the put 
week, not alone been confined to those of Albatrosses, but even been ex- 
tended to those of the twin progeny of "Mrs. Nanny <!.," I trust that tie- 
f. ■«• hints I offered on this subject in your hist number have created some 
Interest . 1 do not hesitate in forwarding the enclosed according tu my pro- 
posal, which contains a few instructions for the easy preparation of parch- 
ment, catgut, Ac. 

The same sort of substance as that which is called parchment when made 
from sheep or goat-skins, and vellum when from calves, kids or dead-born 
lambs, cau be made also from any other skin. The raw hide is buried for 
one or two days, till the hair comes easily oft', then it is taken out and well 
scraped. Next ft skewer is run in and out along each of its four sides, and 
strings being made fast to these skewers, the skin is very tightly stretched 
out; as it lies on the stretch it is carefully scraped over, squeezing out the 
Water; and, lastly, the skin is ground with rough stones, as pumu'estonc. 
sandstone, Ac. It is now allowed to dry, the skewers being tightened out 
from time to time. If used for writing the above will be f mad rather 
greasy, but ox-gall will probably remedy this. In the regular preparation 
of parchment, before taking off the hairs, the skin is soaked for a short time 
in a lime pit to take out the grease. 

5. To make catgut. Steep the intestines of any animal inwater for a dflx . 

then peel oil' the outer membrane, which will roine off in long strips; th 

should be twisted up between the hands and hung out to dry; they form 
excellent sewing thread for skins, 4c. The next step is to tuin the gut in- 
side out, scrape off the whole of its inner soft parts, what remains is a fine 
transparent tube, which being twisted up tightly and stretched todry, forms 

6^ By boiling, or exposing to heat in hot sand, horn is made quite soft: 
it can he moulded in what shape you will, and when cold it will keep it . 
Not only this, but it can be welded by heating and pressing two edges to 
gether, which however must be clean and quite free from grease; even Un- 
touch of the hand taints theiu. Sheets of horn are awcll knowu substitute 
for glass. Ox-horn is left to soak for a fortnight in a pond, then well 
washed to separate the pith, and boiled again for half an hour. After this 
it is sawn lengthwise and boiled continually until it is ready to split into 
sheets; this is done with ft chisel . The sheets are again boiled, scraped of 
an uniform thickness and set in shape to dry. 

Thus fir hove I got, when the quantity that I have written tells me that 
such la sufficient for tho limited space in your valuable columns. I only 
hope that 13 months hence some few of your reader! may have profited from 
these hints, and from the application of them have placed to tho good ac- 
counts of their wardrobes skins in sufficient number to keep them warmer. 
perhaps 1 should say to make Cham look warmer than at tho present time. 
1 wish you and them all as merry a Christmas as is consistent with our pre- 
sent desolate position, nnd look forward to our spending the one in th-' 
' ' happy new year" before us in a moro congenial clime. I have only to re- 
quest that yuu will not bo astonished if on some future occasion on another 
theme breaks out your obedient servant, Peter Simple. 


When we got to the depot I went round to get a look at the iron DOSS. 
Thunderution ! It warn't no moro like a boss than ft meetin'-house. If I 
was goiu' to describe the animulo I'd say it looked like— well, it looked like 
—darned if I know what it looked like, unloss it was a he-devil, snortin' 
snioko all round, and pantin', and heuviu', andswellin', and chawin' up 
red coals like they was good. A fellow stood in a house-like fecdin' him all 
the time; but the more ho got the more he wanted, and the more he snort- 
ed. After a spell the fellow cfttchcd him by the tail, and great Jericho I he 
set up a yell that split up the ground for more'n a mile and a half, and th- 
next minit 1 felt my legs a waggiu' and found myself at t'other end of lb- 
string of vehicles. I wasn't Bkeered, but I had three chills and a stroke ot 
the palsy in less than five, and my face hail a curious browuish-yel- 
lor-green-bloish color in it, which was perfectly unaccountable "Well 
says I, "comment is supper-FlU008,"and 1 took a seat in the nearest wag. 
in', or car, as they called it — a consarned long stcam-boat lookln' thing. 
with a string of pews down each side big enough to hold about a man and a 
half. Justae I set down the boss hollered twice and started off like astreak. 
pitchin' me head first at the stomach of a big Irish-woman, and she gave a 
tremendous grunt, and then catched me by the head and crammed me under 
the soat; the care was ajumpin'and a tcarin' along at nigh on to forty thou - 
sand miles an hour, and everybody was bobbin' up and down like a mill -saw. 
and every wretch on 'cm had his month wide open and looked like they 
was laflin', but I could not hear notion', the cars kept up sach a racket. 
Bimeby they stopped all at once, and such another lalf basted out o' them 

Laflin' at me toe, that's what mad» 

, passengers aa I never hearn before. Laffin' at me toe, 
his sweetheart and believing that the gates of the Paradise of her love were | me mad, and I was mad as thunder too. I ris up, and shakin' my fiat ai 
for ever closed against him, in a fit of despair became a soldier. The esti- I 'cm, says I, "Ladies and gentlemen, look a here r I'm a peaceable stran • 

mation in which soldiers were held in those days was very different from ger *■ and away the darn train went like small-pox was in town, jerkin' 

that in which they are held now, when a soldier who docs hs dujb and holds me down In a seat with a whack like I'd been thrown from the moon, and 
fast to a good reputation is respected and honored from one esJVf Britain the r cussed mouths flapped open, and the fellows went to bobbin' up and 
to another. This poor soldier however, going fast to dwlructlln. met in | down again. I put on an air of magnlmoua contempt like, and took no 
his downward path a guardian angel, who slopped and checked him and more notice of 'em, and very naturally went to bobbin' op and down myself 

thy: emigrant soldiers- gazette. 

ptUfi and jportrn. 


f»r kII the d»ys throughout th* y ■■ ir fur l«in^ blithe and rnY, 

tiTal u rare old Chriotin .»- 
• >f all t folk* i ifi happy be, 

for in i r ih and jollit J. 
■ the »ri"W , i Haute doth afford, 
i utti the rbetti ■ baud , 

heei , old Kuftlund*! bawl . 

. I thl in*'. the r.UII.-t lii- Ulf.-lt tlKWt. 

Whil" nil then think QO their ■ '. .ir (Hands in OUT OWU native I iOd, 
Let all r.dence, who, irlth Almighty hand, 

Hath gul stormy see, 

Wh" pa* it be DXlght 01 from Satan'* thraldom free. 

\ • Brit una, I ill i onintae 

i * Ehriitmai time, 
Drown *ll thought ntented be, 

Remember we're in dutj n the BOA; 

dount 'tin for the b 
I'ut titiM nti'l OOafldl BOS in Qod, t" Hun <ur prayers addi 

. guard Luuhlp throughout -Mir future path, 
■k fr"in angry Win ■ unpeet'S wrath. 

Bteenwhils let's *\» od on oat u th. v do at home, 

l*et'» have oar dnni •■, though wildlj shout the d« k- we roam. 

\t friends, ami still we've one inure WOTd to say, 

i m mj knot] 



Well you've N|| DM a ' 'pill" arnl a ' 'inuritard plasti :," 

Von talk of hooting no, "f being my tnaeteri 

1 1 1 . t think, 
it 'twi i should'nt blink, 

• »r did yon, mitt, prig it -Tom Neptun ■ own t m nU ? 

1 should think that you did, by the way that it ntniik; 

Xow tl i too [ suppoee, you will call "t iurbl," 
unp nndor lutl : 
1 700 tight mo fairly without quoting gentility, 

I to m >k> np 1 'i ini b a ant oj sblUtj " 

I h UTS \ • t , all , t0 loan thai J .tic, 

But a week *»r two ilnoo Tonrjbri i ■ it aquatle, 
Kvr u ilmi k ■ dj*d jooroolf, if right 1 rvniumbor, 

11 I'ln nioko a fuHB on the 18th Nov< moor. 
Doa'i oonouer booosot 1 turn rod, 

d dared f''-n to -all mo ill-bred. 
Hut, poor girl. 1 moot make up a rhyme, 

Now don*l talk of I ' riot you box. time. 

know I'm nol going to bo baas, 
Lhoagb mj I mer nae boon no great treat, 

I've got strength enough left to Uck tou, yon know, 

Mr mottO that "while living you'il CTOW." 

I ar laat rhjmo which l think l must mention, 
it'* an awful * 'Jaw breaker" thai rhymes t" Intonttooi, 

ff Blk< 1 in . r pi. Qnod BUI h a word I'll ba h.-und , 
Ati * •prop.-ntion"— nor will it iu Johnaop BO found. 
poor man's adi 1 e, d i more papat spoil, 

B I pull whin I'm taking your oil, 
For your qw imp in tho niorn, 

DCfa your pot 
>\ hy v'ur i bin meets your knee If too wind's hi owing keen, 
Ami on your long dux longer wrinkles are seottj 

-, and so v. 1 v onconth 
Th it i'h ipnti' hiir-l '. whii'li wrinkle's your mouth. 

1 , n\ that by rhyme writing I am ' 'conceited,*' 
Must 1 warn you again, *till again n p 
11 in -t.iki* for a "huinhl I 

" •'hull.*," "tjhurkd" or cocks, 
1 ni v-r 1 row except in tl 
- d «r ■ me, iiii-^-, to hanh r knooks 
Than warning v or log with ■ "CSBDRaufl dox." 

ISRfS, tot,. 

atOVffm. — Tn a n«w hot rapidly bBOraaatnf SOtsloiUOUl In Canaila Weil, a 
few year« agit, Um «rt of m tr tirwp wiw oarnod oaj Bsnoog fonag paofva w;tli 
grent Tim>r, a« gpnerally baBMas to bs tho oaas m moat pla. as » here bv n 
an<l wora ite together, but there wan this peewHarlty about thu 

fdace alluded to, that . wh<u h young gentleman attached huneelf to a youn ; 
adj anil booama to ail Intents and purpoaes bar devoted alave, aeaaastlng 
ber to slslghlng parti, i.dandngpertiw.and all other part1sa f ths youaaj lady 

r-'i .i\. d tht- titlf oftiJN ' • muffin, "and wan known an mi.1i in poll to society r 
and aa thwra were seTeraJ young oDoers statlo w ed than of tin* Artillery and 
Una it nag bs roadilj lunpoaed thai nw of them wars In atnsrl of ' 'msnaaaV' 
One how.v.-r who was rather s stupid, oapering laUow, and who had beer* 
ooneeouentlj turned Into ridicule by t lie y i^ Ladles, wiw boasting ana 

day at rmtte of a nire * 'muffin" he had got hold of, "SUCO a Hplendid muf- 
ti 11 : " there wan Dothlng he iimiote.l in the neighborhood hi to bs rSHnnarorl 
with her. A friend sitting by whil<- the cooToroation was going on told hiru 

he SUMptM-ted that if he had a muffin at all it moat be a 1 ■agj -a -imillin . 

The,,iis Watty Morrinon, aa he was commonly called, wan entreat - 
Ing the ('ommundinK otfieer ofj araghnanl at Port Oaorgs topaidotiapoot 1 
fellow sent to the hasbarta, The Omoaf granted hia patttloB 00 condition 

that Mi -hould luc.ird with the drat he lakad. The BlTOl 

parrbnn tho ooromonj ••f Baptism on ■ young puppy . At the ohita- 
tening Mr. sforrleon desired the Major to hold the dog. '*Ai 1 am a min- 
ister of the Kirk of S. 'oil. ui' I . " 1 thl Mi. Mori - 1 . ' • I mu-t paoOOed BCOOfd- 

tngly.' 1 The Major said be asked do more. "Well then HaJos 1 begin with 
the oanaj queatioa, yon Sjckoowledgs yourself the father of thai puppy'" 

The Major understood tho joke and threw away thO animal. Jbui did Sir. 
Morrison turn and laugh at the Bjnanarar wiio intended toUvride a aaerad 

w*hen the body of the Qlujitrloiii hero of Troftlgajr was pvt bto a • oak nf 
spirits to he trausported to old England, the bung accident ly i\ II out, and 
one of hia Lordabip's Bngers made its appearance at tho opening. A sea 

man, who had BOfTOd SOOU yean in tin' Aj I ED 1 's ibJp, - 1 Bed the hand. 

and giving 1 1 aoordlaJ gripe, al the .name time wiping away a teosr thai glls- 
teneo on Eli weather-beaten cheek, exclaimed, "Hang ma old boy, if you 

are not in better spirits than any of us." 

A reverend gentleman, while walking along the conn! i.e-tr Etoohei 
came across a boatman who wan swearing Atriously. rdarcbing ap, baooo 
fronted him and rather abruptly said i ' 'Do you know where you're going?" 
The B^tanapactlng man Lnnooentlv replied thai be was gofng up the obj 
his boat. • 'No sir, you are pot, " continued the reverend gentlanaan f "you 

are gOtng SO hell faster than the ranal-boat ran Carry you." The boatinaii 

' bim m utonJahment mr a moment and then returned the quae- 

tion, • ' Do you know wheTS fOtl are going} " ' T expect to gO SO heavan . " 

"No, sir, you are going rignl Into the canal ," and suiting the aetiontothe 
wordH, lie to<jk the reverend gentleman la bis arms and tossed bim Into the 
water, where ho would have drowned had not the boatman relented and 
Oahad bim out. 

The great lYench romance writer, Alciander Dunian, Is said to be of ne- 
gro extra* Uon, of which it in also understood he does not affect to make any 
sacrel or to be in any way ashamed. A rrancfa gentleman of the old nobili- 
ty, bnl remarkable for nothing except flrlvoUtv, was questioning him one 
evening al a large party on the subject of his deacent, Inquiring what par- 

BhadS t ■lor his father, grandfither and great l-i aielfather had 
be.-n. All this DumaM replied to with great and good humor, till his ioi 
m. nior thinking at t.. puzzle him saked him again w hal bis great great 
grandfather wart. "A monkey, *ir," said Dumas getting exasperated, * '» 
monkey; my family began, sir, where yours h;w ended. 



An Iri-'innn tr.iv.llnif one OoM Dighl BUM rcry late to the rflbgi wln:re 
^ ft ^ nl tor ol the odij public doom w;w snug 

I, ind I'iIiIv » u at » 1 i,h l,.w t. nt liim out nf it. A ti 
t . ■ f tli.- ti irr.w htr lid B«e 

1 Hiiiill lamp. 
ii.l huniniT' ill liii. raiglit. The Tillage doc- 

tor a r it wm I in Im^i sh rt at tho window u 

gj^j, |, -1 orye would n t i 

turn in Who i. it I 

,,,,• . 1- Ifthent' •Divilahit! «urc if. myself 

tlftt w , ■■. r nr A'lay older Id ill my I fa Hum at Um present, l»ar- 

f * a warm bed.' 'Then what do yon men 
by'kn ■ ~ ti,' al th > door loud en «ich 1 i ^ iken the dead ba tli'ir grMM? f 
.p... - iv^ 1'adiiy, ni iiiv'r* tfi- nne ye*, sent U re goes 

to vnkrn 'eui.'all .. n « kinc ayain What the de»il 

do wou knock at n>] 'Och! go to lied honey if . not yuurmlf atall 

at all 1 » "t. I iu drtj took the loan of yer knockir to ■akea the landlord 
■ear II k ng hi. head out of hi. bedroom 

" di to um what the infernal row waa that was going on in the tlroet. 

XXII. What U the moral dUTei ncakeonda 

\ .1 II Why do dock, take their heads oal .if watarl 
X.\1V. Why in hot bread Ike a cbaryaaiisl 

Answer to XIX. For iHvith realons, 

" -\ \ . ll-'i uue hi 11 -rry a rn'sa. 

■■ XXI. Hn in • in Qrvt llee on one aide and than on the olhor. 


Theatre Royal, u Thames City." 

TIIK MANAGKT. of the BboVS Th" itr ■ , b .\ i 1 1 -_' 1 1 rlnglnvite- 

tion to g" to Both, Ac, , begS to aim -once to the nobility, gentrv, and 

puW 'f tins 1 tty, that Ui loaed hare for a short period ■ '■ 

,1 iin ha hopes to ba abb- to aatoniah bis friends with a multiplicity ot 

new di ■ snd properties, snob na have nevar boon aeon on any 

d this part of aba world. The play to be presented en the opening 

of m \t He 1*011 will bo the celebrated Comedy, In 6 acts, by Oliver Gold - 
I smith, cutith-d, "rias Stoops to Conqukr." 

Tho publication of the Kmiorant' Oazcttk and Catc Hokjs 
CHUONwaax waa commenced at2 p.m., on the 23rd, and .. tad at 

4 p. in. JHs day. Published at the Editor's Oflice, Starboard Front Cabin. 

tikgej Eiivd:ic3-FL^.isrT 



N.o 9.] 


[Price 3d. 

S^hc Emigrant Soldiers' (Snzctte. 

"THAMES CITY," JANUARY 16th, 1859. 

Lat. 55.00 S. Long. G3.00 W. Flu, Moos, J*h. 

18th at 11 ii. 48m. p. m. 

The anchor is again weighed, and we are now leav- 
ing the Falkland Islands behind us, and pursuing our 
course round Cape Horn lor the next port our Captain 
may deem it desirable to put into for water, lime-juice 
and other provisions, before getting to our final desti- 
nation. We may, however, all look forward to another 
two or three months in the '•Thames City.'' Some 
will no doubt consider it a bore, and either wish them- 
selves back in England or that the remaining distance 
may be accomplished in less time than it takes to read 
this; others will grumble about being BO long on salt 
provisions, fancy they 7 will never got to their destina- 
tion, and be discontented with almost every one and 
everything; and again others will take it as a matter 
of course; having made up their minds to take things 
OS they come, they will do their duty as it ought to 
be done, be always cheerful and contented, and ready 
to give a helping hand where required; these last we 
wish to encourage, and with one and all we trust that 
should there be any slight difference or ill-feeling now 
existing, which may have arisen cither in the earlier 
part of our voyage or on shore at the Falkland Is- 
lands, it may now be forgotten, and that all will do 
their list to aid and assist in making the rest of the 
voyage peaceable and pleasant, so that each person 
may hereafter have the satisfaction of having in some 
degree administered to the general comfort and cheer- 
fulness of all. 

W'Eare once more restored lo the rollingnnd pitching. smoking 
and Spitting, make sail and shorten sail, wash decks and scrape 
tables, lom lv and monotonous life so peculiar to a sea voyage, 
and though there arc many with whom this species of exist- 
ence is preferable to the dirty, confused and tantalizing life 
on board a ship in harbor, there are many doubtless on the 
other hand to whom the sight of a pebble, the smell of a bit 

of sea-weed, a cosy fire or a comfortable tea have always, and 
lately more than ever, afforded anamount of pleasure so great 
as to cause them to leave even so desolate a spot as East Falk- 
land Island with many a grudge, and with the words "Dean's 
Store," "Butter," "Cyprian's," and "Rudd"' ringing constant- 
ly in their ears. \Ye say "desolate," for, if a barren and peaty 
soil, deep bogs, a rugged, mountainous and rocky country, 
and the total absence of trees and vegetation entitle any place 
in the world to such an epithet, East Falkland most certainly 
deserves it. Everything too seemed quaint and old fashioned, 
from the pilot, on whose face time and exposure had furrowed 
wrinkles deeper even than those assigned to a charming mem- 
ber of our own little community, and who, with one eye gone, 
Beemed to be making an effort to see round Cape Horn with 
the other, — and the American Consul, whose appearance fully 
justified the opinion that he was a superior kind of bum-boat 
man, and elicited an enquiry from a hungry triend of ours as 
to the number of herrings he had brought off in his boat. — 
down to the king-penguins on the Governor's lawn, who, with 
their bright golden breasts and awkward fins, stood looking at 
one another as if anxious to commence a conversation but 
unable to find any interesting topic in such an out of the way 
spot. Still it is an English Colony, and, spite of natural de- 
fects, we feel sure that there are many of us who, bleak and 
isolated as it is, derived more pleasure from a trip on shore 
there, where all saw English faces, English customs and Eng- 
lish dress, and where many received such hospitality as is 
known only in those places inhabited by English people, than 
would have been the case had we put in at any foreign port 
on the coast of South America. Anyway our protracted stay 
in Stanley Harbour has been a pleasant break in this tedious 
voyage. It has enabled all who required them to lay in a 
Stock of clothing and other necessaries, and, nlthough we were 
disappointed in our expectations of soft tommy and potatoes, 
a fortnight's fresh meat and vegetables, and a change of scene 
have doubtless contributed in a great degree to cheer us both 
bodily anil mentally, and to fortify us for the severe weathc: 
we may expect to encounter for the next week or two, and we 
feel sure that it will give us all pleasure to refer hereafter to 
our visit to lonely Baal Falkland and the kindness and hospi- 
tality of its inhabitants. Nothing tends so much to a cheerful 
and contented frame of mind as a resolution always to look 
on the brighl side of affairs, and although we cannot fairly 
presume that more than half our voyage is over, everything is 
doubtless ordered for the best. If each one makes and keeps 
the above resolution, ana does his best to be happy himself 
and make those around him happy, it will tend to lighten the 
monotony of the rest of the voyage, and to promote harmony 
and good fellowship among a body of men and women who 
have yet many years to spend together, in a country where we 
shall be thrown upon our own resources, and where the con.- 
fort of each and all will depend upon themselves. 



Nothing of nny importance connected with Natural Rlstory 
hat Ing presented Itself to our notice tine* our but publication 

until our arrival at the Falkland I propO** giving a 

brief sketch ol the Natural History of these 

• hiefly on the obserratloni of Mr. Danrla, Captiin Flti 

i other DatnralltU. There il very little to remark 00 

the geology of then Islands. Their geological structure ia 
simple, the lower eonnti • 

I' nt 

Identical with thoee found in the Silurian formation! of' 
; the Mill are formed of white 
iii man; 

roTerad in an extraordinary i myriad* ol 

nngular fragment* of t 1 Dgwbsl bai 

railed (treat 

their angles being only a little bl 

two feet i 

•t white 


: * lover i anal 


The I 
abound 01 
riou Villi' 

ind in small li 

imon. The largi 

not i 

I the inn 
their i 

In I 


'I bl ir \. k (o 



•i the kelp and I 
ng then the i i ak ai I «ur- 


i arioni bird* « bit h Inhabit thee* island*, and ■ 
. t.i be the link connecting tb< I with tht I 

, are the Penguin*, Their little win. 
bot covered with itifl icalj fi ttbar*, hang down bi U 
impetent to lift them from the ground, r< 
-ii she] or -till more the Dipper* of a tur 

tic. Iiut gee the Penguin in the water: the 
Light la abundant)} compentatad bj the power ami agilltj it 
possesses in tins element; it da*be* along over the tori 

gallant style, or. diving, ohoots through the water with the 
rapidity of a fish, urging its course bj the united action ol 
• linny wings anil its broad W< bbed t. I 1 . thl n. i niiiingagaiu 
to the lop, leap* over nny ohslaele in its course, mvny feci at 
a bound, rind pursues it* way. On the samly shores or Bat 
rocks of the the lVnguins of several spci ics as- 
semble in innumerable multitudes for the purpose of hatching 
their eggs and rearing their young. The feet are placed very 

far back on the body, so that the bird assumes an ere 
tnre when resting or walking on land, and, from their posture, 
their colors, their numbers and their orderly arrangement, 
they have been compared when seen at a distance to an nrmr 

[dined soldiers. Their habitations where they assem- 
ble (or the purpose of hatching their eggs and rearing their 
young arc wonderful to behold. We can scarcely form an ad- 
equate idea of one of the camps or towns, as they have been 
appropriately called. A space of ground covering three or 
four acres is laid out anil levelled, and then divided into squares 
tur the nc-ts as accurately as if done by a »urTeyor; between 
these compartments they march and connter-march with an 
■ >rder and regularity that reminds one of soldier* on parade, 
are named the 
! the Jackass Pesgni rs and 

iilfer but little || I propose ronelnding the BUlon ..! the Falkland Islai 

flaral and JRilitanj >ntrlliqriKr. 

Dariof tbr i»-l • 


Umc 1 

■ ■ 


•• 14lh 

. »*=•■■ 

. .' 

. iS* • 

Kfuu '. 


r !!■■■* il >Mp ' ' TU»n>~. < 

it-« n»tn*iii>t»r 

thr B"ynl *nrtn~r- -lara-Trr* la fttaalrj bar'. 

P. M. M w »b- 

w*b**jj*s**1 i.k i.i in ««i<f mi :..-•■ ;.i:j m „ i>_- •..■: , 

•a.- fr oi «n:l.»! V.i (tklnkw thai I*. •!■.•> 


-«a talk* latter *an 

. It. mm* 1— ml ia 

-.aaf lf iair I Ua* «oi Worka t-t la- 


■ Ik. haa rr-. irj tW «*f »■'■■»' ■ ' 

v> ",*.'... i\ N akawaaaael «■; iflwail sir w.:i »» *,.«. k i 

Tkto ■ fl> . : 
■h» a|>|- ,nl 
I***** f n*a******i Hi I IB**** f • n. ■**■** B*BB*i I !*»» l>* r '.--.■ ■! *I*S*S. 

, who mflm) w«sa (vathaapaaa *W 
la oM—a* .fib. 

.i'I'Hi'i A 1 -KA. 

■ - 
and nnuatui 
We bai 


I the latt. • 
alike i J. ited III. » ondl r nil : 
W*J hair now to r 
all the ; 

Iowa: i 1 laj morning last, in 

!ar K r stature n 

the sheep I: w the clothes of a human 

and, as the lender It and car < 

maternal relative, thongh what irn was we rani 
•av, it was provided with a largi supply ol rracki i 

led pap » ith -i oro, but c* inced a precocious pi 
tor rum, and it quite made our Bl 10 »ee tbi* unuatu 

ra] object pace toe (Upper] decks with a wag mm *«J 

i that made us almost incline to belief e it wa» one ol 
Neptune's iai n progeny. Still we can hardly beliere that thai 
great deity would have ehoeeo so unwboloeouM a spot for tht 
Uoddcss on such a to ing occasion, and have finally coco- la 


the opinion that the being in question owes its origin either 
to an unnaturiil effort on the part of the hay, or to a natural 
effort of some one or other of the stranger sheep now located 
in Long-boat Square. We never heard in the whole course 
of our experience of a four-footed animal giving birth to a 
bipedal progeny, but, taking into consideration the entirely 
unnatural circumstances of the creatures birth, we are incli- 
ned to lean to the latter opinion, in consequence of its having 
exhibited a decidedly ^sheepish physiognomy on making its 
first appearance amongst us. At the same time we beg to 
welcome our new friend, and to congratulate Captain Glover 
and the community at large on the acquisition of a being en- 
dowed at birth with powers of walking and talking, eating 
and drinking, climbing, smoking and spitting never before 
possessed by any newborn babe in the natural world. 


We have had the good fortune to pick up on the deck of the 
"Thames City'' the following graphic description, from the pen 
of an Irishman, of the little incidents of our stay at the Falk- 
land Islands, &c, and have taken the liberty of publishing it. 
We heartily beg the author's pardon for such unwarrantable 
impudence, ami, for fear of disappointing his poor old moth- 
er, shall be happy to return him his letter, if he would like 
to go on shore and post it: 

Dear Mother, — Here we are at the half-wny house, you 
may call it, on our way to the goold diggins. But faith its 
little I can say for the Falkland Islands, for its as rugged an 
as rocky an as Make as the ugliest hill in dear ould Conemara, 
and, barrio' a little bad turf, it hasent a patch to cover its 
nakedness. Port William, where we're stoppin, is a mighty 
nate little place for all that, and for all the world a twin sistar 
to Bally-cum-slatternly, barrin' there's nather whiskey still, 
pigs, nor polis, except a disased ould constable, that's suffer- 
in' from what they call a sinacure: I don't know what sort of 
a disase it is, anyway I'm not sufferin' from it mesclf, for I 
was never heartier in all me life. Well, as I was sayin' moth- 
er, we're half way on our long journey, and musha meself 
wishes we wor at the tail hid of the other half, though to be 
sure I've seen sonic quare sights, such as bein' out so far at 
saa that we couldn't see anything at all — except sky an wnth- 
ar; an seein' fishes flyin' like birds, an geese flyin' about the 
size of a donkey, with wings on thim as long as Tim Finner- 
ty's mill sails; be the same token may bad luck, come on him 
and his if he doesent give ye a dacint price for the pig this 
Christmas; well, an I've seen fishes as big as a house, and 
spurtin' up wather like a stame iugine, an fishes they call 
porpoises wid snouts on thim like pigs; talkin' of pigs moth- 
er, it 'ud go to your heart to see the poor ould sow they have 
on board here, an the state she's in, an the jokes they passed 
on the poor crature a while ago whin she was in the straw; 
but the pig's nothin' to the hins an geese. Oh! mother, but 
ye should see the geese, an thim standin' on one leg from 
raornin' till night, aa not a dacent feather on thim; be the 
hokey they look mighty like a thing I saw wonst at a show in 
Drumrig they called an ostrich, barrin' there isn't a kick in 
thim. But I suppose you will be wantin' to know how I pass- 
ed the Christmas ; well I must begin' by tellin' ye that the 
divil a thimbleful of whiskey crossed me lips, nor as much as 
the claw of a goose; though be the same token we had a very 
good dinner an as much grog as was good for us; an in the 
cvenin' we had what they call a ball. Ohl may I nevcrl if 
that wasn't a ball, it was exactly like dancin' on the slant of 
a house-top; I'm thinkin' if you just had a peep at us, you'd 
scarcely have thought we were in our sinses. I tried me hand 
at a jig, but no sooner did I lift me leg than I put it down 
agin two or three yards off, and thryin' a bit of a twurl, I was 
landed in the lap of a lady that was restin' herself. Toords 
the ind of the fun, we had the kissin' dance I think they call 
it; we all stood round in a ring, and one of the ladies came 
curtseyin' round, something like the pet horse in a circus, wid 
a bolsthcr before her, till she'd stop and kneel down before 
some one she liked, an then h*'d kneel down on the bolsther 
before her an then ; but I'll tell ye no more about it, ex- 
cept that one came up to me an put the bolsthcr down, when 

just as I was sayin' to meself, "divil mind ye, Pat, butyerthe 
lucky man afther all," she snatched up the bolsther an away 
she pranced. I didn't care at any rate to have much to do 
wid thim (betune me an you) for they were so mighty feard 
of a row, that they wor holdin' up the tails of aach other's 
coat for fear of threddin' on thim. I've no more to say this 
time, mother, except that Judy an I had some words a while 
ago about some shuet, but she's behaved herself purty well 
since. Hopin' this'Il find yerself an the pig well an thrivin', 
I remain, your jutiful son, 

Sap Green. 
P. S. — I posted this yesterday, an as the packet sailed with 
it last night, I'm thinkin' its farther on its way home by this 
time than is yer own S. G. 


On the 26th ult. , in Lat. 51° 07' S. Long. 56° 2ty W. , the wife of Sapptr 
Thomas Price, 11. E. , of a daughter. 

On the 5th inst., at Stanley harbour, East Falkland, the wife of Sapper 
Thomas Gilchrist, It. E., of a bod and heir. 

On the 18th inst., at Stanley harbour, East Falkland, the wife of Sergt. 
Jonathan Morcy, It. E. , of a daughter. 

8, fy. 

A Puzzling Balance SnEET. — A Scotch tradesman who had 
amassed, as he believed, £4000, was surprised by his old clerk 
with a balance sheet showing his fortune to be £6000. '-It 
canna be," said the principal, "count again." The clerk did 
count again, and again declared the balance to be £6000. 
The master counted himself and he also brought out a surplus 
of £6000. Time after time he cast up the columns — it was 
still a six and not a four that rewarded his labors. So the 
old merchant, on the strength of his good fortune, modern- 
ized his house, and "put money in the purse" of the carpen- 
ter, the painter, and the upholsterer. Still however he had a 
lurking doubt of the existence of the £2000, so one night ho 
sat down to give the columns "one count more." At the closi' 
of his task, as though he had been galvanized, he rushed 
through the streets, in a shower of rain, to the house of his 
clerk. The clerk's head, capped and drowsy, emerged from 
an attic window nt the sound of the kr.ocker, to enquire the 
errand of his midnight visitor. "Who's there," he mum- 
bled, "and what do you want?" "It's me, ye d — d scoun- 
drel," exclaimed his employer, "ye've added up the year of 
our Lord among the pounds!" 

Weak Soup. — The best description of weakness we h.ivc 
ever heard is contained in the wag's prayer to his wife, when 
she gave him some thin chicken broth, if she would not try 
to coax that chicken just to wade through the soup once mori'. 

Kill or Cure. — A poor man, having a sick wife, asked a 
doctor if he could cure her. The doctor said he would enter 
into a contract with him to kill or cure for five pounds. In thp 
course of the following week the poor woman died, and the 
doctor brought his bill, " Did you cure her?" said the man. 
" No," said the doctor. " Did you kill her then?" said the 
man, "No," said the doctor again. "Then I've nothing to 
pay you, for our bargain was to kill or cure for five pound-. 
and you have done neither." Ramble*:. 

Willie's Musical Adventure. — "Meet me by moonlight 
alone," as Willie the gambler warbled to the old gent with a 
gold watch and five hundred dollars. "Come, oh come w ith 
me," sung the officer taking him to the station-house. "Wel- 
come, welcome home," responded the turnkey on locking him 
up. "Go where glory waits thee," sung the Judge as hesen- 
tenced Willie to seven years and a free passage across the At- 
lantic. "Wait for the waggon and we'll all take a ride." 
hummed the officer whilst attending the arrival of " Black 
Maria," the prison van. "We meet to part no more," warb- 
led the keeper, warmly grasping Willie by the handcuff.-. 
"Home, home, sweet home," sighed Willie aa he put on the 
zebra suit. 


£oncjs and fJorinr. 


1 The construction of your ' 'Christmas box" was bo very Blight 
That I polled it all to piece* in » Mingle night, 

SfOU naughty, wicked, foolllfa hoy 

To Bend at this season lUCh a rotten toy. 

It cost yon some exertion though my pretty dear, 
80 1*11 repay you with a gift for the new year, 
A gift BO strong that you can't break it, 
Flore it is, now kindly take it. 

