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Ma'at, priests of, 378.

Macarius the Great, 322.

Maccabees, book of, 315.

Macedon, 272.

madder colour for painting, 156.

Madinah, 103.

madrasa, the, 364-5.

magic, 73,76,115,184-7, 280-1,386-8.

magicians' handbooks, 280.

Mahrnud Gamal ed Din Hamdi EfTendi,

maize, 381.                          [369 n. I.

malachite, 123, 136, 155.

malik (king), 349.

Maliki rites, 350-1.

mallet, 138, 143, pi. 22.

Mamluks, al-Maqrizi's history of, 358;

decorative art of, 367; engraving,

366; Bahri  (Turkish), 349, 364-5;

Circassian Burji, 349, 365.
al-Mammati, historian, 357.
man running and looking backwards,

see Orion; with outstretched arms,

see Cygnus.

man-power, used in building, 148.
Manchester papyrus of Deuteronomy,
mandata principis, 274.               [253*

Manetho, n n. i, 13, 14, 17, 85, 220.
Manfaluti, writer, 356.
manganese    compounds,    for    glass

colouring, 134.
Manichees, 273.
manufactures, licences for, 294.
manuscripts, illuminated, 252.
map, early, pi. 33.
al-Maqrizi, historian, 357-9.
Mar Antuni, monastery, 319.
marble-like limestone, 143.
1 Marduk, god, 31.
Mareshah, battle of, 227.
Mari, city, 26, 29.
al-Maridani, mosque of, 365.
Mariette, A. F., 83.
mcfrifa (yvucns), doctrine of, 352.
Marj al-zuhur, 359.
Mark, St., 310.
markets, local, 382.
marquetry work, 137.
marriage, 204, 209, 215, 217, 271, 382-

4; incestuous, 278-80.
marriage settlements, 204, 209.
Mars, planet (red Horus), 161.


Mary, gospel of, 262.
Ma'sara, limestone quarry at, 144, pi.
Mashaykh medical papyrus, 183.
mashribiyya, 363.
masks, 105.
mason's square, 121, 149-50.
masonic craft, see stone-working.
mastabas, 86, 94-5,126-7,153, 385-
mat-making, 123-4, 129.
materia meclica, 194-5.
mathematics, 120,165-75.
mattdn, in Lachish inscriptions, 59.
Matteo, Di, 352.
Matthew, St., gospel of, 310, 318.
Matthias, gospel of, 311.
matting, representation of, pi. 17.
Mattiwaza, King, 38.
al-Mawa'iz wa 'l-i'iibdrfi dhikr al-khita£
wa n-dthdr, 358-9.
Maximinus Daza, 319.
Maxims of Ptahhotpe, 70, 73.
Mazzini, Giuseppe, 356.
measures, 176-7.
Medes, 45-6, 49, 231.
Medical Papyri, the, 180-4.
medicine, 179-97, 396-8.
medieval texts and MSS., relation of
papyri to, 258-61.
Medinet al-Faiyum, see Arsinoe.
Mediterranean peoples, 7.
Mediterranean Sea, 25, 29, 30, 115-16,
Megiddo, 221, 239.                      [218.
Meketre', pis. 19, 21.
Melania, Roman lady, 323.
Meletian letters, 263; schism, 340.
tntm, Hebrew, 56, 59-61, 63.
Memphis, 113116,235; archives of Sera-
pion at, 276; captured by Ashur-
banipal, 230; cemeteries, 82; gover-
nor's conventus at, 214; great pyra-
mid near, 93; priesthood of, 65;
sculptors of, 83; visibility of stars
from, i6i;see also Noph.
Memphitic dynasty, 107, 112, 126.
Menander, 252, 255, 339, 343-
Menes, King, 5 n. i, 6-7, 11-12,14.
Menkewre*, King, pi. 26.
Menophres, King, n n. i.
Mentuhoteps, the, 12, 27.
Mera, mastaba of, 95.