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Full text of "The Ethnology Of Beda Badaga Jangam Caste In Andhra Pradesh"

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4.      The Commission submitted its report on 28-5-1997 which
was examined in depth by the Cabinet Sub-Committee
constituted vide G.O. second cited. The Cabinet Sub-
Committee recommended for acceptance of most of the
recommendations of the Commission to the Government. The
Government after careful consideration of the report of the
Commission, have agreed with the findings of the Cabinet Sub-
Committee and accept the following findings of the Commission:
I.         There is disproportionate distribution of reservation
benefits in favour of the "Mala" group and "Adi-
Andhra" group of scheduled caste communities
compared to their respective populations.
II.         Both the "Madiga" group and "Relli" group of
communities are not adequately represented either
in public appointments or in educational institutions
compared to their respective populations.
III.         There is no Constitutional bar in categorising these
S.C. communities into four groups "A", "B11, "Cn and
"D" on a rational basis,
5.      Therefore, the Government have decided to implement the
following recommendations of the Commission with immediate
i) The "Relli" group of communities willl consist of the
following sub-castes as listed in the Andhra Pradesh Scheduled
Castes Presidential Order 1950, i.e.
8.     Bavuri
12.    Chachati
16.    Chandala
18.    Dandasi