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yEx. 30]       TI1K  OAKXAUVOX  C'ONTUOVKUSY               61
speaking Celts, or at highest a poor among poors ; but the proud, silent, isolated attitude of the new dictator was something altogether different. And it inereasod the marvel of his authority that ho possessed none of the gifts by which his predecessors had won popularity. He had not a gleam of the eloquence of (1 rattan, or the passion and humour of O'Connell, or any trace of the generous forbearance by which Smith O'Brien aimed to efface himself in the interest of his cause, or of Butt's exact knowledge of Irish interests and annals, but ho ruled with more, unquestioned authority than any of them had dune.
But his rule was rudely disturbed by a, horrible ami unforeseen calamity, the murder of Lord I'Ycderiek Cavendish. A howl ru:;e from the I'aiglish Press against whom (he crime was more disastrous than to any man in the community. lie was so stricken by tin* calamity that he resolved to retire from .Parliament and public life, and nhundon a, cause which villains and itnbeeileM had covered with so much shame. He proffered his resignation to Mr. (lladstono, and announced it to his party, but no one thought that a crime which he defeated would justify such it retreat. I may mention, us a t-ircumstanee which partly explains the appeal to him 1 am about presontly to describe, that while he was still resolved to retire ho recommended IUM friends to fmd a Kubstitulo by the impossible expedient of inducing mo to re-enter Parliament and take bin place,1 and in public and private ho alluded gratefully to the creation of Independent Oppo-fiition in 1KV2; and more than ottee intimated that my relation with that event made him always ready to listen to my friendly couunolH,
ans of C, .V. I^rrirll, by T. M. Itenly, M.I».ed altogether on his will was a joyous companion, among the gay loud-hi.*-* «*ariTr froms check for Lord Salisbury, and checkmate for Mr. by the Orangemen.'— Hansard. American Land League.