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Full text of "The Flow Of Gases In Furnaces"

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MISCELLANEOUS TABLES                            189
1m 00                =3.2803 ft............................ 0.5159842
I                                                 =39.37 in.............................  1.5951654
= 1000 mm............................. 3.000 0000
1.00 ft                =0 m 30 480...........................  9.484 0158-10
= 304 mm 80..........................  2.484 0158
= 12 in................................  1.079 1812
]                        1.00 in                =25mm40005........................  1.4048346
i                        1m2 00               = 10.7639 sq ft.........................  1.0319683
= 10,000 cm2........................... 4.000 0000
1 sq ft                 =0.0929034 m2........................ 8.968 0316-10
= 929 cm2 034.......................... 2.968 0316
= 144 sq in...............'............. 2.158 3624
1 cm2 00              = 0.155sq in........................... 9.1903308-10
|                                             .    = 100 mm2 00..............*........... 2.000 0000
!                        1 sq in                =6 cm2 45163.......................... 0.809 6692
= 645 mm2 163......................... 2.809 6692
1m3 00    .           =35.3145 cu ft.........................  1.5479525
•                                                  =1000 liters............................ 3.000 0000
I                                                  =1.58219 oz mols...................... 0.1992583
= 44.80287 gr mols......................  1.651 3058
= 264.170 gallons U. S.................. 2.421 8842
= 220.083 gallons British................ 2.342 5870
l.OOcuft            =0m3 028317.......................... 8.4520475-10
= 28.317 liters.........................  1.452 0475
= 1728 cu in............................ 3.237 5437
,                                                  -7.48052 gallons U.S..................  0.8739317
f                                                 =6.23210 gallons British................  0.794 6345
= 1.26868 gr mols......................  0.103 3533
= 0.044803 oz mol......................  8.651 3058-10
i                         1.00 gram mol    =22.32 liters...........................  1.348 6942
I                                                  =0 m3 02232...........................  8.348 6942-10
= 0.788219 cu ft........................ 9.896 6467-10
= 0.035314 oz rnol......................  8.547 9525-10
1 OOozmol         =22.32cuft...........................  1.3486942
= 0 m3 63236...........................  9.800 7417-10
= 632.36 liters..........................  2.800 7417
= 28.317 gram mols.....................  1-452 0475
4                         1 kg 00               =2.20462 Ib...........................  0.343 3340
f                                                  =1000 grams........................... 3.0000000
=35.27392 oz...........................  1.5474540
1 00 Ib                =0 kg 453953.......................... 9.656 6660-10
=453 gr 593...........................  2.656 6660
i                                                   =16oz................................  1.2041200