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Full text of "The Ethnology Of Beda Badaga Jangam Caste In Andhra Pradesh"

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must mention the sub-caste (in case of Scheduled Castes) and sub-tribe or
sub-group (in case of Scheduled Tribes) as listed out in the S.Cs., and S.Ts.,
(Amendment) Act, 1976.




whereas an application has been made by................. (name of the certificate

seeker) S/o. D/o, W/o....................................(name of the father/husband)

for the issue of Community, Nativity and Date of Birth Certificate under Section
3(1)/Sec.3(2) of the AP(Scheduled CAstes, Scheduled Tribes and BCs) Regu-
lation of Issue of Community Certificates Act, 1993. Notice is hereby given that
an enquiry will be made about the community claim of the above mentioned

applicant by the undersigned at...................(time) on...............(date) of.......

(month) 19............(year) at...............(place). He/She shall appear without

fail at the said place on the said date and said time to substantiate his or her
community claim, with oral and documentary evidence, failing which the Com-
petent Authority will confirm or reject the community claim of the applicant
based on the documents/evidence furnished by the applicant in Form l/ll to the
Competent Authority and the material/evidence gathered by the Competent
Authority in this case. He/She may bring his/her parent to assist him/her in the

Place:                                                                 Signature and designation of

Date:                                                                        Competent Authority





Whereas a reference has been received by the Scrutiny Committee from the
Competent Authority {specify the authority) regarding doubts about your com-
munity daim that you belong to SC/ST/BC community. The Committee now
therefore directs you to attend the enquiry regarding your community claim on

..................(date) at...........(time) at............(place) without fail. You are

required to furnish alt the documentary evidence in support of your community
daim on the said date failing which the Scrutiny Committee will finalise its rec-
ommendations based on the material/documents/evidence made available to
the Committee by the Competent Authority. You may bring your parents/guard-
ian to assist you in the enquiry.

Date:                                                      Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee

Place:                                                                   (Joint Collector)
