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Full text of "The Life Of Charles Stewart Parnell - Ii"

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102               CHARLES STEWART PARNELL             [1885
'Sir Gavan Duffy, who is now in London.' It was finally arranged that I should see Sir Gavan Duffy and ask him.
'This means/ said Sir Gavan Duffy, 'that Gladstone is going to take up Home Rule; and we ought certainly to help him in any way we can/ Sir Gavan, however, thought that we ought to come to closer quarters with the question than had been suggested by the editor. ' The article ought/ he said, ' to be a Home Bule article point blank/ I immediately communicated his views to the editor, who, however, was not prepared to go so far as the veteran Young Irelander. After some further pourparlers it was decided to let the matter ' hang fire' for a month, as I was leaving town. Meanwhile Mr. Gladstone had gone to Norway. He returned in September, and on the 18th of that month issued the famous Hawarden manifesto. I need not deal with that remarkable document generally, but the paragraph relating to Ireland must be set out:
; ' In my opinion, not now for the first time delivered, the limit is clear within which the desires of Ireland, constitutionally ascertained, may, and beyond which they cannot, receive the assent of Parliament. To maintain the supremacy of the Crown, the unity of the Empire, and all the authority of Parliament necessary for the conservation of that unity, is the first duty of every representative of the people. Subject to this governing principle, every grant to portions of the country of enlarged powers for the management of their own affairs is, in my view, not a source of danger, but a means of averting it, and is in the nature of a. new guarantee for increased cohesion, happiness, and strength/ And he added, ' I believe history andme would carry weight, ' Who? 'o-night to give you my candid opinion, and it is this—that if they have not succeeded