2 You dolt, you dunce 1 to raise contention 
\ bout that simple word ' 'propension! " 

In it's meaning there's no wonderful immensity; 
* ■ Prop< inaion" per "Maunders" means propensity. 
There's yel another word it's quite as famous, 
I'll apply it , Pi i", to you, and call it ' 'ignoramus," 
With • 'walker" ami ' 'Johnson" you come toy late, 
like "Mrs. Caudle" fchey are out of date. 
;; From yon, thick he\t>, I dow demand apology, 
i'nv daring to question my ' 'Etymology," 
Thiit's a Long 'mi, don't be in a hurry, 
It you dun' I know its meaning apply to ' 'Murray." 
Grammar Murray 1 mean, not Hurray Sapper, 
By jingo! that's putting on the clapper. 
With wit faheml ) you see my verses I entwine, 
lint why should I throw such precious pearis toewinc. 

4 Swine, ah! ah I you tlinch at that, 
Remember WASP, its only "'tit for tat;" 

A- regards your remark about your fitting red, 
1 never saw thai colot but in your bead. 
Your feelings, dear. 1 don't wish to hurt. 

Hut the color of your face is always hid with DIRT; 

My own face with good humor is always glowing, 

But yours With QUASI and sulkiness IS always Mowing. 

5 Vou look I say (but never mind it) 

As though you'd lost something and couldn't find it. 
tfl to my wrinkles, sir, I'll let you BOS 
That you won't ever take ii wrinkle out of me. 

So far so good — now. if you please, 

What do you mean by my ohik touching my b 1 1 

Such Balderdash — pray cut this caper, 

And with such babyism don't rill the paper. 

Do Bomel hi p 1 bel I er, stop the-. 
Hut don't fall back on goats and pigs, 
We want an article of ye profound and deep, 
And Less about the butcher killing sheep. 
With pleasure on your past efforts 1 can't look hack, 
\ our besl ai tempt was your dirge on "Jack." 

Yet slay, I'll give you your due — as it should he 

The song wan decent — the air "Bonny Dundee." 

7 These are the only two for which I give you praise, 

[fox a little while my own banner dow I raise, 

hi that thing on "Matilda," you gave me a challenge hold. 

I've answered it — pretty fairly l am told. 

Ne\i came that abortion you called a "whipping," 

for this trash you well deserve a dripping, 

1 answer'd thai in a mai r, sir, most able, 

By illustrating a celebrated bole. 

8 With my own talent I'm not dead smitten, 
But thai surpasses AU. that vol have written; 

Your "Hot water" came then, quickly following, 

It was saved only by the Captain's bollo 
I'll say DO more of tin's, hut push on faster 

i'o mj reply called "A Mustard Plaster," 

I ow n that this was not ;t prize, 

Although it brought the water in yonr eyes, 

o. 1 come at Last to your late attempt l'OOK PoKT, 

' 'A Christmas BOX*' — not worth a rap, away I throw it, 

Being 00 better nor any chance of such, I fear. 

1 \>u in return "'A gift for the New Year." 
The champion 1 am Without adoubt, 
Hut ere you say so, you'll hang your lip ami pout ; 
My blows, sir, you have most severely felt, 

I on the Bght , :_:\ c me at once \ he belt . 


The following ver - weresenl bomi from the Falkland Islai 
friend of ours, whose heart and sonl are evidently in the right place. 

1 Li/.zy my love, to fchee 1 write, 

Ak>l less myself than thee to cheer, 
TO wish to thee, my heart's delight, 

A bright and happy new born year. 
" And if before its close you come 
With your dear roii e mj gloom to cheer, 
Ho happy in our western home, 

We yet may end tin* coming year. 

.1 Twelve months since, I remember well, 

The day 1 passed when thou wert near, 
With words ho sweet I dare not tell, 

\» e pledged to each tin- happy yeai . 

4 E'en now the echo of thy voice, 

With those of other friends must dear, 
is plainly beard, maid of my choice, 
Wbisp'riog Boftly ' 'a happy year. " 

5 If thou come not, may one above 
In well or ill to thee appear, 

Then at its end you'll say, with love, 
This was indeed a happy year. 

6 Not thee alone, but may we hoth 
God's law and holy name revere; 

If thus to each we plight our truth, 
'Twill surely prove a happy year. 

7 And let us "by nubniinmon prove," 
Should we meet aught that's dark or drear, 
We feel lie ' 'ehilBten'd nut of lovo," 

And own it was a happy year. 

8 With holy thought** like these within 
Oui minds through life each other cheer, 
Then at its end we shall begin 

A brighter, never ending year. 


I'm a strange contradiction, I'm new and I'm old, 

I'm often in tatters and oft decked with gold ; 

Though I never could read, yet lettered I'm found. 

Though blind I enlighten, though loose I am bound; 

I'm always in black and I'm always in white, 

I'm grave and I'm gay, I'm heavy ami light; 

In form too I .lifter, I'm thick and I'm thin, 

I've no tle8h and no hones yet I'm covered with skin, 

I've more points than the compass, more stops than a flute, 

I sing without voice, without speaking confute; 

Though destroyed to-day I do e'en last for ages, 

And no monarch on earth has so many pages. 


XXV. What is it that is white, black and red all over? 

XXVI. W hat did the executioner have for breakmst on the im>rn 

Charles was beheaded? 
XXY1T. W liv was Lord St. Vincent equal to any two aide seamen? 
Answer to xxn . Cake is sometimes 'tipsy,' but wins is always 'drunk. 1 

XX I 1 1 . For Bun-dry reasons . 

" XXIV. Because that's the 'grub 1 that makes the 'butter -fly.' 

luarlid Jntflligrnce. 

■hi last Intelligence the markets have undergone a* great chat 
Klil-sn MEAT of excellent quality has been procured. 
\ HGETABLES have bean scarce and, with the exception of Cabbage, «< i 

not to be had for money . 

FLOUR— The samples of Stanley Flour were indifferent and at u high figure, 
yet . notwithstanding, good sales wen' effected . 

Cll Kl'.si; was reasonable, but the quality very poor. 

PICKLES, CURRIES, PRESERVES, Ac, were in prime order, but at a 
high price; nevertheless there were many buyers. 

BEER, SPIRITS, WINES, Ac., were in great demand, the former fetch- 
ing a high price. 

stock EXCHANGE.— Little business has bean doneol late. Attempts 
were made to '* Sammy " and a Dutch sheep of the name oi 

'• Van-Buster" for two fat Falkland sheep, but ware unsuccessful. On 

the proposal being made to a dealer, he immediately ejaculated, **D've 
see a u > green i □ Samuel, who was Bl ending by, and who by 

the bye has been supplied with his heart's desire, vis: a pair of green 
spectacles, replied pathetically, that "hesav 
get » bite. " 

Theatre Royal, " Thames City." 

riMl K MANAGER, having returned from hie tour in the Provinces, intends 
■*■ re-opening the above Tie aire on s scale of unparalleled splendour, lie 
has much pleasure in announcingthe re-engagement of those distinguished 
histrionic artiste who had the honor of appearing Last Beast u. The sc< dc 
department, under the direction of that eminent artist C. White, K. K. , 
It. A., will Burpass anything hitherto represented In this i ranj 
country. The dn ises ape quits new and erf a most costlj and elegant de- 
scription, whilst ih.' minor stage arrangements are calculated to produce 
an effect which cannot (ail to be appreciated by all who witness them. 

On Wednesday next, the IGtfa Inst., will !><■ produced thai popul 
edy, in live Actoj by 'diver Goldsmith, entitled, 

Slie e;too^t-5 to OonoLuer! 

In which I''* 1 whole strength of the Company will have the honoi ■ 
pearing. Tor further pnrticulars see daily bills. 

4£j=* Doors open at * > o'clock, performance to commence at 6.90 p; 

I: .ivcd seats for Ladies only . 

The publication of the Bmxoxaot Soldxbbs' i 

ChrQNXOLX wan coinmenced at noon on Thursday . and was completed at 
4p. m. this day. Published at the Editor's Office, Starboard Front Cabin . 
" Thames City." 

TI3IE! E!]Vi:ia-I=L^^lSTT 


(&M£tti f 


No. 10.] 


[Price 3d. 

Sflis (Bmicjntnt gfotlim' feettf{. 

"THAMES CITY," JANUARY 22nd, 1859. 

Lat. 59.53 S. Long. 72.26 W. Mook's Last Quar- 
ter, Jan. 26th at 8h. 45m. p. m. 

It gave us great pleasure to refer in our Christmas 
number to the successful birth and early career of the 
"Emigrant Soldiers' Gazette and Cape Horn Chroni- 
cle," and to have an opportunity cf thanking those 
kind friends who have been the means of contribut- 
ing to its welfare and prosperity. But though its suc- 
cess has been unequivocal, the E. S. G. and 0. H. C. 
is not what we could wish it to be. It has certainly, 
and we are happy to say so, been the humble means 
of affording to most of us at least one hour's amuse- 
ment in the week, but, as managers of so great a pub- 
lication, we cannot rest satisfied with this. We wish 
the E. S. G. and C. H. C. to be like the comet of 
1858. No fox's brush was ever hunted after, chased 
and chevied as was the tail of that great heavenly 
phenomenon. No sooner did ho appear in public than 
shouts were heard of " Here he is again." People 
collected in multitudes wherever a glimpse of him was 
to be had, and those who were not blessed with any 
sort of telescope or spectacles were nightly in the 
habit of straining their nude optics till, to use an Irish 
expression, they could "hardly sec for staring." Such 
is the sort of treatment we would like to see the E. 
S. G. & C. H. C. exposed to. We would have it 
watched, and hunted, and poiuted at, and talked about, 
to an extent that should even make it blush. We 
do not mean to say that it is going down in the world 
— far from it — it is still, as it always has done, main- 
taining an honorable position, but we are not going 
to stop here or be satisfied with mere excellence. We 
wish it to shine forth brightest and most conspicuous 
in the literary heavens, to frisk its tail about in defi- 
ance of all the lesser constellations, and to excel in 
grandeur and importance every other periodical in the 
world, and, as a means to this end, we beg to appeal to 
the hearts and talents of the 31 ladies and 120 gen- 
tlemen on board the "Thames City." Talking of the 
ladies, it would perhaps be as well to remind some of 
them of their mission npou earth. "As the vine, which 

has long twisted its graceful foliage about the oak and 
been nurtured by it in sunshine, will, when tho hardy 
plant is riven by the thunderbolt, cling round it with 
its caressing tendrils and bind up its shattered boughs, 
so it is beautifully ordered that woman, who is the 
dependent and ornament of man in his happier hours, 
should be his stay and solace when smitten with sud- 
den calamity, winding herself into the rugged recesses 
of his nature, tenderly supporting the drooping head 
and binding up the broken heart." Now though the 
E. S. G. & C. H. C. cannot be said to be smitten with 
any sudden calamity, its head droops and it becomes 
nigh broken-hearted when it reflects on the melancholy 
fact that, ever since its birth, it has received no sort of 
attention or kindness from any of the ladies on board. 
It cannot be expected to exist without having its lit- 
tle jokes and flirtations with the ladies any more than 
any other young man can, and we take this opportuni- 
ty of appealing in its behalf to their tender hearts for 
a little love and encouragement Married though 
they are, there is not the least doubt that they all cf 
them possess, if not in unexplored regions of their 
trunks, at least in the fatliomless recesses of their 
memories, songs, valentines, fragments of pcetry, and 
even love-letters, tokens of ardent love and young af- 
fection, which would go far to support the drooping 
head and bind up the broken heart of the E. S. G. & 
C. H. C. They may say that they have lost them or 
thrown them away, or torn them up, or burnt them, 
but, with all due deference, we must beg to refute their 
assertions; whatever the gentlemen may do, ladies 
are not guilty of such weaknesses as these, and we 
trust to their generous and affectionate natures to aid, 
by the reproduction of some of these hidden treas- 
ures, in raising our weekly journal to the highest and 
brightest position in the literary heavens. As to the 
gentlemen we must plainly say that the support we 
have received from tliem has not been such as we have 
a right to expect from 120 minds of various degrees 
of literary talent. All letters for England are now 
written and posted, and we have resumed our sea life. 
The newspaper is a common fund of amusement, and 
as such all should, and we trust will, do their best to 
support it. The manager of the theatricals intends 
re-opening his house on a scale of unparalleled splen- 
dour, and we cannot see any just cause or impedi- 


inent why the E. S. G. & C. H. G. should not likewise 
rise and shine, and to this end we appeal to all inter- 
ested in our behalf to give us their warmest support. 
In addition to stocks of already acquired informa- 
tion and anecdotes, there are dozens of little incidents 
daily occurring which might form the subjects either 
for leading articles, jokes, songs, or poetry, and we 
can only say that, should any who are inclined that 
way lack the means, the opportunity or the place for 
writing, we shall be happy to afford them every assistr 
ance in our power. 

♦— ♦ — • 

(Ink great excellence in the writings of Dickens is this, 
that, besides the delight we experience in contemplating the 
creations of his genius and in acknowledging the truthfulness 
and humour with which his numberless characters abound, 
we feel, in perusing every separate story, a sort of certainty 
of the unbounded goodness and benevolence of himself as a 
man. And that these are really his great characteristics is, 
we believe, amply borne ont by all the actions of his life. 
Not content with joining in the ordinary courses of charity, 
as he has at all times been ready most liberally to do, he some 
time since, for the purpose of raising a fund of money to 
make easy the rest of the lives of the wife and children of a 
deceased author, proposed to read aloud in public one of his 
own short tales — the ''Christmas Carol." All the world within 
reach seemed to flock to hear him, and crowds went murmur- 
ing away for want of space to admit them. So night after 
night, with untiring willingness, and regardless of his own 
convenience, the readings were repeated until at last a very- 
considerable amount was accumulated for the object he had 
in view. We had the good fortune to hear him read the 
"Carol" on one of these occasions, and it was a scene not 
readily to be forgotten. Eagerness and delight were on every 
countenance, and the applause, as often as he stopped to take 
breath, was tumultuous. He had told us at the starting to lay 
ceremony aside and, if we felt pleased at any time, to show it 
freely. The "Christmas Carol" is a tale that will bear many 
a reading, and many a hearing also, without a chance of tir- 
ing the patience of any one, and it was with infinite gratifi- 
cation that we heard it once more read aloud on the troop 
deck of the "Thames City." This gratification we doubt not 
was shared by all present. The story and the language in 
which it is told are so perfect in themselves that it is impos- 
sible to give any portions with effect, or to point out any 
beautiful passages with which you are not already acquainted. 
Still a few words on the general tendency of the tale may 
perhaps, even, now not be without some slight interest. The 
chief figure in the matchless picture that has been placed be- 
fore us is that of an old merchant whose heart and soul have 
become thickly crusted over with the love of wealth, who 
has steeled himself against all kindly affections, and shutout 
from his bosom every remembrance of home; but it is an old 
saying that "when the night is darkest daylight is near," (an 
adage that may perhaps give some little consolation to our- 
selves after beating so long about in the neighborhood of 
Gape Horn), so, on a Christmas eve, after being more than usu- 
ally caustic to his nephew, bitter to his poor clerk, and stern 
and sullen to all the world, he betook himself to bed, where 
the goodness of God in a dream that overshadowed him 
touched his heart, as the rod of Moses touched Ae rock, and 
streams of living water flowed freely forth. With a spirit of 
good beside him he saw once more a little sister who bad lov- 
ed bim as a child, — a trusting hearted girl whom, a few years 
later, he had promised to marry, but who felt that his love was 
fast fading and that her only hope of security was to release 
him from his engagement, — be saw her afterwards with a hus- 
band at ber side and laughing children looking up into her 
face, and compared her state of happiness with his own deso- 
lation. Again and again the same comparison was forced 
upon him, while witnessing the Christmas party at his 
nephew's, and Bob Cratchet's family assembled around their 
Christmas dinner of sage and onions, goose and plum-pud- 
ding. He saw also what his own death-bed scene would be 

if things remained unchanged. He awakes in an agony and 
rejoices to find that it is only the morning of Christmas day; 
then, with all his warnings yet echoing in bis ears, but with a 
breast unburdened, for resolve is strong within him, he begins 
a new lite. All this and much more, with wonderful minute- 
ness and detail, with streaks of light falling here and there 
like burnished gold, is painted on the small-sized canvas of 
a Christmas Story Book, painted in such glowing colors, and 
with touches so true to life that we feel as if we wire our- 
selves carried back on the stream of time and becoming again 
each as a little child — reckoning up from our earliest years our 
short comings and resolving, let us hope, that Christmas eves 
hereafter shall be seasons of cheerfulness and enjoyment, and 
Christmas days, as far as we are able, sacred to love and 


We continue our notes on the Natural History of the Falk- 
land Islands by making a few observations on the habits of 
the Penguin, of which, as was before stated, there are three 
principal varieties in the Falklands, viz : the King Penguin, 
tbe Crested Penguin, and the Jackass Penguin. The latter 
has obtained its title from its nightly habit of emitting dis- 
cordant sounds, which have been likened to the effusions of 
our humble sonorous friend of the common. This species 
seems to deviate from the general manner of breeding, as it 
burrows on the sandy hills, and is more sensible of injury 
than its fellows. The ground which it occupies whilst rear- 
ing its young is everywhere so much bored that a person 
in walking often sinks up to the knees ; and, if the Penguin 
chances to be in her hole, she revenges herself on the passen- 
ger by fastening on his legs, which she bites very hard. Of 
the Jackass Penguin Capt. Mtzroy thus speaks: "Multitudes 
of Penguins were swarming together in some parts of Noir 
Island among the bushes and tussocks near the shore, having 
gone there for the purpose of moulting and rearing their 
young. They were very valiant in self defence, and ran open- 
mouthed by dozens at any one who invaded their territory, 
little knowing how soon a stick could scatter them on the 
ground. Tbe young ones were good eating, but the others 
proved to be black and tough whet, cooked. The manner in 
which they feed their young is curious and rather amusing. 
The old bird gets on a little eminence and makes a groat noise 
between quacking and braying, holding its head up in the 
air as if it were haranguing the Penguinnary, whilst the 
young one stands close to it but a little lower. The obi bird. 
having continued its clatter for about a minute, puts its head 
down and opens its mouth widely, into which the young one 
thrusts its head, and then appears to suck from the throat of 
its mother for a minute or two, after which the clatter is re- 
peated and the young one is again fed ; this continues for 
about ten minutes." The King Penguin is by far the hand- 
somest of the three varieties. Two >ery fine specimens are 
to be seen in the grounds of the Government Boose at Stan- 
ley; they are quite tame, and will not only allow people to 
approach them, but do not object to having their heads pat- 
ted or their beautiful soft brtasts stroked down. In some 
places these birds flock together in thousands. One colony 
of these birds seen by Mr. G. Bennett, on Maequarric Island, 
occupied a space of thirty or forty acres in extent; and though 
no conjecture could possibly be formed of the number of birds 
composing the town, yet some notion of its amazing amount 
may be given from the fact that, during the whole day and 
night, 30,000 or 40,000 are continually landing and as many 
going to sea. Mr. Weddcll observes of the King Penguins: 
"In pride these birds are perhaps not surpassed even by the 
peacoek, to which in beauty of plumage they are indeed little 
inferior. During the time of moulting they seem to repel each 
other with disgust on account of the rugged state of their 
coats, but, as they arrive at the maximum of splendour, they 
reassemble, and no one who has not completed his plumage 
is allowed to enter the community. Their frequently looking 
down their front and side3, in order to contemplate the per- 
fection of their exterior brilliancy, and to remove any speck 
which might sully it, is truly amusing to an observer. About 


the beginning of January they pair and lay their eggs. Dur- 
ing the time of hatching the male is remarkably assiduous, 
so that,when the hen has occasion to go off to feed and wash, 
the egg is transported to him, which is done by placing their 
toes together and rolling it from one to the other, usiDg their 
beaks to place it properly. As tbey have no nest, it is to be 
remarked that the egg is carried between the tail and legs, 
where the female in particular has a cavity for that purpose. 
The hen keeps charge of her young nearly a twelvemonth, 
during which time they change and complete their plumage, 
and, in teaching them to swim, the mother has frequently to 
use some artifice, for, when the young one refuses to take the 
water, she entices it to the eige of a rock and cunningly pushes it 
in, and this is repeated uutil it takes the sea of its own accord. 
All the species are arrant thieves, each losing no opportunity 
of stealing materials during the building of their habitations, 
and even the eggs from each other if they are left unguarded, 
'thev are usually thought, when seen at sea, to indicate that 
land is at no great distance; but this indication is not always 
correct, for they are occasionly seen very far from any shore, 
and indeed, with their swimming powers, one can readily im- 
agine that the space of a few leagues would be no object of 
concern. The Crested Penguin in particular lives in open sea; 
it has been seen some hundreds of miles from land, voyaging 
|n pairs, male and female. So much for the birds of the 
J'alklands. Of fishes there are very few varieties. Mullet 
bud rock-fish are the only two kiuds eaten in the Islands. 
The former abound extensively in the neighbourhood of Stan- 
ley Harbour, and vary greatly in size ; some are very large, 
and resemble cod more than the ordinary grey mullet. There 
are very few shells to be found in the Falklands. Mussels 
abound in great quantities in the vicinity of the shore, and 
limpets, which grow to a very large size, are found on all the 
rocks. Fine specimens of sea-weeds are to be found, washed 
Up by the tide, in most of the bays; the varieties however are 
Very few in number and greatly resemble those commonly 
found on the shores of England and Scotland. Some which 
I found at Hooker's Point, a little to the south of the Light- 
house, are very large and wonderfully perfect. Scarcely an 
insect of any sort is to be seen on the Islands with the excep- 
tion of a small variety of beetle, which however is not very 
common; this scarcity of insects is in all probability owing to 
the absence of vegetation. Such is a brief summary of the 
Natural History of the Falkland Islands; bleak and barren as 
they appear, a great deal is to be learned from the few ani- 
mated creatures which inhabit them, and,although we maybe 
apt to look upon many of the surrounding rocky islands as 
worthless and of no possible use to mankind, let us not for- 
get that they are the resting places and form the habitations 
of myriads of God's creatures, as Penguins, Albatrosses and 
other water-fowl, thousands of whom have probably never 
seen a human creature. Naturalist. 


To the Editor. 

Dear Mr. Editor, — There are, I know, few amongst us who 
are not fond of their pipe, fewer still are there who are capa- 
ble, chamelo i-like, of existing upon air — though to be depriv- 
ed of our smoke, and our being starved to death are contin- 
gencies, against the slightest chance of the existence of which 
the Government at home have made promises to provide am- 
ply by supplying us with tobacco and rations of every des- 
cription on our arrival in the new El Dorado, tho' I must beg 
your readers to put a large note of interrogation in their 
minds against the certainty of the foimer being forthcoming 
At the expense of Her Mujcsty. However we will admit that 
we have both in our haversacks. So far, so good ; but what 
is the good of either without lucifers, matches, or some means 
at hand of striking a light. It's all very fine so long as we 
are at head-quarters, with fires constantly burning and dry 
cupboards in which to keep our lucifers. An old friend of 
mine who used to be very fond of driving a team, i. e., four 
in hand, and who was, as he himself would have said in his 
stable parlance, fast "rising" three Bcore years and teD, one 

day said to me, "I say old fellow, I do hate your new fashion- 
ed railways. If," said he, "you get upset in a coach, why 
there you are! but if you come to grief in a railway, where 
are you?" So it will be in the Colonial life before us; while 
we are at head-quarters we shall be comfortable enough (after 
a time), but when we get our orders for a campaign in the 
"bush," then shall we be thrown completely, for some things, 
on our own resources, and have to keep our weather-eyes 
open, and a good look-out ahead. In your present number I 
propose to offer a few remarks on the ways and means of pro- 
curing light and fuel, and maintaining a fire, as, although in 
the teeth of every precaution fires constantly break out, yet 
when we want a spark, and do not happen to have our inge- 
nious fire-making contrivances at hand, it is scarcely possible 
to get one. And further, though sparks of their own accord, 
and in the most unlikely places, too often burst out into con- 
flagrations, yet it is a matter of no small skill and difficulty 
to coax a spark into a blaze. In default of lucifer matches 
(and in damp weather wooden ones will hardly burn) 
the principal means of obtaining fire are by flint and 
steel, a gun, or a burning glass. Every man on a bush ex- 
cursion should have about him : 1st, a light, handy steel, 
which he can even make out of common iron by "case hard- 
ening," and the link of a chain is a good shape to be turned 
into a steel (the North Americans use iron pyrites); 2nd, au 
agate, which is better than flint, making a hotter spark; quartz 
and other hard stones will just make a spark; the joints of 
bamboo, too, sometimes contain silex enough to strike a light 
with steel; 3rd, tinder, of which I shall treat hereafter; and, 
4th, a bundle of chips of wood thinner and shorter than lu- 
cifer matches, with fine points which he has dipped in melt- 
ed sulphur, and also a small sparelump of sulphur inreserve. 
The cook should have a regular tinder-box, such as he hap- 
pens to have been used to, and an abundance of lucifer 
matches. With a fiint-and-steel gun, the touch-hole may be 
stuffed up, and a piece of tinder put among the priming powd- 
er; a light can be obtained in that way without letting it off. 
With a percussion gun, a light may be got by putting powder 
and tinder round the cap, outside the nipple, which will, 
though not with certainty, catch fire on exploding the gun. 
But the common way with a gun is to put a quarterof a charge 
of powder in, and above it, quite loosely, a quantity of rag or 
tinder. On firing the gun straight up in the air the rag will 
be shot out lighted; you must then run after it as it falls and 
pick it quickly up. 

But time's up, the tea-bugle is sounding and I must obey. 
Next week, if you have any spare space, with yourpermission, 
I will continue the subject. Meanwhile I wish to impress up- 
on your readers that I do not pretend to teach anything new, 
or wish them to believe that what I have written is original. 
I only want to remind them of these and other similar 'little' 
things, so that, when they are placed in any dilemma, they 
may not have occasion to say, as is often the case, "If I had 
but thought of that it would have all been right," or some 
sucli expression. However I doubt not that many of them 
will say, "What more can you expect from one who signs him- 
self as your obedient servant, Peter Simple? 

^foreign intelligence. 

Astounding advance of Civilization in 'British Columbia!' 
— We are happy to have it in our power to inform those of 
the Detachment who have children that there is some pros- 
pect of their being able to place them at school on their arri- 
val at their destination, judging from the fact of the first re- 
port having just been received at home from Prof. Syntax, 
the recently appointed Inspector General of Schools in that 
Colony. In it, a copy of which we saw in an American pa- 
per kindly sent to us for our perusal by a friend in Stanley, 
he quotes the following remarkable instance of progress in 
spelling made by a boy who had arrived from England but 
about three months before. "Thomas, spell weather," said the 
schoolmaster, Mr. Birch, to him one day. "W-i-e-a-t-h-i-o-u-r, 
weather." "Well, Thomas, you may sit down," said Mr. 
Birch, "you may be a sharp lad, but that must have been tb» 
sort of weather you had on coming round Cape Horn." 


^ontjfj and |)oeim 


Will jim kindly inform tin next week, If you please, 
1 1 you've used ap all that <I irt and grease 
That flowed from your pen and aroused our fears! 
Keep it clear of your finder;* — 'twould smell for years. 
iv, i. [nauli foul, and thrown at my face, 
it missed its mark, — for I feel no disgrace, 
Tho' I hit you hard, mlsi, I never Insult ea, 
1 drew ■ true picture, nor cared what resulted. 
(tut it piqued your vanity, thai * 'Ohrietmas Box," 
When l spoke of your wrinkles and sulk? looks, 
it made you sore, — twas answered meanly, 
You bad nought to say but that I was uncleanly. 
Who ran bnl smile, when a nnm-sknll pate 

Asserts that Walker in oul of date, 
Or Johnston either , — but 'tin oselees speaking. 
While tueh a goose Insists on squeaking. 
Suppose we both learn to spell, and thou 
We'll freely quote with Rowing pen 
From men of fame and men of letters; 
Hut a« yet let's leave such to our bettors. 
Your impudenre is quite amusing; 
You As-! — my JOB was not Ml chooelngi 
But If l write nonsense about sheep and fowls, 
it".-* better than your fortnightly growlsi 
Cbowiho thou call'st it, thou wry neok'd hen! 
\\ by it 's wasting good paper, ink and pen; 
GACBXTira it musi be — for may 1 be blowt-d 
If I ever yet heard of a hen that crowed. 
And an old ben too. whose roles is weak, 
; i 's not even ■ good cacUs — it's but a squeak. 
When TOOT squeak IS read you dance and kick. 
When my time comes it makes you sick. 
f.>r on Christmas Day I Haw you come up, 

As one who had drank some bitter cup, 

Vou naw a, — tried hard — but could'nt rally, 
Si "cast up your accounts" not far from the galley. 
"Non ml li-ordo" — you will probably say, 
Hut others saw you as well as I, 
And 1 write the truth, miss, nor fear disgrace, 
lint you wrote an untruth about my ' 'dirty face." 
Tho' yon are so learned, and have plenty of time, 
i, u'v" ii' rer Bent tu BSght hut rhyme, 
%m i that's all abuse and taunting brags 
About "blowing your trumpet" and "hoisting your flags;" 
And the "belt* you're won, mias, where do you wear it- 

< lose out of sight — lest some one should tear it? 

Beneath that polka that .so becomes you 

When Cape Horn's icy blast benumbs you? 

That polka makes you look BO matronly and tender, 

Qood faith! one very well might doubt TOUT gendkk; 

At stitching too you giTS your list a twirl, 

Jt makes one stare to wee your beard old girl. 

And at washing too, although you're nearly frozen, 

You'll wash the baby's beppluj by the dozen, 

They wars bast's clothes, But p'rhaps belonged to pcbst, 

That one from Falkland Isles you husscy, 

Gall it "Pompey," the Little dear, so like its mother, 

And call the next one "Csssar" — if you eTCT get another. 

Then just like One another, particularly "Oesar," 

Oh! how the little imps will light to please her! 

How strange it if — this breach In Nature's laws, 

To Bend among lls thiiH a babe with paws! 

And sir mger still, pray do not laugh, but list* sirs, 

Tho' the parent's jaws are hare, the baby's born with whiskers. 

1 saw you bring it up. stagger along the deck , 

Black pussy in your arms, white tape around its neck. 

What you brought it for and what it did, I won't at present mention, 

To train it ;ut it ought to ^o was clearly your intention. 

You say I look as u I'd tost something and could'ut Bud it. 

Hut thin, like all your other blows, I no«irn, nor do I mind it. 

How did you look that Bight when you bad lost your £ s. d. ? 

I'm told your well-oiled pate was like a mop upon the spree; 

The loss, miss, made you .stamp and seem B little foggy, 

?iow don't you go and say as how I said as you was gr 

Although that night you groaned aloud, 'Iwt lost two pound eleven!* 
Muzzy you must have been, miss, next day 'twas 'one pound seven.' 
And yet you bare the cheek to think I'd yield the champion's belt 
To an addle-headed muff l ke you, a girl who always smelt 

Of pap and planter! no miss, spite of TOUT hems and stitches, 

A belt like that should e'er be worn by him who wears the breeches; 
Not by a *'donkf.t penguin!" who flaps its hands and jumps, 

"With trowscrs twisted up to show its skinny feet snd stumps; 
The champion's belt on such an one would quite unseemly be, 
And, ere 1 say good bye, my dear, take this advice from me, 
When next you write (tho' much I fear your brain is nigh done up) 
Sound not your praises quite so loud, you great conceited pup! 
Tho dog's no good that hakkm too much, e'en if he be the strongest, 
A little dog who only bites will surely tight the longest. 


* ' Away down in Missouri " they live on the primitive system . People 
sleep as well as eut in companies, and in many of the hotels there are from 
throe to a dozen beds in eaofa chamber. On a cold winter's night, a weary 
and foot-worn traveller arrived at one of those caravansaries by the road- 

side. After stepping into the bar-room and taking the requisite number 
of "drinks," he invoked the attention of the accommodating landlady with 
this interrogatory: — "I say, ma'am, have you got a considerable number 
of beds in your house?" " Yes," answered she, " I reckon we have." 
"How may beds have you about this time that aint noways engaged?" 
"Well, we've one room upstairs with eleven beds in it." "That's just 
right," Haid the traveller, "I'll take that room and engage all the beds, 
if you please." The landlady, not expecting any more company for th« 
night, and thinking that her guest might wish to be alone, consented that 
he should occupy the room. But no sooner had the wayfarer retired, thai 
a large party arrived and demanded lodgings for the night. The landlady 
told them she was very sorry, but all her rooms were engaged; true, there 
was one room with eleven beds in it and only one gentleman. "We must 
go there then — we must have beds there." The party accordingly proceed- 
ed to the chandler with the beds and rapped; no answer was returned. They 
essayed to open the door — it was loejked . They shouted aloud, but received 
no reply. At last, driven to desperation, they determined upon bursting 
open the door. They had no sooner done so than they discovered every 
bedstead empty, and all the beds piled one upon another in the centre of 
the room, with the traveller sound asleep on the top. They with some 
difficulty aroused him, and demanded what in tho world he wanted with 
all those beds. "Why, look here, strangers," said he, "I ain't had DO 
sleep these eleven nights, so I just hired eleven beds, to get rested all at 
once and make up what I have lost. 1 calculate to do up a considerable 
mess of sleeping; I've hired all these beds aud paid for 'em, and hang me 
if I don't have eleven nights sleep out ou 'em before morning." 

Utatral and $ftilitari) 3intelliqcna\ 


During the past week. 
Latitude. Longitude. Miles Run. 

. 8.W.bW. 83 m. 
. BwW.Wm. 
. S.S.W.J^W. 84 m. 
. W.1.N.44 m. 
. N.bWA<W.40m. 
. S.W.*kS.118m. 
. S.W.^S. 74 m. 

To-day Cape Horn bore N.EJ)N. 286 m, Cape Flattery N.N.W. about 
7050 m. 

Since our last we have obtained further particulars of the melancholy 
death of Capt. W. F. Lambert, R. E. It appears by the official dispeteti 
of Oeneral Van Straubenzee, the Commander-in-Chief in China, that, in 
consequence of a flag of truce from Her M j. -i \ '■. gun-boat' 'Starling" bav- 
in.' been tired upon by the Imperial troops at Nam tow, be pent an nrm^d 
force thither to exact retribution. Tho fort was taken byaauault mi the 
nth of August last, the party being led by Capt. Lambert, aocomuanied 

by Commander Saumarez, II. N . Captain tsunbert was getting OU US top 
of the wall when he received a mort il wound in the groin, owing to an .i - 
i idental explosion of a lire-lock carried by one of the ' ■ Nansrhra" seamen 
who was struggling with a soldier to be the first up the ladder. 

Jim. 16th 

. 55° 44' 8. . 

. 64°03'W. 

•• 17th . 

. 66P60'8. . 

. 66°57'\V. 

" 18th . 

. 58°06'S. 

. 67°04'W. 

•' 19th . 

