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/E'i\ 30]       TlIK  CARNARVON  CONTROVERSY                   TM
should coincide so strictly with the necessities of his own party. The reader who follows tin's narrative, to the end will acknowledge* that the coincidence was purely accidental. .Lord Carnarvon had been long of opinion that among the unsettled problems which disturb the peace and security of the* Kmpire the discontent of Ireland was the most dangerous, and that a statesman could attempt no higher task than to abate or suppress it. Ho. did not take up the Irish problem on a sudden party emergency, but, as we shall presently sec, acting on a long held and well-weighed conviction that its solution by some just u-nd reasonable method was vital to the public peace and v.rrurity of the Mmpiro. I undertake, to tell the story hreattM1 I know mmv of it than most men, perhaps than any man, and 1 drsiiv and design to speak tlu* iiak**d truth, which ju;4 men have no need to fear.
When I returned from Au?jtralia to Kurope in tlu* spring of 1HHO 1 timde Mr. PurneH*;; acquaintance. Ho was then a tall, Htutely^loulitng young luan of rcsorv(»d manner,^ who spoke little, but the little was always to tlt«j j»urji<»He. I lit t|tu'stiutit*tt me JIH to my political intentiunH, mid I told liim I c*4ttie hotiu* to work for Ireland, but licit, in Fitrliitiuriit. I hnprtl to write certain books and a emwr in the Hiuif4«* of Coinmonn was bard in iWftndtit with any K.erioUN litc^rary enterjirine. Outiadif of Parliiimeni I Hboutd consi<l«T myself fn/ct to take* whutevcT c*olir.*'r ji«Tiued bcvHt to mtt on public ijui*stiow» \vith<iut givin;^ unyotii* a right to r.ontjilniii. For I \\oi*l«l rouitr«'t nty;>^!f with no party. H<* renewed tlir subjirt our*' ort\\in% but tliin was ahvayn ilm ^ub^ianre <»f iity r«*j»lv.
During Urn fiv«»filnriny yi»un» that followrd I nv^idetl chioily on tlu* Cuntin^ut, iin-d uatrlu-d hi.*-* «*ariTr froms check for Lord Salisbury, and checkmate for Mr. by the Orangemen.'— Hansard. American Land League.