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granite, 143-7.

granite chamber, 91, 93.

grapes, 158.

graphic arts, see art.

Grapow, H., 239 n. 4, 242.

grasses, for basketry, 129.

graves, brick-lined, at Abydos, 125.

Great Bear, constellation (ox-leg; Er-
Rigl), 162.

Great Feast, 391.

Great Pyramid, see pyramids.

Great Star (Sirius), 162.

Greek: archaic Greek statues, 86;
archipelago, 115; colonization, know-
ledge of from papyri, 254; culture,
342-3; and Egyptian art, 116-18;
inscription, early letter-forms in, 63;
Koine, 264; language, 340-2; law,
210-12, 285-6, laws of war, 292;
literature, 64-6,340,343; philosophy,
64-5, 261; sculpture, relation with
Egyptian, 107-9 '> trade» 51; writing,

Greeks: and Assyrians, 51; use of
papyri by, 251.

* Green Head' of priest, 108.

Gregorian calendar, 3 n. 2, 7 n. 1,9 and
n. i.

Gregory IX, 9 n. i,

Gregory Nazianzen, 302.

Grenfell, B. P., 250, 258 n. i.

Gressmann, H., 69, 224 n. i, 239 n. 3,
240 n. i, 246 n. i.

grey colour for painting, 155.

Griffith, F. LL, 67, 219, 242, 246.

Grimme, H., 58,

Gublu (Byblus), 54.

Gudea of Lagash, 27.

Guest, A. JR., 357.

Gutian rule, 26, 28.

Gutitim, hills of, 26.

Gyges of Lydia, 48.

gymnasium, the, 266-7, 339*

gypsum, 155-6.

Eabim (SA.GAZ), i.e. Hebrews, 222-3 J

see also Hebrews.
Hadad, 226.
tadtA, 358.

Hadrian, Emperor, 276-7, 312.
haematite, 136.

Hafiz Ibrahim, 'Poet of the Nile,'
Hagar, 234.
hagiographies, 262.
al-Hakim, mosque of, 364.
halfa grass rope, 132.
Halys, river, 32, 49-50.
Hamath, city, 42, 47; land of, 232.
hammer, 138, 143.
Hammer-Purgstall, J. von, 352.
Hammurabi, King, 13, 28-9; code of,
)    30-1.. 199, 201, 204, 206.
Hanafi code, 351.
Hanbali rites, 351.
handbooks of official instructions, 274.
hand-prints, red, 369.
Hardedef, 73.
Haremheb, statute of, 203.
Harper, Song of the, 78.
Harpocratian, grammarian, 257.
harpoon, 88.
Harran, city, 231-2.
Hathor, cow-goddess, 57, 238-40, 376.
Hat-nub, alabaster quarry, 144.
Hatshepsut,   Queen,   34,   99;   giant
barge, &c., of, 140, 142, pi. 24.
Hatti, the, 31.
Hattusas, Hittite capital, 31-2,35,41.
Hattusilis (Hattusil) III, King, 39,207.
Hawara, 138.
Hawara Homer papyrus, 252-3.
Haydt al-kayawdn, 356.
Haykal, writer, 356.
He of the Two Homs (Amon), 291.
Hearst Papyri, 181.
Hebrew: Egyptian loan-words in, 67;
letter-names, 56-61; poetry, 242-3;
tradition of the Hyksos, 220-1.
Hebrews:  Habiru (SA.GAZ),  222-3;
Egyptian influence on religion of,
238-40; see also Israelites, Jews.
Hebrews, the, epistle to, 306, 310, 316.
Heine, H., 77.
hekat, measure, 168.
Heket, the midwife, 376.
Helenopolis, 323,
Heliodorus, 66.
Heliopolis, priesthood of, 65; visibility
of Sirius from, 3 n. 2, 4.
Hellenic trading stations, 116.
Hellenica Oxyrhynchia, 255.