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Full text of "The Life Of Charles Stewart Parnell - Ii"

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84                  rflAHLKS STKWAUT  PAUXELI,              [1885
tho natural eonsetwtweH of fair play in the Colonies. \\'m thero any reason to doubt that a like causa in Ireland would produce liko efforts? Nothing that tho blackest pessimist predicted on tho danger of entrusting Irelutul with the management of her own affaire was inoro offensive or alarmist than tho vaticinations of col(>nial officials half a century ago on the perils of entrusting coIonintH with political power.
Human nature has tho name spiritual warp and woof in tin*. Old World an in the New, and what has made Irish (1atholies contented and loyal on the hanks
of the Paramatta and the Yarra Yarra would make them contented and loyal on the hanks of the LitlVy en*
the Shannon,
1 felt almost ashamed tc» add that what I meditated wait a Hettlexneut of the Irish question, accepted, m well n» offered, in good faith; a plan capable of being worked for the, eonumm good of Irishmen, not for any special creed or clasH, but for all nlike«tincl which wonbl be defended against all enemies from within or from without in the same spirit in which it was accepted. This, and nothing short of this, had been the design of my whob* public lifV; and I was us faithful to ii now as when 1 ?«han*d the conn^ebt t»f O'Connell or O'Uricn.
In eom-lusion, I .said I was n<»t in tin* least afraid that the religious fn*fdum of the miunrity would !H* endun^rivd, hut I \\!nulcl rrjoife to S*T n risk wliieh was impr»)hal»lr frankly ri*iuli'r«*il impossiltU*.
Nil une. a-i fur tin I knew, desired to ttinturb the Act of Settb4* meiit* but tlif Act of Settlement ought to In* put entirely iwynnti t|tteHtiuu. Your I'*\cellenry kiu»wn llmt in i'olonml nnd Amerieatt
ngi'i'ji of the win*** generul rbanicter bud to bo aiiistt ittitl have l»eeii gtutrtiiui ngnin<it Hitcct-M^fitlly. Tho French'^-aiMidittii C^illiolieit, whw ar« iu»w n hutuiftii in tbr xuuUt uf a Siiitifirt* would not tenter inlit tii<? Ii*»titiititni uitlmttt gttitruntecK lor their teliginuM lilmriy iiMd their Ittn'fililiiry j*onsi*jij4io»M ; mid you know these have been rflt?ctiially Hecured tutil nr*«           b«\\oti*t nil
For myself, an uno (.fnllii4io CVlt* I wctttbl HIV that the men Ito autonomy which his children now onjoy in tho now country.1 Thoso wore somo of