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.Mr. ttOJ      TIIK  CARNARVON*   n»NTi;n\ I'Usy                  «»l
classes in Ireland, and there ne\er was M» much deposition to consider the question *»f Home Kule a--* on«-that must ho dealt with. T<» question-; aboul the di--position of the gentry I replied that if thes tliil Mot fall in with tlu1 present movement tin1 eoic-equriiers \vould probably he disastrous to them, Th** HIM**! shutm-fiil fiscal system in any eivilist'it entmtry WIIH lltr t*m* hy which thnu*-atul-twcnty f^'iilit'iiti'ii in u unutil jury impose taxation, often for the* improvement *»f then* own property upon a rwk-rentetl tenantry, An»t the (lerlared enemy of monopoly, Mr. ClmmberluiM, \\hrn bin turn came, mi*;ht ht» iumntetl t*n U* make ?»h»'rl w«*rk of that systt*m. The Mn^ltHh Ua«lieal-» jM-nemlly urn* of opinion that flu* et»?,t and tn»nl«!f i«f nu-.s;« At-i'nm;* Ireland have come from tin* hahtt «*f pr**?rriin^ In-.h landlords in the exereise «»f a Miaunv, uitd thai a prodigious .saving' nii^lif. he etlVrtrd l*> simply et-iiNm^ to pn»{eet them,
After 1 left Ireland I fultilk-d mi tjii.^ti^riunit, t»» spend a few days at the I'Mttntry ht«u^»- i*f a puMie iiuui who iuid heen one of Mr, (UiMbitntte'.'* e*il|ra»Mtr-i lit the* lust Liberal Cithiiiet mid heetuite n nilii^tinii- lit the ennuiny one. He natumlly >»poke nf the dr.Mi^u «»f the Irish electors to vnii^ ii||itiip4. the jmrty uh«* lnnl disestablished the Irish Clitirrii iind j*nvt* Irrlniiil u popular hint} rode unti it pojttilur fruiirlu^e,
1 told hint that I sympathised with tlte ititniftmj nf the, Irish elertorrs tu support tin* Tories ut the pull when 1 thought tht* Tory U«»verumeut were uh*«iu t<» COliKider the Home iCltle qttrs'ttMtt fuv*»umbly, but t bud no longer uny confident*** iu tluit ii!tnti!*»it, I ndilnt that I could not doubt front some recent Hpeeehr^ tbut Mr. CtiiuiHtono wn« untdtiitlly iippri.nieiiiii^ litujit* Ituh*. ami if he coutd bit indiired to initke it »utti*fiu*tt<ryhem. His answer was that there were no such persons :