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Full text of "The Flow Of Gases In Furnaces"

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cheekerwork. Another variant which will affect the actual
checkerwork lies in the number of pass units making up the
length and width of the chamber.


	Gas Checker
	Air Checker

The lineal amount of pass and brickwork required will be determined: For 63 mm (2.5 in) walls: Brick for gas= 94 78-^0 0199=      .......
	4,763 m 00

air =166 37 -=-0 0199 =
	8,361 m 00

Pass for gas      = 76 72-7-0 0162=        ......
	4,736 m 00

air       = 134 69 -r 0.0162 = .........
	8,314m 00

For 50 mm (2.0 in) walls: Brick for gas = 94 78-?-0 0125 =
	7,830m 00

air =166 37 -~0 0125=        ......
	13,309 m 00

Pass for gas = 76 72-7-0 0100 =
	7 672 m 00

air   =134 69-r-O 0100=          ..   .
	13 469 m 00

The heating surface available in these checkers will be: For 63 mm (2.5 in) wall: 4763.00X4X0 127= ...................
	2,419 m2 00

8361.00X4X0.127= ....................
	4 247 m2 00

For 50 mm (2.0 in) wall: 7,830.00X4X0.100= .................
	26,028 sq ft 3,132m2 00
	45,680 sq ft

13,469.00X4X0.100= ..................
	5 388 m2 00

The corrected volume of checkerwork will be: For 63 mm (2.5 in) wall: 4763.00X0.0361 = ......................
	33,715 sq ft 171 m3 95
	58,000 sq ft

8362.00X0.0361 = ......................
	301 m3 82

For 50 mm (2.0 in) wall: 7,830.00X0.0225 = ....................
	6,073 cu ft 176 m3 18
	10,657 cu ft

13,469.00X0.0225= ............
	303 m3 02

	6,225 cu ft
	10,703 cu ft