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Roman: administration, 254,  273-7,

284-7;  army,   285;  culture,   269;

documents,  273;   education,   267;

international contests,   269;   land

tenure,  293; law,  212-16,  285-6;

papyri,   251,   261;  senators,   286;

sport, 269; taxation, 287.
Rome:  monasticism  in,  325-6;  St.

Athanasius in, 326.
rope-making, 132.
ropes, used in building, 148.
Rouge, Emmanuel de, vicomte, 61.
Rowe, Alan, 157.
royal   burial-places,   94;   cultivators

(peasants),   292;   document,   200;

favourites, 88; land, 292; law, 210,

2ii; ownership of soil, 292; scribes,

289; secretary, 278.
rubble embankments, used in building,
ruby, 155.                                   [148-9.

rudders, 142.

Rufinus, Latin writer, 302, 323.
ruling class, the, 125-6.

Sa'ad Zaghlul, mausoleum of, 392.
Sabaean alphabet, of Arabia, 62*
Sachau, E., 236 n. i.
sacrifices, 391.
SA.GAZ (HoWra), 222.
Sahure"*, King, pyramid of, 153.
Sa'id ibn al-Bitriq (Eutychius), his-
torian, 357.
Saidic language, 329.
sailing boats, 140-1.
saints, 389-90.
Saints' days calendar, 7 n. i.
Saite kings, 51.
Saite period, 107-8, 111-12.
Sakkara, see Saqqara.
Saladin ($aiah al-Din), 330, 349, 357,


al-Salih, his widow, 349.
Salim, Ottoman occupation of, 349.
Samaria, 47, 228.
Samaritans, 47.
Samarra, 362, 364.
Samhain, Baal festival of, 7, 9

1  Samuel, book of, 219.

2  Samuel, book of, 226.
sanctuaries, in burial-place, 91
sandals, 130.

'sand-dwellers'   (Bedawin),   27,  219,
sandstone, 143-5.                           E229»
sapphire, 155.
Sappho, 256-7, 261, 343.
Saqqara: masonry, 127; mast abas at,
126; pyramid of Zoser at, 91, 112,
118; reliefs, £c., from, 131,141,369;
temple of Imhdtep at, 25.
Saracen architecture and art, 363, 365.
Sardes, games at, 269.
Sardinia, 41.
Sardis, 48, 50.
Sarduris III, King, 45.
Sargon, of Akkad, 26.
Sargon II, King, 46-8.
Satire of the Trades, 71, 75.
satrapies, Persian, 50.
Saturn, planet (Horus, the Bull), 161.
Saul, King, 43, 225.
Sauppe, 257.
saws, 138, 147. ^
scales, for weighing, pi. 34.
scarabs, 238.
Scetis, see Shiet.
Schafer, H., 57.
schisms, 340-5.
schist, 123,142, 145.
scholarship, influence of papyri on, 259.
schoolmaster, the, 378.
schools, 261.
Schiirer, E., 237 n. i.
science, 120, 160-78, 356.
Scipio Africanus, chronology of, n, 13,
Scorpio, constellation, 162.             [14.
scraper, 138.
scribe and witness documents, 203,
scribe statue, 83, 94.                      [208.
scribes, 67, 7r, 289, 295, 298.
script, see writing.
sculptors, 81, 83.
sculpture, conception of life in, 83; of
earliest dynasties, 86; Egyptian, 88-
9,117; relation of Greek and Egyp-
tian, 107-9; common folk repre-
sented in, 96-7; king, queen, and
princesses represented in, 81; statues,
94-5; stylized technique in, 95; sym-
bolic rendering of royal power in, 83;
Western conception of, 89.
Scythians, 22, 45-6, 48, 231.
seal on clay-jar sealing, 88.