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Full text of "Expression Of The Emotions In Man And Animals"

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certain sensations, desires, &e., are still performed
analogous circumstances through mere habit althougi3-
of no service. We have combinations of this kind? at least;
in part, in the frantic gestures of rage and in the writb.—
ings of extreme pain; and, perhaps, In the increased ac-
tion of the heart and of the respiratory organs. Even
when these and other emotions or sensations are arousecL
in a very feeble manner, there will still he a tendencv to
similar actions, owing to the force of long-associated
habit; and those actions which are least under voluntary
control will generally be longest retained. Our seeoncl
principle of antithesis has likewise occasionally come Into

Finally, so many expressive movements can be  ex-

plained, as I trust will be seen in the course of this
volume, through the three principles which have now
been discussed, that we may hope hereafter to see all
thus explained, or by closely analogous principles. It Is-,
however, often impossible to decide how much weiglrfc
ought to be attributed., in each particular case, to one
of our principles^ and how much to another; and very
many points in the theory of Expression remain inex-