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Full text of "The Life Of Charles Stewart Parnell - Ii"

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H4               CHARLES STEWART PARNELL             [1885
myself again into the narrative in order to finish this part of the story.
••• A few days before Mr. Gladstone left Hawarden for Midlothian I received a letter from the publicist whom I have already mentioned saying, c When can we have a talk about your second article ? Would to-morrow (November 5) suit you ?' I called on the morrow. ' Now/ he said, ' I think the time has come to have an article on Home Rule. What I should like you to tell me is, not what you think would be the best system, but what Mr. Parnell would accept. We want to get Mr. ParnelTs mind on paper.' I then stated the points 6n which I thought Parnell would insist, and the points 6n which he would be prepared to accept a compromise or to give way :
f 1. There must be an Irish Parliament and an Irish Executive for the management of Irish affairs. No system of local government would do. It was not local,, but national government which the Irish people wanted. 2. Parnell would not stand out upon the question whether there should be one or two Chambers. He would be quite willing to follow Mr. Gladstone's lead on that point.
•• 3. Neither would he stand out on the question whether the Irish members should remain in the Imperial Parliament or be excluded from it. -The Catholic Church would certainly be in favour of their retention, in order that Catholic interests might be represented, but the bulk of the Irish Nationalists ^ould not really care one way or the other. The chances are that if they were retained they would rarely attend.
> , 4. What should be Irish and what Imperial affairs ? This really was the crux of the whole scheme.a matter ofces, naturally antagonistic, but held together by tho attractive personality and iron will of a great com-* Tho mauifeHto appeared November 21.d, the end that anyd