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Full text of "The Life Of Charles Stewart Parnell - Ii"

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48                  riLVULKS  STKWAUT  PAUXKLL              [1885
game, and the irresistible glitter of the prizes.    When it suits their own purpose the two Knglish parties will unite it) baffle or to erush the Irish, but neither of them will over scruple to use the Irish in order to baffle or to erush their c»wn rivals.    This fancy must be banished to  the same limbo as the. similar dream that Ireland could be disfranchised and reduced to the rank of a Crown  colony.     Three years ago, when Ireland was violently disturbed and   the   Irish   members wore, extremely   troublesome,   this   line   project  of  governing Ireland like India was a favourite consolation even to some Liberals who might have been expected to know bettor.    The absurdity of the design and the shallow-neHH of those who were captivated  by it were swiftly exposed,    A few months after they had been consoling themselves with the idea of taking away the franchise from   Ireland   they  all   voted   for  a  measure  which extended the franchise^ to several hundreds of thousands of the inhabitants of Ireland who had not possessed it before, and who are, not at  all  likely to employ their new power in the direction of Crown colonies, or martial law, or any of the other random panaceas of thoughtless, incontinent politicians.    As for the new (lovernment, sharp   critics    and   some of   the   sharpest   are to  be found   on   their   own   benches-   do   not   shrink   from declaring  that they come into power as  Mr. rarnell'H lieutenants.    His  vote  has   installed,  it   can  displace them;  it has its price, and the price will be paid.    la the whole transaction  the Irish not only count, they almost count for everything.'
Parnell scored heavily by his first move. He put the Liberals out, and the Tories in ; punished the one party, and made* he other dependent on his will. It was check for Lord Salisbury, and checkmate for Mr. by the Orangemen.'— Hansard. American Land League.