. 67° 58' 3. . 

. 68°26'W. 

'• 20th 

. STOICS. . 

. 68°4.i'\V. 

" 2l8t 

. 68°53'S. . 


" 22nd . 

. 69°53'S. . 

. 72° WW. 

Relics, Oa;. 

Characteristic. — An Irishman, an Englishman and a Bootchms 
pened one day to ctop at the win.litw of :i pastry-cook's shop; behind the 
counter was a most lovely girl. •« By the powers!" said the Irishman, 

in and hS>TS a orown*! worth, it* its only tO look at her." * *I'v.- 

a mind to spend half a crown, though I don't want anything," said the 
Englishman* '* tor the same purpose." "Hoot mon," says Bandy, "do 

y« no ket, we might till go in, one at a time, and a*k for twa aixpi u 

it shrllin'." 

Mr. A., a member of the board of Councillors in a neighboring cit j 

homo rather late our fine moonlight ni^ht. lb- u.i- c i Ki W« i t - 

dilation in his morementa, to countered which, he walked exceedingly 

straight, with a stiff upper lip, and some care in wording bia paragraphs. 
He was met at the door by his Indignant spouse with the u- u ill re] rimand 
on such occasions. "Pretto time of otghl Mr. A. for you to come home! 
pretty time, threi o'clock in the morning; you a res] in in the 

community and the father of a family!" '•Tis'n! three, its only one, I 
heard it strike; council always sits up till one o'clock." ' 'My SOUJ Mr. A 
you're drunk, BS true aa I'm alive you're drunk. It's (lire.- m the Dom- 
ing!" "1 say Mrs. A. it's one. 1 heard It strike um- as I came round the 
corner, two or three times." 


XXVIII. Why is a member of the Royal Academy superior to Solomon in 


XXIX. Why is Joseph fJUlotl the cleverest man that ever lived? 

XXX. Why have travellers in a desert no occasion to starve' 
Answer to XXV. A Newspaper. 

XXVI. A chop at the "King's Head." 
" XXVII. Because they are only 'tars* but he was a 'Tar-tar.' 

* * Last Charade . — A Book . 

The publication of the Kmiurant SOLDnBS 1 G axette and Cape lion* 
Chronicle was commenced at 10 a, m., on the 30th, md was completed at 

4p.m. this day. Published at tho Editor's Office, Starboard Front Cabin. 
" Thames City." 



;vx., p \:± 



No. 11.] 


[PBCt 3d. 

fthf Emigrant Soldiers' fertte. 

"TIIAMKS CITY," JANTAKY 2yth, 1859. 

Lat. 52.27 B. Lom, 81.37 W. New Moox, Feb'y 
3ki>, at Ih. 4m. a. u. 

Ir there is one question ih»t it mure often asked and led 
tatif far tori ly answered than another on board the "Thamei 
City" it i«, "What shall we do when we (jet to Hritith Colum- 
bia?" To tell the truth it it M impossible to explain tbil in 
apoiitive and lurid manner aa It i> to predict the day when 
we thai! drop amlior in Ktquimalt Harbour, but aj it it at 
leatt permitted to all '.o think for tbcmaelvet, and to form 
their own opinion!, we, on the ttrength of thit permittion, 
venture to offer a few remark" at to tl.e probable destination, 
occupation, and future career, of the Columbian Detachment 
of the lloval Engineer*. First then, to judge from the au- 
thenticity of the various report* upon the subject, there i* 
little or no doubt that gold doe* exiil in great abundance 
throughout Urge district* of the Colour of Hrili»h Columbia, 
And, llir- m verified, the country, lika Australia 

California before it. will soon be crowded with a rait and 
motley throng fata marly every portion of the inhabit-.! 

t, ailrarlcd thither in search of gold. The first thing to 
lahlish a capital town, accessible if possible 
to (hipping, which, like all other capital towns, tball form 
the teat ol 1 1. .\. rumen'., a place of babit-ition ami trade, and 
a depot for the va-l stock of stores and provisions nn ettary 
lo meet the demands of to large a population. The | t 
oft!' to establish this capital resit with I 

'. that he has err this 
' one probably on the bankt of tbr 
" Fr>- II arrival will be to 

i - » 1. 1 v , at it the caje in a 
eea where Knglisbaara c. appear two or three grog 

shop*, the* a More sjsjsj, a Hank, a 

IS hotel, a jelly, and finally a 
ill nrottablv have our ss> . 
gat works, dockt, pavements, lamp- 
■ nd puatib - 

law detach- ^t at 

the iiumet of the men composing it, an- h a.* clearing and le- 
velling ground, building, draining, rnad-makiug, surveying, 
digging wells, building Jetlys, Ac. We shall also have our 
architects,! Irrks, surveyors, draught* men and photographers, 
and be, we hope, at the bottom of all the good and at little 
ot the evil at potsible that it done in the Colony. It v and 
bye when prnv isioni arc cheap and plentiful we thall have 
(T* from old Kngland 10 cultivate the country, wbotc 
bright nml happy facet will form a delightful contrast to the 
care-worn, dissipated, und tcouudrelly physiognomic! of the 
gold diggen in general ; and, finally, let ut hope the day will 
come when we shall tee many of the ilctai hment, with linn 
wivet and families, comfortably settled on comlorlablc little 
farm-, who, if you pay them a visit, will tell you wonderful 
stories of a certain passage round Cape Horn in a certain 
•hip. how Uie wind* blew, and the pit) lung of the ship stirred 
up their bile, bow they acre obliged to hold on lo their teeth 
to prevent Uirir bring blown down their throats, bow there 
was a squall ot wind one night which laid the ship over on 
her beam ends, how all the women i the narrator alone *I- 
ti'l'tcd) were tcrraming out for their husbandt lo kits tin in. 
quite positive that the ship was going down that very minute, 
and. lastly, what a lot of rowt there used to be on board, and 
bow precious glad they are that they are out ol lb it Inlets 
all fathers and mothers are blessed with tuch good children 
at those of our Ml nl " Hob ('rati hit, who, at we were told 
the other night, stuck their spoons into their mouths, tor fear 
they should shriek out too toon for goose, there are doubllen 
nu j occasion! which call for the mild reproof, " Utile ihil- 
dren should be seen and not Inard. BUM there it no reason 
why they should not be thought of, and to judge (loin 

10 ol birthi lince our departure, a i • ■ ridroUJ the mature 
resolution uf the Columbia Pel n hun-nt of the |[ov a I Knfil 

I rising gi'iii ration to tin lust of their ability 
VAe hive children of et | cd every d onboard, 

i 1 1 1 Id re u with names and ■ hildreu w illiout n inn •.|onk • hi. 
and nd children, and follow • Inldren. and white r bill 
i Inblien w round tl. 

with o< i ationally white tape round itt arrk, children who can 

walk, children alio can 01 in who i an do 

l.illren who blow their noara aiid i Inldren who 

blow lbr:r iblrrn who ar. r a largr 

• XI II . an 1 ■ blMfl I who do 

juire any washing ol lb. p»< uliar nal 

if i ■ ■ 
temp r. and there will pr. 

Ibeae at the** ar 
bnpe that there are many «.f u« ttl 

p aid , 

[i 'fotuxiitassts, stavd M ■ • 
tK It < ian (1 on t«4 

F rater. 

»g<- ai 
i mar. . 
me ar 

hoote-ow n 
b women in 
- • and 
ra J' 

ladoaoa of 


Everybody has beard the old story of "Whittington and 
his cat," how. as he was leaving London, Bow Bells seemed to 
say, "Turn again Whittington, Lord Mayor of London," how 
he turned back, how he gave away his cat, how the cat made 
his fortune, and how he eventually did become Lord Mayor of 
London. Now there is a young lady on board the "Thames 
City" blessed in the possession ol an affectionate pussy, and 
although we cannot venture to say that the pussy will be the 
making of Miss Matilda Hazel's fortune, there is no doubt 
that as, when Whittiugton turned back at the sound of Bow 
Bells, he put his foot on the first step of the ladder of fortune, 
so clearly has Miss Matilda Hazel adopted the line of life for 
which she is evidently marked out, and one in which her 
talents have shone forth more conspicuously than ever since 
the acquisition of her little black cat. We need not say that 
the line of life we allude to is the stage, and truly when we 
look back at the performance of Monday evening, and reflect 
on the charming grace and modesty, the refinement, the ele- 
gance of action, and the delightful modulation of voice that 
distinguished the acting of this young lady in the character 
of "Miss llardcastle," and remember her easy, pert and co- 
quettish air as "bar-maid" at the inn, we cannot but regret 
that so much beauty and talent has been lost to the country, 
and confined to the small stage of the "Thames City." Pre- 
eminently beautiful she certainly is, charmmg, with her en- 
dearing smiles and occasional bursts of merriment, the hearts 
and eyes of the whole audience, and when we think of the 
pretty little foot and ancle that peeped so bewitchingly forth 
from beneath the folds of her elegantly braided dress, we 
cannot but anathematize the base villain who dared last week 
to speak of these ravishing charms as "skinny feet and 
stumps," and when we recognize the same individual in the 
character of "Young Mario w," our only wonder is that a be- 
ing of such rare grace and beauty could "stoop so low as to 
conquer" a creature whom she has unhesitatingly set down 
as a "frog" and a "dirty cur." On the whole "She Stoops to 
Conquer" was decidedly a success, and one worthy of the re- 
opening of the theatrical season. The gentlemen, taken all 
in all, acted admirably, and although we were disappointed 
with the memory of one who has heretofore promised better 
things, we feel we cannot speak too highly of the performance 
of Messrs. Turnbull and Dcrham, who clearly threw their 
whole hearts and souls into the matter, and succeeded in 
pleasing all who heard them. Nor should those who had not 
the good fortune to take principal parts be forgotten. What 
they did, they did well; and perhaps there were no parts of the 
performance that pleased us more than those where "Jeremy" 
declared that "although only a servant he was as good a man 
as anybody else," and where "Diggory," with a voice — such 
a voice I — a voice that seemed to come from the very bottom 
of the ship, (somewhere in the vicinity of the milk) expres- 
sed his fixed determination "to stay his stomach with a slice 
of cold beef in the pantry," and we beg to congratulate the 
manager on the acquisition of a company possessed, one and 
all, of such a perfection of elementary histrionic talent. Nor 
can we speak too highly of the new stage properties, all of 
which, from the dresses to the footlights, were in perfectgood 
taste, and of the highest quality. That eminent artist, J. C. 
White, has clearly established, beyond a doubt, his superiori- 
ty to Solomon, and we look forward with much pleasure to 
witnessing on Wednesday next further proofs ot a talent 
which, with the aid of only two or three colours, in the midst 
of a crowded deck, and in the worst weather, succeeds in pro- 
ducing specimens of artistic genius, that will contribute in a 
very important degree to the lustre and general effect of our 
theatrical entertainments. 


There is no study more interesting and instructive, and 
more calculated to remind us of the infinite resources and 
Omnipotence of the Creator of the universe, than the study 
of Animated Nature. In whatever direction we turn our eyes 
we everywhere meet the varied forms of animal life. Earth, 
air, water are all alike occupied by multitudes of living 

creatures, each fitted especially for the habitation assigned 
to it by nature. Every wood or meadow, nay, every tree or 
shrub, or turf of grass has its inhabitants, and, even beneath 
the surface of the ground, numbers of animals may be found 
fulfilling the purposes for which their species were called in- 
to existence. Myriads of birds dash through the air support- 
ed on their feathered pinions, or solicit our attention by the 
charming song which they pour forth from their restingplaces; 
whilst swarms of insects with still lighter wings dispute with 
them the empire of the air. The waters, whether salt or 
fresh, are also filled with living organisms ; fishes of many 
forms and various colours, and creatures of still more strange 
appearance swim silently through their depths, and their 
shores are covered with a profusion of polypes, sponges, star- 
fish and other animals. Notwithstanding the immense num- 
ber of animals existing on the face of the earth, wehavebeen 
enabled to form a system of classification, which, by bring- 
ing together those animals which most resemble each other 
and characterizing them by some common point of structure, 
enables us to form a sort of general idea of the whole, and 
to remember more readily the peculiarities of each. Irres- 
pective of the scientific classification of animals, a popular 
classification exists, which to a great extent coincides with it; 
thus we find that tolerably clear notions are entertained as to 
the differences between a beast, a bird, a fish, a reptile, and 
an insect, — these being creatures that pass constantly under 
our eyes; but, with respect to the lower animals with which 
mankind at large are not familiar, the classification of ordi- 
nary language is by no means so precise, and science is com- 
pelled to invent a system of her own. The first step which 
the student of Natural History takes in commencing his sub- 
ject is to adopt a system of classification. Now, as I baTe 
every reason to hope that there are many who hear nnd read 
these contributions with feelings of interest in the subject, 
and DOt merely with a view ot killing a little time, I have 
considered this a fit opportunity of bringing before your no- 
tice a few remarks on the basis of the study of Zoology, \\i: 
"the classification of animals," which, being of a simple na- 
ture and easily understood, may induce some to enter i.ito the 
subject, who have been deterred from doing so by a precon- 
ceived notion that scientific classifications arc notning but a 
collection of hard names, more calculated to puzzle than to 
enlighten the young beginner. The arrangement of the ani- 
mal kingdom proposed by the illustrious Cuvicr is the one 
generally adopted. He distributes the forms of animal life 
into four grand Divisions, which are again subdivided into 
orders, groups, nnd families. The first division comprises 
those animals which have a vertebral column or spine termi- 
nating in a skull, such as the monkey, the horse, the goose, 
the salmon, the boa-constrictor, the frog, the tortoise, Ac. 
The second division comprises those animals which have no 
skeleton, are of a soft texture, and are sometimes covered with 
a strong covering or shell, such as the snail, the slug, the oys- 
ter, the mussel, &c. The third division includes those ani- 
mals which are formed of a number of articulated points or 
rings, soft or hard, as the worm, the lobster, the spider and 
the small insects. The fourth division comprises those ani- 
mals which have their organs arranged like rays proceeding 
from a centre, such as the sea-urchin, the star-fish, the medu- 
sa, &c. Thus the first division is called that of the Verte- 
brated animals, the second division that of the Molluscous 
animals, the third division that of the Articulate ani- 
mals, and the fourth division that of the Radiated animals. 
Every known living animal, whatever be its size or form, 
comes under the head of one of these grand divisions, from 
the huge whale to the smallest microscopic animalcule, and 
so simple arc the distinctions that the telling off ot each ani- 
mal to its own particular division might almost be entrusted 
to a child; lut, when we come to the orders, groups and fam- 
ilies, the characteristic distinctions are not so easy to discern, 
but require closer study and more acute observation. In our 
next we purpose to discuss the division into orders of the 
Vertebrated animals, which we shall find correspond with the 
popular classification before mentioned, by which beasts, 
birds, reptiles and fishes are distinguished from one another. 




To the Editor. 

Dear Mr. Editob, — The Captain haying just inspected the 
lower deck, down we rush to our tables like so many rabbits 
into their holes in a warren, and so, with the whole day before 
me, I hope to finish what little more I have to say on the sub- 
ject of light, fuel, Ac. 

I come now to the means whereby light is to be obtained 
with the aid of a burning glass. What school boy has not 
considerably increased the tailor's bill of his affectionate 
parent by burning holes in the cuff of his jacket or the 
knee of his trowsers with a burning glass? The object glass 
(and indeed almost any other one) of a telescope is a burning 
glass, Some old fashioned watch glasses filled with water 
will answer the same purpose ; if the sun is not high over- 
head, its rays must be glittered vertically down by means of 
a mirror. 1 have somewhere read of the crystalline lens of a 
dead animal's eye having been used on an emergency with 
iuccess ns a burning glass. It is hardly necessary for me to 
add that black tinder ignites much more easily in the sun 
than light coloured tinder. 

In more than one uncivilized country fire-sticks arc used by 
the natives, but these require a long apprenticeship to work 
with, and it is not every kind of stick that will do. Difficult 
43 it is to those unpractised in the art, should a serious 
emergency occur, it is by no means hopeless to obtain fire 
after this method. Two blocks of wood are required, a drill 
stick, and any rude description of bow with which to work 
the stick. A party of men have advantages, inasmuch as the 
work is very fatiguing; the whole party can try in turns, and, 
as there t< considerable knack required to succeed, it is much 
more probable that one out of many should succeed than that 
a single beginner should do so. One person works the "drill 
stick" with a rude bow, and with his other hand holds the 
up,>er piece of wood, both to steady it and give it the requi. 
s'.te pressure. Another man holds the lower piece of wood, 
the fire block, to steady it, haviiig a piece of tinder ready to 
catch fire. Any touch, hard and dry stick will do for the 
'•drill," but the fire block must be of wood with little grain, 
of a middle degree of softness and sufficiently inflammable. 
It is not at all difficult to produce smoke with a broken fish- 
ing-rod, or ram-rod, as a drill stick, and a common wooden 
pill-box, or tooili-powder box, as a fire block; walnut is good 
also, but deal and mahogany arc both worthless forfire sticks. 

The best sort of tinder is the commonest, namely, cotton 
or linen lighted and smothered by being crammed into your 
tinder box before they arc burnt to ashes. Amadou, punk, 
or German tinder, is made from a kind of fungus or mush- 
room that grows on the trunks of old oaks, ashes, beeches, 
4c, and many other kinds of fungus, and I believe all kinds 
of puff balls will do. Dried cattle-dung is very useful as 
tinder. In all cases the presence of saltpetre makes tinder 
burn more hotly and more fiercely, and saltpetre exists in such 
great quantities in the ashes of many plants (as tobacco, dill, 
maize, sun-flower, &c) that these can be used just as they 
aro in place of it. Thus, if the ashes of a cigar be well rub- 
bed into a bit of paper (unsized paper like that out of a blot- 
ting book is best suited, but any will do) they convert it into 
touch paper. Gunpowder, of which three-quarters, is saltpe- 
tre, (uninjured gunpowder is as good as any for this purpose) 
has the same effect. If it be an object to prepare a store of 
touch paper, a strong solution of saltpetre in water (and let 
it be remembered that boiling water makes the solution forty- 
fold stronger than ice-cold water, and about eight times 
stronger than water 60° Fahr.) should be obtained, and the 
paper, rags, or fungus, dipped into it >\nd hung to dry. 

To kindle a spark into a flame by blowing is quite an art, 
which few Europeans have learned, but in which cv-ry sav- 
age is proficient. The spark should be received into a sort 
of loose nest of the most inflammable substances procurable, 
prepared before hand; when by careful blowing or tann ng 
the flame is once started, it should be fed with little bite of 
•tick or bark, nntil it has gained strength enough to grapple 
with thicker ones. There is an old proverb "small sticks 

kindle a flame, but large ones put it out." In soaking wet 
weather the fire may be started in a frying pan itself, for wan! 
of a dry piece of ground. 

There is something of a knack in looking for fuel. It 
should be looked for under bushes; the stump of a tree thai 
is rotted nearly to the ground has often a magnificent root fit 
to blaze throughout the night. In want of fire-wood the dry 
m mure of cattle and other animals is very generally used 
throughout the world, and there is nothing objectionable in 
using it. Another remarkable substitute for fire-wood is 
bones, a fact to which Mr. Darwin, the Naturalist quoted In 
our ''Naturalist," was the first to draw attention. During the 
Russian campaign, in 1829, the troops suffered so severely 
from cold at Adrianople that the cemeteries were ransacked 
for bones for fuel. 

My stock of information about Fuel is now finished, fortu- 
nately so, not only for the patience of your readers, but also 
for the difficulty which I should have (had I more) in writing 
it, from the heavy rolling of the ship and the bitter damp 
cold. Had we plenty of fuel and appliances we might guard 
against the latter, in the absence of both we must "grin and 
bear it," and that the putting Qp with these and all other like 
discomforts without grumbling will every day make ug more 
callous to the inclemencies of the weather which we are led 
to expect we shall find in "British Columbia" is the firm be- 
lief of your obedient servant, Peter Simple. 

gtaoal and IRiUtorg JntqUujHine. 

Jan. 23rd . . 
" 24th . . 
•' 2ith . . 
'■ 2«th . . 
■• 27th . . 
'• 2Sth . . 
" 29th . . 
To-day at noon 


During the past week. 
I,.ititndc. Longitude. Miles Hnn. 
68°55'B. . . 74°04'W. . . N.W.bN. 94 m. 
SsoiS'R. . . 77°00'W. . . W.hN.96m. 
59°00'S. . . 79°M'W. . . g.W.bW.^JW.OTm. 
S7°14'8. . . RO°47'W. . . N.bW.WW.IWiu 
5fi°l.'t'S. . . 80 o 4CW. . . N.N.B.Mm. 
54°23'S. . . 80°37'W. . . N.bW. 112m. 
62°27'8. . . 81°37'W. . . N.W.^W. 122 n>. 
Valparaiso boro N.bE.J^E. 1245 miles. 


Undo " Dad Morton," of Vermont, tells the following story: " Tbem 
LDOMtori of our'n didn't do nothln lialf way. Hut there*s an awful fallin' 
off since them times. Why, In my time, when I was a boy , tilings wont 
on more economical than now. We all worked. My work was to take car- 
..f the hens and chickens, and I'll tell yer how I raised 'em. You know Vwe 
a very thinkin' child, al'as a thinkin*, 'cept when l'se asleep. Well, || 
came to me one night to raise a big lot of chiekings from one- hen, and I'll 
tell yer how I did It. I took an old whiskey barrel and filled it up with 
fresh eggs, and then put It on the south side of the barn, with some horse 
mamm round it. and then set the old hen on the bung-hole. The old crit- 
ter kept her settiu', and in three weeks 1 beard a little 'peep.' Then I pui 
mv ear to tho spigot, when tho peeping growed like a swarm of bees. I 
didn't say anything to the folks about tho hatching, for they'd all the timo 
told me 1 was a fool, but the next moruln' I knocked in the head of the 
barrel and covered the barn floor two deep all over with chickingn." 

Johtts, &c. 

French Bulls.— The Irish nation hare been long supposed to enjoy the 
exclusive privilege of making blnndcTS. A French gentleman who lately 
died at Provence, whose name wan M.CIante, affords an instance to the con- 
trary, an will appear by the following anecdotes of him. He hid hi* ' 'valet 
dechnmbre," very early one morning, look out of the window and tell him 
If it w;w daylight. "Sir," said the fellow, "It is no dark I can wet- nothing 
an yet." "Beast that ynu an*," replied the master, "why don't you take 
a candle to see if tho sun is rising or no?" He was 111 with a fever, his 
physician r>rt»ade him the use of wine, and ordered him to drink nothing 
but barley-water. "That I would," said the patient, "witbiUl my heart, 
provided it had the relish of wine, for I assure you I'd as soon eat beef as 
partridge, if it had the same taste." He paid a visit to a painter who wu 
Dn drawing a landscape, where a lover and his mistress were in conver- 
sation. "Let mo beg of you." said he, "to draw me in a corner where 1 
can hear every word these lovers are saying, without any body seeing me." 
At another time he desired the painter who was taking his portrait U> 
draw him with a book in his hand which he should read out loud. 

How it Leaked Out. — ' ' Mamma what makes dada kiss you." Inquired 
little Willie of his mother. " (Jet away you •camp or I'll box your 
ears," "But mamma 1 should Hko to know." "Well then child It's 
tiecause he loves me ; but lovcy what makes you ask such a naughty ques- 
tion ?" " Because I saw dada kiss the cook last Sunday, when you were 
at church, so I think hs loves her as well as you." There w«j a fuss Is the 


£on(js and |3orirn. 


1 The bonnle, bonnie bairn wha sits pokin' In the a^e, 
fJlowerin' In the fire wi' his woe round face, 
Laugbin 1 at the puffin 1 Iowa, what mn be there? 
Hal the young i reamer's biggin oaatlaB In the jiir. 

*J His wes chubby face, and his tonsej curly povi 
in laughln' and noddin' to the wee dancln' lowei 
He'll brown his rosy cheeks, an 1 sin;;' bis sunny hair, 
Qlotrerln' a1 the tmpa wV their castles In the air. 

3 ii' bi as muckle castles towerin' to the moon, 
Hieaeefl wee ndgan puuV them a' doom 
Worlds womblin' up and down blaastn 1 wi* a fi;ire, 
Losh! how be Looks aa tiny glimmer in the air. 

4 For a' see sage be looks, what can the laddie ken, 
Da's tbinkin' upon naethjng like mony mighty men, 

A wee ttiijiK make us think, a una* thing raaks us stare. 
Thru- are m dr fblka than bin biggin castles in the air. 

.*> Sick a night in winter may weel mak him rauhl, 

II iM cMn Upon his puffy liann will sum* mak liim auld; 
His brow is brent sat; braid, 0* pray that daddy care, 
Wad lot the wean alane wi* his castles in the air. 

6 He'll glower at the fire and he'll keek at the licht, 
But mony sparklin' stars are swallowed up by nicht, 
Aulder een than his are glamoured by a glare, 
Hearts are broken, beads are turnod wi' castles In the air. 

a "mxEir bit. 

Jack ass! to think to put rue in the shade 

By that vulgar composition you last week made! 

For personality like that there is no palliation, 

So now for personal, but truthful retaliation. 

Your bite, whelp, ah! ah! was soon forgotten, 

You can't bite hard for all your teeth are rotten, 

Don't wince, again your feelings do 1 shock? 

They are very filthy, just like your 8M0CK. 

(Jrlthound! your brains must be very slender, 

Win ii you make such a fool's remark about my gender, 

I call you greyhound, you know what it means, 

A bound that's scraggy and has no brains. 

No doubt you thought you cut it nice and fat, 

By bitting on my tiny, little cat, 

In teaching him his duty I cannot fail. 

He spurns all curs, when be «ees you swells bis tail. 

I hope, I'kah. from pussy you'll take a pattern, 

He Is no clean and nothing of a slattern; 

If I required a monkey to lead upon the deck, 

I should take off pussy's string and tie it on TOUR nock. 

And your head once within that noose of tape, 

Would give me the "tout air" of an — ape! 

A gentleman, * 'en passant" I call him ' 'Terry," 

Has an animal whom he names * 'Jerry;*' 

Like you, he scrawls on paper, sits in a chair, 

You are as like him as bur to hair. 

Hii Visage, too, is freckled, ugly, frightful, 

Bklt then, cnlikk you, "Jerry" isn't spiteful, 

"What is he?" you ask — ' 'a baboon!" the truth I cannot smother, 

You are so like him, I could take you for his brother. 

My washing clothes you have most highly vaunted, 

Do take a Lesson — I'm sure it's wanted; 

Wash did I Bay, I must be joking, 

first you'd better learn the art of soaking. 

If, as I, you are not clever at putting in a stitch 

l can't help that, you fiddle. fieei, il,;< att.-likk witch. 

Hecate! tms reminds me of poor .Macbeth! 

Ui-ne mber Macduff hunted him to death; 

Maolut! am 1 . don't think me too precocious, 

You're Macbeth (or rather like him), you're so ferocious. 

As to my being groggy, say no more, 

Were yon groggj when yon went on shore? 

Another question answer with candour, sir, I say, 

Why for boat-biro tenpence only you have to pay? 

I did the tiling in a far more handsome manner, 

Ami have to fork out seven bub and a tanner. 

Booby, the night of the bill on shore, 

I had, when i st urted, Kro poum a four. 

It wasn't all my own, or no cause for Morrow, 

1 was going to buy stock for others on the morrow. 

With \vh it I Spend and paid, if 1 remember even. 

There w ik in my pane Than 1 lost it one pound seven. 

Fool! you are to quote ' l non mi ii or io, " I am in no fix, 

Nnmakolll I waa never in "the forty-sixth." 

My "polka-" with which, you say 1 keep out the cold, 

SfOUI vi i y Bell by this all Li si on bar* been soldi 

In tin B from boI I) you are ■ nightly dweller, 

Silt n_' among the ashes Like Cinderella; 
lint not bo pretty, you're Crosen stiff, jual ai a dummy, 
Drii i up an I shrivelled, the col iur of an Kgyptlan mummy. 

An oLn m.N and'd am 1 ! go hide your empty pair, 

i my ueck be war, you ass, when 1 can bold it straight? 
What ean it be to you, yon saucy pup. 
The reason why l stick my trowsart up? 
I might ask of you without any sin, 
Why you aiwa..-, like a shirt, smock tuck in? 

I was sick on Christmas day, no wonder, to see you with thumbs 

Cramming in that pudding so stuffed with plums; 

Gorging is certainly the worst of faults, 

I wish you'd eat less and not bore me for salts. 

With pity towards you my bowels were yearning, 

When I read your lines upon my learning, 

To the ' ' Haut Kcole" of learning I have no pretence, 

Yet unlike you, donkey, I believe I've common sense; 

You have not even that, or you don't use it, 

From what you write you every day abuse it. 

I would call you Solomon, but it doesn't suit you well, 

Polecat! is far better, judging from your shell. 

I know I've Bent nothing but rhyme to this journal, 

You have sent nonsense enough — most infernal; 

In writing an article I should take some pride, 

If such a noodle as you o'er the paper did not preside. 

I think by this I've shown I still crow — not cackle, 

My crowing is more, clown, than you can tackle, 

Whate'er you do, knave, I am still the same, 

Not an "old hew," but a "touno cock" that's game. 


The following lines are from the pen of a lady, and In thanking her for 
her most kind contribution, we can but express our satisfaction at finding 
that the few remarks we ventured to offer last week have been taken In 
good part, with the hope that many more will soon find an opportunity ot 
following her example. 

First love, the Eden of the inmost heart. 

Of all earth's joys the only priceless part, 

Thou bright first joy, too beautiful to last, 

To-day thou art, to-morrow thou art past; 

Leaving an impress on the inmost soul, 

O'er wiiieh in vain the tide of years may roll, 

Not dark eternity itself can 'rase 

Thy memory love, first love of early days. 

How She tricked Him.— A young lady, at a ball one evening, asked her 
cousin Fred ' 'if he knew that very nice young man at the other end of the 
room?" " Yes," said Fred, " he is a Bchool-fellow of mine." " 1 wish 
you wou|d introduce me," said Miss Emma. Immediately Fred went down 
and requested the young man to come up and he would introduce bim to 
bis cousin Emma. "Ah!" said the young gentleman, "just trot her down 
he-aw." Poor Emma happened to overhear the answer her cousin receiv- 
ed, and requested bim to make a second attempt, which he did, and was 
successful. When the young man approached Miss Emma's seat, he waa 

?,uitt- struck with her beauty, and was about to make an apology, but be- 
>re he had time to speak, Miss Emma surveyed him from head to foot, 
and very smartly said to her cousin, - 'That will do, you can just trot him 
off now." 


XXXI. Why is the « 'Thames City" like an old cow? 

XXXII. Why is a butcher like a great continental traveller? 

XXXIII. Why is the "Thames City" in a heavy sea like the black dog 

brought on board at the Falkland Islands? 
Answer TO XXV11I. Because Solomon in all bis glory was not R. A.'d 
(arrayed) like one of thene. 
" XXIX. Because he first made people nteel (steal) pens and then 

pere-uaded them that they did WT te (right. I 
" XXX. Because of the quantity of sand whtofa Is (wtchss] there. 


Theatre Royal, "Thames City." 

THE MANAGER of the above Theatre takes this opportunity of offering 
his warmest thanks for the liberal and substantial enpport given to the 

Columbian Theatrical Fund, which enabled him to pun i, scen- 

ery and other properties of such a character that he feeh assured they can- 
not be surpassed by any Theatrical Company in British Columbia. He 
Mini N -rely trusts that it will be the means of pa-sing many an hour in harm- 
less amusement, and he begs to assure the subscribers that no effort Bhall 

be wanting on the part of himself and company to afford them a good an- 

tert.iiiniu m( . He has much satisfaction in stating thtt the subscriptions 
amounted to £13. 1.0, of which £7.8.6, was expended for The itrical pur- 
poses, leaving a aaranflt in hand of £6.12.8 to meal Future exigencies. 

The Manager begs to announce that on Wednesday, the 2nd Feb.. will 
be presented that well known and justly celebrated Burlesque Tragic 
Opera, in one Act, by W. B. Rhodes, r>j., entitled, 

Artaxominous. (Kinc of Utopia) James Turnbull. 

gushes, Minister of Btate) Gbarlss Bit it. 

Genera] Bombastss A. It. Howse. 

l Ht Court 'er Lea Is fclnghet 

2nd Courtier George K;it on 

Distafflna Henry Bennev , 

After which there will be ;i variety of singing and dancing. 
,©y Doors open at 6 o'clock, performance to commence at 0*80 precisely . 

The publication of the BMftUUUft Soi.i>m;s' Gaut'il AJTJ) OAPl HbM 

Chronuu: wis commenced at in a. m . , on the ST th, and was completed at 
4 p, in. this day. Published ut the Editor's Office, Starboard Frout Cabin, 
" Thames City." 




No. 12.] 


[Price 3d. 

©hq (ginkjrant Soldiers' feettq. 


Lat. 39.47 S. Long. 19.16 W. Moon's First Quar- 
ter, Feb'y 10th, at 7h. 39m. p. m. 

