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Full text of "The Life Of Charles Stewart Parnell - Ii"

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JET. 37]         PHILADELPHIA CONVENTION                   17
nation for more than two hours at a stretch, or for more than six hours in any one day.
' (4) That he should be permitted a suitable interval during his examination each day for the purpose of obtaining refreshment, but that no refreshment should be given him by the Crown.
' (5) That where a witness is imprisoned for refusing to answer questions, the total period of imprisonment shall be limited to six months, and that he shall not again be imprisoned for refusing to answer questions in respect of such crime.
' ((5) That where a person is imprisoned for refusing to answer, he or his legal adviser shall bo furnished with memorandum of the question, and [of] any statement made by the prisoner in explanation oE his refusal to reply, or in partial reply to such question, and such prisoner shall be entitled to apply on affidavit to the Court of Queen's Bench for his release, on the ground that his refusal to answer was justified by his inability to answer, or other reasonable cause, or that he had not refused to answer or had answered such questions to the best of his ability.
'These appear to me to be some of the points worthy of attention in the Bill, and in reference to which exertions should be made to alter it.
* Truly yours,
'P.S.—I omitted to say that the duration of the Bill should be limited to three years, and Ireland should be excluded from its operation on the ground that the Crimes Act is sufficient.                             ' C. S. P.*
On April  25 there was a great  Irish convention
,                                                    cer present.