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JET. 39]           TREATING  "WITH THE  TOKIKS                    /53
to an American newspaper. In this interview Parnell was reported to have said that he expected, more from Mr. Gladstone than he did from the Tories. 4i If this newspaper report be true/' said. Lord Carnarvon, " there is no use in our going on." That was his expression, or something like it, as well as I can recollect. I unfortunately had not seen this report. I knew nothing about it. I could not give any explanation. I could not say anything.1
'Carnarvon added something to the effect that if Parnell looked to Mr. Gladstone to settle, the question of Home liulc it was idle for him to discuss the subject further.
'That was substantially what happened at, this interview. I had always a high opinion of 'Lord Carnarvon. I feel satisfied he, was willing to give us Home Kale, but how far lie could carry the Cabinet with him, of course, I do not know. It. is possible that Carnarvon was honestly thinking of Home Rule, while, the Cabinet were thinking of the General Kleetion.'
Lord Carnarvon's account of the. transaction may now be given :
'Towards the end of last July it was intimated to me that, if I were willing, Mr. Parnell would also bo willing to meet me in conversation. ... At that moment there \vas no one who could precisely say what the washes and the desires of the Irish parliamentary party wore. There had been singular reticence on their part, and it was impossible, really to know what their views and opinions were..
'There was only one man who was in any way qualified to speak. He was the chosen leader of Urn
1 This wan an interview with a reporter of tho Arw r»»;7c //«-m/*/ in October. my attention to an interview which Parnell had just givene answered: " I have made up my mind on that