Most of our readers must be acquainted with that 
celebrated book of Defoe's — Robinson Crusoe. The 
undoubted original of this character was Alexander 
Selkirk, a Scotchman by birth, and the Island of Juan 
Fernandez, in Lat. 33 ° 40 South and Long. 19 ° 
West about 400 miles west of Valparaiso, is where 
he was cast ashore. The island was first discovered 
by a Spanish navigator in the year 1572 ; it is of ir- 
regular form, from ten to twelve miles long and about 
six broad, its area being 70 square miles. It was in 
the year 1704 that Alexander Selkirk while engaged 
in a privateering expedition quarrelled with the Cap- 
tain of his ship and resolved to leave the vessel as 
soon as an opportunity offered ; he had not to wait 
long, for they shortly after arrived at Juan Fernandez, 
whore our hero was landed with all his effects. Sel- 
kirk soon began to consider the means of rendering 
his residence on the island endurable. It was the 
month of October and the middle of spring, and all 
was blooming and fragrant. The possibility of starv- 
ing was not one of the horrors which his situation 
presented. Besides the fish and seals which swarmed 
round the shores of the island, there were innumerable 
fruits and vegetables in the woods, among which was 
the never-failing cabbage ; and hundreds of goats 
skipped wild among the hills. Almost all the means 
of ordinary physical comfort were within his reach, 
and he had only to exert his strength and ingenuity to 
make the island yield him its resources. How he pro- 
ceeded to do this; the various shifts and devices he fell 
upon to supply his wants, and to add gradually to his 
store of comforts; the succession of daily steps and 
contrivances by which in the course of four years and 
a half he raised himself from comparative helpless- 
ness to complete dominion over the resources of his 
little territory; and along with, this the various stages 
which his feelings went through from the agony and 
stupefaction of the first night which he spent on the 

island to the perfect freedom and happiness which he 
ultimately obtained, we have not sufficient room to 
discuss in detail. It is needless to say that Defoe's 
narrative is almost entirely a fiction. So far as the 
details of his hero's daily life in the desert island are 
concerned, it was not visited by cannibal savages as is 
the case in the romance, and no faithful Friday ap- 
peared to cheer the hours of Selkirk's solitude. All 
these ornaments of the story the world owes to Defoe, 
whose object was not to write the history of Selkirk, 
or any other known cast-away, but to describe, by the 
force of imagination, the life of an ideal hero, on an 
ideal desert island; at the same time there is no doubt 
that Defoe's narrative fills up our conception of Sel- 
kirk's long residence on this island with details such 
as must actually be true. We may perceive by this 
story the truth of the maxim, that "necessity is the 
mother of invention," since this man found means to 
supply his wants in a very natural manner so as to 
maintain his life, though not so conveniently, yet as 
effectually as we are able to do with the help of our 
arts and society. It may likewise instruct us how 
much a plain and temperate way of living conduces to 
the health of the body and vigor of the mind, both 
which we are apt to destroy by excess and plenty, es- 
pecially of strong liquor, and the variety as well as the 
nature of our meat and drink; for this man, when he 
came back to our ordinary method of diet and life, 
though he was sober enough, lost much of his strength 
and agility. The island of Juan Fernandez was visit- 
ed in the year 1845 by H. M. S. Collingwood, when a 
single Chilian family constituted the whole of the resi- 
dent population, who claimed the largest and readiest 
stream for watering. Cabbage, palms, cherry trees, 
and peaches were found in great abundance, and all 
these, with wild oats, radishes, nasturtiums, rhubarb, 
and strawberries, grew in wild and useless fruitfulness. 
Animals are abundant fcr such a small spot; goats, 
which exist in great numbers, may be seen grazing on 
every height, and many horses run wild; also asses, 
which have attained great size, and roam in fierce and 
wild herds. Dogs are said to be numerous and trou- 
blesome. Cats, like the dogs, now live among the 
rocks. Seals are nearly extirpated, but fish and craw- 
fish are abundant. Vessels occasionally put in here 
for water and provisions. 


What a blessing fine weather seems to be after several 
weeks of cold winds, and stormy seas, and their attendant 
discomforts, in a crowded ship. Something of this kind was 
probably passing through the minds of most of us on Tues- 
day last, when the glorious sunshine settled, once again, all 
the day long upon the decks, warming the laughing faces of 
the children, who came swarming up, like butter flies on a 
summer day, from the recesses of the between-decks. The 
rough part of the journey we hope is over, now that the no- 
torious Cape is past, and we may fairly congratulate ourselves 
that, with but little interruption, the rest of the voyage will 
be composed of fine weather, smooth seas, and a clear sky. 
It is a comfort too to think that we are Bearing our destina- 
tion, and wc may begin to calculate, not so much the time 
we have been absent from England, as the Dumber of weeks 
(growing shorter and shorter) it will yet take us to reach the 
Colony. Our newspaper, we rejoice to say, like a seasoned 
traveller, is getting, like the rest of us, used to sea life, and 
holds up his head strong and flourishing, but with great re- 
gret, we are compelled to add, that our chief contributor and 
main support, who from the first has been a tower of strength 
on our side, has been afflicted for some days past with a mal- 
ady called the "mumps,'' a malady which interferes material- 
ly with the exercise of the faculties in general, more especial- 
ly with those connected with the science of eating and drink- 
ing. We trust, however, shortly to see him again in his 
accustomed place, not only on Saturday evenings, but on 
others also, when with his hands in his breeches pockets, a 
short pipe in his mouth, and a Glengary cap on his head, he 
will appear as before, in deep conference with Sapper Scales, 
the recognized master of the ceremonies, respecting the order 
for the dances of the evening, lie missed on Thursday last 
a rare treat iu not being present to witness the delightful 
manner in which the burlesque of "Bombastes Furioso" was 
put on the stage, when the acting of all the performers, their 
dresses, and the scenery, brought down the plaudits of the 
house, and evidently gave universal satisfaction. To remind 
us again that our old customs in fine weather were returning, 
some excellent songs followed, with the recital, by Corporal 
Sinnett, of an old Homeric lay of the siege of Troy. This 
last we hope will very shortly be repeated that a fresh oppor- 
tunity may be given us of admiring its incontestable beauties 
aLd merits. 


Having in our last number described Cuvier's classification 
of the animal kingdom into four grand divisions, we now pro- 
ceed to investigate more fully the first of these divisions, viz: 
that of the Vertcbrated, which has been again subdivided in- 
to four orders. As the name indicates, the animals compris- 
ed in this division are all furnished with a vertebrated col- 
umn, known in popular language as the spine, and an internal 
skeleton, or bony framework, which is covered externally 
with llesh and which contains the internal organs destined to 
perform those functions necessary to the maintenance and 
support of life. The distinction between an animal thus pro- 
vided with a spine and one without a spine (called by Natu- 
ralists an Invertebrate animal) is very apparent. Take a cod 
fish, for instance, and split him open and you find a long flex- 
ible bone extending from head to tail, and composed of a 
number of small bones united together, around which the 
flesh is attached; but take a lobster and split him open in the 
same way, and you do not find any trace whatever ot a spine 
or even of an internal skeleton; on the contrary, his skeleton 
is outside, and consists of a hard case or shell in Which the 
flesh is contained. We have no hesitation then in placing the 
cod fish amongst the vertebrate animals, and the lobster 
among the invertebrate animals. Amongst the animals pro- 
vided with a spine we find there are some which produce iheir 
joung alive, and for a time suckle them; they constitute the 
highest order of the animal kingdom, and have warm blood. 
Next we find a set of animals, also warm-blooded, but who 

produce their young from eggs; their bodies are covered with 
feathers and their limbs are adapted for motion through the 
air, as well as for progression on land. Then again we fin 1 
some of this division of animals entirely different in structure 
from either of the two mentioned; these we find are so con- 
stituted that they can only live in water; their extremities are 
converted into fins, by means of which, tegether with their 
expanded tails, they move through the water. They are cold- 
blooded animals, and their skins are either naked or covered 
with scales. Lastly, we find a class of animals furnished with 
a vertebral column quite distinct from those above mentioned, 
both in habits and structure ; they are a group of animals 
generally regarded with but little favor by mankind ; a por- 
tion of them only arc provided with limbs, and they all more 
or less creep upon their bellies; they have cold blood, but are 
constituted to breathe air. The types of these different or- 
ders are very easily recognized. In the first place, as exam- 
ples of those animals which produce their young alive and 
suckle them, called the Mammalia, we may quote, the cat, the 
cow, the sheep. Those animals popularly known as Birds are 
included in the second order. The third order comprises the 
Fishes; and the fourth those animals which are commonly dis- 
tinguished by the name of Reptiles. These different classes 
of animals differ essentially, not only in external form and 
appearance, but also in the structure of their internal organs: 
thus wc find the mammalia breathe by means of lungs, which 
communicate externally by one opening, called the wind-pipe. 
Birds also breathe by means of lungs, which, however, are 
furnished with several apertures communicating with the 
cellular tissue of the body and the interior of the bones; the 
air thus penetrating to all parts of the body renders them 
lighter and capable of being supported by the atmosphere. 
Respiration in fishes is effected not by lungs but by a differ- 
ent set ot organs called gills. Reptiles are furnished with 
respirating organs differing from both lungs and gills, and in 
some instances attaining an extraordinary size and occupying 
a considerable portion of the entire body. The heart also 
differs in form in these different classes : thus, the heart of 
mammals and birds is divided into four separate cavities; that 
of the fishes consists of two cavities; and that of the reptiles 
consists of one entire cavity only. Knowing these distinc- 
tive characteristics relative to the internal organs, we are 
better enabled to judge as to what division of the animal 
kingdom certain creatures belong whose outward appearance 
is at first sight very apt to mislead us. We have a remark- 
able instance of this in one of the largest of known animals, 
viz: the whale, a small species of which we have of late fre- 
quently observed swimming about in the neighbourhood of 
our vessel. How many there are whe, if asked to which divi- 
sion of animals this creature belongs, would not hesitate for 
an instant, judging from its appearance and habits, to rank 
it amongst the fishes. But it is well known that the whale is 
not a fish, and has no affinity whatever with fishes; it is just 
as much a mammal as the ox or the elephant, inasmuch as it 
has warm blood, breathes air through lungs, brings forth liv- 
ing young, and suckles them with true milk. It is certainly a 
peculiar mammal, differing from other mammals in its being 
aquatic and not terrestrial, but it can no longer slay under 
water without fresh air beyond a very short period than a man 
could. 'In a future number we hope to have an opportunity 
ot making a few observations on the Natural History of this 
monster of the deep, when more will be said or. this subject. 
In our next we purpose continuing the subject of classification 
by calling your attention to the different groups of animals 
into which the mammalia have been subdivided by Cuvier ; 
the first group of which includes only the human species. 
Some naturalists refuse to allow the human race to enter the 
zoological series at all ; whilst others hold that the highest 
order of the apes tread so closely upon the heels of humanity 
that it is not easy to draw the line between them. Physical- 
ly considered, man must be regarded as belonging to the class 
mammalia, but any one, who will compare an Ourang-Outang 
or a Champanzee with a man, will at once see that the differ- 
ences in organization are sufficiently great as to warrant us in 
keeping him quite separate from even the highest of the low- 
er animals. Natcramst. 



' To the Editor. 

Ma. Editor, — I am no less hurt than surprised at the allu- 
sions made to me in the "Emigrant Soldiers' Gazette" of the 
29th January last. As regards the first part, I pass that by, 
as I have done many other comical references to the little 
black animal I brought from the Falklands — and although I 
have not, nor ever had, any Lord-Mayor-like ideas when I 
obtained him, still if the author of the article thought, or 
Mill thinks I have, he is at full liberty to do so, and I take the 
affair as a very good joke, and promise the said gentleman a 
dinner invitation as soon as I am installed in the civic chair. 
But as regards the succeeding part, so severe and codding a 
critique I cannot allow to go by without a rather more seri- 
ous observation. In personating the character of "Miss Hard- 
castle" I endeavored to do so to the best of my limited abili- 
ty, and when I know (by reading, for I never saw them) that 
such celebrated actresses as the late Mrs. Nesbitt, Mrs. Hum- 
bey, and (now in my own day) Miss Reynolds, have played 
the part, I felt (not being a woman) no little difficulty in un- 
dertaking it. 1 played the character according to my own 
conception, and if my imperfection afforded only a tenth part 
lof the audience the least satisfaction I am delighted. The 
,stage is not, nor ever will be, my business, but as a pastime 
among my brother amateurs, I should always have been glad 
to while away a few hours, either at the present or at any fu- 
ture time; at any rate as I do not possess either "the grace," 
"refinement," "beauty," "ankles" or any other qualification 
the author of the article in question attributes to me, I must 
beg of him for the future to send his heaps of cod-ism to some 
other quarter ; a passing allusion to my pertormance would 
have been sufficient for my vanity, and which I should have 
taken as a compliment. The matter as it now stands leaves 
me the butt of many who are not able to refrain from insult, 
and whose want of sense prevents them from knowing the 
difference between a jocular allusion and a reality. To all 
such I feel it too great a trouble to further remark. I have 
no doubt the article was written with the idea of being both 
funny and amusing, but as it is addressed indirect ridicule 
to and of me, tor the future no further opportunity will be 
given by inc for a repetition of nonsense on the part of the 
writer, as henceforth the manager has it in his power to re- 
place me (whenever he pleases) by some othtr "charmer," 
whom I am convinced will be as anxious on all occasions to 
acquit himself creditably, as I have been. I cannot conclude 
without publicly thanking those four ladies who were kind 
enough to make mine and the other female dresses, and to 
whose taste I am ind"bted; I would name them individually, 
but, as I know it would be offensive to them, I refrain from do- 
ing so. What I have written is written in sincerity; had the 
writer of the article No. 2 followed the same plan there had 
been no need of these remarks from me. I apologize for the 
space I have taken, and remain, 

Mr. Editor, yours, &c, 

Henry Wm. Hazel 

Note by the Editor. — We have inserted the above letter, 
but at the same time beg to remind Mr. Hazel that as it was 
his wish, in taking the part of "Miss Hardcastle," to do it 
the most ample justice in his power and to please all, in which 
effort he did most certainly succeed, so it was doubtless the 
wish of the author of the article in question to give pleasure 
and avoid offence; and we beg also to assure htm that had it 
been for one moment imagined that the effect would have 
been the contrary, and the intended joke not been taken in 
good part, the article would not have been inserted, such be- 
ing quite opposed »o the rule on which the journal is conducted. 

•— ♦ — • 

To the Editor. 

Dear Mr. Editor,— As "Naturalist " has kindly promised 
to give some information on the classification, 4c, of animals, 
I thought if I paid a visit to the "City" menagerie and in- 
spected some of the animals themselves, as they are "all to 
be seen alive," that I might understand him all the better. I 
had but one .hour to spare, so plunging down the first ladder 

which led to the dens I came right upon "Cage No. 8." They 
were motley birds in this cage. One, a "mocking bird;" last 
week he was in full taJking order, and could imitate every 
other animal in the collection. Then there was a "cobbler," 
and lastly, a very fine specimen of "Mother Cary." Next 
came No. 10, a rare collection this; there was a sharp dog, 
not so old as he looks, and seldom bites; not a water dog, at 
least I am told he has a great aversion to water, and if there 
is the least sign of his having to take to it, such is his saga- 
city, that he collars himself with a life-buoy. Then there is 
a fine young hippopotamus, a west-country cock, a sandy col- 
oured bear, and a dirty young monkey, at least so a visitor 
once called him. These animals are in fine training and were 
never known to fall out but once — the bear thought the mon- 
key was grinning at him, and threw his feeding trough at the 
monkey, who threw it back and tried to scratch the bear's 
eye& out; the bear was about to hug the monkey, when the 
dog gave a bark, and the young hippopotamus growled " hot 
water below," and all were like lambs again. It is also re- 
markable how these animals agree over their meals. Next 
came No. 12 den, such a den of animals, a small red-maned 
Numidian Lion and cub, a London game codk, a live egg, a 
roebuck, and a Wiltshire hog; at feeding times the growling 
here is terrific. I was so frightened that I dare not go far- 
ther, but lower down I hear there are he-bears, and she-bears, 
and cubs, and welsh rabbits, and crocodiles, and cats, and fid- 
dles, and a prick-ear'd ourang-outang playing on a goose's 
neck. On Saturday evening last, a laughiug-hyena-like noise 
was heard proceeding from No. 10 cage, and at first it was 
thought that an animal of that, description was confined there, 
but it turned out to be a poor harmless "booby" which had 
escaped from the breeding cage on the opposite side of the 
menagerie. The next opportunity I get I intend visiting the 
Dove-Cote, and, with your permission, will give you an ac- 
count of my visit. 

I am, dear Mr. Editor, yours, &c, 


ftiratt and 

gtlilitarg JntcUigcntie. 


DuriDg the past week. 



50° 24' 8. 

82° 00' W. 
81° WYf. 

Miles Run. 
N. 123 m. 
N.bW.ViW. 63 m. 
N.bE. 179 m. 
N.UW. 79 m. 
N.WE. 215 m. 
N.E.J^N. 158 m. 

To-day at noon Valparaiso bore N.E.^N. 546 miles. 

Rigid Sense of Dcty.— At one of our sea-port Towns there stood — and wft 
believe doeB stand there still — a fort, on tho outside of which is a spacious 
field, overlooking a delightful prospect of land and water. At the time 
we are speaking of, a Major Brown was the Commandant; and his family 
being fond of a milk diet, the veteran had several cows that pastured in tho 
land aforesaid; a sentry was placed near the entrance, part of whoso duty 
it was to prevent strangers and stray cattle from trespassing thereon. On 
one occasion an Irish Marine, a stranger to the place, was on guard at this 
post, and having received the regular orders not to allow any one to go on 
the grass but the Minor's cows, determined to adhere to them strictly. He 
had not been long at his post when three elegant young ladies presented 
themselves at the entrance, for tho purpose of taking their usual evening 
walk, and the Marine quickly accosted them with " You can't go there." 
' 'Oh! but we may," uttered the ladies with ono voice, ' 'we have the pri- 
vilege to do so." '' Privilege !" repeated the Bentry, ''faith, and I don't 
care what ye have, but you mustu't go there, I tell yo it's Major Brown's 
positive orderB to the conthrary." "Oh! — ay — yes — we know that," said 
the eldest of the hulics, with great dignity, ' 'but we are Major Brown's 
daughters." ' 'Ah, well, you don't go in there any how," exclaimed Pat. 
' 'you may be Major Brown's daughters, but you're not Major Brown's 


XXXIV. Why have we every reason to suppose that the 8crjcant Major of 

the Detachment is a Yankeo ? 

XXXV. Why is a laundress like the greatest traveller in the world? 

XXXVI. Why is the ' 'Thames City" like a fop getting tit? 
Answer to XXXI. Because she yields little or no milk. 

*• XXXII. Because tae'f constantly all over grease (Greece). 
" XXXIII. Because shell a horrible lurcher. 


£ongs and goftrg. 


pear little innocent, thou dost not know, 
The promises for thee I made — and vow, 
'Chat in thy coining lifetime thou shouldst bo 
A child of the Almighty Deity. 
Vet 1 will ask tlmt RUB may be thy lot, 
And show to thee my vows are not forgot. 
Thy parents too, oh! ever may they find 
Tln-t' dutiful, affectionate and kind. 
Their's be the Joys in after yean to traee. 
In thee the fruits of all-redeeming grace ] 

if you have this, you rarely then a jii prove, 

Bolaos In tfaelr care and worthy of their love. 

I too, will ne'er forget thee, though I stray 

To other land-, and 1 will ever pray, 

Thai In iv'n may bless thee with its brightest smiles, 

Little Marina, of the Falkland Isles. 



We are forever parted, 
But oh! may thou he guy, 
Forget the broken-hearted 
■Whom sorrow wastes away. 
May the heart to whom is plighted 
Thy vows, thou faithless one, 
Lore thee ei did the slighted, 
In happiness here gone. 

But I will not reprove thoo, 
Thy faults I all forgive, 
For I cannot cease to love thco 
Until I cease to live. 

Soon, soon hast thou forgotten 
One who prized thee mOTJ than life. 
And with constancy unshaken 
Would love thee all her life. 

-♦ — •%- 


Once gentle maid — thouVt turning gruff, 

Thy last indeed was paltry stuff, 

"f was poor and filthy — coarse and rough, 

And mean too. 
And is such sweetness turning sour 
Krom (reek tu week— from hour to hour. 
Fast fading now — once blooming flower. 

And green too? 

What once was green is turning yellow, 
It's rotten now — what once wis meUoW, 
The half-dead "hull" begins to bellow, 

With spite and fear; 
The ' 'shark" has got the hook at last, 
Her scream in heard above the blast, 
And like the ''honey-moon" that's PAST, 

The ' 'splice" looks queer. 

The poor wee ' 'wren" is ' 'peek'd" to death, 
Ytt gasping still With dying breath, 
Me i Mrip* out ■ 'come Garth Macbeth," 

And show your muscle. 
And bring Macduff up here as well, 
With "troops" Of tmpfl [don't mind the smell) 
"Tuck up" your sleeve.. Me, 1 Vu him well, 

And have a tussle. 

They're on the boards and now for fun, 
One armed with i-ksti.k, one with gun, 
I wonder who'll be first to run 

And cry ' 'enough," 
Kirst blow from rki>, well" answer'd oret, 
''Go it my chickens" — splendid "play," 
'Tis hard to tell who'll win the day, 

Or who's the muff. 

But ah! the Grey is on his knees, 

That blow from Bed, faith made him sneeze — 

ft ill he's reL-uv'rinir h\ degrees, 

Me'il stand another round. 
Ah! ah! sir Grey, what are you at? 
1 thought you said 'twas ' -tit for tat," 
You're bitting below the ' 'belt," you brat. 

Come, try and stand your ground. 

Come, gently, Red, don't bo too cruel, 
By Jove! he's giving Grey his ' 'gruel,'* 
lie's making him fizz like "patent fuel," 

Yet still he strikes him fairly. 
Qfey ' 'nails hie colours to the mast," 
But what's the use, his strength is past, 
Hie euu with cloud is over-cast, 

For Bed has killed him nearly. 

Listen, sirs! and pray don't shout. 
For Red's telling what 'twas all about. 
And bathing pestles bleeding snout, 

Just while he tells his story, 
Von say that I eat too much ' 'junk," 
And like a ' 'polecat" said I stunk, 
If I'm a polocat you're a ' 'skunk," 

With muzzle red and gory. 

Can't you give me a harder knock 
Than writing stuff shout my "smock," 
'TiB cleaner than your "bunk," old "cock;" 

My pen I can't cheek, miss: 
Suppose miss ' 'trout," "cock," "hull," and "shark," 
You rise some morning with the lark, 
And wash away the water mark 

That encircles your "straight" neck, miss. 

Now if my ' 'dirt" is bo distressing, 

That I don't consider Boap a blessing, 

My pate's not daub'd with ' 'simple dressing," 

As I saw your's, miss: 
From joking, miss, I can't refrain, 
Since you've become so very plaix, 
Tell us where you got that "watch and chain 

You sported at the bail, miss. 

You say that you have common sense^ 
Why, usb it then, I mean no offence, 
Pray use a little — do commence, 

And give us less de Francais. 
Ere by your French your lines distinguish, 
Just try and write some better English, 
You ugly, ill-made, empty, tin-dish,. 

Who would like to be thought silver. 

"Come on" you donkey Penguin muff, 
"Come on" and write some better stuff,. 
My cry shall be 

"Come on Macduff." 


An Irishman being very hard up at borne came to the conclusion that he> 
would go to London to look for a job, which he did; but on his arrival in 
the great metropolis he was at as great a loss as ever how to manage. At 
length, after taking several round turns through the city, he was an oste ■■ 
by one of the "swell mob," who shouted "Halloa there." I'at turned 
round and asked, ' 'Was it me yer honour was callin* to " "Yes, "lie re- 
plied, "I suppose you've newly swam." "Well," said Pat, "l'mlivin* 
since I was horn, and a while afore that, an' I never swum a stroke in BBS 
life." "I mean you're not long from the 'sod.'" "Just Uds morning 
yer honour." "I suppose you want a job." "I'd rather have somethinr 
to aat first, for I'm as waak as a new-born child, ban-in' I can keep BM 
feet." "Well," said the gent, "come with me and you shall have some- 
thing to eat," which Pat readily did. "Now," Bald the gent, when Pit 
had finished a hearty meal, "1 will give you employment if y<>u wish." 
* 'Thank ye kindly," said I'at, ' 'aft her such a dinner as that I'm aipial t«> 
anything, from Kh-mu' a purty girl to robbin' the 'mail.' " AU.ut 7 o'ehnk 
that evening I '=i t and bis sen pwrMf wonl onl for a walk; they wen 
big a .lew's shop, when pat's master stopped and Mid: "How Pat, this is 
where i Intend giving you your first lesson; stand at this window, and let 
nothing attract your attention from my proceeding! Inside." Pal - 
the window as lie was told; the lesson soon commenced; he saw hit I 
examining seven] watches, none of which appeared to please him; the at- 
tentive and pinning Jew at Length lifted from a shelf i ontaln- 
tng twelve doaan of gold watches, of the newest and most fashionable des- 
cription; still aone of these appeared to please; at length he fixed hla eyes 
on one that hun^ In the window, which the Jew tjuickly reached over to 
him, but while he wiL* thus engaged Pat saw his master abstrai t two watches 
from the large ea^c and put then Into bis pocket. The ■ .-.n h token from 
the window appeared to please him, for he took the number, | 
in advance, and was quickly at Pat's side. * • what do yon think of that," 
said he. ''Faith it was a dirty thrick to say the best of it. be ti 
yer honour has the quickest way of makin* watches srei was sex n." The 
next evening the] repaired to the same shop, the master taking to 
of the apprentice on this ooeasJon. i'at went Into the shop, the Jew im- 
mediately told him he might go, for he had nothing fin him. ' ■Sure ud I 
wanted n. 'thin'," said I'at, ''I only came to tell ye DOW ye ] yer 

watches." "Howl howl" screamed the eager Jew. ' 'Do ye mind the gin* 

t tenia u you son hi the goold watch to last night f H "Yes, j 

Jew. "Well," said I'at, "he stole two out of the big box full ye WOT 

showin' him." immediately thaJewtook down the case and found Pat's 

information to be correct. "Now," said Pat, "he's on [side the window 
there." ' 'You are TOD Imnish man, jnsfa stop lure till 1 get him taken." he 
instantly leaped over the COnster, ran into the Street, ■BTflfamtd for the 
police, and sat Off in pursuit of Pat's tutor, who had by this time decided 
on taking b little violent exercise. Pat being left alone in the shop, took a 
sudden notion Into his head that he would try how far he could carry eleven 
dosen and ten gold watohes without being ttaxd, he raoeeeded in carrying 
them all the way to the "soil," and never heard anything more either ol 
his master or the Jew. 

Qr/ERY. — A correspondent wishes to be informed if the vessel that was in 
distress the other night in the "Hay of Biscay O!" has been resetted. 

The publication of the Emigrant Soldiers' Gazette and Cape Horn 
Chronicle was commenced at 10 a. m. , on the 3rd, and was completed at 
4p.m. this day. Published at the Editor's Office, Starboard front Cabin, 
" Thames City." 


; (6 ixntu, 


No. 13.] 


[Price 3d. 

h(| Emigrant Soldiers' fecttc. 

"THAMES CITY," FEBRUARY 19th, 1859. 

Lat. 21.44 S. Long. 80.51 W. Moon's Last Quar- 
tkr, Feb'* 24th, at 2h. 21m. p. m. 

Will, we are once more rolling and groaning along 
towards our destination with a fair trade wind, going 
too, as the Alistract of Progress will show, at a very 
respectable puce, with Valparaiso 900 miles behind 
us, and with u prospect of not more than eight weeks 
longer on board the "Thames City" before we arrive 
at EsquimaU Harbour. Valparaiso being a foreign 
port, general leave for the Detachment was prohibited 
by the Queen's Regulations, and the revolutionary 
state of the country was a further obstacle to their 
going on shore, as the Chilians hate both Americans 
and English, more especially when in red coats. Still, 
as there are perhaps many of the Detachment who 
would be glad to know something of the place, we will 
offer a short description of the most interesting points 
about it. The port or lower portion of the town is 
well built and tilled with good shops and hotels, but 
the cluster of houses higher up on the hill which arc 
inhabited by the native Chilians are, very different in 
construction, being low and badly built. There are 
a great many European inhabitants, English, French 
and Spaniards, chiefly merchants and people in trade, 
many of whom have their houses of business in the 
port and live in the pretty villus that dot the heights 
above. Neatly everything except fruit and articles 
of diet is very expensive, and dollars fly about as 
shillings do in England, but everybody seems rich, 
and all, more especially the Chilians, dress in the most 
expensive manner. The ladies, both Chilian, Spanish 
and French, arc many of them very beautiful, but 
there were few to be seen, as, owing to the disturbed 
state of the country, most of them had cither shut 
themselves up or gone to their country residences. 
The crinoline is something really awful. Regent 
street enn produce nothing like it, and we would advise 
any gentleman who may have the good fortune in fu- 
ture to meet one of these fair walking balloons to get 
well to the windward of her, unless be wants his eyes 
tilled with an amount of dust that is anything but 

satisfactory. The carriages are wonderful affairs made 
to hold four, but affording an almost certain prospect 
of at least two out of the four being pitched out at an 
early stage of the journey. They are drawn by two 
horses, who dash them along at a fearful pace over 
ditches, and stones, and lumps, and holes, and shake 
you up like the pea inside a tin rattle, till you almost 
fancy you arc back at Cape Horn again, except that 
if anything it is rather worse. There are plenty of 
good Cafes and hotels in the port, and a very good 
opera, also a rail-road, and an electric telegraph. The 
rail is now completed as far as Quillota, (a distance of 
30 miles) but, as soon as the country is once more 
quiet, it will be extended to Santiago the capital town 
and seat of Government of Chili, 90 miles from Val- 
paraiso. The engines are from Leith and Manchester, 
and the labour in the workshops, which arc very ex- 
tensive, is carried on by European mechanics. The 
whole of Chili both north and south of Valparaiso is 
in a state of revolution. The rebels, who are dissatis- 
fied with the present republican Government, are in 
possession of many of the principal towns in the 
country, and an outbreak was daily expected at Val- 
paraiso while we were there. Many of the inhabitants 
were of opinion that our presence in the harbour de- 
layed the outbreak, as,from all accounts, 120 well armed 
English troops would send as many hundreds of the 
rebels scudding off to the hills as fast as their legs 
could carry them. Those of us who did go on shore 
where spokeu of by the rebels as being armed to the 
teeth, with revolvers concealed inside our tunics, and 
we deem it highly probable that the noble and impos- 
ing appearance of our worthy doctor in his uniform 
struck awe and terror into the breasts of the rebel 
Chilians and kept them quiet for the time being. The 
mountains immediately at the back of the town are 
part of the range of the Cordilleras, and those in the 
distance, which we saw for the first time on Monday, 
towering far above the others, with their summits 
covered with snow are the celebrated Andes. The 
northernmost of the snow-capped range visible from 
the bay is the volcano of "Aconcagua," the second 
highest mountain in the world, its summit being 23,- 
000 feet above the level of the sea. Such is a short 
description of Valparaiso, and, with the hope that it 
may afford some pleasure to those of our readers who 


take an interest in learning a few of the leading fea- 
tures of the countries they may visit, we will bid Val- 
paraiso, Santiago, and Aconcagua good bye, and 
direct our thoughts to our arrival in a country where 
we shall be introduced to places with English names, 
such as Fort Langley, Fort Yale and Victoria, and 
where please God we shall ere long arrive and bid a 
hearty and by no means a sorrowful good bye to our 
life on board ship. 


It was my intention to continue tbe subject of the Classifi- 
cation of Animals, but as we are now fast approaching the 
Hlquator, I wish, before we bid adieu to the Southern seas and 
tbe many objects of interest more or less connected with them, 
to call your attention to a few remarks on the most gigantic 
inhabitant of the Southern ocean, viz : the Whale. In our 
last number the rank and position which tbe Whale holds in 
the Animal Kingdom were pointed out, and it was distinctly 
shown t lint, notwithstanding the Whale lives in water, it is 
not a fish, and does not possess any affinity with fishes, hut 
but that it is as much a mammal as the ox or the elephant, 
having warm blood, breathingair, bringing forth living young 
and suckling them with true milk. But though the Whale, 
like other mammalia, is formed for breathing air alone, and 
is therefore obliged to come to the surface at certain intervals, 
yet those intervals are occasionally of great length. We well 
know that we could not intermit the process of breathing for 
a single minute without great inconvenience, and that the 
lapse of only a few minutes would be followed by insensibili- 
ty and perhaps death. The Whale howevei can remain an 
hour under water, or in an emergency even nearly two hours, 
though it ordinarily comes up to breathe at intervals of eight 
or ten minutes, except when feeding, when it is sometimes a 
quarter of an hour or twenty minutes submerged. Now tbe 
object of breathing is to renew the vital qualities of the blood 
by presenting it to the air, the oxygen of which, uniting with 
the blood, renders it again fit for sustaining life. But if more 
blood could be created than is wanted for immediate use, and 
the- overplus deposited in a reservoir until wanted, respira- 
tion could be dispensed with for a while. This is actually 
what the wisdom of Providence has contrived in the Whale. 
A great irregular reservoir, consisting of a complicated series 
of arteries, which is situated in the interior of the chest and 
within the skull and spinal tube, receives the overplus blood 
and reserves it until the system needs it; it is then poured 
and circulates, and thus the necessity of frequent access to 
the surface is prevented. It is an object of importance that 
the act of breaibing should be performed with as little effort 
as possible, aud therefore the wind-pipe is made to terminate 
not in the mouth nor in nostrils placed at the extremity of 
the muzzle. If this were the case it would require a large 
portion of the head and body to be projected from the water, 
or else the animal should throw itself into a perpendicular 
position, either of which alternatives would be inconvenient 
when swimmingrapidly,as for example endeavouring to escape 
when harpooned. The wind-pipe therefore communicates 
with the air at the very top of the head, which, by a peculiar 
rising or bump at that part, is the highest part of the animal 
when horizontal, so that it can breathe when none of its body 
is exposed except the orifice itself. The Whale often begins 
to breathe when a little below the surface, and then the force 
with which the air is expired blows up tbe water lying above 
it in a jet or stream, which, with tbe condensed moisture of 
the breath itself, constitutes what are called "the spoutings," 
and which are attended with a rushing noise that may be 
heard upwards of a mile. There is another wonderful con- 
trivance connected with the structure of the air-passages well 
worth noticing. Tbe wind-pipe and gullet of ordinary mam- 
malia usually open into a hollow at the back of the mouth, 
the food being prevented from entering the gullet by a lid or 
valve which shuts down during the act of swallowing; but if 
such were the construction in the Whale, the force with which 

the water rushes into the mouth would inevitably carry a 
large portion of the fluid down upon the lungs, and the ani- 
mal would be suffocated. Tbe wind-pipe is therefore carried 
upward in a conical form with the aperture upon the top, and 
this projecting cone is received into the lower end of tbe 
blowing tube, which tightly grasps it, and thus the communi- 
cation between the lungs and the air is effected by a continu- 
ous tube which crosses the orifice of the gullet, leaving a 
space on each side for the passage of the food. The eye of 
the Whale is peculiarly formed to resist pressure nt enormous 
depths, the coatings composing the eyeball being extreme!;- 
thick and as dense as tanned bather. I might add other in- 
stances of tbe beautiful contrivance and design in tbe con- 
struction of the mouth, the eyes, the tins and tail, but those 
which have been adduced will suffice to point out to those in- 
terested in Natural History how many subjects for study and 
contemplation this gigantic monster of tbe deep affords. The 
subject will be continued in our next. Naturalist. 

.xfomrjii ^ntcllirjciuT. 

(From our own Correspondent.) 

Victoria, V. I., Dec. 4th, 1*58. 

