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Full text of "The Life Of Charles Stewart Parnell - Ii"

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found that otir vote was not numerous enough to keep them in office.' Before the end of the month the Tory Government was no more. Mr. Jesse Collingg moved an amendment to the Address, expressing regret that the Government had announced no measure enabling agricultural labourers to obtain allotments and small holdings on * equitable terms as to rent and security of tenure/ The Irish members voted solid for the amendment, and the Government were beaten by JWl to 25*2 votes. Lord Salisbury resigned immediately, and on February 1. Mr. Gladstone oner more became .Prime, Minister.
lie immediately set to work on the Home Hub* Bill, the. principle of which was the. establishment of an Irish Parliament and an Irish Kxecutive fur (be management of Irish affairs. He consulted no one. He did not take the Cabinet as a whole* into his confidence. He evolved the measure, out of his inner consciousness. He occasionally spoke to one or two friends, notably Mr. John Morley (Irish Secretary) and Lord Spencer, who in complete agreement with him on the subject; but ho avoided the critics. The. critic* of the Cabinet wan Mr. Chamberlain (President of the Local Government Board). 'From the outset the relations between him and Mr. Gladstone were strained. There KOOMH at thin time to have been a personal antipathy between tin* men. There certainly wan no personal sympathy, and to this fact may in some measure )>e ascribed Hie defeat of the Home Knle scheme of 18Hr>. • Gladstone plus Chamberlain can carry 'Home Kule,1 Sir (tavail DufTy naid to me when rumours were ailoat of disunion in, the Cabinet, * but Gladstone in in its Chamberlain cannot; and what will become of Gladstone if Cham--borlain and Ilartington combine against him'?1 Mr Tory party when theytUltul Mi\ Mt»rlry» ' if tlii.** U* tnir I will !.*tvnk \\ith CUmialu*rhtin un«l join Mr, (*lml**tunr,* Nr\t <luy tht*