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Full text of "The Life Of Charles Stewart Parnell - Ii"

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>KT. 37J                      DYNAMITE PLOTS                                29
Yard was attacked. Dynamite plots and rumours of dynamite plots filled the air. There was an epidemic of outrages.
A dynamite factory was discovered at Birmingham. Batches of dynamitards were seized, and the public investigations which followed proved the American origin of those plots to lay London in ruins. The public mind was disturbed, the Government was alarmed. Special guards of police and soldiers were placed in charge of public buildings, and the streets of London presented the appearance of a town under the sway of some despotic ruler who feared the, vengeance of his people.1 Those who believed in the beneiieent influence, of the Anglo-Saxon race, were enraged and horrified at this state, of affairs. Any man who was, even to the, slightest extent, under Knglish influence would at this moment have shrunk from contact with the (.-lan-na-(5ael. But Parnell hold on his course. English opinion was naught to him. Jlis one. thought was to keep Irishmen united. Ho was prepared to suffer much, to risk much, for this. Ho did not hesitate in IHH.'J to proclaim to the world his determination to keep up communication with the American ^Revolutionists by despatching a cablegram to the .Philadelphia convention ; and in 1H84 he sent Mr. William Itedmond and Mr. Hexton to another convention in Boston. lie was cautious and circumspect. He did not desire publicity. But when publicity was necessary lie did not shrink from it, lot all England denounce him as it might.
Yet his relations with the Clan-na-Gael wore not
1 Thflso outrages took placn in IftSft ami 1$R4. On January 24, 1885, attempta weru made to blow up the Tower, the House oC Commons, and WeBtmmnter Hall.5.