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Full text of "The Life Of Charles Stewart Parnell - Ii"

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I think there was a misunderstanding between .hord Carnarvon and Parnell at that time. However, if he thought Lord Carnarvon and the Tories would #o further, it was only natural that ho should approach them/
'It seems to me that in the election campaign of J85, and leading up to it, he fixed his eye chiefly upon Mr. Gladatonc, you, and Lord Itandolph Churchill, and he seems to have come very suddenly to the conclusion that Mr. Gladstone after all wan his nwn. Why could he not have kept up negotiations with you while he was negotiating with Mr. Gladstone? He broke off with you very abruptly, as I think. Was it not a mistake ? '
Mr. Chambcrhiin. * I assume (hut Israeli \\;i:-. satisfied that lit*, himself eould not «{et me ID *jt» l»ry»uit! national councils ; hut he probably thought tlwt Mr. Gladstone, might persuade me, I think that \\w\ IUH idea. Then he rest>lve<l to lean entirely up«m Mr. Gladstones and ho trusted that Mr. (Slad^toiu- wtmlil carry inu over. I cannot nay Unit I M-e unv tju-tu'iil error on his part in that way/
'I should now like to talk uhout the Hutm* iCiil^ Bill. 1 have, como to the conchthion, after ||iviii|| tlm matter —your speeches and all that IMM l>e«»it wntU*u and «aid upon the KiilijiT.t—tlui bi»Kt cutihi(it*rutif>n I could, that you were never a llcium littler tit ourt4i'n*«; but there are some point** which 1 nhottld fee! dhlij^i'd if you would clear up for me, You opposed tlm oxcluKton of the, Irinh membet'8 from the Imperiitl I'nr-liament, I thought at that time, and I think it greiti many other people thought ton, that you were in fuvottr. or that ultimately you came to 1m in favour, i*f tin* principle of Mr. Gladstones Hillf but that ou tilirrti?d This was in 1884 or early in 1885. Ultimately Ihould legislate!?'ll had risen to in n shorter timo than I now take to tell the Htory. Whenoin Mr, (*lml**tunr,* Nr\t <luy tht*