The steps of progress in this country are so noiseless and 
quiet that one is seldom aware of what will take place until 
it is accomplished. Since my last letter several things have 
transpired of importance. On the 19th Nov. Governor Doug- 
las delivered the Queen's commission to Mr. Begbie, appoint- 
ing him Judge of the New Colony, and administered all 
necessary oaths, &c. The compliment was then returned by 
the Judge, and the Governor duly installed into office. As 
the first day of tbe existence of a new Colony destined to oc- 
cupy no unimportant place in the future, the liftli Nov. might 
have been very properly considered a fit occasion for burning 
gunpowder, &c, but everything was quiet here. In tact few 
knew anything about it until the announcement was publish- 
ed in the Gazette. The honesty of the British officials here is 
almost laughable to a California!!. lie is not used to it, and 
can hardly excuse them for being so simple as to have a good 
fat office and not use it to make money. Another thing thai 
astounds a Californian is to see streets and side-walks proper- 
ly made, thereby preventing many a good fellow from getting 
a fat job in making Ibem over again in a year or two. But 
what perhaps seems the strangest of all is that permanent 
public improvements are going 'on constantly all over the 
city, and that every man is allowed to pursue his vocation un- 
molested by any demand for taxes in any form. On the -Mb 
of Nov. the sale of lots in the new town of Langley, situated 
on Fraser River near Fort Langley, commenced bere. There 
is not a building of any kind on the town site as yet, it being 
a new location. The streets are to be TS feet wide, running 
at right angles. "The blocks arc 76 feet by 252 feet, forming 
two rows of nine lots, each 64 feet by 120 feet, and leaving an 
alley 12 feet wide running lengthwise of the block. The 
Government price of a lot was 100 dollars, but some b: 
as high as 750 dollars. The first twenty lots averaged ::.".'] 
dollars. Buildings will commence going up in Langley at 
once, and the Government advertises For propo als lor building 
a church, parsonage, court bouse and jail. Tbe spirits of the 
people in Victoria are rising very rapidly, and tbe large prices 
obtained for the Langley lots are supposed to be indicative of 
great future prosperity both to British Columbia and Van- 
couver Island- The future importance of the town of Lang- 
ley is admitted by everybody. Its favourable situation on the 
banks of the Mississippi of British Columbia, tbe only known 
thoroughfare to a large tract of agricultural and prairie bind, 
and advantages fur trade, all conspire to render it the future 
New Orleans of the new Colony. A law has been passed t > 
the effect that an "alien" can hold bind only by the Bufferance 
of the Crown, and that this Bufferance will be extended for 
three years only, when the "alien" must either become a na- 
turalized British subject, or sell bis land to one. Governor 
Douglas has also issued a proclamation relative to the cus- 
toms duties in British Colombia, which will for the present be 
collected at Victoria. Many articles are free, the duties be- 


ing principally on food and drink. Victoria itself has improv- 
ed immensely of lute. Sereral fine wharves have been built 
and the levee is lined with storehouses. Some fine brick 
buildings have also been erected, one of which. "The Royal 
Hotel," is substantially built and well patronized, though it 
has several rivals equally as commodious to compete with it. 
Tine commodious barracks are in course of erection on the 
border of Ksquimnlt harbour, about two miles from Victoria, 
and I believe the Royal Engineers who lately arrived from 
England are at present in the finished portion of them. Ar- 
rangements have been made to establish post offices at Lang- 
ley, Forts Hope and Yale, and Fort Douglas, and mails will 
be forwarded by every opportunity. A good deal of mining 
is being carried on on the banks of the Fraser river, from 
three to six dollars per day to the hand being taken out, and 
the people in California begin to think the Fraser river is "not 
so big a humbug after all." The weather up at the diggings 
by the latest accounts was very inclement, but business was 
brisk, and a larpe influx of diggers and merchandise is ex- 
pected early in the ensuing spring. At Fort Yale affairs are 
thriving steadily. There are over a dozen provision and gen- 
eral merchandize stores iu full blast, and large arrivals of 
provisions are being received by every trip of the steamer 
from Victoria. Large quantities of land have been granted 
for fanning purposes between Fort Yale and the Forks, and 
the country at Langley and up to the Chiliwack, at Sumas 
Lake, &c, has been taken up in large quantities, not by spec- 
ulators, but by bona fide farmers, ™ho are busily employed 
preparing the soil for next year. Diggers are working the 
gold all along the river bank for some fourteen miles below 
Fort Hope, and in many other places higher up. At the for- 
mer place many are earning from six to twelve dollars a day. 
It is well known now that gold exists in both Vancouver and 
Queen Charlotte Islands. The latter especially has been 
found to be rich in gold-bearing quartz, and it is expected 
that numbers of emigrants will wend their way thither with 
the opening of the new year. Surely there is some gold in the 
country to warrant the steps the Government is gradually 
taking to advance civilization and enterprise. And though 
every circumstance has so far militated against its progress 
and development, time will regulate all this, and British Col- 
umbia rival Canada as au important colony, independently even 
of its gold interest, great though that may be. 


To the Editor. 

Sir, — I must say you made yerself very ready, a while 
ago, puttin' me in print widout lave or licence. But as we're 
on board ship, where there isn't room to whip a cat, let-lone 
an Editor, I'll let ye off for wanst, wid this little tongne- 
thrashin', and to shew that I don't bear malice here's another 
that you may put in print: 


Dear Motheb, — Here we are safe and sound in Valparaiso 
harbour, though what put it in the Captain's head to bring 
us in here divil a one me knows, except it is to give the 
ship a rest either the tnggin' and pullin' she had comin' round 
Cape Horn, or p'r'aps he took a fit of tinderness that he 
couldn't get rid of until he'd give us a male of fresh mate. 
Its a born wonder mother that I'm in the land of the livin' at 
all at all, seein' I didn't ate a pratie for months, the divil a 
smell as much. The sweetest apples ever I stole out of ould 
Blake's orchard (and there's a heap of thim on me conscience) 
never tasted like the first pratie I ate in Valparaiso. Oh! 
mother, but thravlin' is the great thing afther all, I mind the 
time whin 1 thought they wor all hathens out of Conemara, 
but faith it was a big mistake that, for though they'er very 
dirty lookin' chrittaint here, for all that they grow as fine pra- 
ties as the best of us. Ochl but sure I'm no judge of a pra- 
tie at all to what I was; well, and they have great big plums 
too, the size of yer fist, and things like over grown coucum- 
bers the size of yer head an' bigger; and sure its a mighty big 
place altogether, for we have ships lyin' all round us from all 
quarters, there's French, an' Dutch, an' Russians, an' Yankees, 

an' A^rwagians, an' iSounvagians, an' East Ingins, an' West 
Ingins, an' Greenlanders, an'Patlanders, an' — ochl but what's 
the use me tellin' you, mother, that doesn't know a B from a 
bull's foot, but still you might sheiv this to little Phil Ryan, 
the blind fiddler, he knows gometlvy. But I'll be tellin' ye 
some of the work we had comin' round Cape Horn, among the 
waves as big as mountains an' the wind howlin' an' schrech- 
in' an' roarin' an' tossin' us about like a paa in a cullender. 
Faith they'll have good eye sight that'll ever see me comin' 
round Cape Horn again, unless I'm able to work my passage 
as a first cabin passenger or the like. But one night was the 
worst of all; ochl but the hair rises on me head to think of 
it. The ship was what they call on her bame inds, wid the 
sailors runnin' about like maniacs, an' pullin' an' tnggin' at 
the ropes for the bare life; the raasts bindin' like switches an' 
the sails in smithereens, an' the life buoys flyin' about like 
snuff at a wake. And down below — oh holy! the row was 
enough to wake the dead, only there was none to wake, 
though some of thim was as near dead as ever they wor in 
their lives before, be all accounts. The women singin' out 
pillilue! for their husbands, as if they thought Saint Pether 
wouldn't turn "the kay in the lock" unless he saw the marks 
of a partin' kiss. An' the tin pots an' pans tumblin' helther- 
skelther from one side of the deck to the other; an' glass bot- 
tles bavin' a regular fight, chasm' an' bumpin' each other 
from side to side, an' the wather barrels in the hould, sweet 
bad luck to thim! must "put in their oar" an' "pump thun- 
der" below. The next mornin' there was as much spilt bis- 
cuit an' flour, broken pots an' pans, bottles an' jars, as would 
fill a pond. I wint up to one chap that I thought looked as 
frightened as meself, an' was just beginnin' to tell him the 
mortal fear I was in the night before, whin he struck out an' 
tould me "Pshaw! that was nothing, I was woke up by the 
noise to be sure, but I 'turned over' and went to sleep again." 
Well! if that isn't a "flamer," say3 I to meself, but I said 
nothin' but looked hard at him an' walked away. But faith 
his story was exactly the one that was in everybody's mouth, 
so says I to meself, Pat, ye white-liver'd spalpeen ye, ye may 
as well be a haro as anybody else, whin ye can be one so 
chape. I hear that there is likely to be a row here very 
shortly for they are talkin' about rebels an' the like; I suppose 
they want a repale here too, as well as they did in Ireland a 
while back ; I dare say they have their "ribbon rain," an' 
"white boys." an' "united Irishmin,"an' "young Irelandmin," 
an' "repalers" here as well as in any civilized country. Any 
how I hope the row won't come on before we're off. So good 
bye mother, I'll write again from the "digging" and sind ye 
home a lump of goold as big as a piece of chalk, so uo more 
at present mother, from yer lovin' son, "Sap Green." 

West of England Circular. — Roger Giles, .Surjonn. Parish 
Clark, and Skule-master, Reforms Ladys and Geiuelman that 
he drass teeth without waiting a moment, blisters on the low- 
est farms, and fiziks for a penny a piece. He zell god-father's 
cordel, kuts korns, and undertakes to keep everybody's Nayles 
by the year: or so on. Young Iadees and geotelmen lamed 
their grammer langage in the puniest manner — also gurtkeer 
taken off their morals and spellin, also zarm zinging, teech- 
ing the baze vial, and all other sorts of phancy work. Queer- 
drills, fashingable poker, and all other contrary dances tort 
at home and abroad to perfacksbun, perfumery and snuff in 
all its branches. As times be cruel bad. he begs to tell that 
he has jist begun to zell all sorts of stashunery wares, black- 
ing bawls, hurd herins, and coles, skrubbing brushes, trakal, 
mice traps, brick dust, and all sorts of sweetmeats, including 
taters, sassages, and other gearden stuff, also spruce, hats, 
zongs, hoyl, lattin, buckets, and other eatables, korn and bun- 
yan zarve. and all other hard Wares — He also performs flea- 
bottomy on the shortest notice, and farthcrmore in particular, 
he has laid in a large sortment of trype, chaina, dogs' meat, 
lolly pops, and other pickles, such as oyzters, windzur soap, 
&c. Old raggs bort and zold hear and no place helse, and 
new laid eggs every day by me Mr. Roger Giles. — P, S. I 
teeches joggreffy, Rhumaticks, and them outlandish things. 

N. B. A bawl on wensdays, whtn our Mariar will perform 
on the gartar. 



On the 1st of November the act whs finally consummated 
which transfers the Government of India from the hands of 
the East India Company to those of the Government at home. 
On that day a proclamation was read at Calcutta, Bombay, 
Madras, and Lahore, announcing the sovereienty of Queen 
Victoria throughout the whole of our East India possessions. 
It specified that all treaties and engagements made heretofore 
by the East India Company will for the future remain valid; 
that the religious beliefs of the people will not be interfered 
with; that the natives will be admitted to offices of trust and 
emoluments equally with Europeans, without distinction of 
caste or colour; and that the rights, dignity and honour of 
the native princes shall be respected, no further territorial ag- 
gression being permitted. The Proclamation is couched in 
beautiful and concilia! >ry language, as we hope you will have 
an opportunity of judging for yourselves next week, it being 
too lengthy to publish at full in our little journal. The na- 
tive newspapers speak very highly of the royal Proclamation. 
The East India Company have frequently made similar pro- 
mises but have failed to act scrupulously up to them, and the 
people of India look forward to the known honesty, sincerity 
and earnestness that distinguish the actions of our English 
(iovernment ns an augury of great future benefit to the coun- 
try and its inhabitants. 

Character. — An Irishman, an Englishman and a Scotch- 
man, conversing together one day, proposed that they should 
compose a verse, each of them to a contribute a line so that 
it should rhyme. The Englishman commenced by saying: 

KlWljamitM — On the 12th July King William crossed the water, 
Scotchman — On the 13th July there was a great slaughter. 
Irishman — And the 14th July was raaly the day al'th.-r. 

Nelson in his cops. — Nelson once punished an excellent 
seaman for being tipsy, and told him "If ever you see me in 
such a state, I'll not only allow you to get tipsy, but find yon 
in grog to do so." At Palermo Nelson gave a grand dinner, 
and going into his boat more than half seas over, the sailor 
steered about and reminded his commander of the punishment 
he had given him, and also ot the promise he had made. 
Nelson at once ordered him a gallon ot rum, and observed in 
future that he was as weak as his men, though his faults were 
less pardonable; "but" said he "Old English bark, if not kept 
moist, is sure to perish with 'the dry rot.' " 


The Rev. Henry Hills, ex-Vicar of Great Yarmouth, has 
been appointed Bishop of the Colony ot British Columbia. 
He received the appoinment in November, but it was not ex- 
pected that he would be consecrated before Christmas. 

*hral and Pilitarir ^ntelligiMice. 


V'-\>. 15th 
" 16th 
•• 17th 
*' 18th 
" 19th 


'J7 G 27' S. 





75° is' AW 

Miles Knn. 
N.W.^N. 216 m. 

X.|.W;',\V. 174 m 
N.N.W. 142 m. 

tf.W.JJW.171 m. 

To-day at noon we were 8140 bUm in a S.K.UE. direction from the point 
at which it is propoeed t<> cross the Equator. 

Col. Moody, K. E., with Bin. M h and four children ware at Ban Fran- 
cisco on the 1Mb Dec. They arrived on the Loth Dee. on the steamer ■ 'So- 
nora" from Panama, ami were expected to go on Immediately to Vancouver 

Capt. Uoptdrt, K. E., the Colonial Treasurer for British Columbia, with 
his wife and child, also arriTed at Ban Franeiseo it. the same steamer. 

The barque "Brlssls" tailed from the Downs on the 27th Oct. with stores 
and provision! for the use of the Columbian Detachment of the Royal En- 
gineers, with (bur married men of tie- Detachment and their families; the 
whole under the command of Corporal Hall, It. E. 

Prom England. By our Latest advices | Deo. L7th) the ship ' ' Euphrates" 
was loading in the London Docks with stores and provisions for the Detach- 
ment, to be sent out under the charge of Serjeant Bylatt, it. E. 

Her Majesty's ships "Amethyst," "Pyladat" and "Tribune* 1 wailed 
from China for Vancouver island about the 90th November with parties oi 
Mai [nee. 

iiv the death of Lieut. General Fanshawe, Royal En gineers, Major Qen. 
(J. J. Harding and Major Qen. w. Douglas, Royal Engineers sure promoted to 
the rank of Lieut. General. Col. II. J. Savage to, be Major Qen. Brevet 
Col. H.O. Crawley to be Colonel. Brevet Major J. H. Vrectb to be Lieut. 
Colonel. Second Captain and Brevet Major C. 11. Bwart to be Captain; and 
Lieut. C. E. Harvey to be sreond Captain. 

Jokes, &r. 

gftaruct Jntctligrnce. 

Our advices this week are upon the whole of a moat cheering character. 
FLOUR — An abundanoe off American Flour of first-rate quality was offered 

and readily bought up without reduction in price. 

I'OTATOKS ,v onions were also sold at tlie upset price, the quality lie- 
Ing tolerably good . 

BuiYjsB — For the rir*t time In this 'City' Limerick Butter was offend In? 
sals, and being of excellent quality was soon disposed nf, tb« demand 
being greater than the supply. 

tea A SUGAR fetched ■ sign price, nevertheless there wen- many buyers . 
Other articles of general consumption were readily disposed of notwith- 
standing the prices being unusually high. 

TOHACCO— We regret to harn that SeriOUS doubtvSSre entertained ufa fail- 
ure in the Tnhacro crops, owing, it is suppled, to its being planted he- 
low the usual depth, it is however hoped thai by proper vigilance it may 

be raised. So great is tin- demand for this article that nearly the whoh* f 
of the stinks of small trailers in this ; \lmosted. If a supply 

Is not forthcoming very shortly it la evident that manufactories to con- 
sume their own smoke will become a dead lettari most uf oor sweeps aro 
beginning to look very down Ln the mouth. 

A Joint Concern. — At Worcester there was an idiot who 
was employed at the Cathedral in blowing the orgran. A re- 
markably fine anthem being performed one day, the blower, 
when all was over, said, "I think we have performed very well 
to-day.'' " We performed /" answered the organist, "I think 
it was I performed, or I nm much mistaken." Shortly after- 
wards another celebrated piece of music was being performed; 
in the middle of the piece the on?an stopped all at once; the 
organist cried out in a passion, ''Why don't you blow?" At 
this the blower popped out his head from behind the organ 
and said. '-Shall it be we then?'' 


XXXVII. Who was the lii-t man that obtain- .1 a free pass to the Theatre? 
XXXVIM. Why is the "Thames City" like an Admiralty Chart? 
XXX1X. What is the difference between the ' * Thames City " and Joan of 


Answer to XXXIV. Because he is a merry Cann (American). 

'* XXXV. Because she Is constantly at every part of the lineaml 

travels from Pole to Pole, 

XXXVI. Became she is the largest round the waist and is 
oonstantiy bursting her stays. 

Theatre Royal, " Thames City." 

rpujfl MANAGER of the above Theatre begs to inform the nohtllty, 
J trj , and inhabitants of tills 'City," that, having completed his arrange- 
ments for this eeason, he la enabled tcoffer an entertainment ansc i 

by any other theatre, and therefore trusts to merit a libera] share Of their 


On Wednesday the 33rd inst. ». will be presented that celebrated Faroe, 
in one Act, by Charier, Matthews, Esq., entitled, 


Plumper, a returned Tourist Charles Sinnett . 

Fred , ditto Richard Wolfenden . 

Barklns, Fred's Uncle, Charles Derham. 

Wiggins, Servant, t. W. Mills. 

Jessy, Fred's "intended," H . \V . Smith. 

To be followed br a laugfaabU Bxtravaganse, written especially for the 
occasion try s gentleman of this City, entitle. i, 


Sambo, J. II. Elliott. 

.lim James Turnbull. 

Hose George Baton. 

,8)^ Doors open utO o'clock, performance to commence at 0.30 precisely. 
Reserved teats for Ladies only. 

Bones William Kdwards. 

Pete ii. fates. 

Susanna T. W. Mills. 

The publication of the Emigrant Soldiers' Gazette an» Cack Hor* 
Chronicle was commenced at noon on Thursday, and was completed at 
4p. m. this day. Published at the Editor's Office, Starboard Front Cabin, 
*' Thames City." 




No. 14.] 


[Price 3d. 

9M (Emigrant Soldiers' (Bazetty. 

"THAMES CITY," FEBRUARY 26th, 1859. 

Lat. 10.30 S. Long. 79.21 W. New Moon, March 
3rd, at 10h. 18m. a. m. 

L.isr week we published some very interesting de- 
tails from our correspondent in Victoria, relative to 
the rapid progress that was being made in the new 
Colony of British Columbia, where we all hope before 
many weeks to arrive safe and sound. Some of us 
will never willingly take such a long voyage again, 
even for the sake of getting back once more to old 
England where every one must have some friends, 
whom one may frequently think of and portray to one's 
own imagination. It will not do for us however to 
give up all hopes of seeing England again, and when 
we come to think of the great engineering works which 
have already been proposed for facilitating the com- 
munication between it and British Columbia, we shall 
have every reason to expect that eventually those 
among us who do not return to England will get their 
friends to pay them a visit in the new country and 
perhaps settle there. A few remarks upon the posi- 
tion of British Columbia, with the present and pro- 
posed means of communication between it and England, 
may not be out place, and may perhaps be interesting 
to seme of our readers. It is situated on the North 
"West coast of North America between Lat. 55° and 
49° N. the latter being the boundary line between it 
and the Oregon territory which was made over to the 
United States. At present there are three routes to 
Columbia and Vancouver Island, viz: 1st, by the 
Isthmus of Panama; 2nd, through Canada or the 
United States over the Rocky Mountains; 3rd, round 
Cape Horn. The first named route is the quickest, 

occupying only 35 or 40 days. Steamers leave Eng- 
land for Colon, situated on the East of the Isthmus of 
Panama; from Colon trains run across the Isthmus to 
Panama, and from thence steamers go to San Francisco 
and up to the mouth of the Fraser river. By the 
second route passengers go by steamers to Quebec, 
and thence by railway to St. Paul's, near the head of 
Lake Superior, in Minnesota ; from thence by the 
United States mail across the Rocky Mountains to the 
head waters of the Columbia river; at this point pas- 
sengers can either turn to the right overland to the 
Thompson and Fraser river districts, or go down the 
Columbia.cross ever to the Puget Sound, and across the 
straits to Vancouver. The third route round Cape 
Horn, we must all be well acquainted with, and the 
sooner perhaps such acquaintance is cut the better. 
The additional means of communication now proposed 
are, 1st, A railway through the British possessions in 
North America, extending from the Atlantic to the 
Pacific oceans. On the Atlantic coast of British North 
America we have but one safe open seaport accessible 
at all seasons, the rest being closed by ice for six 
months of the year; but that port, Halifax, (in Nova 
Scotia) has the finest harbour in the Atlantic, and is 
nearer to Europe by 400 miles than any other port in 
the whole continent of America. From Halifax to Que- 
bec is 600 miles, a railway for 170 of which is now in 
course of construction. From Quebec there is a direct 
line of railway through Canada to Lake Huron, a dis- 
tance of 500 miles; from this point it is proposed to ex- 
tend the railway along ihe north shore of Lake Superior, 
through the Red River Settlement, along the valley of 
the Saskatchewan, and though British Columbia to the 
mouth of Fraser river. The distance from Liverpool 
to Halifax is 2466 miles, and the average passage by 
steamer 9 days. From Halifax to the mouth of the 
Fraser River, taking the direction of the proposed 
railway, is 3184 miles, and, should this line be execu- 
ted, passengers will be able to get from Liverpool to 
Vancouver in about 14 or 15 days. Another great 
engineering work is in contemplation, by which steam- 
ers will be able to go from Liverpool to the mouth of 
the Fraser river in about 35 days, viz; by cutting o. 


ship-canal through the Isthmus of Panama ; this 
would obviate the necessity of vessels going round 
Cape Horn, and lessen the voyage about one half. 
Should the railway be carried out from Halifax to the 
mouth of the Fraser river, it will be one great step in 
the progress of the Uritisli Dominions in North Ameri- 
ca, and inny ultimately lead to its being peopled in an 
unbroken chain from the Atlantic to the Pacific by a 
loyal and industrious population of subjects of the 
British Crown. 


In our last number we offered a few remarks on the pecu- 
liar nature and structure of the Whale and its allied species, 
alluding particularly to the formation of its breathing appar- 
atus, the positiou of the wind-pipe, the cause of the jets of 
water thrown out of the top of its head called spoutings.and 
the density of the coatings of the eye. I now beg to call 
your attention to the consideration of the produce of the 
Whale, which renders it one of the most valuable of animals, 
in pursuit of which scores of ships well manned and fitted 
out at great expense proceed every year from England, Hol- 
land, France and America. The produce of the Whale has 
been known to bring into Britain £700,000 in a single year, 
and one cargo alone has yielded XI 1,000. Every one is pro- 
bably aware that the body of the Whale is encased in a thick 
coat of fat, denominated blubber, varying in diameter from 
eight inches to nearly two teet in different parts of the ani- 
mal. It has however been only recently known that this fat 
lies, not under the skin, but actually in its substance. The 
structure in which the oil denominated blubber is deposited 
is the true skin of the animal, modified certainly for the pur- 
pose of holding this fluid oil, but still being the true skin. 
In this respect does the structure of the skin of the Whale 
differ from that of other animals, the object still being defence 
against external pressure. Takine the hog as an example of 
an animal covered with an external layer of fat, we find that 
we can raise the true skin without any difficulty, leaving a 
thick layer of cellular membrane loaded with fat of the same 
nature as that in the other parts of the body; on the contrary 
in the Whale it is altogether impossible to raise any layer of 
skin distinct from the rest of the blubber, however thick it 
may be; and in flensing the Whale the operator removes this 
blubber or skin from the muscular parts beneath, merely di- 
viding with his spade the connecting cellular membrane. Such 
a structure as this, being firm and elastic in the highest de- 
gree, operates like so much India-rubber, possessing a density 
and power of resistance which increases with the pressure. 
I5ut this thick coating of fat fulfils other important purposes 
in the economy of the Whale. We must remember that the 
Whale is a warm-blooded animal, and dependent for existence 
on keeping up the animal, although an inhabitant of the 
seas where the cold is most intense, and, were it not for this 
thick wrapper calculated to resist the abstraction of heat from 
the body, the animal would not be kept so comfortably warm 
as it is even throughout the fiercest polar winters. Again, so 
much oil contained in the cells of the skin renders the animnl 
much lighter and much more buoyant in the water, and thus 
saves much muscular exertion in swimming horizontally and 
in rising to the surface; the bones, being of a porous or spon- 
gy texture, have a similar influence. Besides the blubber, one 
species of the Whale, generally known as "the right Whale" 
of the seamen, furnishes an article which has been turned to 
various uses by mankind, and which forms an important ob- 
ject of the fishery; it is commonly called Whale-bone and its 
substance is known to everybody. Now this Whale-bone is 
not, as many might suppose, part of the spine or ribs of the 
animal, but it is a substance which enters into the structure 
of the mouth and jaws of this species of the Whale. Al- 
though the head of this species, commonly called the Green- 
land Whale, is of immense size, the mouth reaching to scarce- 
ly less than a fourth of the total length of the animal, still 
the gullet is so small as not to admit the passage of a fish as 

large as a herring; hence its support is chiefly derived from 
creatures of a very small bulk and apparently insignificant, 
such as shrimps, sea-slugs, sea-blubbers and animalcules still 
smaller, called medusa;, of which mention has already been 
made in a former paper. But how does it secure its minute 
and almost invisible prey? for, without some express provision, 
these atoms would be quite lost in the cavity of its capacious 
mouth, unless swallowed promiscuously with the water which 
would fill the stomach before a hundreth part of the meal 
were obtained. There is a very peculiar contrivance to meet 
this exigency; the mouth has no teeth, but from each upper 
jaw proceed more than three hundred horny plates, set par- 
allel to each other and very close ; they rur. perpendicularly 
downwards, are fringed on the inner edge with hair, and di- 
minish in size from the central plate to the first and last, the 
central one being about twelve feet long. It is the substance 
of these plates that constitutes the whale-bone of commerce. 
The lower jaw is very deep, like a vast spoon, and receives 
these depending plates, the use of which is this: when the 
Whale feeds he swims rapidly, just under or at the surface, 
with his mouth wide open; the water, with all its contents, 
rushes into the immense cavity and filters out at the sides be- 
tween the plates of the whale-bone, which are so close and 
finely fringed that every particle of solid matter is retained. 
The capture of these immense animals is an 'adventure of a 
most exciting nature, and attended with considerable danger 
and extraordinay hazard. After the huge nnimal is killed 
and towed in triumph alongside of the ship, it is secured by 
tackles at the head and tail and the process of flenang com- 
mences. The men, having shoes armed with long iron spikes 
to maintain their footing, get down on the huge and slippery 
carcass, and with very Long knives and sharp spades make 
parallel cuts through the blubber from the head to the tail. 
A band of fat however is left around the neck, called the kent, 
to which the hooks and ropes are attached for the purpose of 
shifting round the carcass. The lung parallel strips are di- 
vided across into portions weighing about half a ton each, 
and, being separated from Ihe flesh beneath, are hoisted on 
board, chopped into pieces and put into casks. When the whale- 
bone is exposed it is detached by spades, &c, made for the 
purpose, ana hoisted on deck in a mass; it is then split into 
junks containing eight or ten blades each. The carcass is 
then cut away, as valueless to man, though a valuable prize 
to bears, birds and sharks. Such is a brief outline of the 
Natural History of this monster of the deep, in whose struc- 
ture and habits there are, as we have seen, more than ordinary- 
evidences of that gracious forethought and contrivance, the 
tracing of which makes the study of uature so interesting 
and so instructive. Naturalist. 


To the Editor. 
Dear Mr. Editor, — In my last two letters I endeavoured 
to point out to your readers what simple meant might be had 
recourse to by tbem, in the event of their being sent on de- 
tachment on our arrival in British Columbia, for the speedy 
provision of light and fuel. Then Fire! was my cry, and now 
I think your hearers will not deem out of place an attempt 
from me to teach them where, in case of "Fire," they may ap- 
ply and look with any certainty for "Water." Judging from 
the present accounts, and the very fact of our going to the 
river Fraser, we may all say that there is not much chance of 
our finding any scarcity of water — we certainly hope not, but 
it does not follow that the water which may be always at hand 
will be fit for drinking and cooking purposes, and the hope 
that the few remarks that are offered with regard to the puri- 
fying muddy and putrid water will be of benefit to some few, 
induces me to continue the subject. Foremost of all, it should 
be the daily care of every traveller to make sure of getting 
water before he sets out for his day's journey. Of course 
I allude to a traveller in a strange uninhabited country like 
British Columbia; it will therefore be as well to commence by 
describing the indications which ought to guide him in his 
search for it. A traveller in an arid land that is visited by 


occasional showers firtds his supplies in ponds made by the 
drainage of a large extent of country, or else in pools left 
here and there along the bed of a partly dried up water-course, 
or, lastly, in fountains. When the dry season of the year is 
advanced, there remains no alternative but to dig wells where 
the pools formerly lay. Spots must be sought for where the 
earth is still moist; or, failing that, where birds and wild ani- 
mals have lately been scratching, or where gnats hover in 
swarms. It is usual, where no damp earth can be seen, but 
where the place appears likely to yield well-water, to thrust 
a ramrod down into the soil, and, if it brings up any grains 
that are moist, to dig. It must never be forgotten that, at the 
point where it is known, on searching the beds, little tribu- 
taries tall into the main water-course, the most water is to be 
found. Fresh water is frequently to be found under the very 
sands of the sea-shore, whither it has oozed down under- 
ground from the upper country. I myself witnessed an in- 
stance of this at Port Louis, East Falkland. Vegetation is a 
deceitful guide, unless it be luxuriant, or where such trees are 
as are observed usually to grow near water in the particular 
country visited, as the black thorn in South Africa, and the 
gum tree in Australia. Birds, as water-fowl and parrots ; or 
animals, as baboons, afford surer signs ; but the converging 
flight of birds or the converging fresh tracks of animals is the 
most satisfactory of all. From the number of birds, tracks 
and other signs, travellers are often pretty sure that they are 
near water, but cannot find the spring itself. There is great 
instinct shown in discovering water — dogs find it out well, 
and the fact of a dog looking refreshed and, it may be wet, has 
often and otten drawn attention to a water-pond that would 
otherwise have been overlooked and passed by. Cattle, curi- 
ously enough, cannot be defended on. Our temporary life on 
board ship has shown us that showers may be looked to for 
an occasional supply, and we shall not forget the service done 
by that awning on the other side of the continent in the vari- 
able latitudes, though more water could have been saved had 
a weight been put into the middle and a tub to catch the 
drippings from it. An umbrella reversed will catch water, 
but drippings from any mackintosh or water-proofed article 
are intolerably nauseous and very unwholesome. It must be 
remembered that thirst is greatly satisfied by the skin being 
wetted, and lives of sailors have more than once been saved, 
when turned adrift in a boat, by bathing frequently, and keep- 
ing their clothes damp with salt water, though after some 
days the nauseous taste of the salt water is very perceptible 
in the saliva, and at last becomes unbearable. The Austra- 
lians who live near the sea go about the bushes with a great 
piece of bark and a wisp of grass, and brush the dew-drops 
from the leaves down into it, collecting in this way large 
quantities. In emergencies the contents of the paunch of an 
animal that has been shot, the taste of which is like sweet- 
wort, has been resorted to as a source of fluid. Mr. Darwin 
writes of people who, catching turtles, drank the water found 
in the pericardium (the vessel containing the heart) which was 
quite sweet and pure. Many roots exist from which both na- 
tives and animals obtain a sufficiency of sap and pulp to take 
the place of water. The most necessary precautions against 
thirst are to drink well before starting in the morning and to 
drink nothing all day till the halt; to keep the mouth shut; to 
chew a straw or leaf, or, Arab-like, to keep the mouth cover- 
ed with a cloth. Tying a handkerchief well wetted in salt 
water round the neck allays thirst for a considerable time. 
Next week, with your permission, I will resume the subject, 
with a few remarks on purifying water that is muddy, putrid 
or salt, and on the construction of some rude contrivances 
for carrying water with which a traveller, surveyor or sports- 
man may take the field, &c. Believe me to be, 

Your obedient servant, 
Petkb Simplr. 


In New York a man was carrying a live turtle along the 
street, when by came an Irishman, followed by a large dog. 
The countryman tried by gentle words to get the son of Eme- 
rald to put his finger into the turtle's mouth, but he was too 

smart for that. "But," says he, ''I'll put my dog's tail in and 
see what the baste will do." lie immediately called up his 
dog, took his tail in his hand and stuck it into the turtle's 
mouth. He had scarcely got it in when Mr. Turtle shut down 
on the poor dog's tail, and off the latter started at railroad 
speed, pulling the turtle after him at a more rapid rate than 
ever it travelled before. The countryman, thinking that his 
day's work would be thrown away if the animal should run 
at that rate, turned with a savage look upon the Irishman and 
exclaimed, "Call back your dog!" Paddy put his hands into 
pockets, threw his head to one side, winked, and then an- 
swered with a provoking sang froid, "Call back your fish!" 

jjfacal and gRilifarg Jnfrpflfltfft 

During the past week. 

Feb. '20th 

' ' 21st 

" 22nd 

" 23rd 

•' 24th 

" 25th 

' ' 20th 



18° 21' 8. 







Miles Run. 
N.W.bVV. 204 ::'. 
N.W.bW. 1H2 in. 
N.W.W.'/W. 174 
" ' {\S. 159 m. 
'.iiw.144 m. 



N.W.jJW. 132 iu. 

To-dav at noon the UOth degree of Longitude on the Equa- 
tor bore N.W.JW. 984 miles. 

