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Full text of "The Life Of Charles Stewart Parnell - Ii"

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. 39]                      MIL  GLADSTONE                              103
posterity will consign to disgrace the memory of every man, be he who he may, on whichever side of the Channel he may dwell, that, having the power to aid in an equitable arrangement between Ireland and Great Britain, shall use the power, not to aid, but to prevent or retard it.7
Sir Gavan Duffy sent this paragraph to mo, saying : 'It is quite clear that Gladstone means to take up Home Itulc, and I am more convinced than ever that the proper course is to write an article on Home. Rule developing some scheme for an Irish Constitution* Then the question will bo put fairly before the. country. I am willing to write this article, taking the inclosed paragraph as my text.' I called upon the editor to toll him what Sir Gavun Ihtffy had said, lit* declined, however, to take an article on those lines. * You must,' he said, * write the article, yourself on the linos you have already laid down. I told you that I had asked you to come to see me at the suggostion of a great man. Well, it is Mr. Gladstone himself, and the lines you have laid down are the linen he approves of for the first article at nil events. In the si'e.oiul article we may conies to closer quarters on the question.* At length I agreed to write the article1, I undttrstnocl that a proof was sent to Mr. Gladstone, and that he was satisfied with it. It was published in November.1 About that time I first mot Mr. Gladstone. JIo wan then, as always, courteous and agreeable, mid shovvutl an unmistakable interest in Ireland ; but in the short conversation wo had the words * Home Rule * wen* not mentioned I spoke of the 4 Irish Liberals,' and said they would bo swept off the board at the General
1 Sir Gavan Duffy Buggo«tt«tl llw title: * Irinh Wrtm^t ami Beiwetlies.' is this—that if they have not succeeded