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Full text of "The Flow Of Gases In Furnaces"

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1.00 calorie

1.00 B.t.u.

1.00 calorie per m3


3.96832 B.t.u....................  0.598 6065

0.2519959 calorie.................  9.4013935-10

0.11238 B.t.u. per cu ft............  9.050 6540-10

=0.02232 calorie per gr mol.........  8.348 6942-10

= 2.50812 B.t.u. per oz mol..........  0.399 3482

1.00 B.t.u. per cu ft    =8.8991 calories per m3.............  0.9493460

=0.1984 calorie per gr mol...........  9.297 6568-10

= 22.32 B.t.u. per oz mol............   1.348 6942

1.00 calorie per gr mol = 44.803 calories per m3.............   1.651 3058

= 5.0379 B.t.u. per cu ft.............  0.702 3532

= 112.472   B.t.u. per oz mol.........  2.0510447

1.00 B.t.u. per oz mol=0.0448 B.t.u. per cu ft.............  8.651 3058-10

= 0.1593 calorie per m3.............  9.2021352-10

= 0.00889 calorie per gr mol.........   7.948 9553-10

= 1.8 B.t.u. per Ib..................  0.2552725

0.5555 calorie per kg..............  9.744 7275 — 10

1.00 calorie per kg
1.00 B.t.u. per Ib


Many readers will prefer to use the English units of measurement and
Fahrenheit temperatures. This may readily be done in many of the con-
putations. In some of the formulas, however, the temperature enters as a
direct factor. These formulas may be transposed to English units by the
use of a conversion factor, but the Centigrade temperatures must be retained,
as no means has been found to use Fahrenheit temperatures.

P. 11. 1 cu ft of air = 0.0807 Ib. 1 cu ft of waste gases at 0° and 760 mm
or 32° F and 29.92 in weighs from 0.0805 to 0.0830 Ib per cubic foot.

P. 13. When H is expressed in feet, 5 will be expressed in pounds per
square foot, when the specific weights are expressed in pounds per cubic
foot. Pounds per square foot may be converted to inches of water column
by multiplying by the factor 0.19245.

P..27. The formula, Q = K\K«&V2gh, is the same in English units, the
coefficients KI and *2 are practically the same for gases and fluids flowing at
high velocities from thin or sharp-edge orifices, when the area of the orifice
is small. The larger the orifice the less the relative value of these coefficients
affects the flow or the nearer the value of the coefficients approaches unity.

P. 32.

1 kg 00 per m2
1 mm of water


}-   o.s
j    lo.c

0.03937   in of water
204817 Ib per sq.ft
001422 Ib per sq in
1 atmosphere   =760 mm of mercury
= 29.92 in of mercury
=    1 kg 0333 per cm2
= 33.9007ft of water
= 14.697   Ib per sq in