We regret to record the death of Admiral Lord Lyons, as 
good an Englishman and as brilliant a seaman as has livod 
since the days of Nelson. He died at Arundel Castle on the 
23rd of November, in his C8th year, closing a career of ser- 
vice distinguished by talent and activity and devotion to his 
country and profession. His service commenced in the Medi- 
terranean, after which he distinguished himself in the East 
Indies and at the islands in the China seas, and again letnrn- 
ed to the Mediterranean in the command of the "Blonde" 
frigate, and was present at the blockade of Navarino. On 
one memorable occasion he entered the Black Sea in the first 
British man-of-war that ever passed the Bosphorus, and visit- 
ed Sebastopol, the scene of his future glory. He was Minis- 
ter Plenipotentiary at the court of Athens for 14 years, and 
held the post of British Minister to the Swiss Confederacy as 
well as at Stockholm. In November, 1853, he was appointed 
second in command of the Mediterranean fleet, in which ca- 
pacity, as well as when first in command, the valuable and 
important services he rendered to his country, to which proba- 
bly we owe all our success, are well known to most of ue, 
and earned him the peerage he so richly deserved. There are 
few Crimeans amongst us who do not recollect him hovering 
about the English lines over Sebastopol day after day on his 
gray pony, and we feel sure that there also few amongst us 
who do not regret the loss of a brave and gallant officer, who, 
if he had not the same opportunities as Nelson for displaying 
the highest qualities of a commander, showed himself through- 
out the war to be possessed of all the high attributes that 
distinguished that great Admiral, and in no instance proved 
unequal to fulfil the duties of the high appointment the Gov- 
ernment thought fit to entrust to him. 


At Southampton, the wife of Captain A. It. Clarke, Hoyal Engineers, of 
a daughter. 


On the journey from Panama to Vancouver Island, theinfant eon of Cap- 
tain Grant, Royal Engineers. 


There is a noun of plural number, 
A foe to peace and quiet slumber; 
Now if you add an 8 to this, 
Strange is the metamorphosis; 
Plural is plural now no more. 
And sweet what bitter was before. 


glongs and Ipoctrg. 

A Sowo written and sung by Corporal John Brown, of the Grenadier 
Oq into, when the men got some drink for the first time at Balaclava, Sept. 
28th, 1S54. Printed afterwards in Blackwood's Magazine. 
Come all yon gallant British hearts, that lovo tho red and bine. 
And drink the health of those brave lads who made the Russians rue, 
Tlwn till the class and let it pass, three times three and one more 
For tho twentieth of September, eighteen hundred fifty-four. 

We Muled from Kalamita Bay and Boon wo made the coast. 
Determined we would do our best, in spite of brag or boast, 
VTe Bprnng to land upon the strand, and slept on KussiiTs shore, 
On tho fourteenth of September, eighteen hundred fifty-four. 

W ■ tn mlii'd along until we came upon tho Alma's bnnks. 
We halted just beneath their Iukm to bn-athe and close our ranks, 
■ Adrnnce we heard, and at the word across the brook we bore 
On the twentieth of September, eighteeeu hundred fifty-four. 

We scrambled through their clustering gTapcs.then came the battle's brunt, 
Our offloarfl all eheered oa on, our colours waved in front; 
There fighting well lull many fell, alas! to rise no more, 
On tin- twentieth uf September, eighteen hundred fifty-four. 

Tlic French they had the right that day anil flunked the Russian line, 
Whilst full upon their front they saw the British bayonets shine; 
We gav<- three cheers, which stunned their ears amidst the cannon's roar. 
On the twentieth of September, eighteen hundred fifty-four. 

A pic-nic party Menschikoff had asked tn share the fun. 
The ladies camo at twelve o'clock to lee the battle won. 
They found the day too hot to stay, and the Prince felt rather sore. 

On the twentieth of September, eighteen hundred fifty-four. 

For when ho called his carriage up the French came up likeui-e. 

And so he took French teavo at once and left them to the prixe; 

The Chasseurs took his pocket-book, the Zouaves they sacked his store, 

On the twentieth of September, eighteen hundred fifty-iour. 

A letter to old Nick' they found, and this was what it said, 
"To meet their bravest men, my Liege, yuur Russians do not dread," 
But devils them, not mortal men, the Russian General swore, 
Drove them off the heights of Alma in September fifty-four. 

Here's a health to noble RagJan, to Campbell and to Brown, 
And to all the gallant Frenchmen who share that day's renown, 
Whilst we displayed the black cockade, aud they the tri-col.-ur, 
The Russian hue was black and blue in September fifty-four. 

One more toast we must drink to-night, your glasses take in hand, 
And here around the festive board in solemn silence stand, 
Before we part let each true heart drink once to those no more, 
Who fought their fight on Alma's height in September fifty-four. 

And now God bless our gracious Queen and aU her royal race, 
And may her boys become her joys, still keep the foremost place, 
For in the van each Englishman oft saw their sires of yure, 
Bravo Cambridge showed the royal road in September fifty-four. 


"Every bullet has its billet." Napoleon, when be was told 
that a cannon ball bad killed a sailor who had hidden himself 
in a coil of rope in the hold of a man-of-war, observed, W A 
man can never avoid bis fate ;" a fact well illnstrated by the 
following circumstance: — An Englishman, brave as Julius 
Caesar, challenged a Frenchman to mortal combat. Knowing 
John Bull to be a dead shot, the Frenchman, being- the chal- 
lenged party, and having the choice of time, place and wea- 
pons, selected a large dark apartment ^ night find pistols. The 
seconds were to remain outside and give the word, afterwhicb 
each was to fire when he pleased. "Fire!" cried the seconds, 
when the combatants had been locked in and declared them- 
selves ready. But no sound was heard. John Bull could find 
no mark lor an aim; and his adversary, hearing him groping 
about the room, fired at random. John was safe enough now, 
and, after searching every corner of the room in vain for any 
indication of the whereabouts of his antagonist, at length ex- 
claimed, — "Come, I'm tired of this fun, besides I'm satisfied;" 
and he accordingly groped his way to the fire-place and fired 
up the chimney. There was a shriek and a yell, and down 
came the Frenchman, dead as a door nail. 


XL. What does a man do with a scolding wife? 

XI.I. Why an- bankrupts more to be pitted than fools? 

XL1I. Why is Annie McMurphy sure to he happy on the morning of her 


AxdWER to XXXVII. Joseph, when his brothers put him into the pit for 
nothing at all. 
" XXXVIII. Because she is full of creaks (crekks) and sounds, 

inlets and streams, and covered with figures. 
■* ' XXXIX. Because one was made of wood and tho other was 

' 'maid of Orleans.'* 


A traveller called at the London Inn, Plymouth, in Devon- 
shire, and ordered them to get a dinner worth his money. 
The landlord, thinking this would be a profitable customer, 
set before him a most excellent repast, to which the traveller 
did ample justice. When he had finished the landlord pre- 
sented his "little bill," and the traveller tendered him a six- 
pence. "How is this," said the host, "your dinner comes to 
tit'teen and ninepence." "No," answered the other, ''I ex- 
pressly ordered a dinner worth my money, and I assure you 
this sixpence is all the money I have in the world." The 
landlord, finding he was victimized, thought it useless to 
argue the matter any further, consented to be the loser on this 
condition, viz: that the guest should go and cheat the land- 
lord of the "Red Lion" (his enemy) of a dinner likewise: 
"My good man," said the other, "I cheated him of a breakfast 
this morning, and be gave me five shillings to pav you a 


Paddy had a barn, to which the parish laid claim, inasmuch 
as he had for several years omitted to pay some trifle for the 
land on which it stood. Trustees, Churchwardens and the 
parish clerk failed to convince Paddy that the barn was for- 
feited. "By Japersl" said he, "isn't it as clear as mud that 
a barn which has been mine iver since it was a little shed 
can't belong to anybody else, and afore I'll give it up I'll to 
the coorts and see the lamed man." He went and was told 
that, according to law, bis barn was forfeited, but, if the trus- 
tee was not arbitrary, he might give a small equivalent.get two 
arbitrators and an umpire, and he had no doubt this would 
put the matter into a train of conclusion. On Paddy'sreturn 
a second vestry was called, and he was asked by the trustee 
what the learned man had said. "Why," said Paddy, "be 
ton Id me that, accordin' to law, my barn was mortified, but, if 
the landherd was not an oyster man, I was to give him a great 
elephant, and get two farnicatars and a thrumpeter. So now 
my friends I have, no doubt, brought the matter into a drain 
ot confusion." Which all agreed and, rather than clear it, 
gave Paddy his barn. 

$oh([s, vvc. 

A Quaker's Reproof. — Some time since, a man employed 
on a wharf in England was swearing most boisterously, when 
ooe of the Society of Friends passing along accosted him very 
pleasantly and said, "Swear away friend, swear away, till 
thee get all that bad stuff out of thee, for thee can m-ver go 
to heaven with that bad stuff in thy heart." The man. with 
a look of astonishment and shame, bowed to the honest Qua- 
ker and retired. 

An Irreverent Young Rogue. — An urchin in a country 
parish in Scotland, having been told by his parents to read B 
newspaper aloud to them, commenced to do so in the usual 
drawling manner of the parish school. He had not proceed- 
ed far when his mother stopped him short, exclaiming, "Ye 
scounxal! how daur ye read a newspaper wi' the Bible twang':" 

Pat's Comparison. — "That's the smallest horse I ever saw," 
said a countryman on viewing a Shetland pony. "Indade. 
now," replied his Irish companion, "but I've seen one as 
small as two of him." 

The publication of the BHOXAOT BOLPnuU' Gazette and Cape ITorx 
Chronicle was commenced at noon on Thursday, and was completed at 
4p. m. this day. Published at the Editor's Oflicc, Starboard Front Cabin, 
" Thames City." 



i<&Mttt£ f 


No. 15.] 


[Price 3d. 

®\\H (Kutlgrant Soldiers' <6a2ctti». 

"THAMES CITY," MARCH 5th, 1859. 

Lat. 1.12 S. Long. 110.09 W. New Moon, March 
4th, at la. 11m. p. m. 

It is said that, in the Chilian revolution of 1851, the 
regular troops who were brought to fight against the 
rebels evinced so strong a disposition to cut and run ( 
that their officers, instead of being in front or on their 
flanks leading them on, had to get in the rear of them 
and prod them up with bayonets, sticks, or swords, ns 
the case might be, to make them advance against the 
enemy — a style of proceeding that reminds us very 
forcibly of the under keeper at Wombwell's menage- 
rie, who, as most of our readers are doubtless aware, 
invariably rejoices in the popular patronymic of 'John,' 
and goes about from cage to cage armed with a long 
pole to exhibit the fine points of the camel-leopard, 
hippopotamus, &c. It would perhaps be no easy mat- 
ter to get Mr. John to make his appearance on board 
here, armed with his pole, in the same mysterious 
manner as did Neptune aud his trident on the occasion 
of our last crossing the line, but we must say thab 
were it possible to secure his services, as well as those 
of his pole, for the purpose of prodding up the hearts 
and souls of the members of our little community, 
they would be productive of great benefit to us nil. 
We were very sorry to hear that, in the early part of 
the week, thoughts were entertained of giving up the 
theatricals, in consequence of a feeling of dissatisfac- 
tion that appeared to exist generally with regard to 
the entertainments. Perhaps the hot weather is the 
cause of this feeling. Weill it is precious hot, there's 
no doubt of it. Even tho children are bad tempered 
in consequence, so bad tempered that they shriek out 

when one tries to make them cool by putting them 
under a shower bath. Or perhaps, (and this is more 
likely,) il is because everybody is tired of this horrid 
Jong voyage, looks wi;h a jaundiced eye upon every- 
thing, fancies the acting is not good enough, and thinks 
it clumsiness when that horrid curtain sticks half-way. 
If this be the case we should bear in mind that onr 
actors are all amateurs and beginners, that a perfect 
stage management is impracticable, that the plays 
have been acted but once, and that for the first time, 
and that really, when one conies to think of it, the act- 
ing and everything else are as good us can reasonably 
be expected. The idea of giving up the theatricals 
was abandoned on second thoughts, and we are very 
glad to see that there are still some who are earnest 
and interested in the matter, and who came forward 
last night boldly aud fearlessly, in spite of the general 
feeling, to re-enact the play with which the house was 
originally opened, forming as it were a re-commence- 
ment of the whole and holding out an inducement to 
all to emulate their example. The play too was acted 
in pretty nearly the same latitude as on the former oc- 
casion, there being this little difference about the mat- 
ter, viz: that we arc now, thank Goodness, in the Pacific, 
instead of the Atlantic ocean, and that several gentle- 
men were last night happily devoid of a certain un- 
comfortable sticky feeling about the chin and cheeks, 
which they must have felt on the 29th Nov. 1858. 
There is another little point about which a feeling of 
apathy and indifference seems to exist — we mean "The 
Newspaper" — why, we cannot tell, unless the stocks 
(>f contributors are pretty nigh exhausted, and we can 
hardly believe that, or perhaps it is because we have 
nil been lately reading real /in newspapers, or because 
we are getting so near our journey's end, that all thought 
of everything else is drowned in this one nll-ahsirrbing 
subject. Whatever the sources of these feelings with 


regard to the theatricals and the newspaper may be, 
let us hope that they may soon cease to exist, that both 
performers and audience will encourage the Manager 
of the one, and the literary souls support the Editor 
of the other. Our Manager is a sharp fellow, but we 
doubt his being sharp enough to cut himself into six 
or seven actors and actresses all full grown and ready 
dressed. An Editor too may, and ours doubtless 
does possess a large amouDt of brains, but then again 
it must be remembered that, besides his head and brains, 
the gentleman in question has two arms, and two legs, 
and a body, and those too of a very respectable size- 
iu fact we must recollect that he is not all brains. It 
would seem a pity, after carrying on these two enter- 
tainments so successfully during three portions of a 
very long voyage, to give them up towards the close, 
just because everybody is hot, and lazy, and tired of 
sea life. Let us try and carry them on pluckily to the 
conclusion, and h ok forward to the time when we shall 
be able to talk, over a good fire on terra firina, about 
the whales, and the sharks, and the preserved milk, 
and the sea serpents, and the suet, aud all the other 
natural curiosities met with by the passengers of the 
i Thames City" on a voyage from England to Vancou- 
ver Island. 


Id resuming the subject of the Classification of the animal 
kingdom, I beg to call your attention to the four orders men- 
tioned in a former number, Viz: the Mammals, llirds, Reptiles, 
and Fishes, into which the Vertcbrated Animate are divided, 
and to remind you that the Mammals more generally known 
as Quadrupeds stand at the head of llie animal creation. Now 
although these Quadrupeds are classed in one division, they 
differ vastly in appearance and habits. In one respect how- 
ever they all correspond, viz : in bringing forth their young 
•live, and in suckling them with true milk, from which char- 
acteristic their name Mammalia is derived. The great Natu- 
ralist Cuvier, who9e classification we have adopted as the 
easiest and most clearly understood, divides the Mammalia in- 
to eight distinct groups. Some Naturalists, as I have before 
stated, look upon man as the type of the highest class in the 
scale of animal life, and they go on to consider the tribe of 
monkeys as the next in the scale, but a very little reflection 
suffices to point oat how wide is the difference between man 
and a monkey, independently of the immortal soul with which 
man is endowed, and which constitutes him superior to the 
beasts that perish. We shall therefore leave man out altogether 
in our Classification of animals, and consider him as totally 
unconnected with the groups into which the Mammals arc 
divided. We commence therefore with the group of Monkeys, 
>r as Cuvier calls them four-himded animals; these have four 
limbs capable of "prehension" or of laying hold of things, 
which also answer the purpose of progression. We all know 
;iow Monkeys can seize hold of nuts and ginger-bread with 
their hands, and how they can grasp a bough of a tree almost 
as well with their feet as with their hands; in th's respect do 
tbey differ from other animals, and it is this peculiarity that 
gives them the name of four-handed animals. Next we have 
a let of animals whose ja^s, teoth, and digestive organs are 
adapted for enting flesh, and which iu a wild state live entire- 
ly upon it. These are called carnivorous or flesh-eating ani- 

mals. Several types of this group are familiar to all of us, 
such as the cat, the dog, the wolf, the fox, and to this group 
belong some of the most powerful animals known, viz: the 
lion, the tiger, the leopard, the panther, the hyena, and the 
bear. The third group consists of those animals which are 
distinguished by a pouch or bag, in which the females carry 
their young while very small, of which the Kangaroo affords 
us the best type. In the fourth group we find a set of quad- 
rupeds who are not furnished with back teeth, but gnaw their 
food with their front ones, and have in consequence received 
the name of 'Rodents,''' or gnawers. The rat tribe, so famili- 
arly known to us all, comprises more than half of the species 
in this group. The beaver, the squirrel, and the common por- 
cupine also belong to this group. Then we find another gronp 
of animals entirely deprived of teeth, and hence called 
"toothless animals," represented by the sloth and the arma- 
dillo, animals exclusively American, and only seen octasion- 
ly in Europe in zoological collections. The sixth group com. 
prises the largest and most powerful of all the land animals, 
with some of the most useful as domesticated by man. They 
are called the thick-skinned animals, and are represented by 
the elephant, the rhinoceros, the hippopotamus, the horse, 
the ass, and the hog. In the seventh group we have a most 
extensive variety of animals, comprising various tribes re- 
markable tor elegance of form and utility to man as articles 
of food and beasts of burden in climates of the most extreme 
heat and cold. These animals are characterised in their in- 
ternal economy by tour stomachs for the purpose of chewing 
the cud, and are hence called "Ruminants. Most of the 
animals of this gioup are very familiar to us, viz: the camel, 
the ox, the goat, the sheep, the deer, the antelope, and the 
buffalo. Lastly, we have that group of Mammalia, to which 
we have hefore alluded, which comprises the whale species, 
and which differ from other Mammalia, inasmuch as they live 
In the sea and strongly resemble li-lics in their external ap- 
pearance. Such arc the eight groups which comprise all those 
Vcrte'irated animals which are styled Mammalia, and which, 
for the sake of recapitulation, I shall again enumerate as 
follows: — 

1st Group — Four-handed Animals, Ex: Monkey. 

2nd " Flesh-eating Animals, Kx: Cat. 

3rd " Pouched Animals, Ex: Kangaroo. 

4lh " Gnawers, Ex: Rat. 

5th " Toothless Animals, Ex: S'oth. 

6th " Thick-skinned Animals, Ex: Horse. 

7th " Animals which chew the cud, ..Ex: Cow. 

8th " Cetaceous Animals Ex: Whale. 

The second order of the Vertebrated animals, viz: the Birds; 
are in like manner subdivided into groups distinctly charac- 
terized by their habits and external appearance, a subject 
which I propose to treat of in our next number. 



To the Editor. 

Dear Mr, Koitor, — 

On reading over the letter that I sent you 
last week for publication in your eagerly sought after and de- 
servedly highly-prized journal, I regret much to find that, for 
a "watery" subject, the production is a "drier ' one than 1 
could have wished. I can only plead as an excuse the hur- 
ried way in which it was written, and, with the hope that this 
will prove more interesting, will go on with my theme, 'The 
purification of muddy, putrid, or salt water." For a copious 
supply of clear water, the most perfect plan, if you have the 
means, i3 to bore a cask full of auger holes, and put another 
small one. that has the bottom knocked out, inside of it: then 
fill up the space between the two with grass, moss, &c. 
Now, sinking the whole in the midst of a pond, the wa- 
tCT will filter through the auger holes and moss, and rise 
up clear of at least weeds and sand in the inner cask, whenc- 
it can be ladled. With a singie cask, the rower parts of the 
sides may be bored, aud alternate layers of sand and gra«* 


thrown in, till they leach up above the holes ; through these 
layers the water will strain. Or any coarse bag, kept open 
by hoops, with a heavy weight inside it, will act on the same 
principle, but less efficiently than the casks. Sand, charcoal, 
sponge and wood are the substances most commonly used iu 
filters; peat charcoal is excellent. The Northern Bushmen of 
Africa have an ingenious plan of partially clarifying water, 
by tying grass roughly together in the form of a cone six or 
eight inches long, then, dipping the broad end into the puddle 
and turning it up, a stream of partially filtered water will 
trickle down through the small end. Turbid water is also 
made clear by putting a piece of alum in it; it appears to unite 
with the mud and to form a clayey deposite. No taste of alum 
remains in the water unless used in great excess. Three thim- 
blefuls of alum will clarify a bucketful of turbid water. Pu- 
trid water should always be boiled together with charcoal or 
charred sticks before drinking it, as low fevers and dysenteries 
are too often the consequence of drinking it indiscreetly, but 
the charcoal entirely disinfects it. The Indians plunge hot 
iron into putrid and muddy water. The distillation of salt 
water requires a good supply of fuel, which is too often defi- 
cient where there is no fresh water. The simplest still is to 
light a fire among stones near a hollow in a rock that is filled 
or can be filled with the salt water; then, taking a hot stone, 
to drop it in; the water will hiss and give out clouds of va- 
pour, much of which may be collected in a cloth and wrung 
from it. In the Mime way, a pot on the fire may have a cloth 
stretched over it to catch the steam. There is an account of 
the crew of the "Levant" packet, which was wrecked near 
the Cosmolcdo Islands, who supplied themselves with fresh 
water by means of distillation alone, and whose still was con- 
trived with an iron pot and a gun-barrel found on the spot 
where they were wrecked. They procured on an average 60 
bottles or 10 gallons of distilled water in each twenty-four 
hours. The iron pot was converted into a boiler to contain 
salt water: a lid was fitted to it out of the root of a tree, 
leaving a hole of sufficient size to receive the muzzle of the 
barrel, which was to act as a steam pipe; the barrel was laid 
in a trough made out of the trunk of a tree, hollowed out for 
the double purpose of receiving it and containing cold water 
for the purpose of condensation: and the water so distilled 
escaped at the nipple of the barrel and was conducted into a 
bottle placed to receive it. Some little thought is required to 
build a good furnace or fire-place in which to place the pot. 
It is necessary also that the fire should act to the best advan- 
tage and burn fiercely, or the pot will never boil fast enough 
to distil a sufficiency. The trough which holds the conden- 
sing water may he made with canvass, or even dispensed with 
altogether It would be an insult to your readers to offer here 
any remarks with regard to digging wells ; but it will be well 
to suggest to them that, in the absence of shovels and wheel- 
barrows, a well can always be commenced with a sharp point- 
ed stick ; taking it in both hands, and holding it up like a 
dagger, stick and dig it about in the ground, and clear out 
the loose earth with the left hand. Galton, in his "Art of 
Travel," gives an account of an ingenious method employed 
in the plains of the Sikhim Himalaya for digging deep holes. 
The natives take a bamboo, say three inches in diameter, cut 
it just above one of the knots, and then split the wood up to 
the next joint in about a dozen places. The grass is then 
torn away, and, the hole having been completed to a sufficient 
depth, this instrument is worked vertically up and down with 
both hands. The sandy soil soon gets up into the hollow of 
the bamboo and spreads out the blades; the bamboo is then 
withdrawn, this plug of earth shaken out, and the same 
process repeated. Holes ten feet deep and six inches in di- 
ameter can be made in this way. I must not close this with- 
out a description of an excellent and very simple pump used 
by the Arabs in Algeria: a piece of leather or waxed canvas 
is stretched round hoops and, at ttie top and bottom, round 
circles of wood also; iu short a sort of small circular bellows 
is constructed. In tnese circles are holes covered with valves 
of leather opening upwards, i. e., the leather is nailed on the 
inside of the bottom and the outside of the top. The lower 
circle is nailed to the bottom of the tub, and the hole in it 
corresponds with the feed pipe, the upper circle ia attached 

to the pump-handle, which works on a fulcrum in the side of 
a barrel. When this leather pump-barrel is collapsed, the 
water flows out through the upper val'e into the barrel around 
it, when expanded water is sucked up through the tube, and 
an equal quantity displaced in the barrel, the discharge for the 
water being through a hole in the side of the barrel opposite 
to that in which the handle is fixed. The action of this pump, 
which attracted much attention in the French Exhibition of 
1858, is marvellously perfect. No expedition should start 
without being well supplied with small water-vessels, with 
means of carrying at least half a gallon of water for each 
white man a day. Natives of different countries use vessels 
for carrying water made as follows: 1st. From the raw or dry 
skins of animals, which should be greased down the back. 
2nd. The paunch, the heart-hag (pericardium), the intestines 
and the bladder. When used, they should have a wooden 
skewer run in and out along each side of their open mouths, 
by which they can be carried, and a lashing passed round un- 
der the skewer to make all tight. The Bushmen do this. The 
water oozes a little through the sides, and by its evaporation 
the contents are kept very cool. Another plan is, after hav- 
ing tied the length of intestine at both ends, to roll it up in a 
handkerchief and wear it as a belt round the waist. The fault 
of these bags, besides their frailty, is that they become putrid 
after a little use. 3rd. Soft wood hollowed oot into buckets. 
4th. Calabashes and other large fruit, as cocoa-nuts. &c. 5th. 
Ostrich eggs. 6th. Canvass bags, smeared with grease on the 
outside, become perfectly waterproof after a short soaking. 
7th. Baskets with oiled cloth inside. And now I may say ) 
have pumped my own well dry, in attemptjpg to satisfy the 
thirst of many; in that attempt I trust I have succeeded with 
a few. In case of a failure, I can only refer them for further 
information to those who, unlike myself can speak from per- 
sonal experience in their travels and campaigns of the ways 
and means of getting water, as also perhaps of the great mis- 
eries and sufferings attendant on the want of it j believe 
me to be your obedient servant, 

Petkr Simple. 


A nobleman, the proprietor of large estates, was in the habit 
once every year of inviting bis tenants, among whom was a 
conscientious Quaker, to dine with him. The Quaker, not 
anxious to brave the senseless ridicule to which members of 
the Society of Friends were at that time exposed, invariably 
declined the honour. At length his lordship pressed him, as 
a personal favour, to attend. On the right of the host sat the 
vicar, and on the left his curate. After dinm r the vicar, who 
stuttered painfully, attempted to put a question, byway of 
banter, to the Quaker. The Quaker stared, but .nade no re- 
ply. The clergyman repeated, in the same incomprehensible 
manner, his query. Still the Quaker made no answer, when 
the curate, who was of a glib and ready tongue, interfered and 
said, "I do not think you understand what the vicar says." 
'•I do not see how I should, friend,'' quietly replied the Qua- 
ker. "Oh," replied the curate, ; 'he simply asks whether you 
can tell him how it was that Balaam's ass 6poke?" "Balaam 
bad an impediment in his speech and his ass spoke for him," 
was tbs Quaker's rejoinder. 


A butcher once cr lied upon a lawyer and asked him if he 
couldn't make the owner of a dog that had stolen a leg of 
mutton from his shop pay the price of it "Certainly you 
can," replied the lawyer, "the value of the mutton to a half- 
penny." "Then," 6aid the butcher, "you owe me five and 
sixpence, for your dog stole a leg of muUon of mine worth 
that amount." "Here is the money my good fellow," said the 
lawyer coolly, puUing his hand into hh pocket and giving it. 
The butcher was going off with a broad grin on his face, when 
the lawyer called him back, saying, " Yon owe me six and 
eightpence for my advice." 


jtottflg and |1oc(rn. 


1 Dull ni^ht lias now hor mantle drawn. 
Ami wrapped our ship in gloom profound; 
Niiw bushed the tumult of the day. 

And BOianUfJ silence reigns around. 

2 No verdant wood to paint our view 
Where "ft bafbre ire wished to roam; 
Hut planning 'mid the shades of night, 
On future joys, on future home. 

3 The feathered tribe's no longer Been, 
From "Longboat Square" no merry song; 
.v. mu-ii 'f beard except the breeze. 

Or uiurni'iing w;i\e that glides along. 

4 When from ' 'watch" we are relieved. 
We toon to "H untnock Street" repair. 
Where Horphsni Basil bur eyes in sleep, 
Till dawns ' 'Aurora'* bright and fciir. 

5 When morn is up bright "Sol" displays, 
Refulgent grandeur o'er the scene 
Whereon, before Aurora's dawn. 

Ten thousand golden stars were seen. 

6 Ah! night has charms and pleasures too 
Befitting restless youth and age, 

And many a startling wunder shows, 
lleyund the reach of mortal age. 

» ♦ » 


J. & 

1 They Bay I shall got over it, but no I never can, 
You've no conception what it is to be a bashful man, 
But ah I deaf] 1 quite forgot what I was going to say, 
[Jut wonld the ladies be so good as look another way; 
IM give, 1 don't know what I'd give, if it war* not the case, 
But it's a f»ct, I cannot look a lady in the fire; 
I'd rather face, I would indeed, 1 know that I'm a fool, 
I'd rather f.iee a crocodile than meet a lady's school. 

J At parties when, like other men, I'm asked if I won't dance, 
1 brash and fidget with my gloves, and wish mysvlf in France, 
And while I'm stand ng stammering and hanging down my bead, 
Some dandy whiaker'd coxcomb leads the lady out instead. 
I did just touch a lady's hand last night in a quadrille. 
Oh goodness! how my heart did heat, it's palpitating still; 
While my young brother, fresh from school, to shew how I an tcazed, 
Says"Krank why whata iuufl you are, gu Is like their fingers squeezed. ' 

'<: How I am to get married— I shall never have a wife, 

I could never make an offer, I'm convinced, to save my life; 
There's the qu //, ug by the sisters, and the questions by mama, 
And the pumping that one goes through in the study by papa; 
And there's that horrid horiey-m"on, a journey w,th a bride. 
And grinning post-boys looking back, and no one else inside; 
Ob dear! the very thought of it quite takes away my breath, 
I am certain at the wedding 1 should blush myself to death. 


Cain, in disgrace with Heaven, retired to Nod, 
As tar as man could wiab to be from God, 
Which makes some people think he went 
As t'ir as Scotland ere he pitched his tent, 
Ami founded than a town of ancient fime, 
Which he from Eden, Edinburgh did name. 


XLIII. Why arc letten directed to the Commander of the DetachmeDt like 

ships tliat mil bully on a wind! 
XL1V. What i« it that tin- longer yon look ;it ^t the more it increases? 
\lv. Wiiy sli. mlil a gouty 111:111 make his will? 
jtmn to XL. He takes an Klixor (anil he licks her). 

XI. I . Because tiny are broken while the other is only cracked. 
" XL1I. Because she will ho animated (Annie mated). 

'* Charade. — Cares. 


The following colloquy actually took place at an Eastern 
post office. Put — "I suiy, Mr. Postmaster, is there a lether for 
me?" "Who are you my good fellow?" "I'm mesclf, that's 
who I am?" "Well, what is your name?" "An' what do ye 

want wid the name; isn't it on the lether?" "So that I can 
find the letter, if there is one." "Well, Pat Byrne then, if ye 
must have it." "No. sir, there is none for Pat Byrne." "I« 
there no way to get in there but through this pane of glass?" 
"No." "Its well for ye there isn't; I'd taach ye betlier man- 
ners than to insist on a gentleman's name; but ye didn't get 
it alther all — so I'm aven wid ye; divil a bit is my name Byrne." 

glaual and gRililarg intelligence. 

During the past week. 

Feb. 2Tth 
'■ 28th 

Mar. 1st 
•' 2nd 
" 3rd 
" 4th 
" 5th 

8 4iVS. 
4° ID'S. 

101° 55' W. 
104° 50' W. 
106° 55' W. 
108° 4S' W. 
109° 52' W. 
110° 09' W. 

Miles Run. 
N.W.?/ 4 1Y.184m. 
N W i;w.l68m. 
N.W.bW.KW. 1» 
N.W.bW.<|W. 13» 
N.W. 157 m. 
N.W. 89 m. 
N.W. 24 m. 

The great question that every one asks everybody is, "How 
long do you give her to get to Vnncouver Island?" In fact 
this has been the great question throughout the voyage, and 
the long time already spent at sea, so contrary to the expec- 
tations of nil, is the clearest proof how impossible it is to 
form a correct estimate of the length of a sea voyage. When 
we reach the 5th degree of North Latitude we shall be proba- 
bly in Longitude 117° West, and may then fairly expect to 
have the Northeast Trade Wind. With this we shall steer a 
Northwesterly course, more or less to the Northward or West- 
ward of N.W., accoiding as the trade it Easterly or Northerly. 
We may expect to carry this wind as far as the 29th or 30th 
degree of North Latitude, by which time we shall probably 
have reached as far as 142° West. (ape Flattery is in Lat. 
48° 23' N. Long. 124°22' W.; the direct course therefore when 
we lose the trade will be about N. E. \ N. 1450 miles. The 
winds, as in the Atlantic ocean, are variable and uncertain in 
the Northern Latitudes, but lit this time of the year they pre- 
vail from the West and Northwest — so, after a day or two's 
calm on losing the trades, we may expect to bowl alone with 
u leading wind and make short work of it to Vancouver Is- 
land. The distance over which we shall probably travel will 
be approximately about 4000 miles, so, as far ns it is possible 
to judge, and considering that three-fourths of our voyage 
have been accomplished in a period of 120 days at aen, we 
may expect to reach our journey's end in about 35 or 40 days. 

Another point about which many questions have been asked 
ia the reason of our crossing the Equator so tar to the west- 
ward, instead of having taken a more northerly and direct 
coarse on leaving Valparaiso. The reason of this is lb it, to 
the eastward ol the 100th degree of West Longitude, the 
calms, squalls and variable weather tint arc peculiar to the 
regions in the vicinity of the Equator Kre here almost perpet- 
ual, and that ships crossing the Line to the Eastward of that 
point are often becalmed for weeks together, whereas ve-sels 
crossing in from 110° to 11G° W. Long, are seldom delayed 
beyond a few days, and stand a much bitter chance ol u.aking 
a good voyage. 


Theatre Royal, " Thames City." 

NV.XT WKEK w 11 be presented thai highly interesting and laughable 
F;.ree t iu one Act, by John M. Harton, entitled, 

ijjtts, ©IN lSO~S}~] ©aUEQB 

Mr. WhiffloR, Charles Derham. 

Mr. John Brownjohn Charles 8innett. 

Mr. Pycmilian Phtbbs, James Turn bull. 

Mrs. Whittles, Vofan Mead*. 

Lydi.i Richard N olfenden. 

flfjS™ Doors open at (5 o'clock, performance to commoner ut 6*80 Dfeclftaly. 

Tho publication of the Emicirant Souuers* Gazette and Cape Hoas 
Curonicu: w;ia commenced at noon on Thursihv, and was completed at 
4p.m. this day. Published at the Editor's Office, Starboard Flout Cabin, 
" TlnuncsCity." 

t:h::e3 EUvtio-iFi.A-irsrT 



$>mt\U f 


No. 16.] 


[Price 3d. 

®Ii4 (Emigrant Soldiers' feett^. 

