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dies-non, 2.

Diocletian, Emperor, 216, 287, 329;
date of his accession, 333; his reign
marks the beginning of the Byzan-
tine Age, 332; reforms of govern-
ment, 273, 333, 335-6.
Diogenes Laertius, 259.
Dionysius, bp. of Alexandria, 310, 318.
Diophantus of Alexandria, 167.
diorite, 27, 142, 145; statues, 83, 94,
Dios, 269-70.                             [117.

Dioscorides, 195.
Dioscorus of Aphrodito, 252, 255, 332,

.34o? 343-4-
Discas, 279.

Disert, place-name, 325.
Disertmartin, place-name, 325.
distillation, 158.

divine kingship, 240, 245, 287-8,290-1.
division, 166.

divorce, 204, 209, 271, 383.
Diwdns (collected poems), 354.
Djer, Queen of, armlet of, 154.
Djoser, see Zoser.
documentary papyri, 275-6.
documents, value for social history,
dolerite, 142-3.                          [270.

domes, 365, 372-3.
domestic animals, 126.
Domitian, 267
donatio mortis causa, 271.
donkey, the, 381.

Doomed Prince, The Tale of the, 76.
doors, carved, 363.
doors, imitation half-open, 91.

Dor, 76.

Doric columns, forerunners of, 91.

Double Crown, 288.

double document, 210-211.

dough, kneading of, 159.

Dougherty, R. P., 55.

Draco, constellation, 162.

dragonfly design, 92.

drama, Arabic, 354.

dramatic texts, papyri of, 257.

draughtsmanship, Egyptian, 90.

drawing, art of, 118.

drawings, 117.

drills, 121,147.

drugs, 186, 191, 194-6.

dt, see eternal property.

Duauf, 246; Teaching of, 378.
Duff-Gordon, Lady, 369.
Dunand, M., 63.
Durar al-*uqud, 358.
al-Dunat al-mu&ia, 358.
Dussaud, R., 60-3,
dwarf of the dances, 72.
dynastic art, 83; cultures, 122,124-6;
pottery, 131-2.
dynasties: dates of, 4, 8, 10-14; local,
in Sumer, 25; see also wider Egypt.
Eannatum, ruler of Lagash, 25.   [155.
Eastern Desert, precious stones from,
Ebers Papyrus, 180-1, iSS, 190, 192,
ebony inlay, 137, pi. 22.       [194* 387.
ebony wood, 137.
Ecbatana, capture of, 49.
Ecclesiastes, book of, 70.
Ecclesiasticus (Wisdom of Ben-Sirach),
book of, 70-1.
Edfu temple, inscription from, 5.
Edom, 42-3, 226, 229.                 [378.
education, 256, 268-70, 276, 339, 351,
Egypt: always the centre for exchange
of ideas and cultures, 350; Arab con-
quest, 261; art, 80-119 (see art);
break-up into petty kingdoms, 12;
British Protectorate, 349; Byzan-
tine, 322-47; conquered by Camby-
ses, 505 decline in prestige, 44, 47,
48; Duke of, 333.
and Assyria, 228-9, 232; and
Babylonians, 29, 30; and Hyksos
kings, 33; and Israel, 67, 218-48;
and Minoan Crete, 23-4; and Mitan-
ni» 36-7; ar*d outside world, 23;
and Palestine, 44,49,66; and Rome,
283-99; and Syria-Palestine, 222.
dynastic period, 17, 82.
dynasties: ist(Hemphitic), 88,126;
2nd, 115; 3rd, 23, 87, 91, 112, 118;
4th, 87, 94, 97, 127; 5th, 27, 73,87,
115, 125, 218; 6th, 27, 72-3, 126;
i2th, 27, 30, 70, 73; I3th, 33;
17th, 33; iSth, 34-5, 38, 75-6,
83, 87-8, in, 221, 223; igth, 38-9,
223; 2oth, 67, 76; 2ist, 67; sand,
61-2; 26th, 116; 27th, 116; Delta,
early burial-rites, 22; early chro