"THAMES CITY," MARCH 12th, 1859. 
Lat. 7° 16' N. Long. 115° 50' W. Moon's First 

QlJATRER, TO-DAY, AT 4h. 39lf. A. If, 

Although nature has favoured the Pacific Coast of 
British North America in an eminent degree, with a 
delightful temperate climate and fertile soil, inexhaust- 
ible forests of the finest timber, rich undulating prai- 
ries, safe and spacious harbours, — tlie only ones, with 
one exception, upon a coast of 3000 miles, and which 
are capable of sheltering in their waters the fleets of 
the world — long and numerous rivers, the richest fish- 
eries, extensive regions of coal, iron and other valuable 
minerals, near proximity to a gocd market (San Fran- 
cisco), and the very centre of what must become the 
great highway of commerce between the Eastern and 
Western worlds; yet these unparalleled and natural 
advantages did not even attract the notice of English- 
men, much less their colonization and settlement, until 
there occurred one of those marvellous gold discoveries 
which have tended so much of late years to extend 
the trade and commerce of the Old World, and to raise 
up great and powerful nations of the Anglo-Saxon 
race iu countries hitherto considered inhospitable and 
unfit for colonization and settlement by civilized men. 
The colony of British Columbia embraces an area of 
about 220,000 square miles. Its principal rivers are 
the Fraser, which rises in the north, and keeps a direct 
course through the centre of the colony for upwards 
of 400 miles, until at the "Forks," where it is joined 
by the Thompson river; it there turns to the west un- 
til it empties itself into the Gulf of Georgia. The 
Thompson river, which is not an insignificant stream 
as compared with the Fraser, rises in the east, iu the 

Rocky mountain range, and flows through an extreme- 
ly fertile and magnificent country until it unites with 
the latter. It is intersected also by a great arm of the 
Columbia, but which has no outlet to the sea except 
through the territory of the United States. The Fin- 
lay river, rising North of the Fraser, keeps a southerly 
course until it joins the Peace river, which runs through 
the Rocky mountains to the east into Lake Atha- 
baska. There are other rivers again to the north- 
west ; the Salmon and the Simpson, which flow into 
the Pacific ocean opposite Queen Charlotte Island, and 
which island is also embraced in the new colony. 
There are numerous inland lakes, but none of great 
magnitude. The country is principally mountain and 
valley ; the Peak and Cascade mountains running 
through its centre, parallel with the Rocky mountains, 
in a northwest course ; the valleys are described by 
all who have seen them as rich and beautiful, and the 
mountamscenery as truly sublime. Sir John Richardson 
states that the mean temperature on the Pacific coast 
of British North America is about 20° higher than it 
is on the Atlantic coast in the same parallel of latitude. 
From observations made by Commodore Wilkes in 
1841, "the mean standing of the barometer near Van- 
couver, during the day hours, for the months of June, 
July, August and September, was 30.32 in.; of the 
thermometer, 65.33. The state of the weather dur- 
ing a period of 106 days was as follows: fair 76 days, 
cloudy 19, and rainy 11. The crops of all descriptions 
were good, and this is the best criterion. The climate 
throughout the western section is mild, owing, proba- 
bly, to the prevalence of southwesterly winds. Vege- 
tation is earlier than in England. The fall of snow 
in the more southerly part rarely exceeds a few inches. 
The fig, orange, lemon, melon, vine and many other 
fruits proper to the tropics are the indigenous growth 
of the soil of this favoured shore." Lieuteuants Warr 


and Vavasour (the latter of the Royal Engineers) 
state: "The specimens of lead found in the mountains 
on the coast are very fine. The fisheries of salmon 
and sturgeon are inexhaustible, and game of every 
description abounds. The timber is extremely luxuri- 
ant, and increases in size as you reach a more north- 
erly latitude; that in 50° to 54° being considered the 
best. Pine, spruce, red and white oak, cedar, arbutus, 
poplar, maple, willow and yew grow in this section of 
the country ; north of the Columbia river the cedar 
and pine particularly becoming of immense size." 
Should we find these and the other accounts which 
have appeared in our columns prove true, we shall 
have every reason to trust that our sojourn in British 
Columbia may be a pleasant one; and to feel thankful 
that we were selected to take a part in the expedition 
for the formation and improvement of a colony which 
may one day turn out of so great importance to the 
mercantile world. At the same time we mnst bear in 
mind that the steadiness, industry and zeal displayed 
by each of us during the period we may be employed 
will be carefully noted, and will materially affect our 
future welfare and prosperity. 


In the first number of our paper I stated that it was my in- 
tention to contribute a few observations every week having 
reference to the Natural History of the animals we might hap- 
pen to meet with during our voyage, and to the consideration 
of Inanimate Nature and such atmospheric phenomena as 
might come under our notice. For some weeks pnst the Ani- 
mal Kingdom has engaged our attention, but it is time now 
that we turn from Animate to Inanimate Nature, especially as 
we hare all had the opportunity during the past week of wit- 
nessing and experiencing the effects of one of the most appal- 
ling and most startling of Natural Phenomena. On Tuesday 
evening last, the 8th inst., we were visited for the first time 
during the voyage by a thunder-storm. Considering that it 
is within the tropics, and especially in these regions, known 
commonly as the Regions of Calms, that thunder-storms are 
the most frequent and at the same time the most violent, we 
may consider ourselves very fortunate in having so far escap- 
ed from the dreadful consequences which sometimes accom- 
pany these grand electrical discharges. Until within the last 
few years the phenomena of thunder and lightning were so 
mysterious, that the cleverest of philosophers were content to 
refer them to the operation of some cause utterly uuknovvn, 
but in the present day perhaps no meteorological phenomena 
are so well understood as these. As the intimate study of 
Electrical Science is far too abstruse to be dealt with satisfac- 
torily in a popular publication like ours, I shall merely con- 
tine myself to a few general principles illustrative of the na- 
ture and causes of thunder and lightuing. These phenomena 
depend upon Electricity. Now what is Electricity ? Some 
centuries ago it was discovered that the substance amber, if 
rubbed with silk or flannel, became endowed with the property 
of influencing the motives of certain light bodies, such as 
feathers, sometimes attracting them and sometimes repelling 
them. The ancients were awaro of this fact, but there the 
matter dropped. About the middle of last century however the 

attention of philosophy was directed to the fact, and it was 
soon found that the amber only furnished one particular case 
of a result far more general, and experiments on a large scale 
were conducted. It was believed that the power acquired by 
a piece of rubbed amber of attracting and repelling feathers 
was due to a certain invisible fluid, developed by the process 
of rubbing, to which the appellation of Electric fluid has been 
given. It was further ascertained that some substances, such 
as copper and the metals, were not capable of being electrified, 
but had the power of carrying away the electricity thus excit- 
ed, and accordingly the first class of substances were called 
non-conductors. Upon this principle the Elpctric Machine is 
constructed; a cylinder of glass is made to revolve on its axis; 
at one side of the cylinder is fitted a horse-hair cushion, against 
which the cylinder rubs as it revolves; on the opposite side is 
fixed a piece of metal, placed on glass legs and furnished with 
a row of points directed towards the glass cylinder. As the 
cylinder is made to revolve, it rubs against the cushion, and 
electric fluid is developed in the same way as it is developed 
in the amber rubbed on silks, and, as soon as it is formed, the 
piece of metal with the points Is ready to conduct it away; as 
however tbe metal is supported on glass legs, the electric fluid is 
retained in the metal, and thus we are enabled to collect a 
large quantity. Now let us see what effects we can produce 
with this accumulated electric fluid. If we approach our fin- 
ger within half an inch of the metal conductor, a spark is in- 
stantly produced, accompanied by a smart crack, and at the 
same time we feel a pricking sensation at the tip of the finger. 
If we hold a knob of metal to the conductor, the spark aDd the 
crack are likewise produced, and, if it is held there for two or 
three minutes, we have a succession of sparks and cracks, 
which get gradually weaker until they finally cease. What 
is tiie meaning of all this? It is a most difficult matter to ex- 
ptain properly without entering into the principles of Electri- 
cal Science; lint the following remarks will I trust answer our 
present purpose. It is now generally admitted that there is 
no agent which is more universal in nature, and which extends 
its influence over the earth's Burface more than Electricity. 
Bti rything on the surface of the earth is endued with a certain 
amount of electricity, and scarcely one natural ph< nomenon 
occurs which is not brought about by electrical agency, and 
which dues not in a greater or less degree del elopo this won- 
derful force. Bat the cause of the production of electrical 
phenomena is entirely due to one well-known fact, and that is 
that electric fluid consists of two kinds, or according to some 
philosophers, to two modifications of the same kind; they are 
called positive electricity and negative electricity, and gene- 
rally speaking both exist in a thing, or in an individual, com- 
bined in certain definite proportions. Now when the equilib- 
rium of these two electricities existing in one individual is 
disturbed by any cause whatsoever, that N, if anything tends 
to diminish or increase the proportions of positive and nega- 
tive electricity in a thing, or in an individual, an electrical 
disturbance is produced. As long as the equilibrium is per- 
fect, we have nothing to denote the presence of electricity, so 
that a disturbance in the proportions of the two electricities 
Is absolutely necessary to the production of an electrical phe- 
nomenon. We have seen that friction is a means of produ- 
cing elcctrieily, as in the case of the amberand glass cylinder; 
we can now explain it thus: by friction the equilibrium of the 
two electricities in the glass cylinder is destroyed, and the 
production of a larger amount of one electricity than of the 
other is the result; this overplus it imparts to the metal con- 
ductor and it is there retained, the glass legs being non-con- 
ductors. Now the overplus of positive electricity requires some 
negative electricity to neutralize itself; accordingly, when you 
approach your linger to the conductor, it draws upon you for 
sunn- negative electricity; your finger inn. arts it from the con- 
stant supply contained in your body, and, as it passes from 
your finger to the conductor, combination takes place, accom- 
panied by a spark and slight report. lint it is time for you 
now to enquire what has all this to do with thunder and light- 
ning? As 1 before stated, the nature of thunder and lightning 
was unknown until the middle of the last century; but in n.Vi 
a very simple but most interesting experiment was made by 
tbe illustrious Franklin which clearly demonstrated to the 


world at large that clouds were so many electrical machines, 
that, in certain states' of the atmosphere, quantities of elec- 
tricity were formed and discharged, producing a flash 
and report analogous to the spark and the crack formed by an 
ordinary electric machine, aud that, in fact, thunder and light- 
ning are no longer mysterious phenomena, but are nothing 
more or less than the effects of electrical atmospherical dis- 
turbances. But I must no longer intrude on your time and 
attention, and shall continue the subject in our next number. 





the past week. 



Mar. 6th . 

0°41'S. . 

. 112° 30' W. . . 

" 7th . 

1°08'N. . 

. 114° 09' W. . . 

" 8th . 

3°02'N. . 

. 114° 50' W. . . 

" 9th . 

4°36'N. . 

. 115° 21' W. . . 

" 10th . 

5°44'N. . 

. 11S° 40' W. . . 

" 11th . 

6°27'N. . 

. 115° 46' W. . . 

" 12th . 

7°16'N. . 

. 115° 50' W. . . 

MileB Run. 
W.bN. 145 m. 
N.W.VN. 147 m. 
N.bW.Vw. 121 m 
N. 43 m. 
N.^W. 49 m. 


So long as human nature exists there will be marrying and 
giving in marriage, and even among the uncivilized inhabitants 
of British Columbia this rite is a matter of previous negotia- 
tion, and is attended with solemnity, though certainly the pic- 
ture is by no means brilliant in its colouring. 'When a young 
man has made his choice and obtained consent, the parents or 
other natural guardians of the girl are next to be consulted. 
These are to receive a certain quantity of presents ; staves, 
axes, kettles, trinkets, &c. When the amount is agreed on, 
lliey repair to the house intended for the young couple, to 
which the most respectable inhabitants of the village are in- 
vited. The young man, having distributed the presents, re- 
ceives, in the style of the heroes of the Homeric age, an equal, 
often a greater number of presents from the girl's relations. 
Then the bride, decorated with various ornaments, is led forth 
by a few old women and presented to the bridegroom, who re- 
ceives her as his wife. The company, after partaking of hos- 
pitality, and wishing the young couple every happiness, a 
numerous progeny, abundance and peace, retire. Though the 
union is generally lasting, it is not indissoluble, as a man may, 
for infidolity, repudiate his wife, who is after that at liberty 
to take another husband. Polygamy is not only allowed, but 
it is a mark of distinction. The greater number of wives a 
man can maintain, the higher he is esteemed. In fact the res- 
pectability and influence of the chief depend on the number 
of wives, slaves, aud other property which he possesses, and 
his election to the office depends on this qualification. Though 
the wives generally live in harmony together, the first wife 
takes the precedence of all the others, and is considered as 
mistress of the house. 


A young fellow, not quite so wise as Solomon, was eating 
some Cheshire cheese, full of mites, at a tavern one night. 
"Now," said he, "I have done as much as Samson, for I have 
slain my thousands and my tens of thousands." "Yes,'' an- 
swered one of the company, "and with the same weapon too; 
the jawbone of an ass!" 


foam, the waves being so high that they dashed into the ca- 
noe, which would have been upset by bad steering. The des- 
cent is accomplished in about four minutes. The steerage 
requires great coolness and experience, nnd he adds that, a 
short time previous to his own visit to the rapids, two Americans 
had ventured to descend them without boatmen and were con- 
sequently upset; the Occident took place in sight of the town 
of the Sault Saint Marie, and many of the inhabitants were 
watching the struggles of the unfortunate men, thinkingevery 
attempt to save them would be hopeless. Suddenly, however, 
a person appeared, making towards the group and shouting 
with frantic excitement, "Save the man with the red hair;" the 
extra exertions which were made in consequence proved suc- 
cessful, and the red-haired individual in an exhausted condi- 
tion was safely landed. "He owes me eighteen dollars," said 
his rescuer, drawing a long breath and looking approvingly 
on his assistants. The red-haired man's friend had not a cre- 
ditor at the Sault, and, in default of a competing claim, was al- 
lowed to pay his debt to nature, and "I'll tell you what it is 
stranger," said an American who told the story, "a man will 
never know how necessary he is to society if he don't make 
his life valuable to his friends as well as to his-self." 


Traveller, "Holloa House!" Irish Innkeeper, "Sure I don't 
know any one of that name." Tray., "Are you the master of 
this inn?" Inn., "Yes, sir, plase yer honour, whin me wife's 
not at home." "Have you a bill of fare?" "Yes, sir, the 
fairs of Mullingar an' Ballinasloe are next week." "I see; 
how are your beds?" "Pretty well I thank ye, sir." "Have 
you any mountain?" "Yes, sir, this country's full of moun- 
tains." "I mean a kind of wine!" "Yes, yer honour, all 
kinds, from Irish white wine (buttermilk) to Burgundy." 
"Have you any porter?" "Yes, sir, Pat's an excellent portlier; 
he'll go anywhere." "No, I mean porter to drink?" "Oh! 
sir, he'll drink the ocean, never fear but he'll take all ye'll 
plase to give him." "Have you any fish?" "They call me 
an odd fish." "I think so, I hope you are not a shark." "No, 
sir, indeed I am not a shark, nor a lawyer, nor any relation to 
such reptiles." "Have you any soles?" "For yer boots or 
shoes? as for my own soul it don't belong to me, it's Judy's." 
"Pshaw! have you any plaice?" "No, sir, but I was promi- 
sed one if I'd vote for Misthcr O'Brian." "Have you any wild 
fowl?" "They are tame enough now, you may depend, for 
they have been killed these three days." "I see I'll have to 
see myself." "And welcome, sir, I'll fetch you the lookin' 


A Highlander, who sold brooms, went into a barber's shop 
in Glasgow, to get shaved; the barber bought one of his 
brooms, and, after having shaved him, asked the price ot it. 
"Tipnence," said the Highlander. "No, no," says the shaver, 
"I'll give you a penny ; if that does not satisfy you take your 
broom again." The Highlander took it and asked what be 
had to pay. "A penny," says the strap. "I'llgieyea bau- 
bee," said Duncan, "and it that dinna satisfy ye, put on my 
beard again." 


A traveller in the Northwest States of America, in 1855, 
gives an interesting account of the method of shooting the 
rapids of the Sault Saint Marie. He and h : s friends seated 
themselves in the bottom of a bark canoe, which was sucked 
i nto the waters, guided by a boatman at each end of the canoe. 
For a square mile the river presented an unbroken sheet of 

The celebrated punster, Dr. Mann, who was in the habit of 
reading when walking, once got to the middle of a narrow 
wooden bridge over a river, before he saw that the pass was 
disputed by a well known (but generally harmless) lunatic. 
"Who are you?" says the lunatic. "Why," say the Dr. (think- 
ing to put him off best with a jest), "1 am a double man, for 
I am man by name and man by nature." "Oh! 1 ' said the lu- 
natic, "you are two men then." "Yes," said ihe Dr. "Well," 
rejoined the lunatic, "I am a man be3ide myself, and we two 
will fight you two any day," and immediately knocked him 
into the river. 


£ow)s and $odrg. 

Aa we learn that several who were absent from the Thea- 
trical entertainment of the 4th inst. are anxious to hear the 
following song, which was sung on that occasion by Corporal 
Sinnett, we take this opportunity of publishing it. 


1 I'll sing ye lads a Falkland sang, 
Wi' thii lupin' chorus loud an.' laiig, 
I'll tell ye o' the gleesomo thraug 

At Uuthlicaut's braw weddin' 0-. 
The first that cam' wan Geordie Cann, 
Then Osment too and Wolfcmden, 
Wi' Jock McMurphy, Oil k Bridgeman, 

Cain' skippin' to the weddin' 0. 

CHORUS — There beauty's smiles baith blithe an' brau. 
Wad Brace a palace, cot, or ha', 
Fair dimpled cheeks wi'out a flau. 

At Uuthlicaut's bran weddin' 0. 

2 There was Morey too and Rogerson, 
And Lindsay cam' to join the fun, 

An' Smith cam' arc tin- feast begun, 

At Uuthlicaut's brau weddin' 0. 
There was Nonnansell and blithe Woodcock, 
And Launders came to join the flock, 
An' Sinnett wi' his dirty smock, 

i. i.i faith! he marred that weddin' 0. 

3 There was short wee Flux and tall Whitmore, 
0' rantin' blades some twa three score, 
Muuroaod Digby, Hand and Soar, 

Cam' all to join the weddin' 0. 
There was White, R. A., and "brndder" Yates, 
The bairns wha ha' the brimfiu* pates, 
And Ilowell climerin' oure the gates, 

Was no behint the weddin' 0. 

4 There was Noble too an* ' 'Major" Green, 
Alexander, Baker and Jock Linn, 

An' Liddell too, tho' scarcely seen-, 

(iin modest at that weddin' 0. 

There was Harvey, Murray, Hume and Scalos, 

And Maynard too wha mak's the pails, 

An' liayhes was there wha. never fails 
To he at sic a weddin' 0. 

5 There was tailor Walsh an' tailor Reid, 
An' tailor Hushes an' mt Joflk Iffmflft. 
An' Layman faith! eiynyed the fted 

At Huthlxaut's brau weddin' 0. 
There was Derham, Franklin, Frost and Mills, 
An' Shannon <>' the whiskey stills, 
An' Shannon fra' far Limerick's hills, 

Cam' loupin* to the weddin' 0. 

6 Argyle from "Brum" an' Mould from Hants, 
An' Cockney Wood, wi* oflfMn pants, 

The town was deaved wi' Bangs an' rants, 

At Hnthlleaoc*B hra/w weddin' 0. 

There was Foster, Conroy, Haig, and Jones, 

Kab Stephens too wi* glanj lionet* , 

Ve'd Laugh to bear the tables' groans 

At Uuthlicaut's bran weddin' 0. 

7 Wi' haggises an' fine cail soups, 

Wi' brandies, wines, nn.,1 mint-juleps, 
Wi' gid brown ale full unmy stoiips 

At Uuthlicaut's brau weddin' 0. 
Wi' ham, an* beef, an' mutton too, 
Wi' At hoi brosc aa' Irish steu/, 
Wi' pies an' pasties not a few 

At Uuthlicaut's brau weddin' 0. 

8 Wi' Hyers too an' hearts an' lights, 
Losh! how they stared to see sic sights, 
But all set to an' crammed their kites 

At Uuthlicaut's brau weddin' 0. 
An* then they drank to groom and bride, 
Scotch whiskey flowed like 00669 tide, 
Auld Hu'li' blushed wi' joyous pride, 

The bride was fain to redden too. 

'.' Said yan wha kenned her from her birth, 
■'May she be fru tfnl as the earth, 
And may each little bod of mirth 

Be followed by anither 0." 
S&ys he ' 'My bairns shall dare the seas, 
An' brave the battle and the breeze, 
Bo true as steel, should Heaven pluaso 

To bless this gleesom weddin* 0." 
There beauty's smiles, &c. 


Blow fresh and fair thou good trade wind, 
The breath of God, with steady force] 
Blow lovingly round brow and sail, 
And urge us on our pathless course. 

To God, of whom 'tis said ' 'He makes 
The wind his Angels," now we pray, 
Beseeching him this breath to send, 
To guide us quickly on our way. 

Fresh, freshlier blow, and may God grant 
That, ere the sun's bright rim hath sal 
Thrice ten times more beneath tin- Wiive, 
Tho cry of ' 'Land!" our ears bawl . 

Yes, land at last, a bright blue bar 
'Twixt arimsoa sea and golden sky; 
Land, with fresh streame and Drafts grand, 
MJDelightful sight to every eye. 


XLVI, What kind of nTrrriihn— Is were the most prevalent in Xoah's Ark? 
XLVII. Why are fixed stars like pens, ink and paper! 
XLVIII. When may a nobleman's property be ssdd to be all feathers? 
Answer to XLIII. Because they go to Luard (leeward). 
XLIV. A blush. 
" XL.V. That he may have his legatees (leg-at-ease). 

Puzzle. — A Bnail wants to get to the top of a wall 20 feet in height; du- 
ring the day it climbs fire feet, but slips down four every nighty how Long 
will it take to reach the top?- 


"Jonathan, doyou love boiled beef and dumplings?" "Darn- 
ed if I don't, Sook, but a hot duniplin' arn't nothin' to your 
sweet, 'tarnal uice red lips, Sook." "Ob, lor ! Jonathan, do 
hush; Jonathan, did you read that story about a man being 
bugged to death by a bear?" "Guess I did, Sookey, and it 
made me feel alloverish." "How did you feel, Jonathan'.'" 
"Kinder sortei as if I'd like to hug you, e'en a'most to death 
too; tarnal nice, plump, elegant little critter you." "Oh, lor! 
now do go away, Jonathan." "Ah! Sookcy, you are sich a 
slick gal." "Lor, arn't you ashamed, Jonathan?" "I wish I 
was a nice little ribbon, Sook." "What for?" "Cos may be 
you'd tie me round that nice little neck of your'n. and I should 
like to be tied there, darn'd if I shouldn't." "Oh, lor! there 
comes mother, Jonathan. Itun, run, run!" 


A starving Irishman, wandering about London, came to a 
building bearing the inscription, "Lying in Hospital." "By 
the powers!" he eiclaimed, "that's the place for me, for I've 
been lying out for a fortnight." 



I've lost a bunch of bright steel keys, 

A hunch that numbered seven, 

If you'.ve found th- in, ohj return thorn please. 

You'll Qnd reward in Heaven. 

For know you friends these keys bars Looked 

The lids 01 all my trunks; 

I lost them on the fourth of Mar oh) 
In the neighb'rhood of the bunks. 

%jf~ It found to be given to the Editor. 


ABOUT SIX WEEKS AGO. the 3rd Volume of the " Illnstrated Maga- 
zine- of Art," bound in blue cloth, leaves gilt edged. Any person re- 
turning the same to tho owner, or the Editor, will be rewarded with half 
a doaen cigars. 

The publication of the Emigrant Soldiers' Gazette and Cape Horn 
Chronicle was commenced at noon on Thursday, and was oomttleted at 
4 p. m. this day. Published at the Editor's Office, Starboard Front Cabin. 
" Thames City." 

TIHIIE] E3A^ia-PR.^\.3STT 

€mttU y 


No. 17.] 


[Price 3d. 

<P4 (Emigrant $Mxm' dtatty. 

"THAMES CITY," APRIL 2nd, 1859. 
Lat. 41° 43' N. Long. 132° 13' W. 

Once more, and for the last time, the Emigrant Sol- 
diers' Gazette and Cape Horn Chronicle raises its 
voice to address the small world of the "Thames 
City;" addresses them too, although on the point of 
death, in a more self satisfied, and, we trust, a more 
cheerful stj'le than it has done at any previous period 
of its existence, on a topic, the very echo of which re- 
verberates in the hearts of us all, and banishes for 
awhile the feelings of tediousness and ennui that have 
now become so prevalent — a topic too which will, we 
hope, put all hands in a good humor who have come 
here to-night to hear the last dying speech of a period- 
ical that has, let us trust, been the means of lighten- 
ing the monotony of some few of the many weary 
hours we have spent on board, to shake it by the hand 
and to bid it a long good-bye,' as it now does to the 
world, to life, to the " Thames City" and to the Co- 
lumbian Rangers. Our voyoge, which, as fate would 
have it, has been singularly protracted, is at length 
really coming to a close ; and although it is nearly six 
months since we embarked, it must be confessed that 
we remember the old Deal boatman with somewhat 
the same feeling as one regards a picture of one's 
great-great-grandfather, and think of bitter beer and 
ffreen peas as luxuries never likely to be seen or heard 
of again. Incredible though it may appear, and diffi- 
cult as it is to realize, our salt beef and salt pork exis- 
tence will probably, ere another 10 days have expired, 
live only in our memories, the cry of " Hot water be- 
low" have become a bye-word, the grand menagerie 
have been dispersed, and the animals sent to grass ; 

Hammock street be tenantless and in ruins, the "Dove- 
cot" in the sole possession of emaciated bugs, and the 
solitary duck in the hen-coop on the poop raise his 
head and chuckle, as he sees the last of the great 
enemies of his race disappear over the side; enemies 
whose great object, in his opinion, during the last six 
months has been to endeavour to masticate the legs 
and wings (breasts they had not) of the deceased mem- 
bers of his race, but in which effort, not being men of 
strong dental powers, they have completely failed. 
Everybody will rejoice to get on shore again and stretch 
his legs, from the gentleman with giant limbs who 
rejoices in the name of "Rab" down to master Walsh, 
who doos'nt yet rejoice in any name at all, and isn't 
likely to for some little time to come. The ladies and 
gentlemen, who during the last six months must have 
almost forgotten that they are land-crabs, will again 
begin to realize this important fact. Children will 
toddle about and wonder that " Cumbia" does'nt roll, 
and that there is no after-hatchway ladder to tumble 
down, nor any immediate prospect of falling overboard, 
and "Ponto," and the "Horrible Lurcher," and all the 
other dogs, will gallop about in great glee, once more 
revealing their tails to the world, and feeling as happy, 
poor fellows, as any of us. Nor must we forget the 
illustrious "Jimmy," who has contrived in the most 
unaccountable manner to prolong his existence, and 
become once more a sheep, and who, under the pro- 
tecting arm of a musical friend, known to most of us 
in connection with a certain life-buoy, has every pros- 
pect of a blow-out such as has never probably been 
enjoyed by any of his tribe, since his forefathers landed 
on Monnt Ararat. We have refrained thus far from 
making any lengthy allusion to our speedy emancipa- 
tion from the salt diet, for fear the hearts of our audi- 
ence might begin to beat so violently as to produce 
serious effects ; but, if all hands will content them- 
selves with simply allowing their mouths to water, it 
will give us great pleasure to dwell on the prospect 
of at least good fresh meat and vegetables ; and, al- 
though we do not feel justified in holding out immedi- 
ate hopes of great comfort, tobacco and 6uet will at 



least be plentiful, and we may all look forward ere 
long to comfortable quarters, good rations, strawberries 
and cream, and a settled life. It will be a treat, too, 
to have something to do, after a style of existence so 
lazy that must of us have been too lazy even to get 
fat. The ladies will pick up colour, the gentlemen 
look less haggard, and children who never walked be- 
fore toddle off on their own hook, as if they had bot- 
tled up all their toddling propensities for the last six 
months and had suddenly extracted the cork. In con- 
clusion, the "Emigrant Soldier's Gazette"' bids you a 
hearty good bye, and, in wishing every one health, hap- 
piness and prosperity in the new colony, only regrets 
that its term of days has expired, and that it cannot 
remain to share them with you. At the same time it 
would remind each one that, in bidding good bye to 
the "Thames City," and in looking back on their long 
sojourn together, which may it hopes be prolonged for 
another six years, they .should remember with grati- 
tude the Hand that has guided them in safety, ami pie- 
served them in health, throughout a voyage exceeding 
in distance, if not in duration, any that has ever before 
been accomplished by British troops. 

Althouhh we have just had the pleasure to record the ad- 
dition to the rising generation of two fine young gentlemen, 
it must be nevertheless confessed that obituaries are at present 
in the ascendancy. The days of our voyage are nigh number- 
ed, the newspaperis now breathing its last breath, the inhabi- 
tants of Poop Square are in a state of starvation, those of 
Hammock Street in pickle, and preserved milk and suet in an 
advanced stage of putrefaction. Like everything else, the 
theatrical season is also coming to a close, and we should 
deem it ill befitting the high attributes of our journal, were 
gratitude not numbered amongst its many good and estimable 
qualities, and did it not, in biddiug a general farewell, remem- 
ber to thank, in the name of our little world, those who have 
afforded us pleasure and recreation. Of all the little amuse- 
ments that have assisted very materially to render our dreary 
VOjrage as pleasant as anything of the kind can well be, 
whether we speak of the theatricals, the dancing, the boxing, 
the shaving, the singing, the bird catching, or the cock fight- 
ing, the first, viz: the theatre stands forth pre-eminent. Com- 
mencing at an early stage of our voyage, it luis gone on 
iteadily and successfully, something pleasant to look forward 
to every Wednesday or other evening, as the case might be, 
and sufficiently varied in the nature of the performances to 
delight the most fastidious audience situated in circumstances 
as peculiar as our own. And although, a short time ago, every 
one was in such a humour that he would hardly be pleased at 
anything, hot and lazy, and tired of everything and everybody, 
the manager and his company struggled manfully against all 
obstacles, and have produced on the last few occasions per- 
formances that have done credit to every one connected with 
them. First then to the kind originator, our Commanding 
Officer; secondly to Corporal Howsc, our indefatigable mana- 
ger; thirdly to the actors, the Christy's Minstrels, the Tyrolcse 
Minstrels, and the amateur singers and dancers, our hearty 
thanks are dne. Nor should our small orchestra be forgotten, 
who bytheir musical genius have helped us to pass pleasantly 
many a dull moment, bo'.h between the scenes at our 
theatre, and on the quarter-deck on fine evenings. There is 
one little point certainly about which we have cause for re- 
gret. Last Wednesday evening a gentleman, who gave us an 
interesting description of the locomotive powers of a cork leg, 
made his debut on the stage of the "Thames City," and a moat 
successful one it certainly was ; whether Corporal John W. 
had been thinking how, as a youngster, he used to eat all the 
crust of his tart first, with just enough apple to moisten it, 
.reserving all the cream and the best half of the apple on the 
side of his plate as a good mouthful for the conclusion, and 

had determined to extend this principle in our behalf, we are 
not at liberty to state, but certain it is that his apple and 
cream were very good, and formed a spicy conclusion to the 
evening's entertainment. Finally, we feel sure that, in bidding 
good bye for the time being to the theatre, we echo the senti- 
ments of the whole Detachment in thanking all concerned for 
the amusement they have so often afforded us, and will now 
content ourselves with looking forward to the time when the 
House will re-open once more on a better stage and in more 
pleasant circumstances than fall to our lot on the troop-deck 
of the "Thames City." 


Our long and somewhat wearisome voyage is fast drawing 
to a close, we are rapidly nearing our long wished for destina- 
tion, and before many days have elapsed, we may calculate on 
being able to bid adieu to the sea and sea-faring life, for at 
least some time to come. Although it cannot be denied that 
a six months' voyage is attended with a considerable amount 
of tedium and monotony, still all of us who have taken any 
interest in the contributions on Natural History in our paper 
must admit that, notwithstanding our limited resources, and 
isolated as we are from the rest of the world, we have subjects 
innumerable in the natural world which surrounds us to af- 
ford interesting study and instructive reflection to all thought- 
ful minds. The object of these articles on the .Natural His- 
tory of the Voyage has been to direct the attention of the 
student of Nature to the consideration of a few of the many 
objects of interest more or less directly connected with the 
sea, and, by describing the causes and effects of those pheno- 
mena which from time to time come under our notice, to lead 
the mind to contemplate the beauty ami grandeur "I' the world 
in which we live, and to impress us with the infinite 
and wisdom displayed in the miracles of nature by the Crea- 
tor of the Universe. It is to be hoped that the subject ha? 
proved worthy of interest, ami that not a few will be found 
prosecuting their researches in Natural History in the new- 
colony lo which we are bound, and which by all OCCOnn s 
teems with objects for the study of the Naturalist, who will 
undoubtedly be amply repaid tor any exertions which he may 
deem fit to make towards acquiring a knowledge of Nature, 
and an acquaintance with Qod's creatures. As this is to be 
the 1 1 i of our series of publications, 1 purpose giving a brief 
retrospect of the Natural History of the Voyage, a hiding 
chiefly to the subjects discussed and enlarged upon in the 
several numbers of our paper. In the first oar attention 
was drawn to the consideration of the Trade Winds, their 
causes and effects, and, at the same time, tnat man 
phenomenon which displayed itself so magnificently in the 
tropics, viz : the phosphorescence or luminosity of the sea 
was described and explained. We stated this marvellous ap- 
pearance to be due to the presence of numerous gelatinous 
looking animals called .Medusa', which have the power I 
ing out luminous flashes, anil which abound in countless 
myriads in most seas. A few days after the publication ot 
this statement an opportunity was afforded of testing the lu- 
minous properties of these remarkable creatures, a few of 
which, bavin- been Collected in a tumbler of water, were made 
to emit light by agitating and stirring up the water. The gen- 
eral character of the Ocean, its Baltness, its temperature, 
depth, and pressure, and the formation of waves, formed an- 
other interesting topic of discussion. An ever varied subject 
for contemplation was found in the description of the numer- 
ous tribes of living beings that throng the deep, from the huge 
whale to the luminous animalcules. Our constant companion 
during the first part of the voyage, the Stormy Petrel, was one 
of the first of the feathered tribe which arrested our attention: 
then came the Sea-Swallow, two or three specimens of which 
through extreme fatigue fell exhausted on the deck, and al- 
lowed themselves to be unresistingly captured. As we ap- 
proached the Southern latitudes the majestic Albatross, one 
specimen of which measured twelve feet between the extremi- 
ties of the extended wings, afforded an interesting topic for 
contemplation, and the sagacious and no less curiously form- 


ed birds, the Penguins, which we beheld for the first time at 
the Falkland Islands, were also in their turn brought under 
notice. The Natural History of the Falkland Islands, al- 
though only briefly alluded to, was full of interest and instruc- 
tion, and served to convince us that these Islands were not 
so barren of animated creatures as they at first sight appeared 
to be. Very few fish have come across our path, and with 
the exception of the occasional appearance of a few Bonitos, 
Pilot fish. Flying fish, Porpoises and Whales, we have had 
very few opportunities of studying the nature and habits of 
many of the finny tribes. The Classification of the Animal 
creation into Divisious, Classes, and Orders, formed another 
subject treated of in the weekly contributions, and lastly, the 
connection between Thunder and Lightning and Electric fluid 
was traced and discussed. Such is the enumeration of the 
various natural objects which have formed the subjects of our 
remarks in connection with the Natural History of the Voy- 
age. I need not say that volumes might be written on any 
one of them, so endless and varied are the topics which are 
classed under the head of Natural Science. Be assured that 
there is no study more calculated to cheer the life than the 
pursuit of Natural History, and, trusting that these contribu- 
tions may have the effect of leading some of you to turn your 
attention to a study so attractive, I bring my remarks to a 
conclusion. Naturalist. 


"~THB fair sex. 

To the Editor. 

Sin, — Some time ago a paragraph appeared in your columns 
offering a handsome reward to anybody who would discover 
the means of preventing women from fighting with, quarrel- 
ling with, and abusing one another. Nobody has hitherto 
ventured his opinion on so touchy a subject. Many of us 
have doubtless often noticed Ponto and the "Horrible Lurch- 
er" standing side by side in solemn dignity on the deck of the 
'•Thames City," neither of them looking at the other, Ponto 
with his tail for once in his life in the air, the "Lurcher" with 
bis stump elevated in a similar manner, and both thinking 
that the other is no better than he should be, and that there 
is not room for both of them in the "T. C." Presently comes 
a growl from Ponto, ditto from Lurcher, next a reciprocal 
snarl, then a bite, and finally a fight. So (we beg their par- 
dons) is the case with the fair sex. Women will be women 
wherever they are, and when we come to consider that so 
many of them have been for six mouths cooped up in the con- 
fined locality of the Dove-cot, with nothing to do but think 
aud talk of what Mrs. So-aud-so said of Mrs. What-d'ye-call- 
'era, and what Mrs. Thingumigag said of Mrs. Fol-de-rol, no 
longer can we wonder that cooing has eventually subsided 
into snarling and backbiting, and that, like crinoline, the lit- 
tle world they live in is, after six months of it, becoming too 
small for them. The fuct is that the ladies in question have 
shut the doors of their hearts for the time being to all tender 
feelings, determined to preserve their six months' stock till 
they are once more able to bestow them in the right direction, 
and although, rather late in the day, I by no mean3 venture to 
lay claim to the reward, the whole fact of the matter is, that 
a month on shore, strong tea, freedom from the bile created 
by junk and biscuit, and restoration to conjugal affection, 
will speedily set them all to rights, and enable them once more 
rightfully to assume the epithet of "Doves." 

I am, sir, 4c, 



XLIX. Why ought the passengers of the "Thames City" never to starve ? 

L. When is an ox not au ox? 

Akswkr to XLVI. .Preserved pears (pairs). 

" XLVII. Because they are stationary. 

M XLVIII. When his estates are all in entails (hen tails). 

' ( XLIX. Because, though a hen can lay hut one egg, the "Thames 
City" can always lay to (two). 

1 ' L. When it is turned into a meadow. 

$tacal and $Ritttarg Jntynhjciup. 




Miles Run. 

Mar. 31st . 

. 38°59'N. . 

. 134° 24' W. . 

. N.N.E.UE. 155 m 
. N.E.%N.146m. 
. N.bE.^E. 54 m. 

April 1st 

. 40°55'N. . 

. 132° 30' W. . 

' ' 2nd . 

. 41°47'N. . 

. 132° 13' W. . 

To-day at noon Cape Flattery bore N.E.JN. 518 miles. 
For the information of those who are interested, we may as 
well state that we have been 175 days on board the "Thames 
City," 148 of which have been spent at sea. The total of our 
daily runs is 1 7,070 miles, making a daily average of 115 miles, 
or about 4| miles per hour. 

Stokes, &(i. 

Scottish Square Measure. — A public dinner in Edinburgh 
had dwindled away to two guests, an Englishman and an High- 
land gentleman, who were each trying to prove the superiori- 
ty of their native countries. Of course at an argument of 
this kind a Scotchman possesses overwhelming advantages. 
The Highlander's logic was so good that he beat his opponent 
upon every point. At last the Englishman put a poser, "You 
will,'' he said, "at least admit that England is larger in ex- 
tent that Scotland." "Certainly not," was the confident re- 
ply, "you see, sir, ours is a mountainous country, yours is 
flat, now, if all our hills were rolled out flat, we should beat 
you by hundreds of square miles. 

A Secret. — "How do you do Mrs. Tom? Have you heard 
that story about Lundy?" "Why no, really, Mrs. Gabb, do 
tell — what is it?" "Oh, I promised not to tell for all the 
worldl no, I must never tell on't. I'm afraid it will get out." 
"Why, I'll never tell on't as long as I live, just as true as the 
world. What is it? come tell." "Now, you wont say any- 
thing about it, will you?" "No, I'll never open my head about 
it — never. Hope to die this minute." "Well, if you believe 
me, Mrs. Lundy told me, last night, that Mrs. Trot told her, 
that her sister's husband was told by a person, that Mrs. 
Trouble's eldest daughter told Nichens, that her grandmother 
heard, by a letter that she got from her third sister's second 
husband's eldest brother's step-daughter, that it was reported 
by the captain of a clam-boat arrived from the Feejee Islands 
that the mermaids about that section wore shark-skin bustles 
stuffed with pickled eels." 

Very Lean. — They have a man in Mississippi so lean that 
he makes uo shadow at all. A rattle-snake struck at his leg 
six times in vain, and retired in disgust. He makes all hungry 
who look at him, and when children meet him in the street 
they run home crying for bread. 

Pat's Belief. — An English gentleman, wishing to discover 
the religion of an Irish guide, and not wishing to put the 
question of faith plump to him, enquired, "Paddy, what's your 
belief?" To which Pat replied, "Wisha, then, upon my soul, 
yer honour, but I'm of my landlady's belief." "What's that 
Paddy?" "Wisha, an' I'll tell you ; but I owe her five half 
years rint, and she believes that I'll never pay her, and upon 
my soul but that's my belief too." 

Parhct Jntcttigcnrc 

Since our last communication things in general have been very dull. 
SUGAR — There was some talk of no more Sugar coming into the market, 

hut the growers thought it would not do, so a supply was obtained. 
TEA, COCOA, FLOUR & RAISINS— Are getting very scarce, and if a fresh 

supply of the former and latter articles is not soon obtained the supplies 

will be stopped. 
FRESH MUTTON — Is in great demand, but such an article is never to bo 

seen in the markets. 
FRESH PORK — There was an arrival of Fresh Pork this week of very good 

quality and in great demand, when good sales were effected. 
SALT PORK & BEEF— The sales of Salt Pork and Beef appear to bo getting 

stale, for all the citizens are going mad for fresh meat, which they expect 

to have in a few days (weather permitting). 
SUET — Is in great demand, but it is of such an inferior quality that people 

will not have it at any price. 
TOBACCO— The Tobacco crops are a dead failure. 


£onss and goetrg. 


A ship once Bailed nn a voyage long, 

With si\ score HoMitTH stout and Htrong, 

With married women thirty-one, 

Thirty -four children plump and young. 

October the 9th they oeme on board, 

October the 10th the Pilot roared 

1 'All binds uji anchor! " and off they go, 

To the tone or the Ballon **ho heigh ho!" 

Gravesend behind, coon came the Nore, 

The Dome at last, but Dot before 

October the Kih fifty -eight, 

On a Sunday night and terribly late, 

l>id the good • 'Thames City*' weigh once more, 

And down the channel (bam and roar. 

Bo they Bailed along did this goodly crew, 

Sonic nick. - *t'vt\y , some white, some blue; 

By and bye, however, they Ml got right; 

A paper they had each Saturday night. 

Afterwards songs Id the moon's pau light; 

And oft they would dwell on their prospects bright 

In Colombia land, their destination, 

With 1 1 h mines of gold for the Kiiglish nation. 

Christmas day they spent at sea, 

And made themselves jolly as jolly could bo; 

Three days after they made the land. 
And soun the Pilot's steady hand 

Steered them safe Into Stanley Port-, 

For fear tiny should ere long Vail short 

Of water— If) days spent here, 

Where- provisions of" at] sorts were horribly dear, 

Heigh, heigh, ho I they're off again 

To the horri hie cold and the pelting rain, 

And the winds, and the sea, and every ill 

Of Cape Horn's dreary regions, till 

in 4m South the weather became 

Mild, and line, and jolly again. 

Kour days then tn Valparaiso, 

Where, it's quite true, though I'm sorry to Bay so. 

Tiny can't find anything better to do 

Than Bqn Lbblfl and kirk up a hullihalloo. 

Off again OH St. Va hut i lie's day; 

Tiny crossed the Equator, so they say, 

On the 9th of March, and, doubt it who may, 
No ooe got drunk on St. Patrick's day. 
At length a chap, said to be witty, 
Thought he would write a farewell ditty, 
So when 17,000 miles they'd run, 
And all weir happy and full of fun, 
lie determined to pay his farewell debt 

To the dying ' - Emigrant Soldiers' Gazette," 

And, when scarce BUO miles from harbour, 

Thus commenced bis long pahweri 
Farewell to the cold and freesing blast, 

The bursting sail and iiuivenng mast; 

Whib foam-capp'd waves defy the gale, 

We'll snugly Sip OUT t-i m -rapped ale. 

Farewell ''head wind-" and ''quarter breen ■ 
Bach puff may come from whence it pleasesi 
Farewell to Cape Horn's cold and wet, 
Farewell the tropics' sun and sweat, 
Farewell thefbkale, waist, and poop, 
Fan well thick biscuit and thin pea Boup, 
Farewell thesuet, grog, audjuuk, 
One was weak , the others stunk. 

Farewell to the Inn-coop and lonely duck, 

Farewell to Long-boat Square and muck, 
Farewell to Laundry Lane and Galleys, , 

We'll rook " grub In glades and valleys. 

Farewell to BheetS, and spars, and sails, 
Farewell to dolphins, sharks, and whales. 

Farewell tO the rigging, farewell to the decks, 

Farewell to the hatch n here we've nigh broke our neoks. 
Farewell to the dove-cot, brewell to the hugs. 
And the noises thai evi m night sound in onr lags. 
Farewell to the cabin, (farewell to the goose, 
ii to the pantry and steward's caboose, 

Farewell to the bammocks, tare well SO the cleWfl, 

Farewell to the wonld-be Irish -tews, 
farewell to con kroaches and thieving cant, 
And a long farewell to those horrible rats, 
That screech and quarrel m sry night , 
And make one shudder and feel In a fright. 
Far ewe ll to parades with bared neoks ami fleet, 
Farewell to the Ume-Juice that's hardly sweet, 
Farewell to the water of rusty hue. 
Farewell to the "Abstractor Progress" tooi 

Farewell to our everlasting view 
Of cloudy sky and ocean blue, 
Farewell to the Petrel's warning note. 

Farewell ti» our dreary life afloat ; 

I've three good hearty ferewells yet: 

Farewell to the " Kniigrant Soldiers' Gazette," 
A long farewell to the old ' 'Thames City," 
Faro well at lout to my farewell ditty. 


Pear loved home, tbo' far I wander, 

Still my thoughts will cling to tbee; 

Friends of youth, though far asunder, 

Dearer Mill art thou to me. 

Home alone hath peaceful pleasure, 

In that bosom there in rest ; 

Thou that hold'st my heart's beBt treasure. 

Thou alone can'st make me blest. 

See as arm in arm delighted, 

Yon loved couple gaily roam. 

Thus have I been oft united, 

Kre I left my native home. 

I>ear companions of my childhood, 

How 'twould joy my heart to roam 

Once again with thee the wihlwood, 

Hound my peaceful, happy home. 

She fur whom I hourly languish, 

Might I hope to find her heart 

All unchanged, 'twould soothe my anguish, 

Grief from mine would noon depart. 

Dear loved home, tho' far I wander. 

Still my thoughts will cling to thee, 

Friends of youth, though far asunder, 

Dearer still art thou to me. 


Is there a darkey that never loved, 
or left soil woman's sigh, 

T.s there a darkey that never loved 

Soft woman's tenrful Bye. 

Oh! heai nn i ■ ■ ■■ me sultry shore, 

Or to some lonely cell, 

Where conies ne'er grief nor savage roar. 

But happydarkeys dwell. 


On tho 14th ultimo, the wife of Bapper John Murray, R. E. , of a son. 
Lat . 10° 6' N. Long. 116° 45' \V. 

On the 26th ultimo, the wtft of Sapper Thomas Walsh, R. E., of a son 
and heir. Lat. 32° 00' M. Long. 137° -1/ W. 


On Sunday, the 13th ult., Elizabeth, the wife of Sniper George Newton, 
It. E. 

^dveriiscments. e FLo-yed. 

Tuv. KANAGBB of the sibovs Theatre ha- the imnour to snnonnce to the 
nobility, gentry and public of this -'Cit \ . " thai he has i„ rehearsal the 
popular Comic Uraina, in two Acts, by John Ma Idi-on Mr, r ton, entitled, 

&m yn^ 03 the H032 o^ 1 Amzm P 

Which will he played on Monday evening, the 4th Inlt., forming tho olcee 
..f tlir Theatrical season in this "City." 


Marquis de Ligny, (Captain of Kind's Htttketsera,) J. Turnl.ull. 

Count de lirissac, (his friend,) c. Binnett. 

I'omalet, A. R. I 

Pumoiit, Ii 

Pint Officer J. Dtfrby. 

Second Officer V, . Baton. 

Messenger, Yates. 

daughter,) R. Wolfenden. 

Marietta, (her cousin,) J. Meade. 

Seen* — Amicus. Period — lti34. 

At the close of the career of the "Emigrant Soldiers Ga- 
zette and Cape Horn Chronicle," we cannot but feel that it 
has been the means of affording us all much rations! enter- 
tainment and useful information. We deem it therefore a 
hearty pleasure, and one in which we feel sure all hands will 
participate, to record our sincere thauks to Captain Marsh, of 
the Royal Engineers, whose kind forethought supplied us 
with means and materials for establishing it, and, with the 
hope that it lias attained the object of its kind originator, we 
bid our readers a final farewell. 


The publication of tho Emigrant Soldiers' Uaiette and Cape Horh 
Chronicle was commenced at noon on Thursday, and was complete. 1 at 
4p. m. this day. Published at the Editor's Office, Starboard Front Cabin, 
" Thames City . " 


Twelve Survivors of the Corps of Royal Engineers who Founded the Royal City Entertained at 
Luncheon, New Westminster, on the 13th October, 1909. 

[From the "Daily Columbian" op Wednesday October 13th, 1909.] 


Old timers and pioneers of this city and district are the 
chief centres of interest at the Exhibition to-day, aud 
every possible honour Is being accorded the twelve sur- 
vivors of that famous corps of Royal Engineers who 
founded the City of New Westminster and assisted in 
establishing a system of law and order in the Province of 
British Columbia. 

At one o'clock to-day Mayor W. H. Keary, manager of 
the Exhibition, entertained these pioneers at luncheon at 
his home. The members of the corps present at the luncheon 
were Thomas Argyle, Rocky Point, Vancouver Island; 
Samuel Archer, New Westminster; Lewis F. Bonson, Port 
Hammond; Robert Butler, Victoria; Henry Bruce, New 
Westminster; John Cox, Victoria; Allan Cummins, Van- 
couver; William Hall, Sumas; William Hayues, Victoria; 
Philip Jackman, Aldergrove; George Turner, New West- 
minster, and Lieut-Colonel Richard Wolfenden, Victoria. 
Matthew Hall, of Sumas, and John Musselwhite, of Chilli- 
wack, were unavoidably absent. 

Hon. Richard McBride, Premier of British Columbia, 
and Judge Howay were the only ones present beside the 
Royal Engineers. After luncheon the host, Mayor Keary, 
proposed a toast to His Majesty the King. Premier McBride 
proposed the toast to "Our Guests: the Surviviors of the 
Royal Engineers." Judge Howay then read an interesting 
paper prepared by one of the pioneers, Lieut.-Colonel 
Wolfenden, giving an interesting description of the trip from 
England to British Columbia, around Cape Horn, over fifty 
years ago. 

At the conclusion of the speaking special badges were pre- 
sented to the Royal Engineers present at the luncheon as 
souvenirs of the occasion. A photograph of the group was 
taken, and the party were then driven in carriages to the 
Exhibition grounds. This evening they will be the guests 
of honour at the Scotch concert to be given in the Opera 


Colonel Wolfenden, in his address, was reminiscent of the 
incidents of the voyage of the old ship "Thames City," 
which brought to British Columbia from England the main 
body of Royal Engineers, who were selected for service on 
the Mainland, or what was then termed the Crown Colony 
of New Caledonia. The speaker, to give effectiveness to 
his narrative, threw it into the form of a supposed dialogue, 
overheard between two, now comparatively old, gentlemen, 
sons of two of the " Sappers," who accompanied their 
parents on the ship to this new land, a land then thought 
by some to be a vast wilderness, and it would, probably, 
remarked Col. Wolfenden, never have been heard of had it 
not been for the accidental discovery of gold in the Fraser 
River in 1858, and but for which discovery the detachment 
of Royal Engineers would not have been sent out to this 
country. It was on the request of Governor Douglas, he 
points out, that Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton, then Secretary 
of State for the Colonies, decided to send out a detachment 
of Royal Engineers to assist the Governor in maintaining 
law and order, to construct roads and trails; to erect 
bridges, to make surveys, to conduct explorations, and 
generally to assist in colonising the country. 

You all know (the speaker said) that that vast, and then 
unknown, wilderness is now the richest, the brightest and 
fairest Province of the whole Dominion. It is not for me 
to say what share the Royal Engineers had in furthering 
the marvellous development that has taken place since their 
arrival in the then new colony of British Columbia. You 
will, however, I think, agree with me that but for their 
presence in the country this magnificent Province might 
have been lost to the British Crown. 


(Omittnl from "Columbian" for want of space). 

The shakers, as I said before, were sous of Sappers, and 
having heard that it was the intention to hold a Jubilee 
celebration of the arrival of the Royal Engineers in the 
country, happened to meet in the Guichon Hotel last night, 
and after partaking of one or two whiskies-and-sodas and 
several cigars, naturally commenced to relate their reminls- 
ceneea of the long voyage of six months that it took to 
bring them to this fair land. 

" I say, llughie," said Johnny, " do you remember when 
we came out with our Fathers and Mothers in the ' Thames 
City?' We were only little chaps then." 

"Yes. I do. Johnny, and wasn't she a regular old tub?" 

" Well, perhaps she was an old tub, Hughie, but didn't 
she bring us safely here, and didn't she behave like a 
thoroughly good ship when she came round the Horn?" 

" Oh, yes, she was a safe old boat, Johnny. 1 say, do you 
remember that night when the hatches were battened down, 
when we nil thought we were going to the bottom of the 

" Yes, Hughie, and didn't the women and children scream, 
and weren't the men all huddled together in their hammocks, 
perhaps some of them praying ' God save us.' Then were 
all as silent as the dead." 

" Yes, Johnny, and weren't all of us youngsters afraid to 
sleep that night, and weren't our Fathers and Mothers, our 
sisters and brothers, and all the men, thankful when 
morning came and the wind had somewhat calmed down, 
and the hatches had been uncovered, the men sang and 
whistled for pure joy." 

" Hughie, do you remember Captain Luard, the command- 
ing officer, always with his monocle In his right eye — ' Old 
Scrooge ' the men called him — how he had the men paraded 
every morning in bare feet, so that the pudgy little Doctor 
Seddall could inspect them? What for I don't know, unless 
it was to see that they had not got the foot-rot." 

"Oh, yes, I remember that, Johnny, and although the men 
did call the Captain ' Old Scrooge,' I think they all liked 
him, for didn't he often read to them out of Dickens's and 
other works, and didn't he furnish them with all kinds of 
games to amuse them during the long voyage, and wasn't 
he a good-hearted, considerate man?" 

" Oh, yes, Johnny, and didn't they all like to hear him 
read the ' Emigrant Soldiers' Gazette ' every Saturday 
night, that was edited by a fellow named Charlie Sinnett. 
Wasn't he a funny little fellow, a sandy-haired chap, who 
used to wear a dirty smock." 

" Yes, Hughie, but he was a clever fellow for all that. 
and wasn't it great fun to listen to his scraps of poetry on 
' Matilda,' the fellow who was the Doctor's assistant, and 
who used to lead a little black cat around the ship with a 
blue ribbon round its neck?" 

" Yes, but my ! Johnny, didn't Matilda give it him back 
hot and strong, and weren't we all sorry when the two 
fellows couldn't accept each other's banter without quarrel- 
ling, so that the Captain had to stop them, and we lost a 
lot of fun. 

" By the way, Hughie, why did they call that fellow 
•Matilda' ? 

" Oh, it was because he was more like a woman than a 
man, with his finicky ways." 

" Yes. Johnny, and wasn't there a young chap — Lieut. 
Palmer, I think his name was — he was a regular swell. 

They said he was the Assistant Editor of the ' Gazette,' and 
I think he must have been, for there were many interesting 
scientific articles in the paper which I think must have been 
written by him, for he was a clever fellow. I have beard 
it said that he was a wonderful man at figures, could add 
up pounds, shillings and pence all at once — just run his 
fingers up the three columns of figures and tell you the 
total in a jiffy." 

" Some of the fellows used to think that Doctor Seddall— 
the men called him Bouncer ' — was a frequent contributor 
to the paper : perhaps he might have been the author of 
those articles on the Natural History of the voyage." 

" Yes, Hughie, perhaps he was, but if he did not write 
them, either Captain Luard, Lieut. Palmer, or the Parson 
did. Anyway, whoever wrote them, don't you think they 
were cleverly written?" 

" Yes, indeed, Johnny. Do you remember the great fun 
we had on board when the men got up private theatrical! ; 
and don't you remember that chap — Howse I think his name 
was — who called himself the manager of the Theatre Koyal? 
And didn't he think himself smart?" 

" Yes, Hughie, I remember how he rigged his company 
out, making us really believe he was the manager of a real 
'City Theatrical Troupe.' But he was a clever chap, for 
didn't he and his fellow actors help to make us laugh, and 
thus amuse us?" 

" Oh, I say, Johnny, do you remember the names of the 
fellows who assisted him, thought they could act a bit? I 
think some of the names were Sinnett, Turnhull, Benney, 
Franklin, Derham. Eaton, Elliott, Hazel (Matilda), Laun- 
ders, Mead and Dick Wolfenden. Dick sometimes used to 
take a lady's part." 

" Oh yes, Hughie, fancy white-haired old Colonel Wolfen- 
den, as we know him now, acting the part of ' Lydla ' in 
' Done on Both Sides.' But they say he was then a nice, 
slim, modest young fellow, and that he was always a 
' ladies ' man. Oh, but weren't they all funny, and didn't 
they make our Mothers and us kids laugh?" 

"And, Johnny, didn't they have lots of concerts on board, 
and balls, and all kinds of fun, and didn't the women like 
to dress themselves up in their very best for the occasion, 
and didn't we kids enjoy the fun, too?" 

"Y'es, Hughie, wasn't Franklin funny when he sang ' My 
Pretty Maid,' when one side of him was the maid and the 
other the man, and didn't Woodcock, Derham, Sinnett, 
Argyle (from Brum) and others bring down the house with 
their humourous songs, and didn't ' Professor ' Haynes and i 
nis splendid baud add greatly to our amusement?" 

" I say, Johnny, I was reading the other day a printed 
copy of the ' Emigrant Soldiers' Gazette ' and I see that 
they had streets and squares and alleys, and all other things 
like they have in a town. How was that?" said Hughie. 

" Oh, don't you know that the ship we sailed in was 
called the ' Thames City,' so the silly editor tried to make 
us believe that we were living in a real city. Do you remem- 
ber. Hughie. the horrible murder that he said took place one 
day, when an old gentleman named ' Jimmy ' was found 
dead, and his body horribly mutilated?" 

" Yes, the fool editor tried to make us all believe it was 
a real murder, when it was only Cooper (our butcher) who 
had cut the throat of an old sheep, to save its life. Wasn't 
it silly on the part of the Editor? But it made our Fathers 
and Mothers and all the men laugh, and I think we 
youngsters laughed, too." 

" Hughie, do you remember the old ship putting into 
the Falkland Islands? Wasn't it a treat to get on shore once 
again after about three months at sea? And didu't we 

youngsters enjoy going shopping with our Fathers and 
Mothers, and buying lollypops, etc.,? although we could 
scarcely keep our feet, still feeling the rolling of the ship." 

" Yes, Johnny, and I think the men must have had a 
jolly time on shore, too, for I sometimes think that the 
unsteady gait of some of them when they came on board 
was not altogether due to the bad behaviour of the ship. 

" Well, Hughie, don't you think that the officers and men 
tried to amuse the women and children and all on board, 
and make the voyage as enjoyable as could be under the 
circumstances ?" 

" Yes, Johnny, and wasn't it nice to hear that editor chap, 
Sinnett, sing his ' farewell ditty ' when we were nearing the 
end of the voyage ; and oh ! can we ever forget the day 
when our good old ship safely entered Esquimau Harbour 
on the 12th of April, 1859?" 

" Oh, those were happy days, Hughie. And weren't they 
a fine, jolly lot of men, and didn't they look smart on 
Sunday Parade, in their splendid scarlet uniforms?" 

" Yes, Johnny, they were a fine-looking lot of men. There 
were tall men and short men, round, plump men, and thin 
men ; men with black beards, men with red beards and 
others with no beards at all ; young fellows, some of them, 
not then out of their teens. And there was one man with a 
grey beard, a man who had been in many wars and had five 
or six medals. You know who I mean, Johnny? Oh, but 
he was a grand old man." 

"Oh, yes (tearfully), I know who you mean, Hughie. 
And do you know this man — a man in the full prime of 
manhood, a man with red, curly hair, and wearing a 
splendid red beard — such a well set-up man and so strong 
and healthy ; such a handy man, too, a man who could do 
almost anything — make you a pair of boots, build you a 
boat, or print you a map, and I don't know what he couldn't 
do. Do you know who that man was, Hughie?" 

"Yes, yes, I know, Johnny (almost sobbing)." 

" And there was a fat, chubby little chap — quite a boy — 
who used to blow the bugle for the men to parade, and to 
call them to dinner ; and oh ! couldn't he make it sound, 
and wasn't he proud of his bugle?" 

" Yes, he was a dandy player, and wasn't he the pet of all 
the women? Do you think you could recognise him now 
if you were to meet him? He must be quite an old chap 
now. And, oh, do you remember one day when the ship 
was rolling and pitching, the poor fellow fell down the 
hatch and broke his arm?" 

" Yes, I remember that, but the Doctor and ' Matilda,' 
(who nursed him in the hospital) soon put him to rights." 

" I say, Hughie, I used to hear the men talking about 
' Splicing the Main Brace,' what did that mean?" 

" Oh, don't you know that every day when the sun passed 
over the yard-arm, at 12 o'clock noon, the Quarter-Master 
(Davy Osment) used to serve the men with grog and lime 
juice. They called that ' Splicing the Main Brace.' " 

" And do you remember, Johnny, our leaving Esquimau 
Harbour on board the steamer ' Eliza Anderson ' on our way 
to our future home ' The Camp,' New Westminster, and that 
we got stuck on the sandheads at the mouth of the Fraser 

" Yes, quite well, and I saw in the papers the other day 
that another ship got stuck on the same sandheads." 

" Well, Hughie, we have had a good yarn about our 
experiences on board ship. What do you think of the doings 
of the Detachment after their arrival in the Colony?" 

" I think, Johnny, that, on the whole, our men and our 
women, and we boys and girls who came out with them, 
have reason to believe that they and we played no small 
part in assisting to colonise this wonderful country." 

" Yes, Hughie, but isn't it sad to think that at the Jubilee 
of our arrival to-morrow there now only remain, out of the 
one hundred and fifty men, fourteen who have been spared 
to take part in the celebration, and that nearly all the 
Mothers have passed away, too." 

" Yes, Johnny, it is truly sad that so many have gone to 
their long home, yet we have the consolation of knowing 
that they strove to do their duty, and that they have left 
hundreds of descendants to help in upbuilding this splendid 


True to their motto, time but enhances their fame ; 
Hard though their task nothing could them restrain ; 
Ending their long sea voyage and on shore once again, 

Robust, strong and willing, success their brightest aim. 
On Fraser's mighty river-bank their home a canvas tent, 
You soon could hear the humming that saw and hammer sent. 
A city stands upon the spot where, fifty years ago, 
Lo ! the Indian and coyotes enjoyed their to and fro. 

Every way they cut new trails where white had never been ; 
No grander road than Cariboo new country's ever seen. 
Girtling streams with bridges, felling mighty pines, 
Initial work in everything — even churches in their line. 
Nobly did they do their work, B. C. will always tell, 
Empire-builders surely ! their descendant offspring swell. 
Esteemed by one and all are the few that now remain ; 
Remembered in all honour those who've left this earthly train. 
Symbols of their motto, they upheld their glorious name, 
B. C. admits " Vbique quo fas et gloria ducttnt " a motto 
without stain. 

8th March, 1909. 


The story of the work of the Royal Engineers in British 
Columbia is an interesting one as set forth by Lieut-Colonel 
R. Wolfenden in a paper read before the Veteran's Associa- 
tion of Vancouver Island on November 23rd, 1900. It gives 
an excellent conception of the services performed for 
British Columbia by this body of men now celebrating the 
fiftieth anniversary of their arrival here. It was owing 
to the discovery of gold in 1858, in what was then termed 
New Caledonia, that Sir James Douglas, Governor of Van- 
couver Island, reported to the British Government the 
advisability of appointing a Governor to administer the 
new territory in case of a sudden rush of miners. Mr. 
Douglas was appointed Governor of the Colony of British 
Columbia, as it was named. A body of men possessed of 
military and scientific acquirements was sent out to the 
new colony to support Governor Douglas and to contribute 
to the improvement and colonisation of the country. This 
body of men was selected from the Royal Engineers, under 
the command of six officers. Colonel R. C. Moody, Captain 
J. M. Grant, Captain R. M. Parsons, Captain H. R. Luard, 
Lieut. A. R. Lempriere and Lieut. II. S. Palmer, also Dr. 
Seddall as medical officer. 

From the large number of volunteers one hundred and 
fifty non-commissioned officers and men were selected. The 
men were composed of surveyors, astronomers, engineers, 
draughtsmen, architects, accountants, clerks, printers, litho- 
graphers, carpenters, boat builders, blacksmiths, shoemakers, 
tailors and men of all other trades and callings who were 
fitted to perform some special work in the new colony. 

The first detachment of this corps left Southampton on 
September 2nd on the steamer La Plata, and these were 
followed shortly afterwards by a second detachment, under 
Captain Grant. The main body, in charge of Captain H. 
It. Luard, Lieut. A. R. Lemprlere, Lieut. H. S. Palmer and 
Dr. Seddall, with 118 non-commissioned officers and men, 31 
women and 34 children sailed from Graveseud In the 
steamer "Thames City" on October 10th, 1858. They 
arrived at Esqulmalt on April 12th, 1859, after a long and 
rather tedious six months' voyage around Cape Horn. 

Owing to Captain Marsh the tedium of the journey was 
relieved by the publication of a weekly paper In manuscript 
form called " The Emigrant Soldiers' Gazette and Cape 
Horn Chronicle." This was edited by Corporal Charles 
Slnnett, and was read by the Captain every Saturday night. 
Lieut.-Colonel Wolfenden has since republished this paper 
In book form, which Is one of the most interesting features 
of the historical exhibit at the Pair. 

On their arrival at Esqulmalt the main body of the party 
proceeded by the steamer " Eliza Anderson," to their future 
home on the Fraser River. A camp was established on 
the present site of the Provincial Penitentiary. At that 
time the City of New Westminster was covered by a dense 
forest, the only signs of human habitation being a crude 
jetty, a saloon conducted by T. J. Scott, late of Port Moody ; 
a butcher shop conducted by the late Robert Dickinson ; a 
grocery by W. J. Armstrong, and a bakery by Philip Hicks. 

The party arrived here fifty years ago and at once pro- 
ceeded to establish the capital of British Columbia here. 
Fort Langley was chosen by Governor Douglas, but was 
later abandoned for Queeusborough. There was some dis- 
satisfaction with the name, and the matter was submitted 

to the Queen, who named the city New Westminster. The 
party proceeded to build barracks, to survey the sites of the 
city, and of Hope, Yale, Lytton, Douglas, Llllooet, Clinton, 
Richfield and others ; they conducted numerous explora- 
tions and surveys throughout the country, and established 
astronomical stations; they constructed many roads, streets 
and bridges, notably the waggon road from Douglas to 
Pembertou Lake ; the first and most difficult section of the 
Yale-Cariboo Waggon Road, the Hope Mountain Trail, as 
well as the principal streets and roads in and about New 
Westminster ; they formed a gold escort and brought gold 
down from Cariboo ; they designed the first English churches 
built at New Westminster and Sapperton, as well 
as the first school-house; they designed the first 
British Columbia coat-of-arms and the first postage stamp 
used in the Colony; they built, at their own cost, a reading- 
room, library and theatre, In which many interesting 
entertainments were held during the winter mouths, as 
will be remembered by many old residents ; they established 
the Lands and Works Department and the Government 
Printing Office, and printed the first B. C. " Gazette " on the 
1st January, 18(33. Law and order were maintained by the 
party and a form of government instituted. 

The detachment disbanded in October, 1863, after five 
years' service, and all the officers and twenty-five or thirty 
men returned to the Old Country. Those who remained 
were given a free grant of 150 acres of land, and engaged 
in various occupations In the new colony. Fourteen of the 
survivors still reside in British Columbia, of whom twelve 
are in the city celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of their 